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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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france intensifies its assault on the hideouts of islamic militants somalis border with algeria as locals in the liberated cities claim that campaigns come at a high cost to civilians. the most comprehensive claims yet of illegal rendition and torture in secret cia prisons around the world emerge in a report released by a top american n.g.o.s. also reporting that israel considers building a buffer zone reaching far inside syria but its claims of troops and tanks would only be stationed there for security purposes has its delta its.
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life from a new center here in moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day french military forces have stepped up their offensive on rebel bases in northern mali with troops moving into the city of daraa the last bastion of islamist insurgents around eight hundred soldiers from chad of also join the operation meanwhile two senior islamic leaders have been captured fleeing airstrikes on the border with algeria reports now from the war that country. euless knew that if their money because they know what i'm going to look at today in this town in mali everyone is celebrating the capture of two important islamist leaders one of them is mohammed the head of the demon a group which retired a contin book too for months particularly violating the rights of women he was captured along with bob leader of the movement for unity and jihad in west africa
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toerag say he was taken north of keep close to the border with algeria the capture of these two leaders demonstrates what everyone knows the city of go and timbuktu are havens of security in a dangerous wilderness we were ourselves detained by the mali an army when trying to get to the city of any movement towards the north has been strictly forbidden since last weekend when six million soldiers were killed by explosives planted by rebels on roads leading there but this risk affects the stability of the country distances in mali are so big that it is next to impossible to travel safely on the roads so now the region lacks food medicine and fuel specifically in this part of the region and in most there are about seven thousand refugees children suffer the most unless medication is brought into the centers treating malnutrition like the one we saw in mopti would face tragedy becoming. like please tracing malnutrition
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is a necessity in today's critical situation negligence was the cause of malnutrition before but now and then this crisis most children are suffering tizen as it happens in every home where children don't get enough care and could die. as that alternative syrians are being tried to deliver supplies to timbuktu v.n.d. share and spread them to the north from there we also saw many people come to donate blood so desperately needed in hospitals a christian community in the central region of mali has been collecting supplies that as. a war has taken on a religious meaning and when that happens the first. they're hunting us those who are directly linked with religion. despite the fact the war is moving away the situation remains critical a country filled with refugees and deport the health and food crisis is putting eighteen million people at risk of malnutrition is there pressure on us but what is
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what am i going to hear gonzalo lunch or mali for r t. meanwhile mounting reports from cities that have been there were liberated suggests that freedom has come at a cost of french air strikes have reportedly resulted in a number of civilian casualties or two he's a research air from and the city international who just returned from the water in country says the campaign raises many concerns but we were able to register with. see you soon rights violations including a traditional killing we collected testimonies from a large variety of people who told us how some some people. are arrested in the town of civil and then brought in short of where they were treated and then thrown into the well later we had also stories about people who had been i stood and some of them disappeared and regarding the current peace of the civilians who
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were killed in the town of qana what we are asking moved to french and a million armies. should. should be a commission of inquiry just to to know the circumstances of the death of the five people who were killed including the children these people need to have ocean there should be kind of warnings given defensively and population so that they could they could leave the do to seek shelter elsewhere some of the. some more putdowns in mali and they need be seeking refuge in any other place i mean we have been rocking the hostage taking of our kind of some territories begin taking into our stage and bases are concerned also we are concerned about the start there may be a prisoner attacks against civilians who may be accused of collaborating with
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us so we are concerned about. first allegations of a mood of secret cia prisons around the world in violation is that have allegedly been taking place that the new york police funded by one of america's richest men george soros has unveiled a report which claims to detail the operation of these so-called black sites will have no to auntie's going to in washington what exactly are the allegations and what are they based on gonna. this is a very comprehensive report prepared by the open society foundation is not only do they detail torture techniques that were used at cia secret prisons overseas the so-called black sites but also give a list of countries that one way or another protists appétit in cia secret detention and extraordinary rendition operations including by hosting cia prisons on their territories detaining interrogating torturing going to be using it if he
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draws assisting in a tour in the capture and transport of detainees and so on so the list includes countries like of ghana stand australia canada denmark djibouti it georgia germany syria turkey italy the united arab emirates. united the united kingdom yemen and other countries so. while president bush acknowledged that the cia had secretly detained about one hundred prisoners and this report alleges that there were more the u.s. government had only identified sixteen high value detainees italy is the only country where record criminally convicted officials for the involvement in extraordinary rendition operations canada is the only country to issue an apology to an extraordinary rendition victim i'm on here are are with who was rendered to and tortured in syria and only three countries in addition to canada's swayed in
