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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2013 3:30am-4:00am EST

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fragile people on our team. sigrid laboratory. was able to build the most sophisticated. mission to teach me. this is why you should care only. represents the. people who are going to take the term.
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in the traditional. the way our economic system currently is not going to. cut.
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the old. was was. this is i say welcome back medical workers in crisis look to bahrain say that being targeted by the authorities for treating injured protesters doctors say they were tribunal has been a survey while the government insists it's investigating the allegations i was his a dictatorship skillets not those trist for trying to help nada dhaif was among a group of doctors who were trying to help the injured during a protest in bahrain she claims that after violently crushing the dissent the or forty's turned their attention to her and her colleagues who were providing first
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aid they deny. health care to the patients and protesters. the doctors did not obey the orders for such do you dream decided to punish those doctors i was taken to a place for ten days that i didn't know where it was. all that time i was blindfolded and handcuffed i was in a solitary confinement for about twenty one days. and they would just open the door of the cell and beat me up and he there was a member of the royal family who directly was responsible of my thought she she was beating me and she looked at me almost two dozen doctors were arrested back then this for the fuel the anger of the protesters and turned the hospitals grounds into the scene of the rally the some money hospital is bahrain's leading medical
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institution and that's where most of the arrests have been made after those events it now looks like a fortress guarded heavily by the right police and not everybody can get a human rights activist say if you had suffered for speaking out against the regime and decided to come here for treatment you could make matters even worse for yourself anyone who was injured from the protests they cannot go to the hospital because they would be arrested in the gated beaten and taken to the jail last year many protester and in jail where torture insults and money we have a story and testimony of people and protesters being tortured and the jail but in my country protests there were tortured inside. britain not who was charged with treason and sentenced to fifteen years in prison before being acquitted because of what she believed to be international pressure on bahrain's government the fate of many other doctors remains unclear the person who allegedly tortured not and others
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princes have been. has been. really charged by police she denies all allegations against her meanwhile the government stands resumed that the action it took against the hospital was the right thing to do. these doctors managed to control the emergency unit in the first floor of the hospital and started to perform political acts when hospitals turn into a base for political ethic work this is a real disaster we had an unbiased committee investigating the hospital it condemned the acts of these doctors and the case against one of the members of the world family may seem as an indication that bahrain's government has bowed to the negative global reaction with the doctor scandal being far from the only torture accusation c.c.t.v. cameras have been installed at all prisons in a move to become more transparent according to the authorities but with protests in the gulf states still continuing and accusations of human rights violations
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intensifying the opposition is still wondering what happens in the places where the cameras cannot see. reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. economists in the u.k. warned recent heavy snowfall in britain could push her into a triple dip recession independent retailers already faced a struggle to keep going as it is but also as part of work i went to see one ancient business which just turns the time down there is thriving with a little house from its friends it's older than buckingham palace and tower bridge and it's been a local store in the heart of rural east england for three hundred and seventy years visitors who stumble across the village shop in this remote region of norfolk say that it's like you know a cess in the middle of the desert. it was faced with going out of business until twenty five villages stepped in raise five thousand pounds to keep it open
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and offered to work there for free i couldn't live in this village without. the community nature of literally the free workforce allows it to stay open and breakeven i think people are happy in their lives by working for free. to come in and do something knowing that your contribution has a meaning and purpose isn't. it just heritage and we've got to make sure he does continue for the next generation volunteers who run the stop say that there are too secrets to success locally sourced produce means that that propping up the local economy take for example your free range eggs delivered from a nearby village there's a second so recess secret alerts the famous chocolate biscuits customers travel far and wide that this homemade treat but even with volunteers staying open is hard the onslaught of major national chains has immense buying power attempts with food
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sold for next to nothing has killed off thousands of independent british shops leaving villages and now wake up against supermarkets and we all use supermarkets but to be able to have a local store which does local produce and is something where you can chat to people you meet everybody the gossip goes on and here is amazing it would be dreadful if we lost it because once you lose something like this you can never get it back again and they're not alone in getting together to save their small shop from extinction there are three hundred other communities stores in some of the u.k.'s most rural pockets winning customers by knowing that retail means detail. in really difficult economic times but they're really punching above their weight so shops are offering something. very often quite different from what a supermarket is. offering for example they offer cafes they're offering postal services they're offering somewhere to go in and talk to your neighbors and your
