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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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three. three. three. three. three. videos for your media project. back to the big picture i'm tom arbonne coming up in this half hour like it or not america is an extremely superficial nation with a society that places more about you on beauty in appearance than on inner strength and well being but now research suggests that becoming more in tune with your own body could help you deal with our objective crying culture explain in tonight's geeky science and thirty years after her death iran's philosophies are still wreaking havoc on our society and economy as selfishness and billionaire and dollar
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amount of now becomes the norm so why would lawmakers want to require our children america's future generations of leaders to read iran's highly destructive teachings i'll tell you in tonight's daily to. me your take my take a live our phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air give us a call it two zero two nine zero four twenty one thirty four now it's time for the first call in the night mark in toronto canada a mark what's up either tom i had an issue i wanted to raise i think it made the comment before but it's a really huge generalization i realize but i think there's some truth. i sometimes get the feeling that republicans have a kind of way of thinking not just it's not just what they think might something.
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really have an argument with a republican about having a fried egg or change a tire you know i mean yeah drew westen wrote a book about this mold called the political brain and he said oh i think you it seems like there's not even a little use to listen or to be flexible or to get out of a black and white simplistic kind of we have approaching things now i you know it has to some extent you're right and mark thanks for the call and making that point there i think there's a couple of pieces to this first i mentioned drew westen who wrote this book called the political brain and he found that actually liberals and conservatives not necessarily republicans and democrats because there are liberals and conservatives within both but liberals and conservatives literally have different brain wiring and then conservatives are more wired in a way that is me oriented and liberals are more wired in a way that is we oriented and those are basically the you know those the core of the two worldviews as well and then you can really amp it up john dean wrote a book or a brilliant book called conservatives without
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a conscience john dean who formally was the chief lawyer for richard nixon so i refer you to that brian in lake of the ozark missouri hey brian thanks for calling what's on your mind. brian you're on the air. brian is not on the air. ok let's move along to hunter in fairfax virginia a hunter what's up. thanks. for your system. and the proof that you go are. you know enough money in. one percent of the world. and also what you want. how to thank you for your kind words. you've you've brought up the issue both of income tax and wealth tax and that's something that most americans that's a distinction most americans don't make i i congratulate you on noticing the
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difference the income tax is taxing you know the amount of money that people make every year you say ok as you make more and more money with a progressive income tax in any case your tax rate marginal tax rate goes up so the first ten thousand you make in the you know no taxes the next ten thousand certainly there and ultimately reaches a certain point a wealth tax is something we don't have in the united states many countries do but we don't and that's a tax where once a year you basically. present a balance sheet to the tax authorities saying ok the total net worth of what i have is you know five thousand dollars or five billion dollars and if it's above a certain threshold well taxes are almost always progressive if it's above you know a couple million one hundred million a billion whatever it may be then there's a tax on that and i am of the opinion this is our no billionaires dot com campaign that anybody who has a wealth of over one billion dollars with a million dollars
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a thousand times of their wealth is over a billion dollars there should be one hundred percent wealth tax on the money over that because if you can't live within a billion dollars you know come on give me a break in saginaw michigan hey ed what's up. hey look let's grab that billion dollars. it takes twelve days. it takes thirty two years. so you go. anyway. it seems like everybody's going to. know what's going on with. well you know what's going on is that they're cheap in their own regulated it's. the next it's the next a k forty seven or the next m sixteen or m fifteen the next bushmaster there i think the point that might happen tony made earlier is a really really important one and that is that pretty much anybody can buy one
