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tv   Headline News  RT  February 1, 2013 8:00pm-8:28pm EST

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it's hillary clinton's last day as u.s. secretary of state she's traveled the world on numerous diplomatic missions but as she leaves her post with great fanfare does the hype match her record that's a question we'll ask coming up. the u.s. and the u.n. have imposed numerous sanctions against iran and its ability to sell oil around the globe but a new report says american officials in afghanistan failed to verify that fuel purchased for afghan security forces didn't come from iran is this yet another case of us a pop or c. . from immigration to health care the u.s. is facing serious problems but can a government that's deeply divided along party lines actually solve these different problems are to shine the light on some of the issues that's creating a broken system in the u.s. .
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it's friday february first him in washington d.c. meghan lopez and you're watching r.t. . well we begin with news coming out of turkey today two people are dead after a suicide bomber attacked the american embassy in an carra the turkish guardedness and a visiting turkish journalist were among the victims the obama administration has now called this act an act of terror target and terminus minister says that the bomber was known for being a leftist radical group member the group's name was the revolutionary people's liberation party front he went on to say that the motive may have been different than motives of islamic militants now this comes on the same day that hillary clinton steps down for from her post as secretary of state and just days after a contentious capitol hill hearing dealing with the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi secretary clinton was largely loud it for her demo by her
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democratic colleagues for boosting america's image abroad particularly in the middle east president obama took that praise of hillary clinton just a bit further i think hillary will go down as one of the flight of searchers states we've had but if you look at the most recent polls the u.s. has largely seen unfavorable in the muslim world so today on her last day in the obama administration cabinet i want to spend some time examining secretary clinton's legacy and that of the u.s. in the muslim world earlier today i was joined by author and historian dr webster tarpley who shared his opinions on clinton's legacy with us. i think or record is one of the most dismal of modern times maybe catastrophic would be would be a term for this the reset with russia that she touted so much is dissolved into animosity the u.s. is pushing nato anti-ballistic missiles right up to the border of russia the so-called pivot towards china and asia is interpreted i think correctly by the
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chinese as an attempt to encircle them trying to take countries like burma and turn them into u.s. puppets where they have been friendly to china latin america u.s. influence is probably at an all time low and if we look a little bit more specifically into the areas so the middle east to the greater middle east afghanistan she supported that surge what has that led to just a lot more losses they wanted of course to export the afghan civil war into pakistan she hasn't been able to do serious harm to pakistan but i think it's when you get to libya and syria that you see the real dimensions of her of her malfeasance here we have the united states in order to maintain influence and control reduced to the level of destroying nations and indeed destroying the fabric of human civilization itself because she knew and she had absolutely no good reports from embassador forward and ambassador stevens who are doing these things
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that the the guerrillas the terrorists the al-qaeda death squads that she was sending in to overthrow gadhafi and providing them with air cover and similarly the groups that she has urged on to attack syria these people essentially mean chaos and the end of civilization as these places have known it ok so let's pass the conversation there you obviously brought up a lot a lot of information but i do want to bring up poll numbers really quickly dealing with the u.s. middle east added to the u.s. recently if we can go ahead and bring us up obviously you see that a lot of people a lot of these countries are seeing the u.s. in an unfavorable light pakistan right now is eighty percent unfavorable. and that went down obviously pretty dramatically after the u.s. when and killed osama bin ladin so looking at these these statistics to us being so unfavorable among so many of these countries i have to ask you i mean does it all come down to hellery clinton and her decisions or or or was it more of
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a broader obama administration approach but of course the it's the new obama approach which it's an attempt to deemphasize conventional military operations with heavy divisions but to use. cyber warfare economic sanctions economic warfare drones drone assassinations assassinations on the ground color revolutions and then this dimension that that is is very open and very blatant after nine eleven to go back to using al-qaeda the way it was used in afghanistan as an open tool of the united states let me also point out the fundamental weakness of hillary clinton she always believes that as a woman she's got to be the biggest warmonger in the room she's got to be the most aggressive and if she's not she goes into an identity crisis now this unfortunately is the definition of weakness that you're so afraid of what you might do or that you have to compensate and that's that's what she does she can exercise any judgment as president she would be the tool of unscrupulous advisers and the one
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who was most bellicose and aggressive is the one that you would listen some let me stop you there because you did just say that that is the tool of the united states surely you care to elaborate on that i mean that's a sheriff various accusation and at the other day clinton in her testimony the previous week said al qaeda was created by the united states as a tool against the soviet union in afghanistan yes absolutely everybody knows that that's written on the walls during the nine eleven phase with bin laden and all the rest of this this was somewhat obscured but now it's out in the open the u.s. wants well hodge these people to take. for libya and the group which they admit is a terrorist group they want that to become the government of syria but what you're saying is something that happened in the one nine hundred eighty s. versus versus the al kind of today do you still believe that al qaeda has never he lacked the people involved in this or have been around them and take robert gates who was secretary of defense until the day before yesterday he was part of this
