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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2013 2:00am-2:30am EST

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that's. a. good. run over there a little. french forces take control of a strategic your in your mind a nice dress questions mount over the leadership and direction of president francois hollande. syria's president warns of possible retribution up to israel's show only means behind a closed border as strike close to damascus. and the spanish prime
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minister visits germany for e.u. budget talks a brief response from the economic crisis and corruption scandal engulfing him by power. news from russia and iran the wall this is all a c. with me hello and welcome to the program france has send its military to in the effort to strengthen security at one of the country's biggest your rainy i'm miles nisha as president says efforts are being made to avoid a similar situation to last month's hostage crisis in neighboring algeria the french military campaign has been in northern mali it was for several hundred kilometers from the mining sites so the facility is. operated by
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a french mining giant a major player in a country which is the world's fifth largest producer over a new france heavily depends on nuclear power for its domestic energy makes up nearly seventy percent of the total israel so so discontent among mine workers last year who protested against working conditions and wages many believe you should raise cattle france is editor security and french president all around countries come to his economy because as maria finished our reports there are increasing doubts about whether or not it can turn it around. well president on land is welcomed as a liberator in mali have to france's military operation against the islamists occupation back at home crowds are also gathered between the stockley different mood where people are fired up over the continued decline of europe's second largest economy despite the president's promises to create at least one hundred thousand new jobs the nation is shedding them at an alarming rate last november
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about a thousand every day the worst figures in years the country's unemployment is approaching a shocking eleven percent with more than three million jobless the french daily lives and claims that the exact situation could be even worse if official statistics included youngsters never registered for the unemployment program or those who left it and those stuck with part time work the paper says the rate would then triple but there are certain if you are older people expected to have a strong president and now they understand that on doesn't have enough experience for competence to improve things the last two weeks as we see from small cute and. a silly no believes the strategic mistake was to rectify the e.u. so-called three percent treaty force in france to reduce its budget deficit down from four point five percent by hiking taxes and cutting spending. but while harsh criticism expected from. the opposition disapprovals also been growing from like
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minded left wingers complain but i think the president especially of a country like france one of sixty you founders should be strong enough to say stop to others and say hey i have my nation behind me and they elected me to make changes instead he surrendered because he's more worried about the country's debt and the ratings agencies make. in a short video french communists put together some of our lawns major presidential campaign vows none of which they say came true but what that's what led to the value added tax increase. i think it's an appropriate and unjustified and unreasonable and too hasty. what happened to well that's to remind the president you remember you promised to review the european treaty you didn't do that here in germany bring said a three percent deficit isn't real but now only say it's possible etc etc you can't not do what you promised meanwhile recent polls show
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a little rise in the fringes of the breaking into four percent in january to december first forty percent the lawyer says he wants to office in may. every week that is a new subject to discuss in the french media and to draw people's attention from the real problems like gay manager deployed you are now molly the strategy may work but not for long. after a long and won the french election last year some analysts described his victory as a victory against his predecessor such a course he probably never mind now obviously many people passed that change in the . months of the lungs presidency have been anything but sunny opponents and even his one staunch supporters predict even harder times lie ahead for the leader of the country's municipal elections in two thousand and fourteen have historically held great significance and will show whether the voters can forget and forgive. me
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for our team from paris. president bashar al assad says syria can take on any for that confronts it while accusing israel of trying to destabilize the country it was his first public statement since an alleged israeli airstrike inside syria last week israel's defense minister has given the strongest indication yet that the i.d.f. was behind that attack on his policy and now reports. it does come from the israeli defense minister it would be broke and he has said that it is proof that when israel says something it means that he did stop short of actually a third being israel's involvement now u.s. officials have said that the strike targeted an arms convoy that was carrying anti aircraft weapons from syria to lebanon according to the israeli defense minister ehud barak he said that we do not think and i'm quoting that syria should be allowed to bring advanced weapons systems into lebanon it is important to make the point that his comments does not constitute acknowledgement of israel's involvement
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in the strike but it certainly does suggest the possibility that it took place and it was responsible for it but also said that the syrian president bashar assad's fall is imminent and that it would serve as a major blow to his and iran need to look at this israeli strategy and it's a strategy that israel has employed in the past and that is namely a strategy of silence it is strategic it doesn't give any kind of confirmation or any kind of denial of what israel has done in the past as launch an attack then leave and it really its response has been a no comment which really leaves the question in observations minds it is a culture lated moves because this simons allows israel's enemies to save face and thus reduce the risk of reprisals and it's collation against the jewish state of course the international fallout from any kind of israeli strike in syria would create immense arguments in the international community we've heard for example from moscow who says that if indeed israel did carry out the strike it was an attack on
