tv [untitled] February 5, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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if you're away from your television just. now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. france is targeting the last remaining militant strongholds in the north of mali that says civilians in cities liberated by the french led military coalition report widespread civilian casualties. u.s. and geo claims more than fifty countries were involved in america's notorious extraordinary rendition program some going as far as hosting cia black sites for enhanced interrogation of terror suspects are to be asked why so many governments got involved in what activists call state sponsored kidnapping and torture. and president ahmadinejad flies into egypt in what is the first trip of its kind by an iranian leader in thirty years the visit is seen as an attempt to improve ties
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between the two regional heavyweights i made rising tensions with his real. broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t i'm sean thomas glad to have you with us now the french military assisted by local militia has taken the city of the last major city still controlled by islamist militants meanwhile french warplanes have continued striking at the remaining militant hideouts in the far north of the country while two senior islamic leaders have been reported captured but while the advance has been swift the conflict is already taking its toll on the civilians archies gonzalo reports from the war torn country . wirelessly that is their money because they know what i'm going to look at today in this town in mali everyone is celebrating the capture of two important islamist
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leaders one of them is mohammed the head of the demon a group which retired a content book too for months particularly violating the rights of women he was captured along with bob meadows leader of the movement for unity and jihad in west africa say he was taken north of keep close to the border with algeria the capture of these two leaders demonstrates what everyone knows the city of go into book to buy havens of security in a dangerous wilderness we were ourselves detained by the mali an army when trying to get to the city of any movement towards the north has been strictly forbidden since last weekend when six million soldiers were killed by explosives planted by rebels on the roads leading there was this risk affects the stability of the country distances in mali are so big that it is next to impossible to travel safely on the roads so now the region lacks food medicine and fuel specifically in this part of the region in there are about seven thousand refugees children suffer the
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most unless medication is brought into the centers treating malnutrition like the one we saw in mopti would face tragedy i mean. please treating malnutrition is a necessity in today's critical situation negligence was the cause of malnutrition before but now and then this crisis most children are suffering tizen as it happens in every home where children don't get enough care and could die. as that alternative syrians are being tried to deliver supplies to to book to the in the share and spread them to the north from there we also saw many people come to donate blood so desperately needed in hospitals a christian community in the central region of mali has been collecting supplies that has. the war has taken on a religious meaning and when that happens the. first thing they do now is they're hunting us those who are directly linked with religion. get us into despite the
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fact the war is moving away the situation remains critical to a country filled with refugees and deport the health and food crisis is putting eighteen million people at risk of malnutrition is there pressure on us but what is what am i going to hear on gonzalo lunch or mali for r t. two a researcher from amnesty international who has just returned from mali tells us what he witnessed on the ground. but we were able to to register was that to use tonight's violations including a charge to killings we collected testimonies from a large variety of people who told us how. some people are arrested in the town of severity and then brought in front of where they were created and then froning to the well later we had also stories about people who had been
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arrested and some of them disappeared regarding the care of these of the civilians who were killed in the town of qana what we are asking both the french and the new nominees is not they should or should be a commission of inquiry just to to know the circumstances of the death of the five people who were killed including the children because these people need a potion there should be kind of warnings given to the civilian population so that they could they could leave the was to seek shelter elsewhere some of the groups been leaving some of the towns in mali and they may be seeking refuge in other places i mean we have been writing about the hostage taking about kind of some territory beginning taken into a stage and a concern also what we are concerned about is that there may be
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a prisoner tax agreement civilly and who may be accused of collaborating with the armed groups so we are concerned about that. and coming up later in the program all money can't buy you love. rich in the black and gold wealthy gulf monarchies that once took pride in being some of the most stable countries in the region are now shaking under a storm of popular uprisings. a new york based ngo group has released a report claiming fifty four countries took part in the cia's secret detention and rendition program according to the document governments around the world aided in transportation kidnapping and torture with some even providing prisons known as black sites or he's going to church again as the details. this is a very comprehensive report prepared by the open society foundations not only do they detail torture techniques that were used at cia secret prisons overseas to
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so-called black sites but also give a list of countries that one way or another participated in cia secret detention and extraordinary rendition operations including by hosting cia prisons on their territories detaining interrogating torturing going to be using it of the jewels assisting in a tour in the capture and transport of detainees and so on so the list includes countries like afghanistan all australia canada denmark djibouti age of georgia germany syria turkey italy the united arab emirates. united the united kingdom yemen and other countries while president bush acknowledged that the cia had secretly detained about one hundred prisoners and this report alleges that there were more the u.s. government had only identified sixteen high value detainees italy is the only country where court has criminally convicted officials for their involvement in
