tv [untitled] February 8, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks. a day of mourning and protest in tunisia the funeral of a slain opposition leader is marred by violence with protesters clashing with the police this comes against the backdrop of a general strike that's our allies the country. agree on a budget deal after hours of bickering and a showdown between the u.k. and. president obama's nominee to head the cia faces kept calls from anti drone protesters seemingly gets a free pass from lawmakers over his targeted assassinations program.
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oh. world news live with analysis for you here on our team. and thanks so much for tuning and. we begin with tunisia where clashes between mourners and the police have been marred the funeral of a secular opposition leader who's assassination and could lead to chaos in the streets and a crisis in the parliament violence erupted near the cemetery as demonstrators threw stones and set cars a blaze well police have responded with tear gas now adding to the turmoil the country has been paralyzed by a general strike for days where promotion is following the developments in tunisia as you can see many people have gathered here today for the funeral sophia choi one
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of the most prominent opposition leaders who was killed on wednesday and seen standard situation on the ground remains very tense and very valid time and that is definitely threatening that relative stability that we've seen here in two thousand and eleven revolution we see a lot of people here it's quite a small square but it's packed with with people. flags and all of them actually chanting from time to time and to government slogans many people we have been able to speak to here to come here they say that the leader over not a party. mr goodnow she is personally responsible for this murder well these are very strong accusations actually but we've been hearing that from too many people since he was a symbol of dignity this is a political assassination and that means that the repression and violence is not over this is a crisis. this is a crisis that if people want change again slogans of revolution of democracy
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protection working class and poor people that didn't work we can see it that is very can also. happen if the simmer there is a sign. of what could happen in the county if we don't find very quickly some concrete. solutions that we see here today and if you've seen here in the last two days in the country actually it's a deja vu it's a mirror situation with what we've seen here that what we saw here to me years ago in the last two days following the assassination of took privilege there have been many protests not only in the capital tunis been throughout the country and there have been many lashes between police and opposition forces and we've heard that at least one police officer who was killed but definitely there have been much more injured people this is a very bad situation here in the country bad fears a growing that it may turn even more violent and it will go even further if
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there is no solution immediate solution this is why people are saying that they're preparing for the worst. are let's get some analysis of the situation in tunisia right now joining me is for rosie launching author and activist from the council for dinner. element of social science research in africa and is joining us from montreal's sir thanks so much for taking the time to be with us now when we look at this situation with the protests of course sparked by the assassination of choke. do you see this unrest continuing or could this perhaps subside how do you how do you see this issue ation on the ground playing out right now. well as i concede it seems to me that saturnus is enduring a profound crisis a crisis of the credibility of the existing of mint in the arrangements for holding power. and
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a massive discrediting of the way in which they cooperated i think there are. signs that this could easily. disintegrate into some kind of civil civil war in the hopefully it won't happen. but the importance of. shukri belied. cannot be underestimated his assassination is it is a profound. effect on the tunis in population he has been an outspoken standing spokesperson for justice in tunis here he has been vehemently critical of the government of the who he party. and in particular he has enormous credibility within the trade union movement as you can see there is a general strike in core and immediately upon his his assassination i
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think that where entering a new phase in the revolution in in tunis here and you know good resolutions you never know what the outcome is is going to be some kind of transition is going to be necessary but i doubt that this will be entirely result purely by the holding of a new new elections will that will be a necessary part of it it won't be necessary sufficient and we remain to watch to ski how the popular movements organize to prevent this one of those frightening thing is the amount of external support for example by the qatari government of the right wing fundamentalists and it. manged to be seen whether the got the present government will take any action against these two terrorist groups well a figure of action as you said of course in your area you're not sure if the current efforts are enough but there has been some attempt by the country's prime minister
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to sort of ease the crisis by resettling the parliament of course that failed as own parties rejection of the move what do you feel from mystically we can actually expect from the authorities over there next not to laugh or city foresee the future there that well exactly images it is going to be quite difficult i mean what he proposed. barely has has proposed is the formation of a technocratic government i mean the problem is that a technocratic government is just a euphemism for or for a form of knowledge how to pull. a no not accountable government it's a it's almost a dictatorship chip on the other hand his own party has has actually rejected this and the formulation for going forward which represent a profound crisis. i think inevitably there will have to be some discussions around the table to form some kind of interim government which going to see any kind of
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process of going into the future but i thought i'd see that. oh this this situation is not going to be easily resolved and much will depend on the ability of the present government to take control of the state in a way that prevents the police from colluding or either by direct commission or by omission. in further killings there's no doubt that the one looks at the websites of the islamist groups there is a huge celebration of the killing of three by allied. that's his point. and sometimes she needs to be taken to prevent the political differences. well we'll certainly have to wait and see what kind of action will be taken but
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thank you so much for that analysis that was for rosie manji from the council for the development of social science research in africa joining us live from montreal . well arty's grandson otieno whose account of events we heard earlier is also posting her updates on her twitter feed and one of her latest posts she says that there's a growing fear of more violence as the huge crowds who have gathered for the funeral could now head to the center of the capital you can find out more by following her there's a twitter feed right there maria for notional underscore r t. it's .