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pretty much anyone can do anything they want with them most of them probably be used for things like spying and stalking whether it's popular razzi or whether it's companies gathering intelligence on their companies or governments but when they start getting weaponized look out and if we're going to establish the rules for the world by saying it's ok to go to a country with whom we're not at war and kill people that we decided to kill even without a judicial proceeding in private or secret then i think that we are frankly putting ourselves at risk. tim in martin's bird west virginia tim what's up. yes the name stem from mark sparks you're on the air. yes and i. like to state the i was convicted of growing marijuana and nine hundred eighty three and i can no longer get my rights back other than going through the president of the united states they have done away with the process and regard to tally
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a convicted felon can get is a restoration of rights and i'd write to the president couple of times i get no response and and i was wrong and i don't know how how to go about trying to. return to normal society even though i work a pay taxes in the ski eight years old now and. feel like bragging. and and what can i do or what you might say to him there you know. there really should be and there probably is an organization working for the restoration of x. felons rights we give lip service to this the united states oh yeah they pay their their debt to society of somebodies paid their debt to society i mean you you you were convicted you served your time now you're out you've paid your debt to society
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then come on back we should be welcoming people back to our society republicans have been working really really hard for a long time to make sure the felons have in particular not the right to vote one of the reasons is because so many african-americans have been convicted mostly of petty or drug crimes but tribes that nonetheless and cause them not to be allowed to vote as part of their voter suppression efforts and so you coming up against that but if there are organizations out there that are working on this issue you know drop by our website at tom hartman dot com on our to our daily topic blog and read it every day though the one that's on the home page and put a link there and i'd like to get somebody on from one of those organizations it's a subject that needs more more media attention robert in burlington north carolina hey robert thank you for watching many good evening how are you. listening last week you were discussing the piece on the keystone pipeline going through texas is not correct if you don't mind simple question. to trust your knowledge to the bush
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family or does the bush family have anything to any you teach regarding this pipeline g.i. bill to your knowledge to the best of my knowledge i know i have no idea. what you're seeing now ok i was just thinking because of that you know there are you know the visual frame where you. sort of there were you know george bush senior's original oil company. i was really more of a cia front you know to spy on castro and and and george w. as well company. failed actually i was supported by a saudi prince so. it's more of a myth that there are oil oil guys you know so that they could be texans kind of thing and to run for political office. but i don't think i need to chris in winnipeg canada hey chris what's on your mind when talk about boy scouts. yeah i just watched that segment it's kind of a controversy all subject but i just had
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a couple of comments and maybe wanted you to comment yourself on the situation i'm just wanting to say basically you know with. letting these different minority groups whether it be women or gays or anything what we really have to recognize is what the whole purpose of the exercise was in the beginning was to bring up young boys into good men that are going to be good fathers good citizens of the country you know a lot of this data comes out of a lot of you know if you look at the kinsey report in fact there's a very good documentary called the kinsey syndrome. which is really worth watching but a lot of these ideas that there's one in can. people in the population that are gay comes from a lot of this perverted. from the kinsey. era jones i
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appreciate the point you're making the original kinsey numbers were flawed are flawed but that doesn't mean that you know we shouldn't if the mission of the of the scouts is to raise boys to be good men and fathers and members of the community and partners why should that not apply to get a man just as much as straight joel in charleston south carolina. thanks for taking my call. sure we just have a minute left here joel they say there's no big idea the make this short i don't see why with all the flooding that we haven't gotten caught in minnesota every year with the floodwaters to come up in canada that we don't take that water and study a pipeline system that rather than we are proper the southwest colorado and the like that are totally dried out it would put people to work immediately and it would have a long term effect of creating jobs and new places where we could build houses and cities that we can't at this point there was no water and it would also take care of the probably millions of dollars that we spent going up and down south joel it's