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a sovereign state and as such it breached international law and the arab league has also condemned the strike saying it is in violation of international law and it is purported against a nother sovereign state so israel of course will not want to come out publicly and acknowledge that it carried out such a strike because it would not want to have the kind of diplomatic complications and diplomatic fallout that would follow from such an admission. and to beirut based middle east expert only risk says damascus has covert means to retaliate against any israeli attack for now i don't believe that there will be all out military warfare although we have to remember that. law is one of syria's allies iran is also one of syria's allies and it's important to note here that the the head of the supreme national security council the iranian supreme national security council side really is currently in syria or so more not respond directly with a direct you know conventional army to conventional army warfare but there might be
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other means used targeting for example certain israeli officials storing the trouble for israel in general and i think that that's something would syria is an expert at doing syria has on the side and also on the his father has been a source of concern for a very long time for the israeli side of his role one to fall because this will basically break down the iranian husband last syrian access which is the biggest threat to the not of your government. with another round of talks on the e.u. budget looming the lido the block strongest economies meeting the leader one of the weakest in the attempts to lay the groundwork for a new deal the german chancellor is hosting this punish prime minister back home in madrid mariano rajoy is battling a corruption scandal and doubts over his handling of the economy and he speaks on of the reports not from the late. it could very well be called a meeting between the euro zone's haves and well quite frankly the have nots as
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german chancellor angela merkel sits down to talks with the spanish prime minister mariano what are quite germany still widely regarded as the euro zone's the only real success economically while as many fear that spain could go the way of greece now the spanish prime minister will receive the full welcome of germany including full military honors holidays he was to turn up at the doorstep of many in his own country he may face severe criticism that's because many spanish citizens still think he hasn't done enough to deal with bank has the same basically the bearings are a huge incredible feast run only by greed the government's not helping the people the topping the banks it has been at least thirty or fifty times the issue but in the last month there was three people they were going to be if you have to find out how it is but they hang themselves before the police were right there only any i
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feel really sad when someone is thrown out because he has no one who can take care of him. this meeting between the leaders of germany and spain comes ahead of a very important summit taking place this week where european leaders will try and decide on the budget something which is separate said countries within the union thus far. and economics professor at boston university laurence kotlikoff says to overcome the banking crisis you need to revamp the whole system and make it more transparent and exclusive interview with us he says are not easy he says that's the lesson to be learned from america's in bottled financial system. the traditional banking system the model is one of very high leverage banks borrow a lot of money promised to repay and then there's opacity they they take the money
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and they do something with it but they don't tell you what they're doing with it so it's a very unstable situation when you promise people things and then you don't show what you're doing with their money and then and that's what happened in lehman brothers and bear stearns and. merrill lynch and all these companies that one on one under one after the other everybody started worrying because they couldn't see the assets so what we need to do is. get rid of this faith based banking we need to have. no leverage and we have to have transparency. and you can catch the full interview with economist laurence kotlikoff as a chain forty five jancee and just ahead for you this hour. the subject coming up
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a polygraph test now are guilty until proven innocent and tens of thousands of americans are forced to go point to groff tests and identifying national security risks i mean delegations that beyond and will. also has done at the direction at the bolshoi theater says he knows who threw acid in his face seventy severely damaging his eyesight with gold the details on that just a few. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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download the official t. application if you so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television well it just doesn't matter about what your mobile device says you can watch your t.v. anytime anywhere. this is aussie life from moscow let's move on now. although scientists say lie detectors are unreliable in identifying national security risks more than seventy
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thousand of americans each year are tested on them washington is promising to draw up a new national poll a growth policy for the allegations that u.s. federal agencies are exceeding their legal and ethical limits to determine who can be trusted oh he's a marine of worth not talk to those who believe a polygraph is a tool used to incriminate the innocent. for more than three decades john sullivan worked as a polygraph examiner for america's central intelligence agency today the retired cia employee is offering some strong opinions about the nation's lie detector policy too many honest people are too many people who should be passing their tests aren't and i and there's no there's no accountability for that. last year more than seventy three thousand americans were reportedly required to undergo polygraph tests in order to get or keep jobs with the federal government according to an investigation by mcclatchy newspapers a growing number of u.s.
