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tv   [untitled]    February 1, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives with. over sixty two percent and. this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about there were really good public health campaigns that people were really focused on this problem certainly should be able to a lot less a lot less suffering. these are live pictures coming out of colorado where the presidential palace that comes under fire a bomb attack from protesters as massive demonstrations across egypt called for the president to go. leaking blockade of the u.s. military stands accused of violating washington's all involved go against iran iran rebels in record export revenues. people are killed and several
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injured by a suicide bomber detonated his device at the entrance to the u.s. embassy in the turkish capital ankara. and the british government pulls out the welcome mat as fears grow a lot of european immigrants just flooded flooding the u.k. as the world's best destination. you're watching ard see a line from moscow with me to bomb would say it's good to have you with us. clashes have reportedly been out in the egyptian capital of cairo as angry mobs attacked the president's palace with. actual bombs police are using tear gas and water
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cannons in attempts to dispose of the crowds thousands of people are marching in demonstrations across the country including the town of port along the suez canal which saw dozens of deaths in clashes over the past week people are demanding an end to the rule of president mohamed morsi and his party the muslim brotherhood the andras comes despite opposition leaders signing an agreement to try and establish peace together with the representative of the ruling party on thursday ferries are live pictures that we're watching right now let's get an analysis of the situation live from our activists and journalists who conscient on who joins me live right now so kind and eight a day of protests now at this point what's the difference between the protests and the ones that toppled mubarak. well the protesters are part of the forces which to topple mubarak but i think we have to see all of this in the context of the decades
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long actual strategy of western imperialism and actually bringing the whole arab world the whole middle east to its knees because particularly egypt which has a very proud tradition of resistance and patchouli or to defiance in terms of zionist and imperialist in germany in the region particularly off their you know the father of our national is i'm actually you know jim i'll go nasr really defied and built up egypt at and other brotherly our nations in you know actually developing economy developing foreign policy and developing a viable economy now all of that since one thousand nine hundred ninety one has been destroyed since the first gulf war destroying iraq which like egypt has a massive arab population but different to egypt have the added strategic bonus of oil so really i think what's happened post mubarak is that the west as ensured that one of the most important political arab nations that's that egypt has been totally destabilized and remember the egyptian government is waiting for what the egyptians
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call the loan from sunday look there's a protest is a popular protest song about the world bank i.m.f. loan to egypt and all the western newspapers and analysts are saying well egypt's not going to get that loan if this is the destabilisation by its visiting upon the country ok but democracy as just was elected seven months a day and the people the majority of the people who put him in power he is the easy going to be other throne is that likely to happen is that something that they gyptian is one. well i mean europe we can't really get an accurate picture of exactly what proportion of the egyptians want morsi to go and what one one state it's all a real big mess but as i said it's i mean often in in politics you have to ask who benefits from the situation and the primary beneficiary to the situation is the neighboring white settlers are in your state called israel and western interests now the last thing the west want when they're conducting
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a destabilization campaign against syria destabilization in iraq this is visiting upon lebanon direct military intervention in mali they've devastated libya and the state like station in tunisia is the egyptian people who do have a sophisticated political mind and some movements to actually into the green in this whole situation in opposition to western interests so really in terms of who are the main beneficiaries it definitely is the west and the egyptians are the big losers and ok let me talk about do this the protests that's been going on with some of the demands that have been just yesterday the muslim brotherhood and the opposition mad and renounce violence today we've done classes at the presidential palace what did the did that liberation achieve. well quite i mean but the thing is what who can control things in egypt now now a popular slogan of the arab spring which i call the arab sting where nato has been the fia has gone but perhaps the fear has gone by along with the fia so has any
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sense of security and nation building and state building so really can anyone control what's going on and this is this is rooted partly as well because of the trial against those who accused of being guilty author of the deaths at the football match so really it's also it's also you know openly said that normal can control anything in egypt our current me i just want to ask you this it seems like egypt has become essentially and governable what is your thought what are your thoughts in terms of who should be leading the country and will we see the military take action in this well the military does what it can is to survive on bail the great survivors through all this and arguably the military really are the only real anything that's close to the kind of the backbone rejection society i think we're going to continue seeing destabilization in egypt once the egyptians do and there's no actually existing real movements in egypt to do this but i think we can predict
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that eventually egyptian people would develop movements to actually start to bring the nation together and then to play a very positive role in terms of a region in africa and the middle east resistance and and region building in the face of a sign is an unambiguous and as they have done before which a lot of the nuts. all right let's leave it right they activists and journalists asuka and deshawn diana thank you for speaking to us. and ahead in the program we'll be going to. use following developments in cairo for us so stay with us and we'll bring you the latest from her libel from egypt also france's glad it's one day the sense of against islamist in mali we've got an exclusive report on the collateral damage of the conflict with some chilling accounts emerging about the human cost. america's oil blockade against iran its immersion may have been violated by none other than the u.s. military itself the pentagon has admitted
