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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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why not canada. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. same sex scene for tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. just days after introducing a new assault weapons ban senator dianne feinstein says she has the votes to pass it in the senate but does she then are a now saying guns are a god given right to one of the legislative realities when it comes to passing new gun control laws in america also thanks to this nation's out of control war on terror innocent american citizens are being labeled terrorists detained and strip searched we'll talk to
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a woman who was forced to go through this traumatizing and painful experience and earlier this year the t.s.a. decided to ditch its use of the highly controversial x. ray porno scanners but proponents of civil liberties shouldn't rejoice just yet there's a new intrusive technology about to be deployed all across america's biggest city. so we begin tonight with the pro-life movement and no i'm not talking about this pro-life movement of thousands of anti-abortion activists who clog up the nation's capital last friday in a desperate attempt to refight an issue that was settled forty years ago with roe v wade that's not the so-called pro-life movement we should talk about that's the pro birth movement by pro-life i'm talking about the thousands of americans who converge on the nation's capital over the weekend to rally for national gun control laws that's the pro-life movement that actually wants to do something about the ten
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thousand plus americans who die from gun violence every single year in this country the rally was organized after the newtown massacre and more than one hundred residents of the canal. town joined in to demand a ban on military style assault weapons and high capacity ammo magazines senator dianne feinstein to introduce such a ban on assault weapons last week appeared on c.n.n. on sunday claiming that she does indeed have the support for such a ban and that she's been promised by senate majority leader harry reid that it will receive an up or down vote on the floor of the senate either as a standalone piece of legislation or as an amendment to another piece of legislation it's been nearly a decade since the last assault weapons ban expired in two thousand and four and despite mass shootings of virginia tech at a movie theater in aurora colorado and at a sikh temple in wisconsin and others energy for a new assault weapons ban has never really materialized in washington and the
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newtown happens and the game changed and the national rifle association which spent a lot of money in the two thousand and twelve elections and lost virtually every race and invested in is limping into this gun control fight with wild rhetoric in hopes of again beating back any restrictions on weapons of war on our streets the new strategy on the part of the gun lobby is to claim that ownership of military is style assault weapons are just a right guaranteed by the constitution they're also guaranteed by god too it was the n.r.a. has wayne la pierre speaking to this point last week president obama who wants to redefine freedom live the way freedom and in friendship on the freedoms that we the people reserved for our selfs. their god given freedoms they belong to us in the united states of america as our birthright no government
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gave them to us and no government can ever take them away their guns are god given rights god gave us out of uneven the animals and then he gave us the guns to shoot them all and then there was the prominent conservative publication the national review which ran an article by david french who writes quote jesus is disciples carried swords and jesus even said in some contexts the unarmed should arm themselves gun control represents not merely a limitation on constitutional rights but a limitation on a god given right of man that is it that has existed throughout the history of civil society state action against the right of self-defense is by default a violation of the natural rights of man. in other words a ban on ammunition mags that have thirty bullets and god will smite be sort of makes me wonder what message this god was trying to send a after for the sixth time in one week beginning with. another man at
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a gun show accidentally shot himself or that since the newtown massacre thirteen hundred of our fellow citizens have been killed by guns here in america sorry wayne la pierre and the national review god is not involved in gun ownership in america this is a uniquely human problem and in particular a uniquely american problem and in the coming months we'll see what exactly our lawmakers can do about it the energy and hope for reform that came rushing out of newtown will soon crash up against the legislative realities in a well funded opposition from the gun industry and when that happens what can we truly expect in the way of gun reform well josh horwitz joins me now he's the executive director of the coalition to stop gun violence josh will come back to the show thanks for coming thanks for having me it's always a pleasure so we i mentioned in the set up there that dianne feinstein claims that she's been promised that she's going to get an up or down vote on this amendment that she has the support she mentioned a conference of mayors two that are all lining up behind this do you really think
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that an assault weapons ban could be passed out of this congress again i do i think it's going to be a very tough slog i was very impressed with the what they put together at the press conference i was there it was very well organized they had a great number of senators there but also they had support of law enforcement and survivors across the country and i think when they tell that story and they start doing member to member lobby and survivors get up on the hill this is going to be a very compelling story and i think people are going to be really it's going to be a very difficult vote to take on this thing and remember we have in the gun violence prevention movement a lot more capacity or a lot more organized we're up on the hill every day with a really great array of people this is going to be a real big fight then i mean i can see if an assault weapons ban it could possibly get out of the senate you know for republicans choose not to filibuster and i think there's enough. outrage across america when it comes to guns that i don't think the republican party can sustain a filibuster in the senate so if it passes the senate i mean what chance is there that. can pass this thing you know i expect there to be
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a very tough fight in the house and i expect there to be a lot of you know he'll drag and foot dragging and a tough fight and i think that initially these things may be not brought up they may be sandbagged if you will but i think that you know this is an opportunity for advocates to get to work and when the house slows things down which they will it will be up to our coalition to push them and there's going to be a lot of heat there i mean there are survivors and victims in every single district in the country and those people be brought to bear they will tell their stories the press will be relentless and as i said we are going to be in a giant fight that i intend to win yet it will be a fight between organized people like you in the coalition to stop gun violence the brady center and then burst organize money and the gun lobby in there and which brings me to the next question here and that is the n.r.a. you see it any time to talk about this issue here about the power of the n.r.a. you hear about lawmakers afraid to defy the n.r.a. the n.r.a. invested tens of millions of dollars in two thousand and twelve and really didn't come out a big big winner in those elected electoral races is the n.r.a.