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agencies are asking employees and applicants intimate questions that extend way beyond the realm of national security probing matters such as sexual conduct financial matters and past personal relationships a woman was pressured to talk about her experience being molested as a child and when the polar bear for said that he refused to go on with the interrogation he alleges that he was pressured to go back and continue interrogating or a decade ago the national academies an organization advising washington on scientific matters urged the feds to stop using polygraphs as a screening technique scientists found that polygraphs aren't reliable enough to prevent innocent people from failing and deceptive candidates from passing i think it's important to understand that the polygraph is not just. for screening it's an interrogation tool. there's
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a question that they trip that leads to indication of deception the drilling down on all questions that they get asked may well be quite true over the past ten years. at least fifteen federal agencies including the n.s.a. and f.b.i. have reportedly continued or expanded their polygraph screenings with nearly five million people having access to classified information or washington maintains that polygraph testing is the most effective way from preventing secrets from being leaked lisa ribicoff is an independent polygraph examiner and investigator who uses the polygraph program designed by homeland security she contends that it's ninety eight percent accurate i do think that there are some questions pertaining to some emotional aspects and personal situations should not be included but i do understand why they're included on the basis of that the government needs to see
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how exactly what their breaking point is what are they willing to discuss what are they not willing to discuss however applicants who are denied a coveted position after failing a polygraph are prohibited from accessing the records of their interrogation and are often barred from contesting the results were filing complaints in federal court in two thousand and four the cia veteran who conducted lie detector interrogations for thirty one years failed his own screening there was absolutely no question in my mind that the test was wrong. this was a terrible test sullivan lost his security clearance and was denied a job with a federal contracting agency he claims his examiner falsified the results possible retribution for solving his book detailing america's polygraph system subject for polygraph tests now are guilty until proven innocent and i think that's a. corruption and an abuse of the process the obama administration is now promising
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to draft a new national polygraph policy that would prevent agencies from pushing legal or ethical boundaries during screenings but at the moment the program has no oversight or accountability meaning tens of thousands of u.s. citizens will continue getting personally probes in the name of national security bring up or not our team in new york. so do you go to a website and find out how dead children have been used for spying in the u.k. for decades and a new report says that for which calls have been stealing the identities of dead children and using them to go on to cover against political acts of a. call. on line for you ron is preparing to upgrade its nuclear plant in the process giving a political headache to israel's prime minister times to build a new governing coalition find more analysis at all to talk.
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more news today. again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations are today. wealthy british soil the sun. is not on the title. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report.
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download the official location to you so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter about what your mobile device says you can watch or see anytime anywhere. how again this says let's move on now. so they had over. eight companies traveling to germany two weeks after having acid thrown in his face sergei filin will have the treatment that to help him fully regain his eyesight and let's not get the details from going to out of the hospital where he was taken to the at. how is finland's recovery going house going looking and feeling that.
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well by the looks of it according to phil and himself actually he is doing rather well surprisingly well actually he did thank the doctors for doing everything in their power to pull him out of a very difficult situation that he found himself in did suffer third degree burns and those are very severe to his face and neck he was wearing glasses and you're up with patients for the journalists just a couple of hours prior to just a couple hours earlier he said he's full of hope for full recovery and he's full of willpower and he actually looked very enthusiastic and upbeat about the whole situation of course considering his circumstances actually he did appear to be quite so on his road to recovery of course everybody is hoping which he will make yes and has there been any breakthrough as to who wants behind sold.
