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tv   Headline News  RT  February 3, 2013 2:00am-2:28am EST

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the five goes on there are violent crime downs by egyptian police in cairo protesters demanding the resignation of president mohamed morsi. his robe faces an international backlash over its alleged airstrike on a damascus research center in syria which reportedly killed at least two people. to do us political elites indorse new secretaries of state and defense with neither expected to train much on america's foreign policy. the latest news and the week's top stories this is all see with me thanks for joining us for us turmoil in egypt has entered a second a week with the opposition stepping up calls for president mohamed morsi to resign
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the latest wave of van and project so one person killed and more than five fifty injured in clashes near the presidential palace. brutal crackdowns by police on demonstrators and reports now for a lot of for us from cairo. i personally witnessed a lot of police brutality there's been a criticism of the place in the ministry of interior i'm off the footage was broadcast of a protester stripped beaten and trying to cross the tarmac i saw this with my own eyes it could just but i this balcony the man who did the picture and he was just into any threats towards the police caught his trousers by his i'm close with dragged face down and then a hit with truncheons before being taken off in a vehicle and later i also saw police go down an employee of a restaurant just off the front line the man was trying to get home he said before the police officer armed with bird shot to shot him he fell to the ground the mistakes taken by an ambulance this comes our protest is three more talks on the
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palace yesterday after which the security forces have reclines with the excessive use of tear gas many people are condemning the police this morning saying this is another example of all police brutality that making security forces hands of one of the key demands the resolution something the president must address there are still people on the hurry square and protest plans in the future opposition forces are not backing down there has been calls from both sides for dialogue the president said and so it's also a dialogue with the opposition forces ahmed el baradei one of the lead is of another salvation front said he would engage in dialogue on the condition that they would be the day the government would be to resign and national salvation government would take over and the constitution would be revoked the president himself has said he will move this into these are preconditions we do see this you see this kind of company any time in the future so we expect the violence in the streets the protests across the country in the coming weeks. they dipshit prime
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minister has meanwhile had his car pelted with stuns and bottles in cairo's tahrir square according to local media mostly while not decisive measures in dealing with dan rest with the military enjoying expanded powers during a months long state of emergency the president made a brief trip to germany but cancelled his paris visit due to the rest journalist and political activist while ask that most is european travels only serve to increase tension in his own country is going to the europe trip to secure funds perhaps for for egypt but what will you do with these funds when he's very hesitant and they you know he cannot even run his country how do or she left at a time when the police were exercising a stream brutality with a lot of people killed in the port. so where is him imposing
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the emergency law which he. promised he would never would. so so it's actually has been present and i think he's just trying to secure international relationships so that he can oppress the people you know back in his country the french box intervention in mali has been marred by alleged human rights abuses with activists accusing the german forces of killing civilians torture and ethnic reprisals by the local army the horizon to genocide and boy says he was deeply disturbed by the reports and taint an exclusive firsthand account from one family who fell victim to the intervention. grosser there as one of us has but the war became a real nightmare for the people of this small city in the segura region it was one of the first places bombed by french warplanes before more jihadists arrived sweeping south towards the capital bamako the french intervention left a pile of debris and ashes that's just the visible traces of the war they left it's
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a billions who are left with the scars that will last a lifetime one family paid a deep price for this conflict against the islamist terrorists one of the family sons was killed by a jihadist soldier inside his own home. one brother was attacked by a group of militants the rich children among them he started running and got back into our house but they followed him one of the children fired at him but missed and then another insurgent shot him inside the house my brother fell and was riddled with bullets we laid his body in the house we couldn't bury him because we were afraid to go outside. just because this is just one example of the terror that the conflict is putting mali and civilians through plaguing the weakest the most no one was surprised when india bali once jihadist troops arrived it was discovered that the majority of the military were heavily armed child soldiers and the french president during his visit to mali is said terrorism has been repelled but not