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extraordinary rendition operations canada is the only country to issue an apology to an extraordinary rendition victim. was rendered to and tortured in syria only three countries in addition to canada and that its weight in australia and the united kingdom have issued compensation to extraordinary rendition victims this report is rife with human rights abuses and it's clear that high ranking bush administration officials bear responsibility for authorizing human rights violations and yet no one was prosecuted because the u.s. government has classified everything related to its torture practices any accusation would be dismissed on state secrets grounds. journalist and historian douglas valentine feels the anti terror measures enforced by america or overzealous . it's what the rise by the u.s. congress by certain very important congress people who believe that they are reflecting the will of the american people in a way go to nine eleven there was
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a huge outcry in america for vengeance for the united states to prove for the government to prove that it was more terrible than the people who watched the nine eleven attack and so the congress believe it had to reflect the will of the american people authorize the cia to do this since nine eleven the government has been able to maintain this attitude that it's required for security to commit crimes and. this is never been necessary before it what it exhibits is what it illustrates is that the government has. since nine eleven more capable of propagandizing the american people by exaggerating the threats that exist in order to perpetuate which probably is a state of emergency that really doesn't exist in which the government is able to portray the united states the greatest military power that ever existed on the planet earth some of it though the person that was being bullied. the truth is
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exactly the opposite still to come in the program and we have more on vice president biden's euro trip after flying visit to paris and berlin joe biden sat down with the british prime minister and his national security chiefs for talks in london. and for the first time in more than three decades an iranian leader is making an official visit to cairo president ahmadinejad is attending a muslim summit to discuss security issues with egypt's mohamed morsi earlier journalist neil clark told my colleague bill dotted that tehran it needs all the friends it can get. brown strongest ally in the arab world has now been serious serious been abroad a lot of iran of course this is the reason why the pro israel lobby why the americans why the saudis etc so keen to talk a sad now there's no such moment the syrian government is about to fall but were it for iran would be even more isolated than it is today and the unit in
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a very dangerous position so they are what makes good sense what iran is trying to build bridges with cairo are their financial motives behind this meeting where we got to believe the economy isn't bearing in mind the situation there in iran with all those sanctions appearing to have a quite an impact on the iranian economy do you do they both need each other i think they do bill and i think from morsi point of view i think as we see harty all the unrest in egypt but people are very unhappy with how things have gone legacy and carry on the violence it and ship people are on the run in one way that she can say to his people look i'm not just a us puppet i'm going to be different here so i think from his point and he could get popularity at home by taking a more conciliatory line towards iran and from iranian point of view course they've been pretty good on house i mean the pro israel lobby has been very successful in getting the u.s. and other countries to pass tougher and tougher sanctions on iran he really commie is a really bad state so iran needs all the friends it can get there's no reason for iran to be isolated there's no proof it's developing nuclear weapons it's got
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you. going to. watch this. from our studios in moscow this is going to be back with us the gulf kingdoms of bahrain and kuwait are seeing fresh public outcry against the country's unelected rulers who have been stepping up their crackdowns on descent for the last two years calls for more rights and democracy are increasingly met with arrests and
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a brutal force as the conservative monarchs refused to concede while the west is accused of turning a blind eye to violations by its key arab allies as reports. you . see. life in the gulf used to look like this. but the black gold hidden beneath the sands transforms the arabian states from inhospitable deserts came storing structures of glass and steel physical testaments to their wealth and power in a wider region known for its tinderbox tensions the gulf monarchies have stood out for their relative stability and for an oil dependent west eager for a military stronghold to counter iran the gulf became a strategic away since petro dollars have helped to insulate the gulf against economic hardships plaguing other states but not against popular uprisings now the gulf monarchies as a whole have been struggling to stave off the effects of the arab spring with
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varying degrees of success kuwait has largely seen as the most tolerant of the gulf countries but the worry is that the trend could be reversed activists say that it already has been political gatherings of more than twenty people are banned as are political parties and when the last opposition dominated parliament challenge the ruling authorities it was dismissed voting rules were changed to ensure critics say a more compliant parliament speaking out against the system has landed many activists in jail as for those who took to the streets to protest we were beaten up by. the special forces. the sound. and after the march whoever is on the streets isn't just being detained and thrown into jail it's a struggle activists in bahrain are all too familiar with. three days after egypt's former president was ousted from power protests began in bahrain like the kuwaitis
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they weren't demanding an end to the monarchy but more representation at a violent crackdown saw a shift in some of those demands because the new law to stop it is that the different it is against the regime against the. he took the ship by gainst the situation and one thousand five hundred prison arms we have. every day with the local. security forces surrounding the gate is attacking the people like that the houses as in other gulf states the monarchy blames the unrest on a radical minority they are hardliners they want to see regime change they want to implement their own style of government and impose on the rest of the population of bahrain a system of government that is totally unacceptable these demands called for a. minster style democracy captain head of style democracy in.
