tv [untitled] February 1, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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welcome to business i'm katie pilbeam thank you very much indeed for joining me now russian banks gave out a record number of mortgages last year so saying two trillion rubles which is equivalent to sixty seven million dollars that represents a sixty percent growth rate year on year but that still a drop in the ocean when compared to the amount granted in the european countries and the united states. to discuss this in more detail what it all means i've now got to the task of just what it really means for other countries as well as hashing out just reading outlays growth figures very impressive indeed but what does russia need to do to catch up with europe and the united states them well i think what we should really talk about is whether or not russia should be catching up to its western counterparts and the reason is that what we're seeing in europe at the
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moment and in certain parts of the united states as while is that there's a sharp drop in property prices as we're taking a look at this graphic spain and greece are often considered to be the worst hit by the crisis but as we're seeing here ireland saw its housing prices drop as much as seventy percent in the past five years while its unemployment has tripled in the netherlands as while the picture is pretty glim so that simply means that many home owners cannot keep making their monthly payments they borrowed one property prices were on the rise and one mortgages were easily accessible but when the financial crisis hit in two thousand and eight their home devalued pretty much overnight and that means they owe the banks war then what they can sell their homes for at the moment and unlike in the united states where the banks have written down billions of dollars in unpaid mortgages in fact about one and a half trillion dollars since two thousand and eight. an outrageous figure and
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personal opinion in most european countries it's not as easy to get rid of your mortgage debt by either declaring bankruptcy and or by turning your home over to the bank so basically there's a mounting mortgage debt there and that's really a burden to european growth as many economists and governments in europe now realize why don't i suppose this begs the question why didn't the european banks do what the u.s. banks today write off these unpaid mortgages well the european banks at the moment are pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place because many european governments received billions of euros of bailout money and they spend the bulk of it on bailing out their banks if they write off these mortgages these unpaid mortgages now that would make their financial systems vulnerable all over again but on the other hand the mounting debt is definitely not allowing these countries to return to growth which is one of the
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priorities why should i even say the priority this year so you know the consensus is that something has to be done with these mortgages and you know on the on the surface coming back to your question does look like the lower the interest rate the better but let me state the obvious is the real key to a healthy mortgage system is financial stability within the country right now you know despite these impressive numbers that we've been chatting about less than a million russians are bought their homes using mortgages right now if i look at the figures if i look at the russian economy here. if i look at the figures look at the situation of the russian economy right now it's looking pretty stable. explain not to say look this is absolutely i'm well the balkan of last year's growth which totaled about forty percent annually it took place in the first half of the year what's that's when the interest rates in the country were at a historic low over. eleven point eight percent i know you're probably laughing
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because that's outrageous lehi i most western standards will go back to that minute but that really allowed the banks primarily russia's two biggest lenders the bank and the t.v. to boost their mortgage portfolios by sixty percent in the first six months of the year i mean i think it's important to point out that the situation here in russia is not expected to worsen the share the economic situation so does that mean that the banks should be expanding on this is that what we should expect what that's certainly what the two biggest lenders of our bank and d.t.b. are claiming they're saying that their mortgage portfolios this year are going to be comparable to those of two thousand and twelve when independent economists really doubt that they're going to be able to keep up that growth and as i said the bulk of last year's growth happened in the first half of the year when the interest rates were at historic low now in the second half of the year the biggest banks
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hiked their rates in fact as a bear bang did it twice during last year and we saw a sharp drop in mortgages immediately as you would expect exactly and but even eleven to twelve percent is basically sky high by most you know european standards as we said and it's a huge hit to a potential homebuyers i mean just think about in the united states borrowers on average pay between three and four percent in fact they're benefiting tremendously from all the turmoil in the eurozone be because the dollar and hence the us treasuries are considered a safe asset therefore keeping the interest rates and the mortgage rates in the united states pretty low while by contrast in russia by an apartment for say three hundred and fifty thousand dollars which is about the average for moscow and paying eleven to twelve percent lower. mortgage means that by the time you'd done with
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your twenty year loan you would have paid three times as much more than one million dollars for you and the million dollar question is are you going to be able to sell it for that much well as definitely something to think about before you make the plunge yeah listen i'm going to stick to rent right now. so that's how to thank you very much indeed. moving on after a hectic christmas period most priced men are putting their feet up not russian ones though they're busy running around to post boxes of online shoppers russians have been keeping their fingers firmly on the buy button bargains in foreign stores making the most of the january sells a broad tanya a has a story wrapped up for us. european sales are sluggish as consumers are tightening their belts russian shoppers who continue to splurge both at home and abroad may be the cure for the ailing european economy now small it's thailand
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designer shops that don't even have a website at home could sell their shoes and dresses hair in russia via a special postal service are going to rise by the russian and italian post big spenders in conventional shops russians are set to prove it online and i killed the report suggests the country's economy or school doubled to france's five billion dollars in two thousand and fourteen russia old raise it over to germany last year in terms of internet service with more than fifteen million daily users that's the most in europe and the internet penetration is increasing by about thirty five percent a year market watchers believe the furrows through say it's postal project will help russia's digital shoppers shake up italy's retail market if only both postal service is famous for their speed the operations manager deliver on time.