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wiped out for us our laundry traitor's their operational go on for as long as necessary while calling for elections in mali this july and who was in montreal from the independent party african research organization says the local government's primary goal is to enrich themselves and bad guys. what this intervention does is strengthen the arm of a group of junior officers who took control of the state and who just simply. doesn't mean the reports we get from ali from bamako is wholly troops just simply control everything and not interested in any kind of development they're only interested in acquiring wealth for themselves they go in they rob banks complete impunity they control the economy now and with complete impunity they are now the sort of. i guess you know suburbs. of the french in the
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u.s. but their real agenda has been to sell of mali to to the french or to the corporations mollies a place with the north. of all worlds uranium book site gold and so on and there's no doubt that french canadian operating interests clearly interested in occupying that territory on wednesday news of a zero as strike on syria broke they are breaks land israel for its alleged strikes describing it as a flagrant aggression and a violation of syria's sovereignty mosco said that if that is confirmed it will be an abuse of the u.n. charter c. rist as israeli jets destroyed a military research center near damascus killing at least two western diplomats and syrian rebels claim the target was an arms convoy near lebanon's border destined for hezbollah militants israel has kept the sun and about the reports the alleged attack follows multiple fire failed attempts by rebel groups to storm the complex
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iran greater a fear that it will continue to support syria in the face of foreign aggression and abayomi as a key way at an african news wise as it's all part of a wider plan to bring down the syrian government. well it's quite interesting that the israeli government as well as the united states has not officially responded to this provocation against syria it is inevitably a situation in which they are opening up a nother front in the war against the government of bashar al assad part of that strategy of course has been a deployment of patriot missiles in turkey which is also a nato country on the border with syria the syrian government has been quite resolute in his campaign against these rebels over the last two years although the rebel organizations many of which are backed by the united states and the other nato countries have caused a lot of disruption and dislocation inside of syria they have not shaken the result of the syrian government to maintain its position of authority inside the country
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so this is of course is another effort on the part of the backers of these rebels to further weaken and destabilize the government in damascus. and the has been a hang from a breakthrough in efforts to broker and then to syria's conflict russia's foreign minister ahmed benito with the opposition syrian national coalition on the sidelines of a new nick security conference both parties agree baz a mountain to climb before negotiations between rebels and the government can happen on his persona has a nice house for us. this is the biggest security conference really in the world and arguably syria is one of the biggest security issues in the world right now sergey lavrov sundown for a meet saying more is out of the t.v. he's the leader of the syrian national coalition the foreign minister of russia coming away seemingly quite happy from the meeting he said upon his arrival back in moscow that swell. the syrian national coalition seemed willing to speak with
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the current syrian government citing the fact that the whole reason that the national coalition exists in the first place is because they had previously refused to talk to president assad however sergey lavrov did err on the side of caution saying that there was no guarantees that this dialogue would take place bringing up the point that the coalition is so frank amended they can hardly really agree with themselves never mind sit down to open negotiations with the current syrian government syria featured very highly in the address that was given by surrogate love rove to the the security conference he also told directly to russia's western partners as called for unity and trying to bring in an end to the violence and bring discussion to the forefront rather than talk of international intervention he does however raise a few questions towards russia's western partners suggesting there was it worth
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while pursuing their mantra of regime change in countries like syria at the expense of terrorist acts being cast a blind eye to as those acts take place against the civilian population and the the syrian army we also saw around two thousand people gather elsewhere in munich in protest against what they say is they just continuing growth across europe that was relatively peaceful but it was also a topic that had been touched on by surrogate lover of in his address where he said that there was no real need for nato to expand in the way that it was in those two thousand or so people in the city also voicing the similar opinion. coming your way in just a few minutes. we don't even realize how much of a police state the united states has become the problems he talks to form a cia officer who became a whistle blower on america's torture program on doesn't always have to said to him
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to hop is in prison. on greece's labor ministry headquarters turns into a battleground as hundreds of protesters with police about him and pension cuts or port shortly after this break. the news today violence is once again flared up. in these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. choose your language. killing the kid with zero in federal custody still some.