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but critics disagree saying the protesters simply want their governments to listen i want to comes to violent crackdowns he says westminster and capitol hill simply turn a blind eye we are the victims because we live in their country which have their us and the united and they don't get aboard the people they don't care about the humanity they don't care about the bahraini blood they care about. whether in bahrain saudi arabia qatar oman or kuwait scenes like this one are becoming increasingly more common but nasa chose a always like this one show that the dots well wolf alone isn't enough to insulate the countries from people taking to the streets and demanding a greater say in their political system and unless the monarchies show themselves willing to listen their stability may prove to be a mirage lucy caffein of r.t. kuwait. and remember you can always stay up to date with all of the latest news by
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heading to our website r t v dot com here's some stories that we have there for you right now. the famous crime novelist agatha christie managed to cause m i five a few sleepless nights when they feared she may have exposed britain's. biggest war time secret find out online how the queen of crime got under the skin of london's spies. thieves and burglars in chicago may be getting a free pass to go about their business after police in the city said they will deal with such calls when they have time to do so on r t dot com we tell you why many who dial nine one one will not get a quick response. u.s. vice president joe biden has joined prime minister david cameron of for security talks in downing street it was attended by british military chiefs intelligence officials and political leaders joe biden arrived in the u.k. on monday following visits to berlin and paris for top level meetings artie's her
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first reports. for the vice president he's known for sometimes putting his foot in his mouth it could of almost being another gaffe but some a very quick to point out when he said that he talked of being delighted to have been invited to that meeting and of having spent half his life in security meetings in the u.s. but people are quick to point out you don't actually have a spoke for years on the u.s. national security council he can see forgive me for that possibly he was referring to other security commitments but during his visit to downing street this is what part of what he took part in he was invited to this national security council meeting it was chaired by prime minister david cameron and it's thought that what was on the agenda and talks about there were issues such as syria afghanistan iran and north africa now it's not unheard of for foreign nationals to attend u.k. national security council meetings although it certainly is not common practice now
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perhaps that's a sign of as jay biden made mention to the special relationship that britain and the u.s. enjoy he spoke of the u.s. and britain as having the most open relationship that they have with any country in the world well that's all well and good but is it a satisfactory relationship everyone want to talk more about that i'm joined by a member of the u.k. independence party stephen wolf thank you very much joining us to steve in open relationships let's go into that is it needs to be beneficial day for everyone i'm not sure it actually is i mean it should be we are and we are two countries that actually share common values in terms of our legal systems our language the way that we look at business and it should be but over the period of the years that we have this special relationship to winston churchill first coined the phrase we've seen lots of arguments between ourselves and those of you know state clearly there
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was a huge to. group in the way that the british public did not want to get involved in afghanistan we also had a disagreement in the way that we did not want to get in vietnam and only recently we've had president obama suggesting that the british people should not exercise that democratic right and have a referendum of whether they should be in or outside of the european union so clearly the special relationship is often tested but there's lots of people here don't even believe that relationship a special. investigation into a suicide bombing in a bog area that killed six last july has implicated has blah the bomber targeted a bus carrying israeli tourists near a black sea coastal resort the findings if confirmed will put increased pressure on the e.u. to designate has below as a terrorist organization for more on this we now turn to political analyst kamil was me joining us live from beirut thank you very much for being with us as always
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let's get right to it if hezbollah is responsible why would they commit an act of terror in europe and risk an international backlash. obviously even the bulgarian they're not sure that they have concrete evidence against hezbollah all they said it's well founded assumption and the assumption is not short of men and short of conviction i think is under heavy pressure from the united states from the israelis to find some circumstantial evidence accusing the hezbollah of committing this. act or killing israeli outside the battlefield between lebanon and israel and i doubt it that his body will launch an attack beyond the border of lebanon which that's what hezbollah has done all along he followed the israeli but in the defensive manners and i don't think i have any interest to launch any.
