tv Headline News RT January 31, 2013 12:00am-12:29am EST
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your. concerns grow over the human cost of the french led military operation in mali amid a lack of information on civilian casualties and reports of government atrocities. as the u.s. senate prepares to decide on whether chuck hagel will become the new defense secretary will look at why to be the most controversial pentagon chief in recent years. the british government's raises twice as many taxes as a cut as a new study shows how a shelling out billions in revenues from people's pockets. is not am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina josh welcome to the program. now as french and malian forces make more gains in the battle against
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islamist rebels in the african country concerns are growing over how the conflict is being fought human rights groups and a pan and activists are raising the alarm over the information blackout on the number of civilian casualties during the french led intervention and the western backed troops are now being increasingly accused of war crimes now in the towns liberated by the french army there is also a growing sense of revenge the food filmed by an amateur cameraman apparently shows a mob attacking and mutilating the corpse of a young man whom the crowd suspects of links to islamist local reporter told r.t. about atrocities reportedly taking place across the country. as we continue moving north we find reports of extrajudicial killings and evidence of war crimes that what we have heard of the murder of a few citizens by molly and soldiers in the town of survivor not only did they kill them they shove their bodies into the drinking water well located in the center of
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the town making the rest of the population watch we're also hearing of cases where people are being prosecuted for trying to earn a living under the ruling militants sixteen year old adama says it was unknowingly employed as a cook. is now being accused of terrorism. after i stopped working as a cook in the town of u.n. so i went to survey where there i met an old man and i asked him for a drink of water he said that he won't share water with terrorists i said that i was in a terrorist and i was just the first down then i was put into prison i am no terrorists i don't even know that i was working with militants i only realized that the rumors i started hearing them and then when everyone went on to the frontline i was just cooking food for them no one even talked to me i think us occasion was also reportedly becoming widespread in the area arabs ensure access to be persecuted on charges of allegedly collaborating with the militants in the government and the
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french troops are fighting against our contacts in timbuktu also told us that shops belonging to arabs are being looted a lot of a host international consultant and former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament says he's not surprised by the developments in mali. what i hear now is how this surprises me i mean that first of all the million army does hold a grudge against people who are lost some from the northern part of the country and secondly the soldiers of very low paid and at very little movement etc as a they're not really a regular army in that sense there's only. hardly a state apparatus functioning how can you really just have people and examine what they do you can't you just ground nic underlying that so the only thing you can do correctly is if you think people might be terrorist is hold them and arrest them and detain them what you certainly will do is see this kind of action judicial executions but it totally surprises me that this is going on right now this country
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needs support yes this country needs are moved why is it that this help only comes in the form of military invasions that's a basic question usually should us concepts. and there are also fears of sectarian revenge attacks in mali following the french led military campaign more on this as well as images from the conflict torn country on r.t. dot com. syria says israeli jets have carried out a deadly bombing raid on a sara torrie destroying a military research center near damascus at least two people are thought to have been killed and five more wounded in the attack while israel has refused to comment on the incident western diplomats and syrian rebels claim israeli forces targeted an arms convoy near lebanon's border our disposal here has been following the developments. the syrian army has said that israeli jets crossed into syria below the radar level at dawn on wednesday and hit a military research center near the capital city of damascus now according to the
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military they carried out and i'm quoting an act of aggression bombarding the sites causing large scale material damage as what is destroying the building and that was a statement that was quoted on syrian state television the military also added that two site workers were killed in the strike now earlier there were reports that israeli planes had struck a convoy carrying weapons from syria to lebanon the information actually came from the united states as well as regional officials but these reports would later denied by syria. as a q. and a tour of pan-african newswire says the alleged israeli air strike in syria is all part of a plan to bring down the assad government. it's quite interesting that the israeli government as well as the united states has not officially responded to this provocation against syria so it is inevitably a situation in which they are opening up a nother front in the war against the government of bashar al assad part and parcel