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well it is hailed as a historic deal of reducing the spending for the first time ever but what the e.u. leaders struggled to agree upon now can still be undermined by the european parliament or leading factions have already said that the budget is well lot of perceptible for more on the story about let's cross the line for r.t. as a test to our fellow who is in brussels for us. funny how things can change so quickly celebrations in brussels look a bit premature now. more than twenty four hours of negotiations of bickering. along the corridors what's next more fighting more negotiations and more bickering yes after a deal has been made here at the e.u. summit the next step is the european parliament and they will have to approve this and we're already hearing reports of the leaders of the main political groups there don't accept a deal that was reached here and the president of the parliament martin shultz last
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night in a statement he had been sounding very angry at the proposed cuts and now we're already seeing the cots that the twenty seven leaders will impose on the budget he said he's not going to put a signature on something he sees it as excessive so if we saw countries leaders coming here protective of their national interest we're going to see political parties protective of their own industries or whatever they represent in parliament and that is going to be a long long time of negotiations it could probably take about three months to get any answer out of there and we're seeing. it's already negative just from today well speaking of negative of course the deal is widely seen as a victory for the u.k. prime minister but is this really truly a win for cameron. that's an interesting thing here david cameron came here saying that he wanted to bring down the general amount of the u. budget and in fact he did he got the amount he wanted it's about nine hundred eight billion euros however what's interesting here is he's going to go back to the u.k.
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now just to explain that the u.k. is contribution is in fact higher he was able to a protect the rebate of the u.k. but let's not forget that that rebate the money that the u.k. gets back from the e.u. is hinged on the contribution to agriculture now the agriculture subsidies has been cut down therefore the rebate will also go down and therefore the contribution will in fact go up we're already hearing from the euro skeptics especially coming from his own party saying that role well done you're coming back here saying that it's a victory for the u.k. but in fact we're going to be paying more just at a time when he's going to be posing the question he says of the in or out referendum whether or not they should even be a member of the european union the twenty seven if he's reelected it's what if so whether or not this is a real victory for david cameron he will have to answer that when he gets back to be u.k. and of course we'll be keeping posted are waiting for the updates for everything that's going on the ground there thank you so much that was artie's tests are still reporting live from brussels for us. well you leaders may now be breathing
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a sigh of relief after reaching an agreement on the union's budget but. it is still high in spain where thousands have protested fresh government cuts and it's crisis plagued education sector full coverage of that for you over on our website dot com oh. oh . well president obama's choice to head the cia has faced a tough confirmation hearing at the u.s. senate both course it wasn't the lawmakers who would put john brennan in the spotlight over at that controversial hearing now when we look at the situation the senate in fact was interrupted several times by protesters who are holding out banners like stop the cia murder they refuse to refer to the use of drones by the
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u.s. for targeted strikes against suspected terrorists and human rights groups claim that the program that was created by brennan has led to a wide number of civilian deaths one point the hearing chairman and actually ordered for the room to be cleared and what happened afterwards was far from the expected grilling that artie's got nature can explains. what most people expected to hear was how does the u.s. government make decisions as to who should be on their kill list and mr brennan would certainly be the most appropriate person to ask because he is known to have been in charge of the kill list and he's known as the architect of the administration's targeted assassinations program so the question of who the drones are targeting was critical and one of the senators asked john brennan whether there should be at least some judicial oversight over those executions by drones and here's what he said none of those actions or to determine past guilt for those actions that he took the decisions that are movies or to take action so that we