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choose to get consent. to the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact the. choose be access to. this is coming to you live from moscow welcome back the u.s. political establishment is continuing to endorse new chiefs senator john kerry was sworn in as u.s. secretary of state this week while defines truth nominee chuck hagel was grilled by the senate hagel sees military force as a last resort and the u.
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which has attracted both admiration and criticism on american politicians on some experts believe washington is far from finished with its foreign military campaigns who's in charge of the plant that president obama was elected in two thousand in a way that you know the same kind of hope to me as it was there with shutting down get momentum in these wars and fighting the right kind of wars but then we find out when the you know after the deal is done after the elections are over the nomination process is over we continue with our war footing around the world no matter what the politicians come before those cameras and tell you what the key factors are that we need to take care of it be a social safety nets or the economy or or jobs being created in this country the united states will always have money for two things you can be rest assured bakers and bullets we already see the headlines coming out of the mainstream media talking about the sequester and how this is going to get our military we will have nonstop propaganda being a bombarded out of the people that fear reducing the budget of the military so i'm
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absolutely confident that every secretary of defense will have a very very loose pocket book to spend to keep spending us into oblivion. the first man convicted of america's prison torture program is waiting to stand up to and harvey had sentence but decorated cia veteran john kiriakou didn't interrogate anyone his crime was to tell the world about washington's then secret program and one of his finally into these before being locked away he told us he exactly what he thinks he's being punished for first of all my case was not about leaking my case was about torture when i blew the whistle on torture in december of two thousand and seven the justice to department here in the united states began investigating me and never stopped investigating me until they were able to patch together. charge and force me into taking a plea agreement and i'll add another thing to when i took the plea in october of
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last year the judge said that she thought the plea was was fair and appropriate but once the courtroom was packed full of reporters last friday she decided that it was not long enough and if she had had the ability to she would have given me ten years in this post nine eleven atmosphere that we find ourselves in we have been losing our civil liberties incrementally over the last decade to the point where we don't even realize how much of a police state the united states has become you know ten years ago the thought of the national security agency spying on american citizens and intercepting their emails would have been anathema to americans and now it's just part of normal business. the idea that that our government would be using drone aircraft to assassinate american citizens who have never seen the inside of a courtroom who have never been charged with a crime and have not had due process which is their constitutional right would have
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been unthinkable and it's something now that happens every every so often every few weeks every few months and there is no public outrage i think this is a very dangerous development. so we head for you fighting to stay afloat we'll take a look at how one of britain's all the local shops the way to survive against the domination of super stores and a struggling economy. that's later but now bog areas government is expected to suspend the russian financed construction of a new nuclear power plant this comes after a national referendum voted in favor of the project the vote however was deemed invalid because of a low turnout the government said it was halting construction because of the high cost of the plant although some experts suggest balgair as allies in europe and the u.s. fears the project could mean energy dependence on russia and remand charo says authorities
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did their best to bring the bow down. you have to get to go the value we're using clear nuclear power or approximately forty years and the source of. all three books that we're using very soon for very real world. once. usually supporting nuclear power or just. more with. approximately twenty percent just because of the efforts of the majority but i think you've created a special new special commission in the parliament just to just go there is the people look to have all the support purple but even in this condition. economists in the u.k. how warned recent heavy snowfall in britain could push it into a triple dip recession independent retail is already faces triangle to keep growing
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as it is but also his point to boycott went to see one ancient business which has turned the tide and this thriving with a little help from their friends. it's older than buckingham palace and tower bridge and it's been a local store in the heart of rural east england for three hundred and seventy years visitors who stumble across the it's hearing a village shop in this remote region of norfolk say that it's like an oasis in the middle of the desert. it was faced with going out of business until twenty five villages stepped in raise five thousand pounds to keep it open and offered to work there for free i couldn't live in this village without. the community nature of the village and the free workforce allows it to stay open and breakeven i think people are happy in their lives by working for free. to come in and do
