tv [untitled] February 2, 2013 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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julie tortured not and others princes. has been officially charged by police she denies all allegations against her meanwhile the government stands resumed the action it took against the hospital was the right thing to do. these doctors managed to control the emergency unit in the first floor of the hospital and started to perform political acts when a hospital is journeyed to a base for political ethnic work this is a real disaster we had an unbiased committee investigating the hospital condemn the acts of these doctors and the case against one of the members of the world family may seem as an indication that bahrain's government has bowed to the negative global reaction with the doctor scandal being far from the only torture accusation c.c.t.v. cameras have been installed at all prisons in a move to become more transparent according to the authorities but with protests in the gulf states still continuing and accusations of human rights violations
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intensifying the opposition is still wondering what happens in the places where the cameras cannot see. reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. well gary's government is expected to suspend the russian finance construction of a new nuclear power plant this comes after a national referendum voted in favor of the project about how weather was deemed invalid because of the turnout said it was halting construction because of the high cost of the plant although some experts suggest well gary's allies in europe and the us fiercely protrude could mean energy dependence on russia and remain offshore says authorities did their best to bring the bow down. you have to take an. approximately forty years and the. country also both so we're losing very safe. once.
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you are supporting or just. more. approximately twenty percent just because of the efforts of the. majority but the fifth. special new special commission in the parliament. just for that is the people of all the support for both even in these conditions the union vote. if economists in the u.k. how warned a recent heavy snowfall in britain could push it into a triple dip recession independent retailers are already phrase a struggle to keep growing as it is but the artes part of boca went to see one ancient business which has turned the tide and is thriving with a little help from its friends it's older than buckingham palace and tower bridge and it's been a local store in the heart of rural east england for three hundred and seventy
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years visit as you stumble across the village shop in this remote region of norfolk say that it's like you know a sess in the middle of the desert. it was faced with going out of business until twenty five villages stepped in raise five thousand pounds to keep it open and offered to walk them for free i couldn't live in this village without. the community nature of the village with. the free workforce allows it to stay open and breakeven i think people are happy in their lives by working for free and it's actually quite therapeutic to come in and do something knowing that your contribution has a meaning a purpose isn't. it just heritage and we want to make sure he does continue for the next generation volunteers who run the say that there are two secrets to success the locally sourced produce means that that propping up the local economy take for
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example your free range eggs delivered from a nearby village there's a second recess secrets alerts the famous chocolate biscuits customers travel far and wide for this homemade treat but even with volunteers staying open is hard the onslaught of major national chains is immense buying power it tempts shoppers with food sold for next to nothing has killed off thousands of independent british shops leaving ghost villages and now wait well obviously we're up against supermarkets and we all use supermarkets but to be able to have a local store which does local produce and it's something where you can chat to people you meet everybody the gossip goes on in here is amazing it would be dreadful if we'd all sit through something like this you can never get it back again and they're not alone in getting together to save their small shop from extinction there are three hundred other communities stores in some of the u.k.'s most rural pockets winning customers by knowing that retail means detail. in really
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difficult economic times but they really punching above their weight shops are offering something. very often quite different from what a supermarket is. offering for example they offer cafes they're offering postal services they're offering somewhere to go in and talk to your neighbors and your friends and if working for free is what it takes to keep it hearing and shop open and so be it you know jane you. really do it's the kind of spirit that could see this tiny store weather the worst and hopefully stay open for another three hundred years polly boy r t north norfolk u.k. it was one of the bloodiest battles in human history under a turning point in world war two seventy years ago the soviet union gained a victory in stunning defeating the nazi war machine on bought and followed the commemorations. the parade in modern day volgograd is to mark the end of that
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terrible battle seventy years ago with a parade by troops the laying of wreaths from various delegations and the assembled crowds here remembering all those people that died there as many as two million the top estimates say there's also a little bit of control to see surrounding the name stalin graft the city is now called volgograd. but the city administration say that they want on certain special days to once again refer to it by its old name stalingrad which is a controversial decision given its connection to that controversial figure stalin himself but as for this parade today this commemorative events it will forever have the connection the word stalingrad not with this place but with what happened to him. seventy years ago the nazi war machine failed at stalingrad.
