tv [untitled] January 29, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST
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french intervention gains ground in mali we look at the problems that could come with progress in the desert operation. president obama turns to law enforcement officers for support of his gun control legislation with many believing the second amendment the right to bear arms should still take precedence . and british citizens feel the effects of the government's austerity measures which are causing an increasing number of people to end up homeless.
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live from our studios in moscow you're watching our team with me and you so now it's good to have you with us our top story this hour president francois alond has held france's military intervention in mali as a success french troops have aided the malayan army in making big advances against islamist insurgents but the victory may not be as clear cut as it seems artie's tom barr is here now to take us through the campaign so far tom how is the campaign unfolded it's been two and a half weeks are they actually facing serious resistance here it seems now they're not so it seems at the moment in the in the past two and a half weeks the french of have gone from central mali and really swept drives up through to timbuktu which they've just taken the islamic militant forces for their part mostly falling back without much of a fight they really don't want to get into a scene. firefight with french forces
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a lot of those towns fall in with very little very little of a fight at all there was an incident in the town of kona where a french helicopter attack did kill a number of civilians apart from that though in each of the towns they've gone to scenes of jubilation as they've been liberated from nine months under the under the rule of the those islamic militants it seems now that that operation going into its next stage really there's only really one. town of any size left of the french to take and it seems that those militants now have retreated into the deserts of northern mali where it seems likely many observers think a guerrilla war will now start however we also see increasing involvement from other countries there's a west african force about seven and a half thousand troops coming in there to start to take over from the french we
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also see in brussels e.u. troops likely to come in to train troops and other local troops and the u.k. has just announced that it's going to send a force a small force of advisors and some troops to protect those advisors so on and so we see maybe not exactly maybe not exactly direct combat involvement for the powers but increased involvement and the u.s. were already involved weren't there they were indeed yes the u.s. were for their part providing some transport planes some refueling planes they are now reportedly in negotiations with neighboring new share to host a drone base there unmanned drone attack aircraft which it seems likely would would be involved in the operations to hunt down those islamic militants in the north of mali it should be noted that news. there also is very very rich
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in natural resources gold oil a lot of that going to france in the u.s. in terms of exports the u.s. also looking at bikini fast so as a possible place for for a base it's been reported that artie's tom barton breaking down this campaign so far the french claiming victory but it seems a lot more complicated than that doesn't it tom baron thanks for that update. now thousands of anti-government protesters in egypt are ignoring president morsi curfew by taking to the streets across the country some demonstrators imports attacked police stations while those in suez marched towards government buildings and the opposition has meanwhile refused to enter talks with the president who earlier implemented a thirty day state of emergency in areas most affected by an arrest the government also approved along giving the military power to arrest citizens young going violence has now claimed at least fifty two wives since it broke out on friday dr
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saeed said a political sociologist at the american university in cairo says there is little immediate prospect of the situation stabilizing. the experience of the logan was a president what was called the national dialogue has been a failure and so they don't want to give the president. any piece of photo opportunity that they are all sitting and nothing happens there were many experiences in which opposition would say it was the government and the president agree on something and then after a while you'll find that there was no agreement and that is why the decided not to join also they feel that the president and the government the current government is in trouble and so they don't want to give it a new lease of life support so that the government becomes stronger again so the future this is a time to persia as far as we can tell that we are egypt is going to be on syrian
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for some time before all parties belies that the cost of keeping this conflict is going to be too damaging for everybody once you all realize that nobody is going to be we know if this conflict continues then we will have democracy but as long as everybody some people believe that we will be winning if we keep perjuring and decision of the government and the government believes that if the key person in the opposition there would be women there would be no stability in the country. well president obama is turning to law enforcement officials from cities scared by recent mass shootings for support of his gun control policy obama wants police chiefs and county sheriffs to back his plans to curb gun violence including a ban on assault weapons but the idea has divided the nation with many pointing to their constitutional right to bear arms are just going to camp reports. white house
