tv [untitled] February 6, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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three. three. three. three my. rebuttal video for your media project the radio done to our t.v. dot com. it's exactly thirty minutes past the hour you're watching business r.t. welcome to the program and the latest balance of currency wars this week french president francois all laws said the euro zone should agree on a target for euro's exchange in other words he insisted on bringing down the value of the euro that in turn would make the european economy more competitive course on the international markets by making its products cheaper and approach that countries like china been practicing for years with great success this cost us in
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details let's cross over to our guest patrick young of p.d. advisors so mr young do you think that a lawns initiative is actually a good idea oh this is another example of the uk tour economic incompetence and indeed dyslexia of president along he's possibly already the worst french president in history which is quite an achievement as he certainly had very competitive such as his previous answer when it comes to economic policy it's a tragedy that from supposedly got a system called the ground they called the great. work the grief of the good or educated mr holmes was a graduate of one of these schools you know he comes i would like actually managing to understand economics one hundred one well obviously you you don't think that what he's proposing is a bible idea but what are the chances of him actually was throwing out some support for this. oh i think it's a pretty shitty to muster support is very low i mean once again what mr hollande is
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trying to do is become the sort of leader of the. mediterranean refusenik wing of the. in union a group of people who simply believe that economic gravity doesn't apply to the. and the bill to be is he's running street buying into a huge brick wall it's called germany and the european central bank and the truth is that while the european central bank is run by an italian it's run by an italian mario draghi who's very skilled in such things and he understands the fact that look central banks usually don't have that much of an amount of reserves the money they can play with that they can support a currency singlehandedly it's very easy to understand out there there's a whole economy commercial banks investors all manner of normal people going about their daily business they have more money than the central bank the idea is mr hollande wants to turn around and use the money that's in the central bank and he
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thinks somehow rather they can use all of the money that's in the central bank can take on the economy which is hundreds of times larger than the reserves of the central bank it simply isn't going to work and it's not going to pass muster in either virgin or indeed in frankfurt the headquarters of the european central bank . this signal is breaking out there a little bit but i do want to ask you another question the euro has been gaining value over the past several months in fact about ten percent in the past six months do you think that it's hurting the european economy and if you you were and china are in charge of its monetary policy would you worry at this point. well look the difficulty of the powers is ultimately it will try to blame everything. in the euro zone. that they. regard it as being somebody else's fault what we're seeing with the euro currency is a kind of relief rally because essentially so far the german european central bank
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axis has managed to hold the single currency together but the difficulty is that just doesn't suit economies like france or indeed to flee or many others because essentially they've spent the post-war period always using their currency of something they would try and devalue it will in order to sell more goods overseas so there is an issue that the currency is to a degree hurting these economies but the problem is those economies are complete not to amass in the first place ten percent of the economy doesn't ultimately change. the fundamental structural problem which is the french economy it's slow rhotic it's disorganized the government is the major economic actor nearly fifty seven percent of the economy is the french government that's where the problem lies don't blame a puny little rise in the currency it's got nothing to do with the fundamental problem of feckless western european governments who can't manage their own affairs but messy and there does seem to be a trend i mean everybody is doing the best in the bank japan the bank of england
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even the fed reserve is now actively must sashing the currency rate or do you think ultimately who is going to be there with the winner and what's going to determine who actually wins in the currency wars. you know the problem with currency wars is that everybody ends up a looser a great deal of money is invested by the central banks which they simply end up losing they try to competitively devalue again and steep so there are. ultimately they induce more volatility into the marketplace making it more difficult and more complex for exports to export and it just becomes a man and that's what we're seeing at the moment the world should be expanding in a globalized free trade movement and actually what we're seeing is that the western nations many eastern nations are simply trying to beggar thy neighbor and that's not good for the world economy because it's. not going to help stability and it's not going to help growth. thank you very much for your time sir patrick young of
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p.v. advisors and speaking of the currency wars we just saw an example of how it actually works on the equity markets a sharp drop of the japanese yen in the previous trading session brought pretty have to gains on the nikkei on wednesday if in fact in the day at the highest level in about four years over in the states where the trade is active this hour the indices are pretty much flat apple is rallying on better than expected earnings but other stocks are struggling to find their direction. to europe shares ended their trading session in the mix zone and london the footsie close to ten percent above the line thanks to be totally reports more than half of the european companies in fact this quarter managed to beat analysts expectations germany's dax lost more than one percent here in russia the indices ended the trading day in the red down by roughly the same less than three quarters of a percent each in on russia managed to block the downward trend it was up three
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percent for the day and on the currency markets the euro was only at a one week low to the dollar ahead of the european central bank's meeting on thursday. ruble ended the day a lower to both currencies as you can see there russia's central bank on thursday indicated taming the inflation is its main priority for the next quarter as for the warring rates which is something that russia's president vladimir putin recently said was a major factor they were so high they were stifling economic growth the central bank chairman sergei nights have said they will come down as soon as the regulator succeeds in controlling the inflation. and as you can see here we take personal loans as an example they are significantly higher in the in russia than in developed countries the same of course goes for corporate loans of russia's
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businessmen and blame the central bank for crippling the country's economy in an exclusive interview to business r t l n n e m tycoon ledger posco told me the high cost of capital kills businesses. sensor money and center mentioned not seating comfortable chairs in the teachin as it's a wrist structural problem there is inflation which could because surely bodes in the course was going on when the when the result would flourish and result cost of capital was in the cost of that and this is something that should be changed we did . for it's part of the central bank throws the ball back into the businessman's quart it argues that the lack of a reliable boerewors is one of the reasons why the rates stay so higher correspondent than teleco explains. curbing inflation that's what russia's central bank will focus on and that's why it's keeping the refinance rates high the bank
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just doesn't want to flog the economy with a lot of cheap liquidity and on leash and play sion and despite pleas of many a prominent businessman and state officials the bank stands firm as you've just heard our legs are pasta has accused the central bank of lying about the true reasons off inflation they also criticize the bank for keeping the rates hard saying that it holds back the economic growth and i quote sachs blot out of the russian economy well i've also a central bank official to respond to the criticism it's very emotional it's very emotional and some of them are very much interested you know to be to be correct in the discussion but it's with our estimation now we have some kind of balance of balance and zero so in that case some additional measures.