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an interesting idea number one i'd i don't think you'd want to recharge aqua underground aquifers with above ground water because one of the reasons that they're so pure that underground water so pure is that it's taken years in some cases thousands or even tens of thousands of years for the water to filter through the rock layer which filters it into the aqua but you could use it for surface reservoirs and you know that's a possibility and that's that's how las vegas is there that's it for your take my take alive thank you for all your calls if we didn't get your call tonight my apologies check and check back with us next week. after the break summer pot republicans across america think that iran should be required reading in grade school and the children should have to pass by on rand comprehensive tests in order to graduate into his daily take i'll tell you why it's so important that we don't let her philosophy of selfishness and billionaire and our money become part of our
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nation's teachers lessons plans. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of. this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about they were really good public health campaigns if people really focused on this problem you certainly should be able to
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have a lot less a lot less human suffering. download the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. it's thursday let's get geeky and getting in touch with your body listening to your heartbeat may help you to feel better about yourself and to be comfortable in the skin that you live in your own skin is fine is presented in the journal plus one indicate that people who are able to hear their own heartbeat are less likely to
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objectify themselves and subject themselves to objectification by society previous research has shown that a person's ability to hear their heartbeat is a strong measure of their awareness of their own body so the question becomes can listening to our heart beat and turn becoming more in touch with our body help us to deal with the culture of the teaches us to objectify and pay more attention to us through education was. on the outside rather than what's on the inside to test this theory study authors asked fifty females age nineteen to twenty six to six quietly and count their heartbeats for three separate periods of twenty five thirty five and forty five seconds as the participants then answer the question air to assess what part of their body they value the most strength health or attractiveness the woman who could more accurately count their heartbeats or more
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likely to choose health or strength suggesting they were able to look at their bodies from the inside out and not worry about being objectified being defined by their appearance by themselves or by society research still needs to be done to determine just how far reaching these findings could be it's safe to say that we should all use them to help us deal with the pressures of everyday life has studied have shown that listening to your heartbeat can help you sense when you're becoming nervous or stressed out and in turn help to make a job necessary adjustments needed to become called and relaxed again so if you want to live a house happier healthier life and feel comfortable in your own skin sit down relax and start listening to your heart. just.
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it's the good the bad of the very very large tip for asli the good senator bernie sanders senator bernie sanders introduced legislation today to cut off corporate tax breaks and loopholes corporate tax fairness act gets rid of the deferral a loophole that allows corporations to avoid paying taxes in the u.s. on any profits they make overseas legislation also closes several other loopholes that allow corporations to pay an average twelve percent tax. rate in twenty eleven lowest in forty years we don't have a spending problem in america we have a revenue problem with billionaires and billionaire billion dollar corporations not paying their fair share in taxes kudo's senator bernie sanders for taking up this issue. the bad republicans in north dakota several republican lawmakers are pushing a bill in north dakota that would require welfare recipients to pay the full costs
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of their drug tests before they can receive any public assistance where's the problem here is that welfare recipients don't have the money needed to pay for the fertile for awards drugs as due to begin with previous schemes have shown that welfare recipients use drugs less frequently than the normal population it's a non-issue the problem is the north dakota would rather see people go further into debt and despair and provide them with the help and assistance that they need to survive. and the very very ugly matthew harrison harrison is the president of the christ the king lutheran church in newtown connecticut shortly after the newtown shooting tragedy reverend robert morris lutheran church participated in a vigil with leaders of other faiths but since that's against the rules of lutheran church that he is a member of he was reprimanded by his boss harrison and forced to issue an apology . so rather than encouraging the town to come together after on thinkable tragedy.