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operation in the pentagon today you still have somebody in the top five or six michael vickers in the department who actually participated in creating al qaida it's the cia arab legion but at the same time those who have been gone for over a year vickers i think is still there unless i'm going out and that it can happen at a gate well i was i was panetta gates of course but he was he's been there and he presided over the beginning of these these operations with libya and so forth but but take michael because anyway the other interesting point is with the state department get down to the level of sort of technical failures the visa for mood talab the christmas day bomber over detroit if his visa had been pulled he could not have boarded that plane he couldn't have gotten onto the plane for the united states and the state department are the ones who failed to do that so if we look at her record it's a story of failure on multiple points and nevertheless this is balanced by this amazing
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complacency this amazing sense of entitlement that somehow she's going to be coronated the next president i don't think so what are you saying that the state department actually wanted these people to come and say their country and i wrecked havoc we what i'm saying is that that should have been fully and openly investigated and it did come out in a hearing but then the immediately went into executive session and got themselves together to quiet it down so. she's also touted because she's been in one hundred fifteen countries as big new brzezinski one said that's nothing new i travel agents who have been in one hundred ninety countries that was author and historian dr webster tarpley still ahead here on. t.v. u.s. has pushed for sanctions against iran due to their reported nuclear ambitions the sanctions include a ban on iranian oil now there's a new twist in the story and it has a connection with afghanistan we'll explain in just a moment. let
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me let me or john will let me ask you a question. on this this morning is what we're going to debate we are very. pleased with the space thing there's again here it is with the united states on the surveillance we.
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welcome back sticking with the topic of the middle east and more specifically the continued redevelopment of afghanistan a new report out this month found that american officials could have been unknowingly buying fuel from iran for years this despite numerous sanctions that strictly prohibits such a purchase now the report found that the u.s. failed to verify the source of the fuel they purchased for afghan security forces due to a lack of oversight by the department of defense so how much fuel are we talking about well between two thousand and seven and two thousand and twelve about one point one billion dollars worth so how did this happen and more importantly what does it say about the u.s. sanctions on iran to talk more about this i was joined earlier by jamal he's a policy director with the national iranian american consul and i first asked him if we should be surprised that the fuel for afghan security forces could be coming from iran. i don't know that it comes as too much of
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a surprise no matter how much you isolate iran canonically the fact of the matter is iran is going to remain on the physical border of afghanistan it's not going away and so when you have you know tens of thousands of troops amassed there there is a potential that you can end up relying on iran for certain good certain energy resources so i don't think this is a surprise it's one we've actually seen before in i think december november of last year it actually was revealed that the pentagon has depended on iran for antivenom in snake venom. medicine for troops and there was this it was revealed sort of became a controversy that ok potentially we're also violating our own same sions in order to treat wounds that u.s. troops experience in afghanistan because of snakebites and again what do you do about that you know your own is right there and they're the chief producer of this so do you cut them off is that in u.s. interest to be doing the raise
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a lot of questions about the sanctions policy and the ramifications for for u.s. interests but let's talk about that for a minute because obviously as you mentioned iran and afghanistan are close and afghanistan actually gets the majority of its oil from iran i think it's third to a half was the latest estimates of this but obviously the u.s. is trying to draw down its presence in afghanistan so can we really expect the u.s. to both draw down its presence in afghanistan and also monitor the sanctions that are going on there so stringently. it's going to be incredibly difficult and i think that this underlies the fact that the u.s. and iran do share a lot of interests when it comes to the future of afghanistan in terms of the stability of the country you know the economic stability preventing the country for being taken over once again by the taliban which. you know for
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a long time ben and me you were on and so there are all these sort of converging interests and these potential fault lines where these interests can be undermined because of the confrontation between the u.s. and iran i think it's very unrealistic to think that the u.s. is going to be able to leave afghanistan and simultaneously be continuing its policy of you know crippling iran economically and trying to contain it economically when it is such a sort of important integrated part of that area of the world well let's talk about how integrated they are i mean we had the twenty thirteen national defense authorization act that was just authorized recently and they had some of the harshest sanctions against iran but there was an explicit exception and i do want to say this reconstruction assistance and economic development for afghanistan when it comes to iranian fuel purchases says that basically the president can agree to these iranian fuel purchases if it's in u.s.