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a conduct count for some of the fuel it brought in for its called operation in afghanistan it's now suspected that the randian petrol made up a significant percentage of imports as artie's can achieve you can explain. the u.s. gives money to the afghan government to buy fuel for its forces now u.s. officials especially specter general for afghanistan reconstruction say they cannot verify that the fuel purchased for afghan security forces in recent years did not come from iran it could be their way of saying that it most probably did for the wrong and it could mean that the u.s. has violated its own sanctions thereby letting us taxpayer dollars go to even coffers those sanctions that the u.s. has put in place not only bar u.s. companies from doing business with iran but also punish third party countries for doing business with iran but no matter how many rounds of sanctions are in effect they were never watertight even though the european union under a lot of pressure from washington stopped buying uranium oil you have
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a host of other countries that still do iran's biggest buyer now biggest buyers now are china india and japan and these countries are oil thirsty especially china so china up its imports of uranium oil india's imports of iranian crude were up thirty percent according to tanker arrival data western sanctions have it rains oil exports in two thousand and twelve leading to a very deep plunge in the arabian currency but continuous robust the band from its top buyers as well as the purchase of new tankers allow the red to unexpectedly boost exports late last year despite the sanctions the u.s. can't absolutely force those major economies especially china to stop buying from iran political and economic ramifications of such pressure would be significant but the u.s. government is trying their prompting those other countries to buy oil from washington's allies saudis and katori so you could imagine how happy the gulf states are about
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this whole new business coming in but washington is resolute to put more pressure on other countries to put forward more threats like cutting them off from the u.s. banking system. so for many countries the situation starts to look more like blackmail than anything else i was regards to iran and blackmail is essentially what the us calls diplomacy which by the way is not working but washington acts to hold not only ran hostage to sanctions but the whole world which is of course creating more cash and. heading for the stars but lost at sea there's been a red failure for russian u.s. satellite collaboration as a rocket carrying communications equipment dishes minutes after takeoff. a suicide bomber has attacked the u.s. embassy in the turkish capital ankara killing two people and injuring at least two others the woman believed to be a member of a left wing group detonated explosives as he was passing through an x.
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ray scanner at the entrance to the building archies correspondent policia brings us more details. three people have been killed today including the suicide bomber a security guard as well as a turkish citizen who was a member of the staff at the american embassy now according to eyewitnesses there was this massive bang also plumes of smoke that have been erupting outside of the american embassy or american embassy staff have been taken to safe rooms inside the embassy this blast did happen in a part of ankara where there are several other embassies including that of germany as well as all fronts the explosion caused no damage inside the embassy itself but it did cause extensive damage to the outside wall there are a number of illegal groups ranging from the kurdish separatists to lift just to islamic militants who have launched attacks in recent years in turkey's perhaps it's worth mentioning that prior to this explosion the son in law of assad bin
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ladin was arrested in the turkish capital of ankara you also have in addition to this violence from syria that continuously spills across the border and in the past artillery from syria has killed turkish civilians what that means is that you have a whole host of groups who could be implicated or who could have carried out this attack back in september there was that notorious mission in benghazi in libya where we had four american staff members killed including the american ambassador and then just a few days ago you had britain's foreign office warning of a potential threat against the british embassy in tripoli so what we are witnessing is a chain of events targeting western embassies not least of all the united states that seems to be picking up momentum and it is a reflection of the growing anger against washington and other western countries at a particularly unstable time in the region. so more analysis on that i'm joined live by james macho no reporter for the catholic news service in turkey mr mudge on
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the turkish government says that this suicide bomber could be a member of the left his group called the revolutionary. the people's liberation conti front dad says version seems likely to you. it's still hard to say that says you just mentioned that that report coming out that's the group that this liberation front is not an unknown group they have. undertaken attacks in the past they're known for being violently anti-american and for for blaming the turkish government of being under u.s. influence in terms of turkey's foreign policy is it possible i mean in turkey as an anywhere anything is possible there's this many people at play here in turkey as your correspondent mentioned in the piece earlier there's different factions there's a p k k there's there's people who are upset at. what's how turkey's policy in syria so. as of yet it's still difficult to say who is behind it but that
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organization the revolutionary front is a known organization they i haven't had the recent attacks but there they have been as i said known to carry out attacks in the past what do you make of the timing of the attack is this some kind of a message. again it's people there are people are looking at it as a message. it comes at a time several things are going on of course is the the ongoing violence in syria thousands of refugees tens of thousands of refugees pouring into to turkey there are perhaps people unhappy at turkey's. role in syria turkey is openly called for the fall of the regime in syria so there's that there's also negotiations going on here unprecedented negotiations between the government and
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this the p k k which is the the kurdish faction the workers faction which is considered a terrorist organization by turf. is well this to you in the united states or people who look at that and say perhaps some governments some countries are not happy with those negotiations going on so is it a message is it a message a could be and it could be because of these various events that are going on now in on the turkish foreign policy earlier this month we've seen the u.s. outgoing secretary of state hillary clinton taking responsibility for the attack in libya's benghazi what can washington do to prevent such actions like this. washington came under a lot of hillary clinton as you say came under a lot of pressure for that attack in libya they've been. upgrading security they say at different embassies across the world in turkey it's been the embassy has in fact the consul u.s.