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couldn't be products of inflation in russia is a growing it was six point six percent last year and judging by the january figures this year could be even higher goldman sachs economist say they're not expect russia central bank to card interest rates especially as the country's g.d.p. growth increased last year and how does expected to meet three point seven percent goal full two thousand and thirteen. amounts all the latest from us and business coming up next that's our interview where we talk to the former cia officer and with war and torture john kerry jaco that's just ahead for you after a short break. wealthy
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john kiriakou with me today former cia official who blew the whistle on the agency's torture practices after nine eleven john kiriakou served as the chief of counterterrorist operations in pakistan mystically are always were portably praise that the agency for his will in the capture of abu zubaydah who back in two thousand and two was thought to be third in command and now years later john kerry is heading to prison he was just sentenced to. two and a half years in jail mr getting out with thank you so much for coming thanks for having me i really appreciate it i know that time is of much value to you and your family now before you. find yourself behind bars. you were convicted of revealing the identity of an agent or freelance reporter who by the way never even published it you said you regretted shape sharing the name of the
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agent of the officer and your policy for it but you also said it was not why the government went after you why do you think the government went after you i have i have never believed that my case was about a leak i have always believed that my case is about torture when i went on a.b.c. news in december two thousand and seven and i said that not only was the cia torturing prisoners but that the torture policy was an official u.s. government policy that was approved at the very top by the president of the united states himself. the cia filed what's called a crimes reported against me the next day with the justice department the justice department never stopped investigating me from december of two thousand and seven until i was finally arrested in january of two thousand and twelve so to say that this that this case is a result of a name that was found in
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a in an attorney's brief at guantanamo is just simply not true that they were looking for something that they were going for something to pin on me what i find most gracious about your case is had you been actually accused of torture of human rights violations you wouldn't have gone to jail know. they they would dismiss any accusation because the u.s. government has classified everything related to its torture practices but yet you go to prison because he talked about it why do you think this administration president obama who signed an executive order to stop torture at the very beginning of his first term why do you think he's protecting folks from the previous administration most people don't realize this but president obama has surrounded himself with the same intelligence advisors who advised president bush through most
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of the first term the cia had the same deputy director that bush had the same director of operations that bush had john brennan who is president obama's new designee to be the cia director and until what a week ago or so was the deputy national security adviser was under president bush the director of the national counterterrorism center and up to his eyeballs in torture policy so even though we changed presidents there was really no change of intelligence advisors at least not on counterterrorism john brennan you mentioned john brennan and i want to ask you about him the future head of the cia what kind of a cia chief is he going to be in your opinion i think he's going to be somebody who will be extremely aggressive. and who will probably be comfortable. walking on the edge of the law you worked with him i did i worked with john brennan for many years and i know him pretty well mr could happen you yourself supported
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torture before you were against it what happened what changed your position well let me correct you on that and this is something that that i think most americans missed in my original n.b.c. interview i was trying to draw a distinction between whether torture was right and wrong or whether it worked i believed it was wrong and i called it torture and i said that torture was official policy that's on the one side on the other side the cia had told us internally at the time that it was working here was that that was in two thousand to two thousand and three they were telling us that it was working we now know from the inspector general's report that was released in the spring of two thousand and nine that that was a lie that the cia was lying even to those of us inside the cia and i think it was just to protect themselves and to protect the policy but it never worked. did you have
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a personal experience related to torture are you personally involved in torture no thank god i was never a person involved in torture when i returned from pakistan in the early summer of two thousand and two where i had been chief of counterterrorism operations i was asked by a senior officer in the cia's counterterrorist center if i wanted to be trained in in the use of these torture techniques and i said no i had a moral problem with it and i didn't want to be associated with it there were fourteen of us at the time who were. made the offer two of us said no and then one of us not me the other guy changed his mind so i was the only one who was made the offer who declined. because at that time you already believe that it wouldn't work i just thought i didn't know if it would work i mean they were telling us it would but i just believed it was wrong you know it at the cia part of the cia's culture is to couch all issues in shades of grey you