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really as strong as people make it out to be the n.r.a. is clearly not as strong as they as they think where does the fear come from that well look they've they've talked a good game they said you know we defeated al gore in two thousand because we beat them in tennessee and west virginia we now know those states we're never going to stay in the democratic column very long so that was a nice story they told and when you look at really what comes sort of brass tacks you look at races like where i live in virginia and how much money they invested in tim kaine they tried to defeat him and they spent a lot of money hundreds of thousands of dollars to mccain's not afraid of the n.r.a. he talks about background checks and he continually wins in the state same thing with nelson in florida and people like sherrod brown and folks like that the n.r.a. went all in on these folks they went all in on on president obama and they could not come off the other part of that equation is that there's a mary new york who's spending freely on this so all of a sudden there's a cost to voting with the n.r.a. and. no mayor bloomberg spend money in the elections this year and he was able to
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knock off a rated n.r.a. candidates it's a whole new ballgame to have just as much as. the n.r.a. says they're going to spend twenty million dollars well that's what americans spend and of course gabby giffords and mark kelly are spending a lot of time raising money understand they've raised a lot of money already so all of a sudden the dynamics of completely changed the think you think that's going to newtown i mean do you think that is really the game changer in all this well i think the american people have been ready for this for quite some time i think when you talk about starting with tucson and then a roar and oak creek and all the shootings with the a r fifteen and last saw weapons and high capacity magazines i just think the american people were ready for this and newtown was the catalyst but it's not like we're building from newtown from nothing you know i think there's a pent up demand saying we've got to do something i was optimistic that we could get legislation through this year i think newtown which is just the sort of sad cotto of this sad exclamation point on a bloody year that i think has to lead to action will soon go away from the president i mean you know who knows if the president is really ready to embrace gun
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control legislation during his second term had newtown not happened you know that's a big look i mean we were at the white i was in the white house in the first four years the administration i was there twice last week and they're serious about this they're working hard on this they're talking to all the experts they're trying to come up with a plan that works and you can see with joe biden the vice president going to richmond earlier in the week this is serious this is not a p.r. stunt for them they're investing their all in this is really going to be i think the biggest battle we've ever had so there's three major proposals on the table now there's the assault weapons ban there's universal background checks something like forty percent of all guns purchased in the country don't go through background checks it's just private seller to a private private buyer and there's also the limit on high capacity magazines reducing up to ten of those three which one do you think has the best chance and or do all of them have a pretty strong chance you think i think we're in the game on all of them i think there's. nope you know the public support for background checks is overwhelming the
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only people who don't believe in background checks on all gun sales are the leadership of the n.r.a. and not the members of the members of the n.r.a. or for a gun owners in general for an all american the vast majority of american people are for it makes sense we have it checked the instant it's ninety seconds you get to figure out whether you're disqualified because of a serious mental illness because of a felony arrest this does doesn't make any sense it's like going to the airport and having a one line you talked about metal detectors are all there with these high tech machines and then forty percent of people just to go get to go on the airplane how does that make sense really in a country where you are quire all these checks and id is the boat absolutely yeah absolutely so aside from the ones we just the three major proposals we just mentioned the president signed some executive orders what else is there out there that we can that lawmakers can start looking into that's not really being talked about now that could be a discussion about trafficking we need to make gun to crime we need to make gun
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trafficking a crime right now it's more of a paperwork violation and when people you know take twenty weapons and transfer them to somebody we know what it's for it's for trafficking we need to make that a defined crime with serious penalties so i think the trafficking issue would be big one of the things that was interesting is that they're talking a lot about technology at the white house they're going to spend a lot of time thinking carefully about mental health issues so there's a lot more to do after these four or four million proposals we're talking about that will keep an eye on it josh and hopefully you'll be at the white house a few more times in the coming weeks to. shore which i think a lot coming out. after the break imagine the fear in the lasting trauma of being mistakenly labeled as a terrorist and arrested and detained by the u.s. government that happened to our next guest and now she's suing the government we'll talk to her next.
