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tv   [untitled]    January 30, 2013 7:00pm-7:29pm EST

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the. the. was. syria's military command says israel has bombed a military research center near the capital damascus killing at least two people and injuring five more. the week of france's military campaign in mali sees more accusations of civilian deaths in s. fights but human rights activists say they have evidence of multiple uninvestigated killings by the modern army. virtual kidnappings ransoming your id
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and some of the terrorism that's only a glimpse into the internet to find top boss at google. plus greece is a labor ministry headquarters turns into a battleground as hundreds of protesters broke with police of imminent pension cuts . live from our new center in moscow this is r.t.m. kerry johnston. now syrian military officials claim israeli jets have carried out a deadly bombing raid destroying a military research center in their damascus and least two people have died in the attack and five more have been wounded auntie's paula slayer has the latest. the syrian army has said that israeli jets crossed into syria below the radar level at
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dawn on wednesday and hit a military research center in general near the capital city of damascus now according to the military they carried out an i'm quoting an act of aggression bombarding the site causing large scale material damage as well as destroying the building and that was a statement that was quoted on syrian state television the military also added that two sites workers were killed in the strike now earlier there were reports that israeli planes had struck a convoy carrying weapons from syria to lebanon the information actually came from the united states as well as regional officials but these reports were later denied by syria the syrian opposition chief was out her tit for the first time has said that he will have talks with the syrian regime under the syrian president bashar assad not in the past he has said that he will not have talks and that any kind of circumstances whatsoever but he is giving preconditions around the statement he has
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said that the leads to be the release of a hundred and sixty thousand prisoners now it is quite clear that assad will not do this what is not clear is where this figure of one hundred sixty thousand indeed comes from the announcement comes in the international warnings that syria might fall into the hands of radical islamists if indeed no solution is found so we are hearing reports from the international community that the country is falling apart and certainly we're hearing reports that it looks like a site is not going anywhere we've heard from the u.n. arab league mediator left brahimi who told the united nations security council that assad may be able to hold on to power for now and he has warned that syria is breaking up before everyone's eyes he admitted that there was no progress in efforts to establish a political transition. well ali mohamed editor in chief of the syria tribune says israel is aiming to destroy syria's military research centers to ensure that the
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massacres can't produce arms for its military or to ship to libya well the palestinians put into research centers are responsible for the people not being bitter weapons in particular. land to them. longer range missiles where israel wants us to stop this research and start this process and of course it's very plain that this is connected to the chemical weapons arsenal of this is the horse not true because nobody stores chemical weapons in the research center let's remember that the. who was responsible for all of it military research projects have been. assassinated in damascus by protocol and it's also remember that the person who are orchestrated the syrian i'm not angry project who is now with the rush hour is also access any of them ask us everybody who lives in syria and not a little bit about research center in order to laugh and for all of chemical
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weapons it is of course being the syrian. scientific military research project and it's out. of their league earlier they're there to help them or part of the denny's the resistance of the palestinian resistance planes because of the knowledge of the research center is somehow connected to their existence and to the whole situation in the middle it only shows that israel has a great interest in the instead everything and in syria and that it is being helped by by groups of the military they are. well the turmoil in egypt where calls for unity or fail to make a breakthrough as president mohamed jackson opposition for unity government violence in the country continue to rage more on that in a few minutes. and human rights groups and independent activists are raising the alarm of the rising number of atrocities literally
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committed by the mali an army as well as civilian deaths caused by the french military government forces are accused of multiple executions without trial or due process or reports are emerging of fatal french air strikes france and launched its combat mission in my own most three weeks ago under the banner of rooting out the islamic insurgency in the northwest african state although the venues to international consultants and the former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament says investigations and criminal procedures are unlikely to happen. what i hear now is how this surprises me i mean first of all the mali an army does hold a grudge against people who are stemmed from the northern part of the country and secondly the soldiers of very low grade and have very little armaments and such as a they're not really a regular army in that sense there's only. hardly a state apparatus functioning how can you rigid people and examine what they do you can't you just ground in