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friends and if working for free is what it takes to keep it hearing and shop open and so be it you know jane you know. i really do it's the kind of spirit that could see this tiny store whether the worst and hopefully stay open for another three hundred years. i see north norfolk u.k. . it was one of the blonde his battles and human history and a turning point in world war two seventy years ago they saw that union snatched victory in stunning grant defacing the nazi war machine the epic battle opened a string of red army victories that so years later led to the fall of the in his tone bottle full of now the commemorations and this is. the great modern day volgograd to mark the end of that terrible battle seventy years ago with a parade by troops the laying of wreaths from various delegations and the assembled
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crowds here remembering all those people that died there as many as two million the top russian is safe there's also a little bit of control to see surrounding the name stalin graft the city's now. but the city administration say that they want on certain special days to once again refer to it by its old name stalingrad which is a controversial decision given its connection to that controversial slugger stalin himself but as for this parade today this commemorative event if we'll ever have the connection the words stalin grabbed not just with this place but with what happened to him. seventy years ago the nazi war machine failed at stalingrad. here a reconstruction of the german surrender andrei is playing the part of palace promoted the day before to field marshal by hitler in
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a bid to stop him capitulating boulder's when paul is realized that hitler wanted him to commit suicide he said he wouldn't give him such pleasure and he chose to live. for nazi germany this military disaster was the moment hitler's hubris really caught up with him for the soviet union it was at last a decisive victory over the invaders the ravage so much of the country this basement of stalingrad largest department store had become palaces last headquarters soviet officers entered to find it packed with wounded starving and freezing german soldiers this is what had become of what had started out as the largest army the world had ever seen the six army had surged up to the city in the summer of one nine hundred forty two hitler wanted to clear the way to the oil of the caucasus but stalin grad but first a sideshow became an object of obsession for both him and stalin fyodor forte for
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his very life battling house to house as the germans and their allies took ninety percent of the city thought the quest and i don't. read it was how the ball there was a re were firing and when we went to get water from it it was water and blood mixed us. in november soviet commander of sprung a huge trap cutting german forces off from their supply lines surrounding them inside the frozen city by the end of january it was all but over the city was a ruin only the few biggest buildings remained standing. she was bogus by the name saloon bar but far people it was very important because finally we stopped retreating. this is the general started to learn how to win a stanley grant as many as two million people died in the battle their bodies still being discovered today but although the red army of the soviet people didn't know it yet they had reached
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a turning point in the bloodiest war in human history. up next to director brian de palma about spies invasion of the military that powers america that's in just a few moments. rep or loopy fiasco actually caused a fiasco by singing a song highly critical of president obama ironically at a concert in honor of his second inauguration according to the huffington post he was thrown off stage by security for insulting the dear leader the sounds really bad like something out of one thousand nine hundred four where thoughts come out of nowhere the second you say something out of line about the party. to the song loop it was singing had been going on for thirty minutes at that point this rant was more like a hip hop filibuster stopping the whole show and dragging on and on there and on
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the so i think security just wanted to silence him in general not silence his anti obama opinions so you know loopy next time when you want to bring up obama's drone usage or total disregard for the constitution then keep it under three minutes everything will be just fine but that's just my opinion. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of each and over sixty two percent of those species i diagnosed with aids this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns that people really focused on this problem you certainly should be able have a lot less h i feel a lot less human suffering. for
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. four. mission impossible director brian de palma it's great to have you with us because all of our stone who wrote the script to one of your best known films scarface said in an interview with r t that americans are living in
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a well in state it might not be oppressive on the surface but there's no place to hide so eventually some part of you is going to end up in the database somewhere according to historian peter cause nick figures government intercepts over one point seven billion messages a day are you aware of it they like it understood now or was paranoid because i like myself a very strong. views about what our american foreign policy is and so needless to say i've probably been followed around since the sixty's because i made very political antiwar pictures of me in the sixty's. so i sort of accepted basically. and my last picture for the picture or back to. my country because i was criticizing our foreign policy and the fact of what the hell are we doing in iraq. these terrible things happen when you put these
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young boys in these worlds where they don't understand what they're fighting for why they are. so i can understand why all over things were being followed all the time we probably are your drug we docked it which still is what the war in iraq provoked political debate in america with claims it portrays the us soldiers and i guess if light. sensitive to such critique even your film's title makes it clear that the truth about the war in iraq has been edited and he didn't fund them eric and public unfortunately america you can never say anything negative about the troops even though they're over in a country they shouldn't be doing things where a lot of innocent civilians are getting killed. they're all valued warriors. well i think our foreign policy is incorrect i don't think we should have been in iraq it was i think we were lied to by our government and what happens when you put