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i'm going to say we rush them a check out some stocks we'll see what happens and we did have some gains out today and doing above that i've got the r.t.s. around a third four to send our parish and the my sector on flat to positive other biggest gain is today we had we tell a mag meet the as well ending the day around three percent in positive territory the ruble there let's see what happened there and i can tell you it's pretty much the same performance that we seen for the majority of the week really because it may go to higher against the u.s. dollar losing out to the common currency which check out european markets we get international now we've got so recovery on our hands here as you can see ending the wake up beat now we've got yours a manufacturing it in the eleven month high with a healthy german figure out really how we do offset a french decline also u.k. manufacturing grows and that's despite the snow in january which can often put it
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down be on the spanish stocks i want to mention this a slump after a short selling ban was lifted but we ended up with gains on mainland stocks it's going to see us they are indeed enjoying a rally with the dow jones briefly about that fourteen thousand mark that says data showed hiring increase in january after accelerating more than previously estimated at the end of twenty two and we also had manufacturing grew as well so lots of data to digest a lot of it positive. and we move on tax dodges across europe no longer have anywhere to hide in these swiss law takes force today which will allow foreign governments more powers to crack down on tax evaders according to the new tax administrative assessment act group requests in accordance with the international standard will be possible now but swiss lawmakers have been keen to point out that fishing expeditions large scale demands for information on possible tax dodgers well not be excepted according to the global organization of parliamentarians
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against corruption due to corrupt practices ranging from bribery to their tax evasion would be equivalent to the calm find economies of whites learned south africa and. all business now be back in a less than two hours time next they all take catches up with director brian de palma from money he talks to ati eight talks about every product about spies invasion and the military that power was america. sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new needs most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach creation why it should care about
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mission impossible director brian de palma it's great to have you with us because all of our styling who rode the script to one of your best known films scarface said in an interview with r.t. that americans are living in a well end state it might not be oppressive on the cess but there's no place to hide so eventually some parts of you is going to end up in the database somewhere according to historian peter cause nick figures government into sept a one point seven billion messages a day i you know well that walking understood dollars per annoyed because i would like myself i bury strong. views about what our american foreign policy is and so needless to say i've probably been followed around since the sixty's because i made very political antiwar pictures of me in the sixty's. so i sort of accepted basically. and my last
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week's political picture back to. my country because i was criticizing our foreign policy and the practice of what the hell are we doing in iraq. these terrible things happen when you put these young boys in these worlds where they don't understand what they're fighting for why they are. so i can understand why all over things were being followed all the time we probably are your drug we docked it which still is what the war in iraq provoked political debates in america with claims it portrays the us soldiers and i could see if light. sensitive to such critique even your films title makes it clear that the truth about the war in iraq has been edited and he didn't fund them eric and public unfortunately america you can never say anything negative about the troops even though they're over in a country they shouldn't be doing things where
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a lot of innocent civilians are getting killed. they're all valiant warriors. well i think our foreign policy is incorrect i don't think we should have been in iraq at all i think we were lied to by our government and what happens when you put young boys in situations where they don't know why they're there there and it's even worse than being because not only are you wouldn't terrible environment where everybody basically wants to kill you. and you walk around and suddenly the earth explodes and your best friend just lost his leg. you. to test the people you're supposed to be fighting for. and you do crazy things and that's what to redact it's about and that's what because it is a war was about. these wars make no sense and crazy things happen
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here if studied the phenomenon or rather the pathology of violence for a while for decades why is america so keen to get involved in conflicts whatever they hop on from afghanistan to libya shooting first and thinking later many things in there we're repeated over and over again that you know sort of. create this and this atmosphere one is america is the greatest day should in the world i don't know how many times i've heard that do they say that in russia do you say russia is the greatest nation in the world not so i often i yeah and why are we all over the world why are we in countries you know we have you know a military presence all over the world why because we're the policemen of the world who who who decided this you know. so consequently we get