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proposals to regulate gun sales there are a wave of protest among those who believe the second amendment of the constitution is in danger as are amendment that there are a right arms it is a god given right to the sanctity of the second amendment to meet heated national debate someone makers of even threaten to impeach the president to protect the constitution we're going to use every tool possible to fight in the ministration which wants to ever get the constitution but do u.s. lawmakers feel strongly about all amendments of that same constitution last month congress seamlessly without much ado passed legislation which gives the government sweeping powers to eavesdrop on communications and review e-mails of anyone they want it's called the foreign intelligence surveillance act the president amendments act completely is an infringement on your fourth amendment right against unlawful search and seizure and basically does away with the probable cause requirement
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there's be no national debate on the fourth amendment the mainstream media have been mute on the subject so to score it now as people don't even know about it if you're really savvy and you read a lot of online media you might have heard about pfizer being reauthorized otherwise you're just totally unaware of it and how can you have an opinion on something that you're unaware of that proved to be true as we went out to ask people whether they knew what feisal was than what it could do to their fourth amendment rights have you heard about five. letters no no i'm sorry i think i have some idea that it has to do with our taxes but i don't really know but not surprisingly the same people did have opinions on gun control. guns were pretty pro-gun control right now the government spying bill is not the only legislation that sneaked under the radar of public debate indefinite detention of americans without trial made legal is seen by many lawyers as a blatant violation of the fifth amendment which guarantees due process that was. something that should have been discussed in the presidential debates and people
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were begging the moderators to mention this it was never mentioned it was just not a part of the debates the constitution may be sacred to many in the us but it seems in washington to bypass it it's enough to say to magic words national security to do is pass these bills i feel like all that has to happen is literally like dianne feinstein waves a letter and says national security and they fear mongering begins and shuts down any kind of debate yet we're having a freewheeling debate on guns some argue it's money that keeps the gun debate at the forefront the national rifle association reportedly spent around twenty four million dollars on congressional elections last year and even more on lobbying to an extent when even as the majority of americans as polls show support some regulation on guns gun is dizziness believe no substantive legislation will be passed by the congress so he is not going to be able to get anything through
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congress so i think that the second amendment will be ok the media in the us essentially broke into two camps each bringing all kinds of arguments against the other both sides again and again reading into the text of the second amendment or doing what proposal would or would not be infringe on the people's rights as nasty as they get sometimes but that's what a national debate should look like but one can't help asking where was that big that huge debate when other liberties were at stake in washington i'm going to check out. still ahead here on our team the syrian opposition seeks more aid the coalition wants promised funds and political support from their western backers with france warning extremists could infiltrate power if the help isn't forthcoming . cried over terrorism numerous issues are to be examined during pretrial hearings act on time to mowbray. including cia secret prisons that's coming up
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anytime anywhere. else. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future of coverage. welcome back you're with our team of wives from moscow as the british government continues with public sector spending costs in a battle with financial woes it appears the reality of austerity is starting to bite the number of homeless people in the u.k. isn't dramatically increasing passing fifty thousand across the country artist probably boyko met some of those forced to sleep rough. it's freezing cold wet and hungry there's nowhere for you to go to trial and no money in your pockets
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this street is all you've got and there's no one that will help you welcome to birmingham the case capital homelessness. remembered right. in there she said drop grandma don't have one reach out and you shouldn't be home or there's a lot of people who called me a short time ordered me real rock carpark were reportedly. all over the place this is why god tracked very easily yes radio here michael is by no means alone in fact the number of homeless people in britain has skyrocketed by twenty five percent since twenty ten reaching fifty thousand people in twenty twelve the biggest spike in the city of birmingham you don't think again people can see you can be walking past you can be sleeping next to warsaw drug.