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national interests so is this undermining the sanctions altogether saying that if it's in u.s. interest we don't have to abide by those sanctions at all or are we kind of in this quagmire where it's either get iran's assistance with this fuel are don't leave afghanistan you know i think that it is a it is a tough needle to thread there and what we need to remember is that the same sions are supposed to be. protecting u.s. national security interests the problem is that we have lost sight of what those sanctions are supposed to achieve. have become sort of an interest and to themselves we've lost sight of the fact that so missions are supposed to be sort of a tactical form of getting leverage over iran that is then used at the negotiating table to try to carve out a deal to try to you know have something to offer and give and take and they've become a strategic objective unto themselves we had. the hearing yesterday with chuck
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hagel being considered for secretary of defense and you once had this cheerleading of the sanctions as if they're sacrosanct as if they're this amazing policy that have done so many good things for us when in reality if you look at the last ten years of. u.s. policy on iran we haven't actually achieved a whole lot we've done a lot of things in terms of we can iran's economy and sort of ratcheting up the pressure but iran centrifuges are still still spinning we're on the precipice of a war and now with afghanistan we're facing these really tough questions about can we continue to be anime's with iran and not engaging with iran while we're trying to leave afghanistan in some sort of stable fashion well i think the other question that remains to be answered is really what the u.s. envisions for afghanistan and more importantly what afghanistan in vision is for afghanistan in the future meaning that obviously you know afghanistan asserts that it's going to be completely independent of the u.s.
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so do is america i guess for saying afghanistan's hand and having the same kind of sanctions the same kind of harsh rhetoric versus iran that the u.s. has does it make sense yeah it's that's a problem that the u.s. is also you know facing with iraq as well and you have you have these areas where there are natural shared interests between the u.s. and iran but because of this standoff between the countries yet you're having the u.s. trying to tell you know the iraqis to not be allies with the iranians are telling the afghans to not be economically involved with iran and that's just that's frankly impossible that you know nobody's going to come here and tell the united states to not be economically integrated with canada or mexico and so we frankly we can expect the same thing of of countries that we have invaded in are now leaving.
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and so you know this is it's an opportunity for engaging iran and finding those areas of shared interest and the iranians are not being good themselves on this issue either you know they have rejected by a lot of talks on this issue but i think that this is one of the few areas where we actually have seen in the past you know in two thousand and one and in the aftermath of the invasion we did see productive negotiations between the u.s. and iran where they actually were working together. to achieve those shared interests that has now been significantly undermined and is not currently on the table but i think it's something that's worth exploring as we figure out a way to sort of crack this nut that we're facing with regard to that entire that entire area so you're arguing that just because we disagree with the nuclear program proliferation of iran that there's other areas that we can work on together in order to both the warm up the relationship with iran as well as solve some of the issues that we're currently facing in the middle east and part of that is just
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the fact that where not in the middle east you know we have outside our kind of perspective and they have a very much insider perspective but let me ask you this i mean on the other hand you know it is american money that is going into this fuel and everything we're not saying that all of afghanistan has to buy only you know russia and our other fuel we're saying that they cannot buy it for afghan forces or for nato forces so isn't that fair to say considering that it is after all our money well we're saying that not just stand we saw that the the entire world that if you buy. in oil energy products we are going to sanction you we're we're going to lock you out of the u.s. financial system which really means you are on your own as far as the global economic system those are extraterritorial sanctions and those are sanctions that we have imposed on the entire world now. you know president obama has worked.