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have to be very comfortable working in morally nebulous situations or legally nebulous situations but there are some things that really are black and white and i believed that that was a black and white issue there's something that i think you will find interesting and something that i'd like you to comment on polls by the american red cross show that the majority of americans find torture acceptable sixty percent of young people agree whereas four years ago torture was largely condemned in the u.s. . how did this become the new normal what happened in those four years i think that many people who told pollsters in the early or middle part of the last decade were reacting to president bush little by little president obama adopted most of president bush's counterterrorism policies. and just because he happens to be nobel
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peace prize winner barack obama most americans who haven't paid much attention have just bought iraq obama because i think it's a question of education here domestically execute people need to be informed that hollywood have a role to play i think hollywood had a role to play i think that zero dark thirty for example did a grave disservice to counterterrorism zero dark thirty perpetuates this grand lie that torture led to the. the killing of osama bin laden it's just simply not true myths often become history and one comedian here said movies it was about zero dark thirty about the way it's serious movies is where americans learned their history it's true what myths what other myths do you see being perpetuated now related to the war on terror i think one of the great myths and i chuckle to myself because it always seemed so ridiculous to me was president
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bush's statement that they hate us because we love freedom. i know al-qaeda i've captured al qaeda fighters i've had conversations sitting across the table like i am with you with al qaeda leaders and i can tell you from firsthand personal experience that the reason people take up arms against us is because of a lack of education yet that i understand that the united states can't educate the whole wall no we can't but we can we can help other countries develop an infrastructure so that they can educate themselves coming more and more about your encounters with those what are their impressions did you have the first kind of fighter i ever caught was in one thousand year old boy from tunisia and the only reason he went to afghanistan was because he had nothing else to do he had no skills and no way of making a living and he wanted to get married so the local in mom said if you want to make some money you know what you should do you should go to afghanistan and make jihad
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against the americans if you do that i know somebody who will pay your family five hundred dollars and you can use that for a dowry and you can you can get a wife so this kid had nothing against the united states he had never even really thought about the united states so from your experience you saw no ideology i saw very little you see ideology and some of the older fighters some of the leaders the camp commanders for example sure there's ideology there but in my short time in pakistan i captured fifty two al-qaeda fighters i can count on one hand the number of people who were real ideologues who really were there for jihad who were really there to kill americans three out of fifty two the perception of one condiment who has gone a long way since two thousand and eight when he was a burning and a highly controversial issue most recently you know the state department has shut down the office that was working to shut down the guantanamo prison is that this
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administration's way of saying. forget about guantanamo let's move on i think it is i think it is again where's the outrage the american people really don't care if guantanamo is open or closed this administration it appears decided not to bother about interrogations kuantan prisoners and all that and just to bomb whoever seems suspicious was drones what do you think about this administration's no prisoners policy we find ourselves murdering people in many cases children with no evidence whatsoever that they're involved in any criminal or terrorist activity and what this does is it encourages other people to take up arms against us john brennan the architect of the drone program basically and it was last year i think when he claimed that u.s. drone strikes caused no civilian deaths in pakistan over the prior year which was
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an outright lie by so many accounts do you think we're going to see more transparency with regards to drones with john brennan at the helm of the cia. no. no i don't with john brennan. secrecy is the key word. unless of course you know if he chooses to leak for the benefit of the administration what did you expect when you decided to go public to come clean on on on torture at the cia i mean your wife worked at the cia and she was fired because of him and you're a father of five and you're going to prison what future did you envision for yourself five years ago. i didn't envision prison in my future five years ago i expected there to be a national debate on whether or not we wanted to use torture as an official u.s.
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policy now i'm very happy proud actually that i played a role in that debate and now the law of the land is that torture is illegal i'm very proud of that i frankly didn't expect that the government would would go after me so relentlessly i stood in the snow for two hours to vote for president obama i really believed that this was a positive change i believed that he deserved that nobel peace prize or only because i expected things to change so dramatically at the beginning of his first term so no i never believed i would be going to prison under a president obama never. that's been i think my biggest disappointment but you haven't seen a dramatic change i haven't seen any change no torture he stopped torture sure but in terms of counterterrorism policy i think the obama administration is largely an
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extension of the bush administration. and stick it out with thank you for the interview i wish all the best thanks very much for having me. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of. over six to two percent of those patients i diagnosed with aids this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns that people were really focused on this problem you know you certainly should be able have a lot less h i think a lot less human suffering. we speak your
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