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store and the coldness is stupid specialist told me we had to go back for four days on the phone to it's twenty one year old much fled his family home where he came to blows with his stepfather he had to sleep rough before being granted emergency shelter in a birmingham hostel it's run by a charity that helps anyone down and out to find employment and get back on their feet looking for work. on the don't know like i don't know job already from the moment which i'm trying to get it's time you'll second stay at the hostel in three years after growing up in the now to foster care he's struggled to keep a roof over his head you've got to do whatever it takes to find someone to snape find money. help and support scariest thing like you know you still go face all over again there just isn't enough low cost housing available and with
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unemployment rising hostels just like this one desperately need to expand the figures from the local authority of people presented as homeless having creased on average by about four hundred percent more for the growing homeless community squatting in one of the city's twelve thousand empty homes used to be an option anymore just before the winter set in westminster upgraded sporting from a civil matter to a criminal offense predictions that it would translate to more rough sleepers on the streets came true there are a lot of deprived areas in birmingham that a lot of people that don't have working given i suppose with it being such a one time in industrialised center working class families but those jobs just don't exist anymore so i suppose that the poverty is just sort of breaking the poverty and the reese the reason big mix of paper in the population and expanding
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the housing stock ease and innate reach that point where it's true spilling over and can't cope anymore and with more government budget cuts kicking enough to rate prole many more persons are predicted to slip through the net as the housing crisis escalates. r t birmingham the syrian opposition is seeking more financial aid from its western backers with the cold most and yet a former version or government this is france warns that extremists could fail or fall into power i'd say if a promise funds and a little support from the west fail to materialize with the conflict nearly two years old are two met one of the leaders of the opposition and asked him what he thinks is needed to bring peace to syria. we need this some new weapons against iran plays you know because bashar assad says. airplanes to damage villages and cities and their civilians that we need to protect ourselves our
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children from killing every day we have more then sixteen thousand children were dead for at least twenty two months ago something unbelievable it's a lot right so to help syrian people and to help and syrian crisis you need weapons and money is that is that correct yeah sure sure and we need political support also who can cooperate with a man killed more than sixty thousand people we are concerned but we are not afraid you know because of major duty of fight terror groups in syria is not extremist is not dearest only fighting for freedom and dignity and what a loss or group from iraq are these people fighting for freedom and democracy is why they're fighting for freedom and democracy but maybe we will face some problem
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with them anyway they are just a smaller part of their evolution issue. but these people are recognized even by french president as extremists and terrorists all over the you can find extremists but they're not their ear picture only a small part of it please denies that. so you are absolutely sure that you will be able to control them these people you're very sure very sure about that. so the opposition remained adamant extremists make up only a small fraction of the armed rebels and will be easy to control but historian daryl porn disagrees we are reassured by your guest that if the if the dissidents come to power they'll be able to handle elements for fraud but there will be an dissidents at the same play when they were with nato in two
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thousand and eleven and toppling colonel gadhafi now they are seeking to do the same thing in syria which suggests that they have not learned even the most recent lessons of history now we see that in been ghazi which was the cradle of the revolt against gadhafi the north atlantic countries have asked their nationals to belief in god because resumed impending terrorist attacks wants by those they just come into power so i think we should get with a grain of salt what your guest said in that interview there putting civilians in harm's way by wanting attacks from crowded urban communities i was all. cured guess that he would not be involved in any negotiation with the assad regime the way wars in is the true negotiate with those who are shooting at you and that is how this war should end but if they refuse to negotiate that tends to suggest that this conflict will continue indefinitely. and online for you right now exactly
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who's following you on twitter the website releases a report showing a frightening increase in requests for user data by the u.s. government igniting serious concerns over privacy and more on that at our teeth dot com. also online birth control or border control israel pushes forward a new way of controlling immigration injecting foreign women of jewish descent with contraceptive drugs find out the details on our website. five defendants are facing trial over the nine eleven attacks in a war crimes tribunal at the guantanamo bay u.s. naval base the pretrial hearings which kicks off on monday are intended to resolve dozens of legal issues among those on trial is college shaikh muhammad the alleged mastermind of the attacks that killed nearly three thousand people four others are accused of training and aiding the hijackers the defendants have been in u.s.