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europeans and so there are now these multilateral sanctions in place but the reality is that the majority of our sanctions are the us telling our allies what they can and cannot do regarding iran and when it comes to you know china india or you know afghanistan and iraq we may reach a point where those countries are no longer willing to sort of toed the line and go against their own interests in order to adhere to a sanctions policy that increasingly doesn't look like it's actually aimed at resolving the nuclear issue but looks at sort of this looks like this sort of long term. containment policy designed to turn iran economically into another you know north korea to malabo a policy director for the national iranian american council thank you so much for joining us thank you. from afghanistan to cuba now where the judge overseeing the second round of pretrial hearings for the nine eleven terror suspects has ordered the u.s. government to remove the offstage censorship equipment from the court room army
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colonel james poles decision to remove the equipment came after the white noise machine was suddenly activated in a pretrial hearing without the consent of judge poll earlier this week in happened when the defense attorney mentioned the names of several secret cia prisons overseas where the five defendants were held before they were taken to guantanamo bay it turns out that an identified a security officials outside of the courtroom could censor the proceedings that the public and the media view on a forty second delay colonel cole went on to say quote this is the last time that any party other than a security officer inside the courtroom who works for the military commission will be permitted to unilaterally decide that the broadcast will be to suspended after all only the judge has the authority to close the courtroom so no one but the courtroom security officer should be pushing the censor button apparently not even
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colonel paul was aware that the cia had the power to censor the carryings without his permission well as you can imagine this revelation only fueled the defense case further defense lawyers use that incident as new evidence in their claims that the tribunal was unfair the defense filed an emergency motion to pause the proceedings until they can determine what this offstage center said technology was actually used for and whether their confidential conversations with their clients was actually private so is this a win for transparency well not quite the trial can still be censored and most likely will be censored but under the control of colonel pole and not the cia. coming up on r t from immigration to health care the u.s. is still facing. serious problems but can a government that's deeply divided actually solve a problem of the nation coming up a look at the broken system here in the u.s. .
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here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that the americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares enough about what. our schools you know what kind of terrorist cells they want to wish to feature isn't the only liberal the christian. solicitous the snow the super to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break the set. up.
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let me let me i was going to let me ask you a question from. here on this network and this one right in the brain we have a nice sound from. the previous this time it was a space thing there is again you're in a situation where the united way to talk about the surveillance me.
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i think. we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old until she told the truth. i am a total get a friend that i will grab because he is excellent and. he was kind of yesterday. i'm very open with you it's please. welcome back well the more things change the more they stay the same for years after first being elected president obama still faces many of the same challenges
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during his second term despite the legislative victory of obamacare many issues still remain with health care overall also on the docket as immigration which promises an uphill battle with and i newly elected congress party's adriano said i'll take a look at these issues and asks the question is the system broken and if so how can it be fixed. the affordable care act was passed nearly three years ago but continues to generate controversy designed to help fix a broken system well confusion and disagreement over its implementation do meant to failure already twenty five governors all of them republican have declined to participate in the insurance exchange program this online exchange was supposed to help americans find the best deals for their health coverage the exchanges aren't the only obstacle this past week reports surface of a possible glitch in the overall law that if not corrected would leave many including families uninsured in particular children bruce lesley president of first
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focus estimates that almost five hundred thousand kids could remain uninsured as a result adding the children's community is disappointed by the administration's decision to deny access to coverage for children based on a bogus definition of affordability. now on to immigration a problem but the president has identified as a big issue looking for a solution listen to him here. to fix a system that's been broken for way too long. and it's breaking the bank too in a time of tightened purse strings the united states spends five point five million dollars a day on immigration detention that's according to the national immigration forum the obama administration has deported a record number of people more during his first term than president bush and both of his and there are eleven million undocumented people in the country many are looking for an avenue toward citizenship just this past week in the senate the
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so-called gang of eight came together and released a series of recommendations to serve as a road map for immigration reform seem like a great bipartisan moment when politicians put aside their differences to work towards improving the country but is congress even capable of that anymore and it's no secret that americans have little confidence in the people they've elected to serve on capitol hill according to public policy polling the picture is a rather. bleak fifty six percent of americans prefer being stuck in traffic has been dealing with congress give us confidence exactly have a sterling reputation during this time yet forty one percent of americans seem to think he's better than those on capitol hill and finally americans seem to consider congress members bigger past than cockroaches in fact the last congress was so divided that they passed fewer laws than any other american legislature since the one nine hundred forty s. they did not pass a budget they did not pass an agricultural bill and they essentially held the country's finances hostage over the debt ceiling but do.


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