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let me let me i want to know wouldn't let me ask you a question from. here on this network is what we have in the bank we have our knives out for. me to do this right it was just about staying there to get here in a situation where b. and i don't even talk about the mainland for me. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call a donor. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares an awful lot about my country music stars are you know what that is my theory sounds good i want the usa to feature isn't the only liberal christian point you. can secure beliefs about it's. going to support you to distract us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sells us sensationalistic garbage because of breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that.
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so imagine for a second you're sitting on an airplane it just landed in your taxiing to the gate you arrive there but rather than the normal hustle and bustle of everyone jumping up and grabbing their luggage as soon as the seatbelt light goes off something else happens a number of federal agents carrying large military weapons aboard the plane in order everyone to put their heads down and their arms in front of them the agents then come to your row order you to stand up and then escape escort you had gunpoint off the plane we are taken to an undisclosed location strip searched and detained for hours without any rights any communication with the outside world and no knowledge whatsoever about why this is happening to you imagine all of this is
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happening to you and imagine that you've never done anything wrong imagine the fear the lasting trauma and the anger if this happened to you well for one american mother she doesn't have to imagine all of this did happen to her and it happened to her because of her name because of where she was seated on the plane and because our entire nation has lost its freaking mind in this never went ending war on terrorism joining me now to tell her story is shown to have a journalist and mother of twins who is the latest victim in our nightmarish national war on terror shoshana welcome to the show thanks so much for coming on. thanks for having me so let's start at the beginning describe to the audience what happened to you on september eleventh two thousand and eleven. i went flying back home from trip to there it's going to admit that my friend and i had a layover in denver and everything with normal. and when
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we landed in detroit. the plane that for y.-o. didn't go to the gate and then it moved to a different part of the airport where away from the buildings and we were told to stay in our c. . we noticed. police looking vehicle back to the side of the plane and nobody was telling us what was going on. and then all of a sudden. the. agent three please i don't know who it was stormed the plane told everybody to put their hands up on the front of them had down and then came down the aisle stopped at my row and told me and the two men that i was sitting next to to get up and they handcuffed us and shut us off the plane down the stairs. to where they were simply skirt and they frisked
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i. told them were you told why you were being arrested or detained at any point you know i had no idea even after they released me i wasn't exactly sure what i had done to. to get such a treatment so after they took you off the plane where did they take you. i didn't know at the time where i was going but i later found out that it with the . building where the airport authority police are and it's also they have some offsets for the department of homeland security. so i would completely in the dark the whole time and no idea where it was they didn't know if i was taught the airport it you know. so nobody would take any case based on i'm sure i guess they questioned you once they had you in this cell or wherever this detention facility.
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could you glean any information as to why you were there based on their questioning or how did you eventually learn as to why you were taken off the plane. well they didn't really ever tell me exactly why it was taken off the plane after they had finished interrogating me one of the agent that i'm sure that you can. gather from what kind of questions were asked you what the situation is and he never cried out told me anything nobody did and. you know you from freedom of information request through filing the claim has been able to glean some information about what happened. but things are still in the dark we're still not sure you know the chain of events and who called the shots and who is responsible what to do we want to be a sailor still you learn like we did you know the two men who were seated next to.
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you know it all i had no idea who they were. in the report that they had used the bathroom frequently or something and that was one of the reasons why they were suspected. to have parent leave they had gotten up to go to the bathroom a couple of times and. so basically it was just using these men were were of indian descent i understand right. so if you're you know not a white working american and you use the bathroom on an airliner frequently that's suspicious activity in a post nine eleven world i suppose. apparently and. one of them apparently had. i think to make it with the reason why he with opinion on that one of the things that they feel you have found out later. but you know there was no questioning by anyone on the airplane and to you know if
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these guys are feeling ok nobody yet but you seem to recall just immediately resort to the men with big guns the last thirty seconds we have left your with with the a.c.l.u. you're filing suit against frontier airlines you have to be. in a bunch of other agencies can you tell us a little just twenty seconds left a little bit about this lawsuit and what you hope to achieve here well the first thing is just to raise awareness and to bring the public up to speed of what's going on and you know hopefully get things changed and happen again well we wish you the best of what you're shown and come back on and and keep us posted on it thank you so much i want to thank. even though we're not all being racially profiled taken off planes in order to strip naked out of fear that we might be terrorists we are all still losing our civil liberties as the massive surveillance security state grows even bigger. yes there was a slight victory earlier this year when we learned that the t.s.a.