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well at this point to than do the did not want to talk about the investigation or anything concerning the case about the acid attack which in middle of january he said that there is a very serious investigation going on and he does not want to say anything so as not to interfere with that but he did praise again the investigators themselves he said it was all amazed by the progress that they have been making and he said that he is hoping by the looks of it. more details will be voiced by the authorities in the coming days or weeks and he actually seemed to be. very enthusiastic about that as well. right thank you very much for that update she's in reno i'm going to. try some other stories from around the globe in the u.s. people have died after a boss collided with a pickup truck on a narrow mountain highway in southern california dozens of others were reportedly
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injured and treated at the scene a passing passenger car was also caught in the accident they rode was reduced to one lane causing a major traffic jam. in bahrain government forces have once again clashed with until regime protesters and brutal areas share gas was used against the crowds hurling petrol bombs or rain has suffered almost daily violence since an uprising began two years ago and a public call for greater freedom from their monarchy the horses are accused of oppression under severe quieted down opposition activists allegedly illegally jailing and torturing some to keep them quiet. and egyptian man who was taken i was beaten they can in this and make it in the streets of cairo during demonstrations on friday says riot police also blade had previously accused opposition protesters of being behind the times footage of her murder suburbs treatment of the hands of uniformed officers that were shown on state t.v.
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further in here eating the crowds storming the presidential palace calling for president morsi to quit. and ailing cuban leader fidel castro has voted in parliamentary elections making a surprise public appearance after months of not being seen in the hour and a pastor has kept a low profile since an illness in two thousand and six and in the last three elections voted from his home speaking on state t.v. here praise the policies of venezuela's president hugo chavez who is currently recovering from cancer surgery in havana for the first time in two decades cuba will elect a new head of politics. come on the year and up next report on the occupy wall street movement in the u. us and the word aid has brought any change in our american all time special report .
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secretary of state hillary clinton recently testified to congress in regards to the attack on the us consulate was killed an american ambassador in benghazi libya during the testimony couldn't rather calmly said things like that the revolutions that sprang up during the arab spring like in libya where the events in bali have created instability and safe havens for terrorists and she made it clear that there is no doubt that the algerian terrorists had weapons from libya so the us secretary has basically admitted that the actions of the usa and nato have caused a mass instability that has allowed the seeds of terrorism to grow when the justification for most of the actions in the muslim world is to stop evil dictators who harbor terrorists or spread shouting democracy if libya would have been left
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alone algerian terrorists wouldn't be getting any weapons from it now this is like an exterminator accidently or maybe on purpose actually feeding the roaches in your basements that there are ten times more of them and then saying that he has to keep working because he's the only one who can get rid of the roaches people like hillary clinton who support funding brutal jihad as rebel groups to overthrow governments to somehow bring about stability and democracy are either dismally stupid or consciously running a very brutal con game but that's just my opinion. that's
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america. and i worked for. my father is a seat of the way and an assistant to the man i'm speaking with here vice president of cedar. a district one chris shelton one of the group's c.w.a. represents the rising workers and as of june two thousand and twelve the horizon workers he represents have been working without a contract for over a year except this round of contracts is different the risin is trying to break you everything my father worked for his whole career could be gone within his lifetime so many diverse people who are many walks of life that recognize that we are the not percent of the time of record profits of rise it is the very same people that have made good. on a rich corporation that they now want to you will benefit acceptable from up they want to feel their eyes that it should be the poster child for corporate greed because of all the money they make so much at trying to do to us and everybody else that the body saves about seventy million dollars next year what do you think this car negotiations is really about this car negotiation is about destroying our
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standard of living this is cooperation is trying to get what they want that they've been trying to get for the last twenty five years and we cannot let them and that's right occupy wall street smarts is not on message are exactly the same corporate greed is destroying this country that we cannot let it slip we have built very close ties with the communication workers before september seventeenth we were already supporting the fall markers and responded by supporting us we went to their last rally at the headquarters they marched back in the park with us and some of them slept there they're going to be in a tough struggle that's why we're having this relationship with labor labor seen as relieved they are i never expected when i first started contacting unions that the response would be so enthusiastic but the labor movement has been kicked around now for quite a while and they have to fight and i see people for.


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