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consulate here in istanbul a few years ago came under attack there have been attacks on different embassies here in the past so there's no doubt that the u.s. security has been upgraded here. whether. the u.s. is going to be taking different steps now just in light of this they've said since the attack in libya again that they've been they've been pretty particularly so very vigilant and and watching out for their different embassies james metol from the catholic new service in turkey thank you. now back to our top story violent clashes have erupted in the gyptian capital cairo with angry mobs attacking the presidential palace with petrol bombs police all using tear gas and water cannons in an attempt to disperse the crowds for more let's join cairo based reports belching like now now how violent the protests right now where you are.
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we've got dramatic feeds here in the capital as clashes i'm started by the president who promises you can see the ha. i mean reportedly bought the most groups threw molotov cocktails over the gates of the presidential building the security forces are right now on the vehicles and have been sending our last of today gas as you can see behind me there's police have gas over the area protesters are responding out with fireworks wholesale we've just seen as police are removing tempers from my months long sitting against the president to decide the presidential building where they also set fire to trickle fires on the sides and the last thirty minutes has been a massive push by the security forces protesters have been fleeing in this direction in the background there's about ten ambulances are removing manjit from the front line or it's very chaotic scenes here this comes off the several protests converged in front the presidential palace on to her a scratch as part of friday's day of the never and protesters called this against
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the president's people are still chanting in amongst this chaos that the president must step down they're saying this is the sentiment across the capital well i know you struggled to get to the way you are right now never gauging through that crowd or what about the demonstrations in other parts of the country. yes we seem to not see a not so demonstrations across the country today but the main one outside of cairo has of course the airport sayit squishes witnessed a week of bloody clashes and seen dozens die coastline today is an important day for the country as it is the year anniversary of the bloody football massacre that took place in port side on the first of february two thousand and twelve is of course has been a point of contention for those who come from both sides and as the verdict on twenty one the famine saw some of them a sentenced to death so today they came on the streets against the government against the biting very angry scenes and a fisherman been gathering shot xandra osage down sound but the moment the focus is
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definitely here in the cops over these chaotic and violent street afterwards bell i mean we can see just behind you we can even hear this. irene's going it's it's pretty it's quite a crowd behind you can just tell us what's going on they has a violent stop and it is still going on. here it's not the violence is it to ask elated in about the last five minutes as you can hear behind me there's a massive ambulance stance that people are running it's very chaotic there's no not to say gas and this is a quite a narrow area in comparison to the space interests where the gas is booming and driving people i can just hear from my right now people are chanting in one voice the people come on the end of the regime this comes one day off us heard the islamic authority right here the high slum authority here in egypt hold a brokered that talks between the representatives of the church purpose and sense of cultural to talk of muslim groups on the face including opposition figures like
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mohamed el baradei and members of the muslim brotherhood in the freedom and justice party they made as a initiative from stop the violence initiative which called a peaceful protest was called an end of the violence on for dialogue and they almost signed this document obviously this hasn't taken place you can see behind me the scenes are still very violence that we're not sure of is going to be any dialogue in the future between the president and opposition forces and the opposition forces to have a preconditions on meds i don't they want the president say the government to resign they want a different kind of government takeover they want the countries to be revived so what we're seeing right now is a very chaotic divided egypt bell true the right day in cairo admitting that quote in the presidential palace in cairo. i'll bring you more news after the short break . plays. well. science
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technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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you're watching our team live with me to mom let's say france's president francois hollande is planning a trip to mali to survey what's being hailed as a successful military intervention against islam as the french had knowledge however that the operation is now entering a tricky phase which is likely to involve guerrilla tactics from the extremists to talk i'm all on the current combat mission in mali i'm joined live by a strasberg based journalism expert on france robert han is mr han is where the terrorists were indeed that is the question that is being gently heard in the political months of political class and slightly louder and some of the more less reverent press this is the most peculiar war in which and i was seems to be any fighting never seems to be any casualties we never see the enemy. you you almost