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australia and the united kingdom have issued compensation to extraordinary rendition victims and this report is rife with human rights abuses and it's clear that high ranking bush administration officials bear responsibility for authorizing human rights violations and yet no one was prosecuted because the u.s. government has. classified everything related to its torture practices and any accusation would be dismissed on state secrets grounds the fact is a bomb a promise to do away with controversial bush era practices like torture so what is washington's reaction to this. well although president obama at the very beginning of his first term signed an executive order to stop torture but the executive order did not repudiate extraordinary rendition because the government keeps everything secret there is a lot of confusion here as to whether torture healthy in the capture of al qaeda
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leaders a slew of washington insiders including the senate intelligence committee came out came out and said no torture did not help but regardless of how unlawful or inefficient the practice is different politicians pundits filmmakers here allow themselves to perpetuate all kinds of myths related to torture to an extent when sixty percent of young people in the u.s. now find torture acceptable that is according to a poll by the american red cross but it seems for president obama and his administration torture capture rendition is passe and now they have now they have drones and they just kill the suspects despite numerous reports of civilians dying in those strikes the administration yet again cites national security and refuses to reveal any details but a major development here a sixteen page memo on targeted assassinations which the justice department gave to congress in june was leaked earlier this week so according to the memo the
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government can kill american citizens even without evidence that they are actively plotting against the united states the paper states that the u.s. would be able to kill a u.s. citizen overseas when quote. formed a high level official of the u.s. government determines the target is an imminent threat the paper also suggests that such decisions would not be subject to judicial review and outlines a broad definition a very broad definition of what constitutes imminent threat that's just about killing americans one only wonders about powers that the us government granted itself to kill citizens of other countries going to thanks very much indeed for that he's going to come. live there in washington. the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad's in cairo on his first visit to egypt more than thirty years it's seen as an attempt to improve relations between the two regional heavyweights iran also wants cairo on board with such issues as syria and its own nuclear program
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journalist neil clark told me a little earlier that terror needs all the friends it can get around the strongest ally in the arab world has now been serious serious been a lot of iran or this is the reason why the pro israel lobby why the americans why the saudis etc so keen to talk a sad now there's no such moment the syrian government is about to fall but were it for iran would be even more isolated than it is today and you're in a very dangerous position so they're what makes good sense for iran to be trying to build bridges with cairo are there financial motives behind this meeting where we've got to believe the economies and bearing in mind the situation there in iran with all those sanctions appearing to have a quite an impact on the iranian economy do you do they both need each other i think they do and i think probably more its point of view i think as we see harty going to rest in egypt but people are very unhappy with how things have gone legacy and carry on a look at it and ship people are on the run to be one way that she can say to these people look i'm not just
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a us puppet i'm going to be different here so i think from his point and he could get popularity at home by taking a more conciliatory line toward iraq could be running what if you course they've been pretty good on house i mean the pro israel lobby has been very successful in getting the u.s. and other countries to pass tougher and tougher sanctions on iran he really can use a really bad state so iran needs all the friends it can get there's no reason for iran should be isolated there's no kreutz developing nuclear weapons it's got a peaceful nuclear energy program which there's no evidence to the contrary so therefore it's it's wrong but it should be totally isolated. israel is reportedly intending to create a buffer zone stretching up to seventeen kilometers inside syria now the country's military sources insist the area will belong to syria and they're not invading a sovereign state israel also wants to place infantry brigade and a number of tanks there the stated aim of the zone is to prevent mortar and rocket attacks coming from inside the embattled country it's hoped this would also stop
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radical groups moving closer to israeli territory if assad's government is toppled a security fence is now being erected along the frontier with syria in the southern golan heights but international relations expert dr jamal wakim thinks all this has very little to do with security imposing a buffer zone will make israel and the future. negotiate over withdrawing from this buffer zone rather than withdrawing from the golan heights this is very similar to the attempt of israel in one thousand seven hundred eight to occupy and impose a buffer zone in south lebanon where it was the same claim that it wanted to defend its northern border the objective is to annex more territories and it's at the same time and at them to threaten the massacres that so israel expands its domain by another seventeen kilometers this will make it reach
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close very close to damascus and this is very dangerous to the stability of the regime and with it will give the insurgents like free zone and free base a secure base to launch attacks against the syrian regime so this is in fact them and of israel. coming up later in the program the battle of negative press the u.k. considers deflecting a potential wave of eastern european immigrants without. why they'd be better off staying at home. old. technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images cold world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations rule the day . continues here in r.t. the u.k.