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custody for a decade now in two thousand and six president george w. bush announced they were among captives sent to want on a move from secret overseas prisons defense lawyers have asked the judge to order the u.s. government to release documents regarding the cia's allegedly role in moving suspects across international borders well antiwar activist sara flounders says the cia used secret prisons outside the country to escape human rights laws. and the reason for their existence is it's part of the u.s. war on terror which is using systematic terror against thousands of innocent people the u.n. report said twenty seven thousand prisoners had been held by the u.s. in secret prisons of course in afghanistan and iraq but country so out the middle east countries throughout europe and africa. on more than seventeen u.s. ships were secret prisons so this is really part of. of their scale of
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thousands of people being held without salute lee no rights whatsoever and being subject to horrendous torture originally the us claimed they could hold prisoners outside the us because then they wouldn't be subject to the geneva conventions and to international law and humanitarian law which in their twisted thinking they said existed only within the us so the idea of holding prisoners around the world in secret detention was they were there for again according to this twisted logic and new to any international law human rights law or conventions that the u.s. had signed. twenty one people have been reportedly killed in a plane crash in kazakhstan the plane carrying five crew and sixteen passengers including a child went down near the city of oman three in the country's south after one pm
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local time reports say there are no survivors the challenger two hundred operated by a cause the company's got was performing an international flight internal flight i should say while trying to land in harsh weather conditions the company says it will reveal the cause of the crash after the flight recorders are recovered rescuers and investigators are now working at the scene. twenty three minutes past the hour let's now take a look at some stories from around the world first to valley where the city of and police there have been using water counting cannons on thousands of steel workers who are marching in protest against the planned closer of a coke plant and six production lines the move will lead to the loss of thirteen hundred jobs news is another not for belgium after the recent announcement of the closure of the ford motor factory arcelor mittal made maybe announcement and other steel companies face
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a lack in steel and iron ore demands. a suicide bomber has targeted the presidential palace in the somalian capital mogadishu two people are confirmed dead although some reports say up to six may have been killed the attacker detonated his explosives outside the main gate of the residence after being stopped by guards the president was out of the country when the attack occurred. following the deadly fire in a brazilian nightclub which killed more than two hundred thirty people police there have arrested the club's owners and members of the band who were performing at the time the blaze broke out a firework lit by the band allegedly started the fire when it hit insulation from the ceiling witnesses say the flames swept through the packed venue in a flash many victims died of smoke inhalation or across as the panicking crowd stampeded to the only exit which reports claimed security guards attempted to keep
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closed. hundreds of protesters gathered in dozens of cities across canada marking a global day of action members of i don't know more have demanded protection of indigenous sovereignty and opposed environmental law changes the protests come as canadian m.p.'s return to work after their winter break participants face a mass flash mob dance in the streets of toronto the protest movement originating among the aboriginal people of canada has supporters around the globe and gather for events from australia to sweden and across the u.s. . coming up after a short break we had over to washington for breaking the set with abby martin stay with us.
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represent the fiasco actually caused a fiasco by singing a song highly critical of president obama ironically at a concert in honor of his second inauguration according to the huffington post he was thrown off stage by security for insulting the dear leader the sounds really bad like something out of one thousand nine hundred four where thoughts come out of nowhere the second you say something out of line about the party. to the song loop it was sunny had been going on for thirty minutes at that point this rant was more like a hip hop filibuster stopping the whole show and dragging on and on and on the so i think security just wanted to silence him in general not silence his anti obama opinions so you know loopy next time when you want to bring up obama's drone usage or total disregard for the constitution then keep it under three minutes and everything will be just fine but that's just my opinion.
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you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month so food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so many i mean family and i know that i'm still really messed up. in the old story so personally. it's a little worse for to live through the white house or the. radio guy for a minute. what. we're about to produce never seen anything like this until the. sun i mean martin this is breaking at the set so this weekend was international holocaust remembrance day it's marked you can hear on the anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz around the world politicians religious leaders and others
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mark the occasion remembering the millions of sense looked at us that occurred during world war two where nazi germany and the axis powers targeted several groups of people for extermination gypsies jews slavs the disabled and homosexuals were all labelled as undesirables they remember and was not without a taste of controversy that or rather poor taste former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi probably said that wrong has taken a good bit of heat for his praise of former italian dictator benito mussolini suggest may quote done good despite a telling anti jewish laws and he defended muso in his decision to ally with hitler he did over clarify saying that he condemned dictatorships but if it is kind of missing the point i mean it was a holocaust remembrance day and if you think so too and put down that remote and what about to break that set. let her or she was like.
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oh. i've got a lot of issues regarding the middle east on the show after all it's a region of the world that's encouraged significant changes and seen a growing resistance from its people however one country i have not touched upon yet is morocco which in its close premix price proximity to the media libya and egypt countries that were all revolutionized by the arab spring and i love morocco didn't encourage official uprising like its neighbors there is growing dissent against its regime happening yet similar to jordan morocco the monarchy has implemented reforms and established certain governmental bodies to quell dissent and fact because of this it's been labeled by some as the smartest dictatorship in the world and one characteristic of a smart dictatorship is a target the truth tellers who expose government corruption and there's a growing trend of government crackdowns on journalists in the country in fact it's .
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