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a country like that so the only thing you can do correctly is if you think people might be terrorist is hold them and arrest them and detain them what you certainly are doing is this is kind of actually judicial executions but it hardly surprises me that this is going on right now this country needs support yes this country needs are well why is it that this help only comes in the form of military invasions that's a basic question usually we should ask ourselves. why so there come a case of sexual abuse against a russian child services authorities in moscow seek justice public anger over the implemented ban on american adoptions as runs high. identity theft cyber hostages online terrorism that's not the plot of a new science fiction blockbuster but a forecast given by the chairman of google erica schmidt to warn that have virtual guys are becoming just as valuable as our real ones what is your best kind of
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explains. the image of a human future liberated by technology and to hunger teleportation and so on just got a reality those from a guy who knows eric schmidt who is worth one point five billion dollars and the chairman of google voice his views on in the internet and the dangers that lurk within it warned that as technology becomes cheaper and easier to use cyber terrorists could use the web to run a drone war essential in california could fly a drone strike a target in a remote part of the world in fact schmidt says hackers will be known as cyber terrorists could well become the targets of the same drones but it's not only about potential terrorists states and governments can use cyber technology to isolate and distort the lives of their critics call this online ethnic cleansing moreover a cyber identities that your online avatar in social networks could be taken hostage for ransom actually there are already cases of hackers remotely blocking
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personal computers and demanding cash tool or fix cyber identities me soon also form a global black market where users will be able to buy an identity the always dreamed of in real life also pointed to the record so much of our lives is stored on servers now any past mistakes will be there for all the world to see typically at the worst possible moment when you're applying for that job mortgage making the marriage proposal or running to become president in fact the lives of everyone will be so public will have to teach children about cyber safety before safe sex well these are only predictions but smith's depressing vision for the internet is a reminder to be careful whatever you post and do online may bite you back when you least expect it. but trouble could also be looming for google itself on line we have the story of how google's tracking. users online have its man the web
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giant a dating court with millions of u.k. citizens. who were fined for making noise while moving furniture at night. it's just one misdemeanor that will be punished in some petersburg under new laws go to r.t. dot com to find out what other creative measures have been put in place. clashes have broken out in athens with police using tear gas to disperse protesters who broken into the greek labor minister's office demonstrators were venting their anger over fresh pain pension cuts part of the government's austerity drive lawyer george. says this kind of crackdown on protesters is part of a new approach. the government has decided to follow up one of the seals seal told us as its ace i did just the that is distance to their stated measures so we
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have steamed the government to take in medicine measures but they are unconstitutional i guess that they sent stocks and now we have seen all of their economies blocked very violently against a generally peaceful and calm demonstration when it seemed the last three or four weeks i complain of propaganda trying to convince us that now the worst is becoming that there isn't i don't believe that this is still is exactly because we are following this same set of policies of asperity measures that the first three hears has condemned greece plus five of slow death that this recession of the economy one flexing of the economy unfair social measures but when i see some of the population and also look at that the socialites i think that as far as what we're following this said. there's no hope for us. coming up on r t open to
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detention team a task shutting down baguettes the x. y. the probe into cia secret prisons around the world sees a little cooperation on the top of the break. we speak your language any time a deal or not a damn. good news program says documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little eternity bangalore's keep these stories. for you here to. try to call to spanish to find out more visit i too early to tivo it's calm. well. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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download the official application if you so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. any time and he will. talk about more international news stories for you now egypt's president mohamed morsi has dismissed opposition calls for unity government aimed at ending chaos in the country and the incident came during mercy's visit to lynn where he is attempting to negotiate a partnership agreement with the german chancellor angela merkel he planned to visit paris next but decided to head back home instead of one of the protests in
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egypt have been ongoing for almost a week something in the world and fifty thousands have been calling for an end to mrs rooney clashing with police and troops and define emergency. on the rest of it will forces have decided to reduce a few hours in the three sue is canal cities blogger and journalist while eskandar says merci hopes to gain outside support to validate his crackdown opposition that . is going to the europe trip to secure funds perhaps for for egypt but what will you do with these funds when he's very hesitant and they you know he cannot even run his country how did morsi left at a time when the police were exercising extreme brutality with a lot of people killed in. the way and him imposing the emergency law which he promised he would never would. so so it's actually has