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is looking at ways to curb the wave of eastern european immigrants expected at its doors when remaining and bug area given unrestricted access to the e.u. and twenty fourteen the government is not considering a negative advertisement campaign about the country to make it less appealing to potential movers or these reports. will show many things going for our country the english language testing times brilliant history very creative people some of the best universities in the world a great place to do business we need to stand up and shout about how great britain is and get people to come and invest and visit but that's not the message for everyone the u.k. government is reportedly brainstorming ways to dissuade eastern european immigrants from coming to britain come january twenty fourth teen twenty nine million romanians and bulgarians will be able to live and work anywhere in europe including the u.k. one idea being considered a negative advertising campaign about broken britain while the government considers
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that some creative brits have been all too happy to expose their nation's flaws for all to see as you can imagine not all the romanians living in the u.k. are cleaning the toilets some of them are highly qualified even the understudies there so they find this very aggressive and under society campaigning as one minister per to it a negative ad campaign would help to correct the impression that these streets are paved with gold but even considering how to pull it off would be migrants the british government has managed to offend not one but two whole countries and now one remaining newspaper has decided that rather than getting mad it's going to get even instead. the remaining in spite of campaign. says that since it's so tough in the u.k. brits should come to remain the danes by the british people to come to romania i mean they're here half of our women look like kate and the other half like her
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sister so this is a funny campaign what if you can see behind it there's actually a serious message which is that romania had still valuable resources intelligence and schumer and that britain should take advantage of this next wave of immigrants instead of marking there but the debate over immigration in the u.k. is growing more hostile some ministers have suggested limiting remaining in symbolic ariens access to health services and housing when they arrive i think it will look good on us as a country to do something right about but i can see where where the thought is coming from of having a lot of people coming over here and looking for work and benefits and housing but i doesn't sit well with me really to do something like the immigration story something you want to be careful in a talking about offing is a bit silly to be honest because we're living in the new europe which is open for
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every every kind to which is you know in the union with the financial crisis getting worse britain isn't as attractive as it was to migrants a decade ago english somehow that everybody in the world wants to come to england because in the new jobs of the most finest greatest country. in which people it is that they seem to forget that in the case of remain a difference and remain as a beautiful country loving warm exciting country to live in today when they produce these statistics about thirty million remain and guess what emerged everybody is going to leave and then the last one is to light isn't going to be a single person left and then it really is nonsensical whether or not the anti britain campaign will ever make it to a billboard near bucharest is now besides the point the british government has already made us members feel that little bit less welcome here.