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of a broader strategy part of that strategy of course has been a deployment of patriot missiles in turkey which is also a nato country on the border with syria and then of course with the airstrikes this is designed to create a sense of encircled that in regard to the syrian government i think that the syrian government and those who are want are seeking a negotiated and political settlement to this crisis you know very well that this is only designed to weaken the syrian government and that it will not be successful because in the long term on the ground the syrian government has maintained the military initiative against the various a rebel organizations who have been funded now for nearly two years to work havoc in south of the country in an attempt to overthrow the government of bashar al assad in egypt the ongoing turmoil has claimed more lives with at least two people shot dead during fresh clashes between
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protesters and police in cairo stuck for your square deadly violence has led to the opposition calling for talks with president morsi but the islamist leader has rejected the call for an ounce mccain during more his visit to berlin where he was warning german chancellor angela merkel hoping to get investment a plan to visit france next but return home empty had a blogger and journalist while iskandar says if morsi had received european backing the egyptian public's outrage would have only increased. i think the public the public will be very upset if foreign countries start lending a hand to president mohamed morsi while he is executing these very oppressive measures against his people he has cracked down on a lot of freedoms sidelined editors arrested people and justly and i think that. the sentiment in egypt is basically a rejection of mohamed morsi and the monopoly on power that he that he has and this
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not so much as mohamed morsi he's he's viewed here as a puppet to the guidance bureau so unless he starts taking control and actually doing steps taking the country forward towards a democratic transition i think people will not be pleased otherwise. now coming out this hour absence returns to the battlefield once more policemen lawns and tear gas hundreds of protesters stormed greece's labor ministry over pension cuts. and virtual kidnappings ransoms for your idea and cyber terrorism that's only a glimpse into the future of the internet according to a top boss at google. play
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mission. critical patients free storage free. range month three. three. three. three board video for your media project c.e.o. don carty dot com. welcome back you're watching our team the u.s. senate is gearing up for a potentially heated confirmation hearing for the new the fan secretary chuck hagel candidacy is widely viewed as president obama's most controversial pick for
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a key pose during his presidency the decorated war veteran stance of seeing military force as a last resort and pro israeli foreign policy as a track to both admiration and criticism while the latter has been far more vocal arches get a check out reports. chuck hagel has been under attack since his name was floated as president obama's pick for the defense secretary position it would see attack ads on all major u.s. t.v. channels saying what a terrible defense secretary chuck hagel would be all throughout december and much of january they've been running these ads you know between commercials of beauty products prescription drugs and so somewhere between those you could catch attack ads like this one secretary of defense chuck hagel president obama says he supports sanctions on iraq voted against the legal voted against labeling iran's revolutionary guard a terrorist group and while president obama says all options are on the table for
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preventing a nuclear iran says military action is not a viable feasible responsible option president obama or secretary of defense chuck hagel is not responsible option. that ad was sponsored by the emergency committee for israel so what did chuck hagel do to deserve that as a u.s. senator chuck hagel has been critical of israel's policies he's been critical of the israeli lobby in washington here's what he said the political reality is that the jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here i've always argued against some of the dumb things they do because i don't think it's in the interest of israel i just don't think it's smart for israel and of quote among other things chuck hagel dared to say that u.s. interests should trump israeli interests if they conflict he supported direct negotiations with iran and unlike many other politicians here in washington who keep repeating the all options on the table mantra but these publicly they say that chuck hagel has been straightforward in saying
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a strike on iran should not be an option and he has also been a proponent of a more even handed u.s. policy with regards to these really palestinian conflict and the u.s. has been anything but even handed on the issue it's also for statements like this one that he's been under attack take a look this is chuck hagel in two thousand and six the united states will remain committed to defending israel our relationship with israel is a special and historic one but it need not and cannot be at the expense of our arab and muslim relationships. that is an irresponsible and dangerous fault choice some saw president obama's decision to nominate chuck hagel as his message to these really hard liners we actually heard president obama say there is too much war talk going on and maybe nominating chuck hagel is his way of bringing down the tension and not not everybody here in washington likes that
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message but what's interesting since the beginning of the attack campaign against chuck hagel over these two months or so many of the attackers have sort of withdrawn their objections over chuck hagel nomination some say could be because they were. behind closed doors that as defense secretary chuck hagel is not going to make any drastic moves to really challenge washington's foreign policy orthodoxies now from nomination in the beginning of january to the confirmation hearing we've got plenty of opinion and analysis of his candidacy on our web site r t v dot com.