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been present and i think he's just trying to secure international relationships so that he can oppress the people you know back in his country. hopes of a timely closure of guantanamo bay have didn't further with the man tasked with the resettling inmates and shutting down the u.s. detention center in cuba now transferred elsewhere white house says so far not assigned a replacement very afraid was picked for the job in two thousand and nine by president obama good vowed to shut down in a tourist prison freed worked to convince other nations to take those going ton of inmates considered to be low risk new laws complicated the repatriation of detainees of the almost eight hundred inmates that have passed through guantanamo only nine charges brought against them including the five nine eleven suspects currently facing pretrial hearings i mean one investigations into america's secret prisons abroad are making little headway
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a years long probe into covert cia jails in poland in particular has left investigators frustrated with washington not voluntary much help in its artie's arena the school reports even if the details were forthcoming justice might not be . guantanamo may hold all the headlines but all the interested it means people are moving their focus elsewhere so-called black sites secret prisons were established by the cia during its well publicized war on terror unlike the cause however these secret facilities were never publicly discussed by the authorities the us claimed they could hold prisoners outside the us because then they wouldn't be subject to the geneva conventions and international law and humanitarian law reports suggest such prisons were in existence from two thousand and two basically not long after the events of nine eleven the u.s. government denied the existence of these prisons until two thousand and six now the
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only country in europe which has acknowledged the presence of a secret cia facility on its territory is lithuania and if you were to look at it you will you will see something almost a deliberate site except for the imposing fences surrounding it likewise a suspected secret prison in poland is believed to be located here apparently in one of the most beautiful parts in the country according to various reports mostly from journalists or human rights organizations so-called high value detainees were flown in by the cia for interrogation at these polish facilities. i managed to get records from the airport in germany where it's clear that they have learned the aircraft used by the cia very important evidence because until then everyone denied b.'s landings and reported different destinations of these flights to europe controlled however just like their american counterparts the authorities in warsaw have been extremely frugal with the details and investigation into the secret
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prisons has been dragging on for almost five years now but what earth during its course remains unknown one man who has been charged with involvement is poland's former chief of intelligence and security is big news tonight called ski this first high profile official of any nation to be prosecuted over the issue polish investigators have only one response to all questions concerning their investigation all the information has been classified as it involves state secrets which of course they're not allowed to divulge on top of that since the case directly involves u.s. officials one would imagine warse and washington working very closely together yet people who are privy to the investigation say this is definitely not the case the united states or thirty's have not helped the investigation in any way in fact i can say obstructed the investigation by invoking in my absolutely bad. article three. mutually glistens treaty between poland and the united
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states. they've refused to produce any information requested by the prosecutor therefore the extent of the investigations progress just like any information about the torture of prisoners regarding who watch where when and how all of it remains a mystery and the investigation is rumored to conclude next month by the looks of it whatever its outcome may also be a state secrets and swept under the carpet. well still ahead bug areas government steers a country away from nuclear power is concerned that a new deal to russia's health care energy depended dorothy's are expected to reverse the results of a referendum which gave the project sixty percent backing. the law prohibiting american citizens from adopting russian children continues to cause heated debate a fresh case of abuse has emerged authorities in moscow north a criminal investigation into allegations of an american foster family sexually
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abused a six year old boy has more. the increasing number of use of inhumane treatment of russian children adopted by americans is alarming to say the least but what's worse is that the russians can hardly do anything about it from here from across the atlantic and all russian investigators could do is launch a criminal probe here locally common sense says it will not affect the alleged child rapist at all or due to russian investigators the family that sexually abused him had already been convicted by u.s. courts earlier for acts of abuse against mike seem now mind you the words sexual never came up and they only got probation that russian diplomats are unable to be of any use to kids in such cases which earlier prompted russia and to.