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here a reconstruction of the german surrender and dre is playing the part of friedrich polis promoted the day before to field marshal by hitler in a bid to stop him capitulating. when paul is realized that hitler wanted him to commit suicide he said he wouldn't give him such pleasure and he chose to live with the nazi germany this military disaster was the moment hitler's hubris really caught up with him for the soviet union it was at last a decisive victory over the invaders the ravitch so much of the country this basement of stalingrad the largest department store had become palaces last headquarters soviet officers entered to find it packed with wounded starving and freezing german soldiers this is what had become of what had started out as the largest army the world had ever seen. the velma six army had surged up to the city
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in the summer of one nine hundred forty two hitler wanted to clear the way to the oil of the caucasus but stalin grad but first a sideshow became an object of obsession for both him and stalin fyodor fort for his very life battling house to house as the germans and their allies took ninety percent of the city took the quest and don't bother with our anger it was how the ball there was a re were firing and when we went to get water from a it was water and blood mixed with us. in november soviet commander of sprung a huge trap cutting german forces off from their supply lines surrounding them inside the frozen city by the end of january it was all but over the city was a ruin only the few biggest buildings remained standing. she was bogus but you know i'm still in harbor far people it was very important because finally we stopped retreating our offices in general started to learn how to win
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a stunning gratin as many as two million people died in the battle their bodies still being discovered today but although the red army and the soviet people didn't know it yet they had reached a turning point in the bloodiest war in human history tom barton party. after the break out is going to talk to former presidential foreign policy unless harry and flynt leverett about america's approach to iran. asco actually caused a fiasco by singing a song highly critical of president obama ironically at a concert in honor of his second inauguration according to the huffington post he was thrown off stage by security for insulting the dear leader the sounds really bad like something out of one nine hundred eighty four were thugs come out of
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nowhere the second you say something out of line about the party. to the song loop it was singing had been going on for thirty minutes at that point this rant was more like a hip hop filibuster stopping the whole show and dragging on and on and on the so i think security just wanted to silence him in general not silence his anti obama opinions so you know next time when you want to bring up obama's drone usage or total disregard for the constitution then keep it under three minutes and everything will be just fine but that's just my opinion.
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i'm joined by hilary lever it. form and lists for both bill clinton and george w. bush administrations two of america's most informed middle east experts their new book is called going to tehran which offers a way out of the current diplomatic crisis it's called why the united states must come to terms with the islamic republic of iran thank you very much for coming washington seems to be very happy with the sanctions there quickly in the arena and economy why should they change policies now why should they come to terms with iran sanctions are not going to work sanctions have not worked we've seen sanctions imposed on the islamic republic of iran for thirty two years we saw crippling sanctions in effect imposed on iran during their eight year war with iraq from one thousand nine hundred ninety eight we saw at that time half their g.d.p. was
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a racist half of it and still the islamic republic of iran did not surrender to hostile foreign powers the idea that now that sanctions are going to force the islamic republic of iran to surrender to what it sees as hostile foreign powers and their demands there is no place for that in the history of the history of the islamic republic of iran and frankly there is no basis for that anywhere the united states imposed crippling sanctions for example on saddam hussein's iraq for over a decade killing over people half of them children and even then saddam hussein's government did not implode and it did not concede to the demands of hostile foreign powers it took a massive us land invasion to do that the ability to stand in the other side's shoes to show that you can do it is key to diplomacy i think you would agree with that but everything the u.s. has done so far showed you read the opposite of that starting from the u.s. helping get rid of their democratically elected leader in the fifty's putting the
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shah in power much hated figure in iran what can the u.s. do to. now to show iran that they respect their national interests the first thing that has to happen is this basic acceptance except in some of these lawmakers republic as a legitimate and rational actor. this is the model that nixon and kissinger used to pursue the diplomatic opening with china in the early one nine hundred seventy s. it's not their achievement was not that they started talking to. the united states have been talking to beijing for years but it was this very narrow kind of dialogue very focused on grievance american grievances toward china and what china was going to need to do to to bring itself in line with american preferences nixon and kissinger flip that on its head they said we are going to convey to the chinese
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both in words and in actions that we we accept the people's republic of china and on that basis the rest of these issues can be taken care of that's what enabled this dramatic turn in american diplomacy toward china that's what we need to do toward the islamic republic of iran to accept it and then to back that up with concrete actions in terms of rolling back covert action programs in terms of stopping economic warfare against iran but what are the chances for diplomacy i mean iran is surrounded by u.s. military bases by nato patriot missiles they have to sanctions that are crippling the iranian economy it seems there's more ground for blackmail now than for diplomacy unfortunately i think that is the american hope that we can still force course out that's what the united states has been doing really since the end of the
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cold war we have focused on coercing outcomes by as flynt said projecting enormous amounts of conventional military force into the middle east to course political outcomes and we would you know before one thousand nine hundred one we were somewhat restrained in doing that because of the cold war if we put in too many million many troops we were afraid that some. you know the soviet union would so in a sense that constrained us and force the united states to really rely more on soft power more on having a narrative after the class and so i mean the end of the cold war we i think left the left that out we put the you know under the table we focused entirely on trying to force political outcomes and what we've done in iraq and afghanistan has underscored the very important limits of that and i would add that libya we were able to take out saddam and take out moammar gadhafi but what we're able to put in its stead what if everything fails what is your worst case scenario missile it comes with i think my worst case scenario is that the united states. starts