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young boys in situations where they don't know why they're there there and it's even worse than being because not only are you wouldn't terrible environment where everybody basically wants to kill you. and you walk around and suddenly the earth explodes and your best friend just lost his leg. you. to test the people you're supposed to be fighting for. and you do crazy things and that's what to redact it's about and that's what cancer does a war was about. these wars make no sense and crazy things happen here if studied the phenomenon or rather the pathology of violence for a while for decades why is america so keen to get involved in conflicts whatever they hop on from afghanistan to libya shooting first and thinking later many
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things in here that we are repeated over and over again that you know sort of. create this and this atmosphere one is america is the greatest day shouldn't in the world i don't know how many times i've heard that they say that in russia do you say russia is the greatest nation in the world or not so i often i yeah and why are we a lover of the world why are we in countries you know we have you know a military presence all over the world why because we're the policemen of the world who who who decided this you know. so consequently we get ourselves in a lot of trouble but you know there's also an economic thing according to president obama an economic recovery has begun but america cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and
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a growing many can barely make it where we sell. planes guns rockets missiles though these countries all over the world so you know that with that's one of our biggest industries it's our biggest export defense america spends as much money on military security intelligence as the rest of the world combined you know you're dealing with a big you know economic reality you know the idea that we would cut any money to the defense budget is like unbelievable let's get a few more planes let's buy a few more ships for what you know we're going broke doing this and there's like you know it's like what eisenhower warned you know the military industrial complex watch out it just grows and grows and grows and nobody can seem to stop it barack obama has been recently sworn in for his second term but you don't seem to be very happy with his achievements oh no i think obama's trying to change some of this but
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here you're dealing you know our country a very split we have kind of the liberals and he the cosa we have this kind of very conservative center of the country and that's why it's a difficult to get anything done in the congress. i mean what do we have guns what about guns all over the place you know we're slaughtering children and people think oh well maybe we need more policemen in the school rooms i mean you know it's crazy but guns is big business and they like to sell guns that we're probably the only country in the world that has guns all over the place following the mass shooting at the elementary school in connecticut in december the los angeles police department has decided to deploy six hundred police patrols at the elementary and middle schools do you think increasing police patrols could help hold violence some
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say that the real purpose of the police build up at schools is to make kids used to their cars. presence of police and the growing atmosphere of fear there was an incident in china were you when somebody went to school and attacked all the children fortunately he only had a knife so is mentally better to stab a few people and kill no word when you have automatic weapons that can fire and one hundred rounds i don't know in ten seconds you it's crazy and it's like these are the kind of things that make no sense in america and are obviously after this last terrible tragedy they're trying to make some changes in the gun rules oh so i can buy an automatic weapon with a magazine that holds two hundred bullets to go hunting it's absurd but these are the kind of things that does drive you crazy i mean it makes no sense whatsoever zero dark thirty the controversial years drama focusing on the decade
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long manhunt for a summon bin laden has been slammed for excessive violence and depiction off torture to find such criticism fair enough absolutely no big surprise we tortured a few people to find out where the terrorists were wow. i can't believe that america torturing people what's going on in guantanamo bay those poor guys have been there forever is the war ever over. maybe we should waterboard the bit little bit but only been there for ten years where does this glorification of mode and so to come from well i think the use of torture in. the big movie is very realistic. in a way i don't know why everybody so surprised or upset but the fact that you would say that americans actually torture people is like possible but it's ridiculous of
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course they torture people. i like most of the action packed crime dramas targeting men your latest passion is if it were exclusively about women and for women now in the past some ladies have actually accused you of being a missile engine ists is this sex not the three your final answer to them well i had made it through in quite a while and the producer really made religion a french movie it was approached in toronto when it was shown there was a american producers point who wanted to make an english version of his and there was so much interest in making an english version he decided to make and sell so he was a buyer my film so he sent the film to my agent and i looked at it and i had made it through in a long time and i had sort of taken a couple of years off because i had you know daughters in school and i kind of
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like the idea plus i like you know making a film in paris or out of piracy louis ultimately shot at berlin. i like working in europe i like living in paris and i like the characters that you know these two. aggressive women fighting for power within the advertising agency i like women i have worked with women my whole life i went to a school as a graduate school it's a. lauridsen which i was the only male amongst hundreds of women so i'm very used to being in large groups of women i'm used to working with women i get along with them i don't know where i got this pathologist reputation because i love to shoot women out of the dress them up i love to make them look beautiful oh of the follow them around with cameras because they are appealing to my eye and this movie was full of women they had we had the two competing executives we had the
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assistant that's in love with her boss and then we have this beautiful russian ballerina so what more could i ask for thank you very much. more news today violence has once again fled the fighting these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for a shelter today.
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