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attack against israeli anywhere around the world i think the pressure is that comes from the united states from the israelis put. position and i think that europe is not going to go easily with the. acquisition of hezbollah and i think they kind of take it slowly because if they do with. put it on the terrorist list we'll have a major implication for their forces in lebanon specially there is a large contingency of uniform from european country operate and i think probably the french and german will sort this out before they can run any major decision now the united states and the u.k. they've both considered hezbollah terrorists how and why have hezbollah managed to
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stay off of terror list. well i think when it come to the u.k. they consider the military wing as a terrorist organization you have to remember a lot of these and they distinguish between the military wing and the political entity of her. as you know that there was a lot of meeting between the british. diplomat and his wife at least i know from from lebanon that ambassador used to meet with sort of britain used to meet with members of his. recently. united states obviously they declare hezbollah outright as a terrorist organization and i think as one law they don't like actually to sit with them or a can in the first place now quickly what is the effect of being designated a terrorist by the international community does this have any real impact yes if it
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does yes if it stopped then yes it does have an impact but i think has been under a lot of pressure recently but you know when you have. that supposed to be concerned itself for this stance against israel they're not going to be you know affected by aids ignition here and there whether it's from the from the israeli or american or european even though they like i think my estimate has would like to have a good working relationship with the europeans and with the european community and i think it's an interest for the european community to brazil that relationship with hezbollah at least with what they consider the political wing of the hezbollah and i thank you very much for your thoughts on this political analyst kamil was me thank you very much for joining us from beirut. now on to some other stories from
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around the world for you this hour hundreds of supporters of pakistan's major islamic party have marched into kharaj to mark kashmir solidarity day protesters chanted slogans calling on india to renounce its territorial claims they also demanded an end to violence in the troubled region this comes a month after five soldiers from both sides were killed in a firefight pakistan and india seek full control over the disputed territory. china has reportedly locked weapons targeting that radar on a japanese naval vessel in the east china sea beijing neither confirmed nor denied tokyo's allegations this comes amid ongoing tensions over a chain of islands both countries consider their own conflict has already sparked several violent protests and strained relations between the two. serbian ultranationalist have rallied outside the presidential palace to protest against talks with kosovo that will be held this week demonstrators called the
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president's decision to meet with the head of the self-proclaimed republic treason they also slammed the e.u. for mediating the talks between the two kosovo declared its independence from serbia in two thousand and eight and was recognized by most of the european union. and the british parliament has approved a bill that will allow same sex couples to marry prime minister david cameron said the vote is an important step forward that will strengthen society yet his it consistent support of the bill caused a split in his own conservative party over a half of which voted against it just a few days ago france passed a similar law in favor of gay marriage. and i'll be back with more news in around half an hour's time but before that we've got a special report on the anti-corporate occupy movement which is swept across the u.s. and across the world. download
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full disclosure i got some money in there. and i worked for i think my father is seen to be way here and in assistance of the man i'm speaking with here vice president of cedar way district one chris shelton one of the groups c.w.a. represents is rising workers and as of june two thousand and twelve the horizon workers he represents have been working without a contract for over a year except this round of contracts is different the rising is trying to break the union everything my father worked for his whole career could be gone within his life and so many of the british people who are many walks of life that recognize that we are the not percent of the time of record profits of rise it is us to the very same people that have made them. a rich corporation they now want to you will benefit settable from up they want to feel their eyes that it should be the poster child.
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