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might wonder whether in fact there hasn't been a little agreement secretly made between qatar who support the terrorists and france who support them in syria but not in mali saying no or tell your people to move out and we'll move in sort things out later because there were qatari airplanes in northern mali until tuesday as i understand it there are a number of reports of human rights abuses committed by the million army and do you think that paris which supports the million on you should raise concerns over this one of course yes i mean it's embarrassing isn't it when the people you support do these sort of things but it's also inevitable the other side of it is it gives them a splendid excuse to disown their own allies when it suits them later on is it too optimistic to think that the we government in mali which is among the world's poorest countries but could deal with the war properly. across a car everybody knows that in fact the north has been virtually autonomous for
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a couple of years two three years now as i understand it. french president hollande will travel to mali and saturday what's the purpose of this visit i mean besides him saying we've done well at all why they go in the well i think this may be he may regard this is a window of opportunity to present this is a great french excess which militarily technically tactically certainly looks like let's be honest but it's his opportunity because clearly in the background there is considerable american assistance there are now british troops coming in and talking about eight thousand african troops it's not going to be and further out i may say the french are very reluctant to approach the algerian from to go too closely because algeria and france as you know have a long history in this. business civil war i think this may well be the last chance for longhouse to claim a victory before it all becomes obviously an allied operation and i think that's
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probably the main reason and the u. an e.u. says is struggling financially we know that france has already spent more than thirteen million euros on this operation in mali can they afford to do that can france afford to do this at this point oh i think thirty million euros is pretty nuts these days if you listen in hundreds of billions you hardly notice and it's all borrowed money i mean one of the things to remember about all of these wars conducted by the west they're using professional soldiers or their allies professional soldiers and they're using borrowed money so the consequences in the countries concerned the consequence in france is zero there are no bad consequences for french citizens that pay no taxes to finance this war it's all borrowed and that there are there is no conscription so it doesn't it doesn't upset anybody too much and furthermore there is no adverse military consequences and. allow for a few terrorist attacks the enemy can't fight back us. we'll leave it right there stress both based journalist an expert on france our of eight hundred thank you
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very much for being with us. it's not so great to be in britain that's the idea some u.k. politicians want to promote to potential european migrants they fear a huge influx of from somebody used that are now allowed to live anywhere in the blood or to pollute boyhood takes up the story as one official put it the negative ad campaign about britain would help to dispel the myth that the streets in the u.k. all paved with gold and the politicians certainly are worried and they've got it wrong in the past you see back in two thousand and four the previous labor government got it really wrong they got the figures so wrong about the number of poles that were coming over to potentially live in england they suggested that there would be something around fifteen thousand polish citizens coming over to the u.k. lo and behold less than a decade later the polish community in the u.k. is one of the biggest communities and polish is the second language spoken in
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england and wales the previous year was the year of the olympics and politicians trump and trumpeting great britain and how long john in britain is the best destination the world billions of pounds poured into advertising to really sell the u.k. but it seems that for immigrants potential immigrants from rumania and from bol garia the message is that britain isn't so great after all so a lot of people see that sort of as quite far cicle the fact that the government is willing to trash its own image and to admit that there are problems with the economy in disarray that there's a housing crisis and that there are problems with schools and hospitals everyone's been having a good old chuckle over the idea of a negative ad campaign and yes some people have actually said that it's quite insulting but remain ians and for vogue ariens but one newspaper has even suggested that people send in their own suggestions for what an anti britain poster would look like and the result has been really quite scathing. and quite
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a haunch to britain as a country we've got slogans that include u.k. yuck and come to britain and clean the toilets or even britain we haven't left all selves because the public transport isn't running so people very sort of it's mocking at the same time but quite scathing about the country and we also took to the streets of london to find out what ordinary london is think about the situation let's take a lesson as these but that's it this makes messages it is hypocrisy in the day i think a waste of time and money and effort actually. things ought to be prioritized over the times that really have a job i'm not sure i'm from eternity but these have at the moment leave here everything too much expensive westminster is bound by law so they have to follow these rules and they have to allow anybody who wishes to come over in twenty
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fourteen to enter the country but a lot of citizens in the u.k. as you saw that they feel that it's insulting to those people and a waste of money having advertised births and previously peter lavelle's here in a couple of minutes with the latest edition of crossed.


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