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harrison decided to punish his priests efforts to unite and comfort the people of newtown and that in addition to the bizarre it's very very. early years after her death iran's philosophy of selfishness and billionaire empowerment rules the world and today the united states and other independent governments around the world are crumbling all iran's billionaires are taking over . when they choose so-called free trade agreement especially the very secretive trans-pacific partnership which has less to do with trade and more to do with a new law of global governance for transnational corporations each one of these iran's reviled state what we would call our democracy the united states of america
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is losing its power to billionaires and transnational corporations iran hated governments and democracy she considered them systems of what she called mob rule she grew up in russia as a child she watched the bolsheviks confiscate her father's pharmacy during the russian revolution likely suffering from p.t.s.d. from that incident iran devoted her future writings to evil government including the evil of government functions like taxation regulation and providing social services to the poor or the sick. in her mind she divide and in her writings she divided the world into makers and takers or what she called losers are one side of the billionaires the industrialists people like dagny taggart a railroad tycoon and reared in a steel magnate over a fictional characters or book atlas shrugged it off avril world counterparts in
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the form of the koch brothers the waltons and sheldon adelson. duran there are the alice is holding up the world so in atlas shrugged when the billionaires tired of paying taxes and complying with government regulation and those billionaires went on strike iran wrote that the american economy promptly collapsed on the other side are the people that she calls the looters or everyone who isn't is rich or privileged or who believes in a democratic government small d. to provide basic services and power labor unions regulate the economy. according to iran they're the leeches of society and according to mitt romney was forty seven percent comments and as she told mike wallace in one nine hundred fifty nine they do not even deserve love. to our founding fathers looking out for the general welfare of the population was an explicit role of the government one of its most important and one of the reasons why our nation was created when we separated from
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britain but to iran and a government that taxed billionaires to help pay for health care and education for impoverished children it was not just on wise economically in her world it was also immoral. you know nature abhors a vacuum both in the wild and in politics so when people organized in the form of a government are removed from power. the money organized in the form of corporations and billionaires moves into the vacuum to take that power which is exactly what's happening today all across the world. and thirty years after her death the united states crept closer and closer to iran's utopia reagan dramatically slashed taxes on the rich when after labor unions clinton deregulated financial markets for the rich and the new welfare as we know it and
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committed our nation to one globalist corporate free trade agreement after another and under bush obama we've seen the rapid privatization of our commons the further erosion of social safety nets and more losses of national sovereignty with more so-called free trade agreements. and europe were seen sovereign governments neutered by conservative technocrats according to an rand the rich should never be asked to sacrifice so instead it's working people across the eurozone who have to pay for the bad investments that the banks made in the run up to the global financial collapse as we saw in greece two thousand and eleven with the deposing of prime minister george papandreou and all across the state of michigan over the last few years of financial managers laws when small d. democratic governments are unwilling to do the bidding of the rich they're immediately replaced by corporate lackeys who will. the taggart's of the riordan's
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are holding the reins of government today which explains by why corporate america paid an average tax rate of just twelve percent and twenty eleven the lowest rate in over forty years explains why four hundred billionaires in america now own more wealth than one hundred fifty million other americans come by. and it explains why fewer impoverished americans are getting less federal assistance than anytime in the last half century i and rand and vision a world without government it's a world where the super rich are free to do as they wish you know we tried that during the so-called gilded age of the late nineteenth century before iran was alive if she watched the ruthlessness of the robber barons like she did the bolsheviks she might have reached different conclusions she may have realized that american presidents like teddy roosevelt franklin roosevelt dwight eisenhower were right when they made sure that wealth was more evenly distributed and the
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billionaire class was held in check. or she may have come to understand the corporations and billionaires over their wealth of the state and not the other way around with a favorable patent copyright laws a court system an educated workforce and an infrastructure to move goods around the country and no one would be able to get rich in america. would be like the libertarian paradise of somalia as harry moser the founder of the shoring initiative argued in the economist corporations are not created by the shareholders or the management rather they're created by the state they're granted important privileges by the state limited liability turn to life etc they are granted these privileges because the state expects them to do something beneficial for the society that makes the grant they may well provide benefits to other societies but their main purpose is to provide benefits to the societies not the shareholders not to management but to the societies that create. sadly this understanding of how
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democratic republic swor and why it's been lost this generation in iran's disciples are making sure the next generation never finds about it again idaho state senator john get it who chairs that state's education committee introduced a bill this week that would require all students to read iran's book atlas shrugged before they can graduate good get a explained that the book made his son a republican and that it certainly gives one a sense of personal responsibility. between stupidity like this and the rebirth of iran through corporate funded think tanks and hollywood movies the billionaire class wants to make sure that the next generation buy into a toxic ideology that's quite literally destroying the world as we know it. they don't want the twenty first century to be america's century they wanted to be the billionaire century and if they succeed then the middle class in america and
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throughout most of the developed world is going to go extinct. and that's the way it is thursday february seventh two thousand and thirteen and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your it occupy something we'll see tomorrow.
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reporting from the world's hot spots to vo ip interviews intriguing story i used to . live in trying. to find out more visit our big teeth. hold it. hold it. i live on. the street. i wish i. could bomb it's a good bill.


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