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live a law and that law prohibits americans from adopting russian kids altogether now live was an adopted child from russia and that he was left by his american parents locked in a car and he eventually died from suffocation when the law was passed it prompted huge debates both here and in the united states whether the orphans so would benefit from such restrictions while the local authorities in the united states seem indifferent to the fate of little kids adults of from here in russia. right across europe well more on how that story has been developing as well as expert opinion from both russia and the us at r.t. dot com. well gary as the government is expected to use its dominant position in parliament to keep in force and decision not to build a new nuclear power plant construction earlier received sixty percent are backing
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the referendum but the turnout was a mere twenty percent ballasts believe in using nuclear power that lead to disaster and the question was put pretty vaguely no one explained to the average voter the particulars of nuclear energy gary keeps using only the two reactors that it already has it will soon find itself out of power as their service time is running out alternative sources of power have proven to be too expensive we've lost out on a lot of economic assets over the past year is losing nuclear energy would turn us into third world stayed completely or international news now this hour the us economy has shrunk the first time in three years or international estimates for the fourth quarter of twenty twelve is for the contraction could force washington into belt tightening american citizens have been under financial uncertainty since the beginning of twenty two the fiscal cliff sparking concerns of higher taxes
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a last minute deal with when the white house and congress averted major tax hikes and spending cuts. members of a rescue operation have themselves been killed while saving six trapped miners northeast china it's believed that the carbon monoxide was the cause of the deaths chinese money facilities have a poor safety record with dozens of employees being losing their lives at work each year. and it's a painful anniversary for the u.k. as it marks forty one years since british soldiers shot unarmed protesters in northern ireland fourteen people were killed on what became known as bloody sunday with stirred up national attention for years as r.t. sarah firth reports her deep divisions to remain. so far i am still there walking the pavement and i can drink in the look the smell sound and smiles of the street and sharing joy and pride and progress and pain this is the story of life living
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and working in a loyalist community that was such a narrative of violence and dysfunctional relationship every level of their community politically in the community leaders and as well as in their homes and their families. by a former youth worker harriet long's writing struck a chord with many trying to make sense of the recent rising on the surface and the latest trouble was with the decision to limit the number of days the union flag would fly from belfast city hall in northern ireland and the flag has an important political and cultural meaning a reminder of the loyalists the province is part of the day but also that it must remain say the catholics though a reminder of a less equal past youth worker mark davies tells me that despite this new young generation having been brought up in peace times social issues have made it easy to fall back on old narrative. they are generation. who have grown up in
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peace times but that doesn't mean that the tensions on the issues are deep seated within their families or within this community having gone away with the reason rioting political divisions to have once again become apparent we have to also asked to unionist party p. and pay for their action of distributing forty thousand leaflet to inflame the situation to whip up tension in loyalist areas you seem very emotive language the leaflets i was referring to by name means a cause of the riots but only example of the war of words. many feel contributed to an already volatile situation. this could this leave the us a lot of the homes do except that there is a responsibility to the d.v.d. in contributing to what we've seen play out on the street no one the letter that
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leaflet wasn't and we should be careful here you think that the majority know we asked the question read the leaflet the leaflet osteo advance of the vote to contact the alliance party and ask them to change their mind it's very difficult to tell a trial not to hit somebody when the name may be in their community their leaders are using violence to keep control and but that politicians and maybe aren't using violence but they are using violence it's all they're using with our own help with calm having returned to northern ireland for the time being based now in agreement that the peace process here needs to evolve. in seeking so with the political level there were many things needed now is a solution that works at a grass roots level amongst the community got things to be ha that's a followings. are saying. let's stop it's breaking the search with your
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host only martin stick with us. you know i can kind of sort of understand the mindset of an evil dictator i have trouble understanding what is going on or maybe not going on in the minds of the terrified cogs who believe all the propaganda give up all their rights for the lucian of safety to coach or resign for. who are these people well maybe some of them may be working at your local school braindead bureaucracy zombies at a pennsylvania school suspended a kindergartner note kindergartner as a terrorist threat because she threatened to shoot another student with a gun that shoots soap bubbles i guess this was all
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a mix up because the girl she wanted to shoot didn't understand that it was in reference to bubbles and not bullets children in kindergarten can often misunderstand things but the administration of the school seems to be no smarter than six year olds immediately going into total panic mode guess what this is hardly the first time that something like this has happened remember the kid who pointed a piece of chicken at a teacher and said bang the thing is that the real terrorism of the event is that the mental slaves of fear propaganda that work at these schools are raising a generation of children to be just like them somebody shoot me with a bubble gun that's just my opinion.
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the left and i don't. i mean. that i'm. really messed up. her. worse. by that sick of it. all what. did you ever seen anything like this. yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh well kind of breaking the set so it looks like yet another government agency is overstepping its boundaries this time.


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