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more clashes have broken out in athens with police using tear gas to disperse protesters who broken into the greek labor minister's office the demonstrators were venting their anger over fresh pay and pension cuts all part of the government susteren dr laura george says this kind of crackdown on protesters is part of a new approach. the government has decided to follow up one of the c. of zero tolerance as it say's ideas that is distance to the state to measure us so we have steam to the government to take in medicine measures that they are unconstitutional against that he sent stocks and now we have soon door the least very violently against a generally useful and the mostly easy when it seemed the last three or four weeks a campaign of propaganda try to convince us that now their words has become the us
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that is i don't believe that this is the is exactly because we had a forum this same set of course is overstated the missiles that the force the heroes cause them to good use. of slow death that this recession of the economy kentucky and of the economy unfair source of measures both by the opening season of the book leads you into assume that the subset of it's i think that as far as where photo in these said that. there's no school for us. more national news this hour in the us alabama police have surrounded a bunker where fans been holding a six year old boy captive for more than a day the youngster was kidnapped from a school bus on tuesday after the driver was shot dead the gunman's been identified as a sixty five year old retired truck driver by neighbors. one of the owner of the brazilian nightclub in which more than two hundred thirty people died in
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a fire has tried to commit suicide while in custody a sundress force one of the four people arrested after the incident and investigations the blaze has found evidence the club could have been overcrowded wired signatures were not functional. seven members of a rescue operation have been killed while saving six trapped miners in northeast china is believed the carbon monoxide was the cause of the deaths chinese mining facilities have a poor safety record with dozens of employees losing their lives their work each year. complicated and offering very little relief that's the assessment of the u.k. government's tax policies figures revealed by the tax payers alliance show the coalition government has raised twice as many taxes as if it's cut the spite promises to ease the pain or just bully boyko reports. by the end of this parliament the u.k. public. one hundred nineteen various taxes that all sounds great
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but for a government that's promised to create a lower tax country news that they've increased some two hundred ninety nine all the taxes might be somewhat confusing the brits assume going to see an extra levy on carbon dioxide emissions that means energy bills are going to go up they're also going to see an increase. which means more expensive air travel and then some of the recent changes to u.k. tax law quite simply bizarre revenue and customs recently increased. for headdresses renting a chair. and then who can forget the recent. good scandal when you stated that a pasty would only be taxed if it was sold at above ambient temperatures critics say the system is simply too chaotic. it's clear that the british government is in
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desperate need of cash to deal with the dismal public finances which means that by trimming a little bit of tax hair and adding more tax burden that by twenty fifteen the u.k. treasury hopes to get an extra. billion pounds in tax compared with the year before they came to power but critics say that once again is the british public which ends up out of pocket. london while later today max kaiser focus on the british government and the tricks used to distract the public's attention from its financial mishandling. the chairman of web giant google has set out his vision for the future of the internet in a gloomy forecast eric schmidt suggests people's online id could be taken hostage and an online form of kidnapping going off has more the image of
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a human future liberated by technology the ends to hunger teleportation and song just got a reality dose from a guy who knows eric schmidt who is worth one point five billion dollars and the chairman of google voiced his views on in the internet and the dangers that lurk within it warned that as technology becomes cheaper and easier to use cyber terrorists could use the web to run a drone war essential your nerd in california could. in a remote part of the world in fact schmidt says hackers will be known as cyber terrorists could well become the targets of the same drones but it's not only about potential terrorists states and governments can use cyber technology to isolate and distort the lives of their critics call this online ethnic cleansing moreover a cyber identities that's your online avatar in social networks could be taken hostage for ransom actually there are already cases of hackers remotely blocking
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personal computers and demanding cash stolen or fifty cyber identities me soon also form a global black market where users will be able to buy an identity the always dreamed of in real life schmidt also pointed to the record so much of our lives is stored on servers now any past mistakes will be there for all the world to see typically at the worst possible moment when you're applying for that job mortgage making the marriage proposal or running to become president in fact the lives of everyone will be so public parents will have to teach children about cyber safety before safe sex well these are only predictions but depressing vision for the internet is a reminder to be careful whatever you post and do online may bite you back when you least expect it. while you can still had to r.t. dot com safe in the knowledge our stories are doing no harm to you. and with god's glory of a gang of russian youngsters brought
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a suburban train to hold but why it wasn't what they were after all we've got all the details and i wouldn't accounts online. but find out why let's get school grades earned muslim pupils an excuse for a couple minutes prayer during class time. after a short break it's our special report the fragile people to stay with us. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got this huge earth covered. here the reindeer isn't everything for the herders and when it suffers people do their best to help.
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to leeds i was born the doctors told us she had multiple fractures they also said lisa would be a difficult child to handle she was bedridden the first year often she had to eat and sleep on a cushion because she would cry when we touched her. yes i probably fell from the chair and i from the sofa and that didn't hurt at all but then i fell off the arm chair and i broke my leg. i cried for a while. and then at those sleep. but why why why why did it have to be.
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what. she. needs to simper factor is one of the most common congenital bone disorders affecting children if we're talking about those that are present from birth to believe i suppose the sufferers have brittle bones and are at risk of multiple fractures but there are mineral metabolism is in good order to avoid the ailment is due to faulty college information. as the main protein in connective tissue college in is the basis of the human skeleton more than our. skin. to portman wiley's even some adults don't become aware of the fact that they are affected until they give birth.
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