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something knowing that your contribution has a meaning and purpose isn't ours it is heritage and we want to make sure it does continue for the next generation volunteers who run the say that there are two secrets to success locally sourced produce means that that propping up the local economy take for example your free range eggs delivered from a nearby village there's a second recess secret that the famous chocolate biscuits. travel far and wide for this homemade treat but even with volunteers staying open is hard the onslaught of major national chains is immense buying power attempts with food sold for next to nothing has killed off thousands of independent british shops leaving villages and now wait well obviously we're up against supermarkets and we all use supermarkets but to be able to have a local store which does local produce and it's something where you can chat to people you meet everybody the gossip goes on in here is amazing it would be
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dreadful if we did it because once you lose something like this you can never get it back again and they're not alone in getting together to save their small shop from extinction there are three hundred other communities stores in some of the u.k.'s most rural pockets winning customers by knowing that retail means detail so operating in really difficult economic times but they really punching above their weight community shops are offering something. very often quite different from what a supermarket is. offering for example they offer cafes they're offering postal services they're offering somewhere to go in and talk to your neighbors and your friends and if working for free is what it takes to keep it hearing him shop open and so be it you know jane you. really do it's the kind of spirit that could see this tiny stall where the worst and hopefully stay open for another three hundred years polly boy r t north norfolk u.k.
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and some other news stories making headlines this hour and news just in at least thirty people have reportedly been killed in coordinated attacks in iraq the suicide attackers targeted police headquarters in the northern iraqi city of kirkuk and of course we'll bring you more details on that as we get them also a roadside bomb attack in the southern province of afghanistan the family of five two of the victims were small children they were traveling by car when it ran over an explosive device it's not known whether the family was targeted on purpose. in spain riot police clashed with hundreds of protesters in the capital madrid outrage or sparks after prime minister ali denied corruption allegations to resign or has been accused of receiving more than two hundred fifty thousand euros in bribes over a decade the opposition is planning more demonstrations across the country if he
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doesn't step down the pictures you're seeing right now are among the first from. formed international media news agency ruptly. in greece thousands of supporters of the extreme right golden dawn party marched by the u.s. embassy in a torture late procession there were chanting and to u.s. and anti turkish slogans to commemorate a border incident that caused a crisis between greece and turkey seventeen years ago at the time a greek helicopter crashed over a disputed island in the adrian sea with the turkish military accused of shooting and. greece was also hit by a steady strikes this week this time protesters were angry at an imminent round of cuts to pay and pensions hundreds battled with police after storming the building of the labor minister's office and lord george could regardless as there were also as his response was part of the new approach. the government has decided to follow up one of the seals ziva told us it sais i guess that is
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distance to your state to measure us so we have steamed the government to take the medicine measures but they are of course to do so another idea is that they sent stocks and now we have seen the order that would least like very violently against identity peaceful and calm demonstrations when it seemed the last three or four weeks i complained of propaganda try to convince us that now their worst is becoming best there is i don't believe that this is that is exactly because we are following this same set the forces of was thirty minutes that is that the four three he us has condemned greece plus five of slow death that these three say sort of economy one talks in of they going to meet on a third source of measures but when i see some of the book releasing and also the socialites i think that as far as where four of these said that of this is there's
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not much. turns up her shoulder break alice he travels to one of the coldest regions in the wild so look at how people survive the opening extreme weather conditions that. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv
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aids lives within a year of. over sixty percent of those patients i diagnosed with this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns if people really focused on this problem you certainly should be able to a lot less a lot less human suffering. the
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republican here lies the some special nomad camp of how. it is situated four thousand four hundred kilometers from moscow and two thousand kilometers from alaska. yes yes come here. what's wrong with him. take a look but he has also. yes he can't get much food from under the snow because of the pain in his leg he's lost weight and needs a vet. contact base right away. to. the nearest villages.


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