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r.t. london. just to remind you you can always stay updated with all the latest news by heading to our website r.t. dot com it's online all the time here are some of the stories that we have there for you right now or should you log on people in australia or want to stay clear of callista's containing highly toxic chemicals that have washed up on a pristine beach on the country's east coast also a lot of the moment british intelligence is reportedly concerned that the queen of crime agatha christie accidentally spilled one of the country's biggest wartime secrets that story and plenty more for you a lot dot com. speak to language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's when you hear. reporting from the world talks about fifty yard p. interviews an intriguing story to tell you here. in troy. to. visit. the gulf kingdoms of
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kuwait to seeing fresh public against the countries. who have been stepping up their crackdown on dissent for the last two years calls for the rights and democracy are increasingly met with a rest and brutal force as the conservative refused to concede while the west is accused of turning a blind boy by its key arab. reports. you . see. life in the gulf used to look like this. but the black gold hidden beneath the sands transforms the arabian states from inhospitable deserts came storing structures of glass and steel physical testaments to their wealth and power in a wider region known for its tinderbox tensions the gulf monarchies have stood out for their relative stability and for an oil dependent west eager for a military stronghold to counter on the gulf became
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a strategic away since petro dollars have helped to insulate the gulf against economic hardships plaguing other states but not against popular uprisings now the gulf monarchies as a whole have been struggling to stave off the effects of the arab spring with varying degrees of success as largely seen as the most tolerant of the gulf countries but the worry is that the trend could be reversed activists say that it already has been political gatherings of more than twenty people are banned as are political parties and when the last opposition dominated parliament challenge the ruling authorities it was dismissed voting rules were changed to ensure critics. a more compliant parliament speaking out against the system has landed many activists in jail as for those who took to the streets to protest we were beaten up by. the special forces. the sound bombs and but on and after the march whoever is on the street is it just being detained and thrown into jail it's
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a struggle activists in bahrain are all too familiar with. three days after egypt's former president was ousted from power protests began in both reign like the kuwaitis they were demanding an end to the monarchy but more representation at a violent crackdown saw a shift in some of those demands but there's still you got to stop it is that the elite in different areas against the regime against that because i do that the situation the one thousand five hundred prison others we have. every day we have a lot of. security forces some rounding gave us i think the people like that the houses as in other gulf states the monarchy blames the unrest on a radical minority they are hardliners they want to see regime change they want to implement their own style of government and impose on the rest of the population of bahrain
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a system of government that is totally unacceptable these demands called. minster style democracy capitol hill style democracy in golf but critics disagree saying the protesters simply want their governments to listen i want to comes to violent crackdowns he says westminster and capitol hill simply turn a blind eye we are the victims because we live in a country which have the us and the united and they don't care about the people they don't care about the humanity they don't care about the bahraini blood they care about. though you would. rather involve her in saudi arabia qatar oman or kuwait seems like this one are becoming increasingly more common but that's it shows a power which like this one show that the gulf oil wealth alone isn't enough to insulate the countries from people taking to the streets and demanding a greater say in their political system and unless the monarchies show themselves
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willing to listen their stability may prove to be a mirage to see catherine of r.t. kuwait the u.s. and south korea of flexing their military muscles in the east china sea in itself to north korea's recent threat to conduct a nuclear test seoul said the drills are part of regular military training while pyongyang claims it's a plot to attack it human rights lawyer and co-founder of the national campaign to end the korean war eric surat can says washington is only pouring fuel on to the fun it's the worst thing you can do under these circumstances is to inflame volatile situation to conduct these military exercises that always inflame that use live ammunition up and down the border with north korea this is inflammatory on a lot of levels and we need to step back these naval exercises it's like a race to the bottom if you will when are we going to get more creative in the way that we resolve conflict in this world this conflict gives us such an opportunity
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with a new secretary of state new leader in south korea we should be pushing for peace suspend these naval exercises and go from there yes there should be non proliferation of nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula but we don't even recognize north korea as a nation have a peace treaty or formal relations to deal with these matters what do we expect. i'll be back with a news team with wolf in health enough now in the meantime we take a closer look at the occupy movement which has swept across the u.s. american autumn is coming up in just a couple of minutes. wealthy
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british style sun. rising. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports . my name is dan as i made this movie and there are
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a few things you should know about me right from the jump i'm not an expert on the economy climate change or foreign policy i'm also not an expert on sustainable farming systems the history of social movements or lego's the occupy movement has experts on all those things and more not really one of them i'm happily married husband father of two fantastic children i live on a main street in a small new england town with actual white picket fences. i made this movie for you me and everyone we know in the hope that we can create a world where human need comes before corporate greed so why does it feel almost un-american to say that think about it this way just go with me for a second here you know that scene from the oliver stone film wall street when gordon gekko played by michael douglas in a role that would win him an oscar appears at a shareholders meeting of a company paper to defend his actions and his grotesque worldview and delivers the now famous speech where he says. for lack of a better word is good. right greek works.
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greek. and can. just see the evolution. and we. will not be seeing tells us that other malfunction of the. audience is flipped out they cheered everybody in the eighties wanted to be gordon gekko but the thing is this all over stone road is a piece of satire but nobody got it just the opposite all over stone was trying to send up the excesses of the reagan era michael douglas's portrayal helped inspire a whole generation of slicked back hair doos in double breasted seats for adopting the greed is good ethos and pursuing the american dream as it had come to be defined now delivers obscene well for a very few well running poverty and misery down on many and serving as a homicidal for.


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