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ourselves in a lot of trouble but you know there's also an economic thing according to president obama and economic recovery has begun but america cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many can barely make it where we sell. planes guns rockets missiles though these countries all over the world so you know that with that's one of our biggest industries it's our biggest export defense america spends as much money on military security intelligence as the rest of the world combined you know you're dealing with a big you know economic reality you know the idea that we would cut any money to the defense budget is like unbelievable let's get a few more planes let's buy a few more ships for what you know we're going broke doing this and there's like you know it's like what eisenhower warned you know the military industrial complex
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watch out it just grows and grows and grows and nobody can seem to stop it barack obama has been recently sworn in for his second term but you don't seem to be very happy with his achievements oh no i think obama's trying to change some of this but here you're dealing you know our country of split we have kind of liberals and he the cosa we have this kind of very conservative center of the country and that's why it's a difficult to get anything done in the congress. i mean why do we have guns but about guns all over the place you know we're slaughtering children and people think oh well maybe we need more policemen in the school rooms i mean you know it's crazy but guns is big business and they like to sell guns that we're probably the only country in the world that has guns all over the place following the mass shooting at the elementary school in connecticut in december the los angeles police
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department has decided to deploy six hundred police patrols the elementary and middle schools do you think increasing police patrols could help hold violence some say that their real purpose of the police build up at schools is to make kids used to their cars. presence off police and the growing atmosphere of fear there was an incident in china were you when somebody went to school and attacked all the children fortunately he only had a knife so is my only bet is to stab a few people and kill no word when you have automatic weapons that can fire and one hundred rounds i don't know in ten seconds you it's crazy and it's like these are the kind of things that make no sense in america and are obviously after this last terrible tragedy they're trying to make some changes in the gun rules oh
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so i can buy an automatic weapon with a magazine that holds two hundred bullets to go punk do you. sir but these are the kind of things that does drive you crazy i mean it makes no sense whatsoever zero dark thirty is the controversial years drama focusing on the decade long manhunt for a summon bin laden has been slammed for excessive violence and depiction off torture to find such criticism fair enough absolutely no big surprise we tortured a few people to florida where the terrorists were wow. i can't believe that america torturing people what's going on in guantanamo bay those poor guys have been there forever is the war ever over. maybe we should waterboard the belittle bit but only been there for ten years where does this glorification of mode and saw to come from well i think the use of torture in. the big book is very
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realistic. in a way i don't know why everybody so surprised or upset but the fact that you would say that americans actually torture people is like possible but it's ridiculous of course they torture people. i like most of the action packed crime dramas targeting men your latest passion as if it were exclusively about women and for women now in the past some ladies have actually accused you of being a massage. is the sex not the story of your final answer to them well i had made it through in quite a while and the producer really made religion a french movie it was approached in toronto when it was shown that american producers going to want to make an english version which is. there was so much interested in making an english version he decided to make and sell so he was
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a myra my films always sent the film to my agent and i looked at it and i had made it through in a long time and i had sort of taken a couple of years off because i've you know daughters and school and i kind of like the idea plus i like you know making a film in paris or out of paris he louis ultimately shot at berlin. i like working in europe i like living in paris and i like the characters that you know these two . aggressive women fighting for power within the sabotaging agency i like women i have worked with women my whole life i went to a school as a graduate school it's a. our awards which i was the only male amongst hundreds of women so i'm very used to being in large groups of women i'm used to working with women i get along with them i don't know where i got this pathologist reputation because i love to shoot
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women i love the dress them up i love to make them look beautiful oh have to follow them around with cameras because they are appealing to my eye and this movie was full of women they had we had the two competing executives we had the assistant that's in love with her boss and then we have this beautiful russian ballerina so what more could i ask for thank you very much.
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will the roman need be in china. the first baby steps are joy. folds and bones are not a big deal. but they can cause terrible trauma. for children can be broken by bare touch. and only the will of life can make old pains and sores. fragile people on r.t. . there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of. over six to two percent of those patients i diagnosed with aids
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this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it they were really good public health campaigns that people were really focused on this problem you know you certainly should be able to have a lot less h.r.t. a lot less human suffering. little bit. older and. i live. the good speed.
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limits good. thing. just sleep. and. eat. a lot of and very little. do we speak your language or not at the. news programs and documentaries and spanish matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles kidney's stories. you hear. the spanish find out more visit. good. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you
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