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is ditching those x. ray porno scanners that doused you in radiation and expose your nude body to t.s.a. agents those machines should be out of our airports in june even though they were already banned at european union airports to do health concerns a long time ago and just in time the n.y.p.d. is now promising to use new machines that also can see through your clothes to determine if you have a weapon and why p.d. commissioner ray kelly announced over the weekend that within the year his police force would begin using what are called terror hurt scanners or machines that can see through people's clothing to determine if they are carrying any weapons these devices use rays that pass through fabric and paper but cannot pass through metal thus if aimed at an individual carrying a weapon you'd be able to see the outline of their gun the n.y.p.d. plans to deploy the machines in police cruisers at first but eventually hope they can get the technology into a small enough machine that it can fit on any officers belt combined that with the
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arsenal of surveillance drones soon to be patrolling the skies above us and america is quickly turning into a place completely incompatible with the fourth amendment for information on all of this i'm joined by two representatives with the electronic privacy information center epic amy step out of an associate litigation counsel and jeremy scott ethics national security fellow welcome to both you guys thanks for coming on thank you for having jeremy want to share with you these machines how effective are they what are some of the privacy concerns we should have i mean i guess the obvious they can just kind of see right through you and determine what you're carrying they can and one of the problems is we don't know how effective they are there's reports that they can pick up the very trace amounts of substance so they can determine what you ate for breakfast at the end of the day so friend of visual walking who may innocently come in contact with drugs i mean terahertz scanner may pick that up and all of a sudden it's. in their system like in their audience system or on their sleeve or
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something because i don't actually know if you know they were just exposed to an innocent man or they may be subject to a search based on these terror hurt scanners and the other thing about them is they can be done in secret and the target of the terror and scanner is not going to know that they were scanned by what is effectively a. search electronic frisk so the ability to determine when these are going to be used. is very hard for us that's the thing i mean stop and frisk was recently ruled unconstitutional so now they have just they're coming up with this new technology that pretty much this does the same exact thing they just don't have to go up in first and it was that the n.y.p.d. obviously get attention for the stop and frisk program that they're running and there are a lot of abuses there and now here's a technology where it will be harder to pick up those abuses because individuals are not going to be approached by police or just made scanned when they're walking so that it makes it extra important that proper oversight mechanisms in place and
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accountability in place especially as they get smaller and smaller i mean we we hear about a police cruiser soon on police belts i mean eventually they can just be put on city squares campaign and just review everybody walking on the on the streets to see if there's anybody carrying you that's something we'd like to determine as we follow these four request trying to get more information about these scanners and i just the other side to this the domestic drones that are just now being flown around. all above us i guess where do we stand right now when it comes to domestic surveillance drones how many are in the sky yet what are their purpose where their intended purpose is i guess i'm right now there are several hundred in the sky that most are operated by the department of homeland security and they're being your strictly for government functions law enforcement surveillance not yet commercial functions although those are coming out of that will be soon. and they can carry any range of surveillance technology we were speaking about the terahertz scan. those can be deployed on drones and since they can pick up any substance you can
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basically have a city wide sweep of what people are carrying i mean how far do the t.v. ray scanners go down i mean how far away he wants them to work at twenty five meters but there he they can work farther than that because the technology advances you can strap them on drones and just kind of do sweeps an entire city patrol off the street basically and scan as you go. in aerospace engineering team at the university of texas demonstrated to the department of homeland security how for just two thousand dollars they could get this sort of equipment to basically hijack these domestic drones and then use them for whatever they could crash them into buildings you know use them for their own sort of surveillance i just talked into the information that's in the drones are concerned should we be about this stuff and is the homeland security or the f.a.a. doing anything about this we have just a minute we i mean you already should be concerned because people can legally use drones and conduct surveillance the fact that the legal drones that we know are out
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there can be hijacked and used for other purposes the surveillance equipment this event surveillance equipment can be used by possibly nefarious actors should incur should really concern us even more and i think that we need to address this issue it's something they're looking at but it hasn't been fixed yet and it needs to be as soon as we saw militant we've seen a few military drone supposedly get hijacked and those are encrypted banned within the united states the terms that operate are totally free and open so the ones that are in the they don't have any of the sort of encryption that the military drones have even though the military drones are being hijacked are taking it out of the times which right fantastic mr chairman thanks so much for coming on thanks for having us. coming up ninety one percent of americans feel that libraries are important to their communities yet public libraries are going extinct as lawmakers obsess over budget cuts and austerity so should we be recognizing the vital role that libraries play in our society rather than be taking away this source of
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knowledge from the american people. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything is i don't know i'm charming welcome to the big picture. for you. to
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listen to. what you are. the worst journalist thing. right out of the radio for a minute from a quick. quote because you've never seen anything like this i'm cold.


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