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another war in the middle east to disarm another middle eastern country weapons of mass destruction that it does not. and that the damage that the backlash to this does to the american position. makes. how much damage was done the american position by the invasion of iraq makes that will quite trivial by comparison that's my worse case i want to ask you about the new face of the pentagon chuck hagel he allowed himself to say right attacking iran is a stupid idea and i believe you also called for direct negotiations do you think we could see direct negotiations any time soon with chuck hagel in the ministration well he i think that that former senator hagel has taken courageous positions on iran on a range of issues and i admire them and respect them and the concern i have is that
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he is being nominated for the wrong job to carry out those positions his defense secretary if he is a if he is if he's approved to be as defense secretary he will not be the person in charge of creating or implementing strategies of iran or any other foreign policy issue. here. he will be at the defense department doing quintessentially defense secretary things in this environment which is to cut the budget and try to keep the united states out of another war now that peace try to keep the united states out of another war could have impact here but the problem is he what he could potentially try to keep united states out of another war without being able to either to offer a vision for another way to deal with this challenge the islamic republic poses a real challenge for the united states and a real challenge to israel in the region that challenges to significantly constrain both the united states and israel's preferred strategy for the region which is to
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project force whenever wherever and whatever degree we want unilaterally the islamic republic of iran challenges that not with tanks so that they go and park their tanks in other people's countries they challenge that with their narrative they oppose that viscerally at its core chuck hagel said some very unflattering things about the israeli lobby that they're quote unquote intimidating a lot of people in washington and also they are to say american interests should trump is three of the interests if they conflict and that is a subversive thing to say here in washington could be a career killer can you name some key points where u.s. and israeli interests conflict i think it is very much in america's interests it's not a favor to iran it is in america's interests to come to terms with the islamic republic to accept safeguarded enrichment of uranium as the basis for a deal on the nuclear issue israel's ability to impose its hegemony in gaza or
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southern lebanon is not an american interest it may be an israeli preference it's not an american interests i think american interests would be much better served by a kind of rational. political settlement to the palestinian issue that palestinians and other middle eastern. will see as legitimate there is no way that open ended israeli occupation of palestinian lands will ever be seen that way and i think that's you know very much against american interests and i think in a similar vein it's but i would take us to a similar vein to a plan laid out i know but i would take it a limited more broadly it's very difficult for the way that israel is structured politically for it to accept and buy into and support what i think would be an american interest which is that all of the states in the middle east be able to have much more participatory political orders they can support even more broadly
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beyond its borders because a country like egypt which i think the israelis see today is very much a threat in terms of how it's developing if it becomes any more reflective of its population's preferences histories interests religion is going to become by definition less interested in allowing israel or being ok with the policies that israel has developed to use force coercively whenever wherever it wants along its borders or with its within its own population palestinian population under its control when the problem is the united states backs it and so this is the contradiction he was back at the same time it calls for democracy in all those countries and so that's what rings hollow i think for many arab and muslim populations is that it's not a real call for the by the united states for democratization what the united states is just trying to do is so chaos and civil war like we're doing in syria we're not really trying to get democratization in syria or political participation in syria it's so in chaos and destruction i think that's how many people see it and that's
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how it is unfolding what do you think israel is going to do next what do you think their strategy with regards to iran i think they have you know more or less come to the position that if you ron is going to be struck it's the united states that's going to need to do it and so i fully anticipate over the next next to yours so that prime minister netanyahu. he and his government will be putting a lot of pressure on the obama administration that iran is approaching whatever red line that you know who draws that it's time for the united states to step up to the plate and deal with this problem in a decisive way and even if they don't succeed initially in persuading obama because they will leverage it to get more sanctions on iran to get other kinds of pressure on iran they will try and keep iran. do you think president obama appointed chuck hagel as a message to throw that's difficult to say maybe we'll see but i'm skeptical that
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obama really is out to redefine to be america's relationship with israel and i would add to that in addition to the. point that we have the appointment of john brennan at the cia who i think is someone who the israelis are just fine with who will continue many of the covert programs of course our drone program but many of the covert programs that would be under his under his authority at the cia and that will be very much to israel's liking that will serve to undermine any attempts or any possibilities for we are coming to terms of the islamic republic of iran there is an argument often made in washington that bashar last fall would be a strategic victory against iran what can you say about an approach like that first of all at this point iran's most important arab ally is no longer syria it's iraq thanks in no small part to the united states iran's most important strategic ally in the arab world is iraq. even in syria you know bashar al
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assad is still i don't know is imminent and even if you reach a point where he might feel like he needs to abandon damascus or something like this you're going to still have big chunks of syria that are effectively under good control of his government under his security apparatus syria might at that point start to look more and more like a kind of. you know failing state with different regional warlords in different parts of the country but that is not a situation which is good for american interests first of all or a situation in which iran you know is somehow doesn't have influence or or an ability to act in ways to protect its interests in the situation the idea that somehow we can just have these short term marriages of convenience to arm train and
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fund really in that lane a sunni islamist jihadist groups in syria in syria against the islamic republic of iran that just this time it will work and that somehow secular democrats are going to come to power yeah that liberal secular pro-american democrats will come to power it didn't work in afghanistan and it's not going to work in syria thank you so much thanks so much for coming q thank you very much. to teach.
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