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prevent future action to protect american lives so the rationale that john brennan gave for not going to court is that the administration is not in the business of punishing individuals but it's in the business of preventing attacks he basically says the u.s. government could execute people for what they haven't done yet you would expect a follow up questions from lawmakers as to how the administration determines the level of threat that these people constitute let's imagine an angry yemeni man who writes in his blog dag he hates america as you can see is wife died in a drone strike and he wants to take revenge is that enough to justify him being killed by a drone there are so many questions about how the administration decides to put someone on their kill list and yet there was not near enough grilling on the part of the senators to get specific answers prior to the hearing a memo was released which the justice department handed over to congress and according to the memo the government can kill people overseas even without evidence
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that they are actively plotting against the u.s. the paper states that the u.s. would be able to kill a u.s. citizen or non-citizen overseas when quote unquote an informed high level official of the u.s. government determines that target is an imminent threat to them here for also suggest that such decisions would not be subject to judicial review and outlines a broad definition of what constitutes imminent through. everybody expected tough questions on drones but that did not happen john brennan got away with very broad answers like the program if saving lives and that you should take the administration's word for it. well drone warfare and its consequences as well as the morality of it all are up for debate in cross talk coming up later today we hear how drone strikes may be breeding the very terror authorities are seeking to eliminate. like horrific. but it's getting worse i mean this is a new drone be a sniper in close to mali so that you've got the west african i as well and so
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it's striking up so that we're going to be a says all over africa i'm not sure what to suppose really why are we doing this well isn't it. the most effective recruitment tool for insurgents in the world david what do you think about that drones are an improvement on torture drones or an appointment of a ground war these are the arguments were being given and yet we didn't have a ground war in yemen we might need one eventually if with the damage the drone strikes are doing but this is a speech we're being told that this type of murder is better then all of their human rights abuses. when draft bill in the united kingdom ends to clear the way for private online messages to be monitored by the government of. course there are concerns that the proposed measures are taking national security a step too far. also for you georgia's parliament edges the
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president further from power even preventing him from making as annual address all those details for you coming up later in the program. technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you. are welcome is a big picture. of. the law.
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in the u.k. a document described by some as a snoopers charter will be given another push by the government after the intelligence and security committees said the proposal locked details of the bill is designed to help authorities track online activity of citizens and to retrieve personal web data are to use our firth looks at how such measures could power up national security. the main area of concern surrounds this the draft communications
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data bill and proposals in it that critics say see the public left wide open to having their facebook accounts or twitter e-mails read anything that they visit online the websites that they gate logs by the government now understandably those plans of prevent hugely controversial with critics labeling it the snoop is charter now perhaps more concerning is the latest report by the intelligence and security committee and they'd like to see a nationwide surveillance regime implemented now the government say that they need to do this to catch criminals and stop terrorism but there's lots of the members of the public saying where are safeguards when it comes to what we do online will seek more about this i'm now joined by professor and sneakily to the director studies security and intelligence studies at the university of akron thank you very much for joining us you're in support of the draft communications data verbal i heard
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you describe yourself at a recent talk the skunk at the picnic if these fees and these proposals are so unpopular why are the government pushing them through all the time when the government is pushing them through because the government realizes that they're needed some thirty million people use the internet to communicate with each other each day in the united kingdom people in this country fully accept that more than one hundred years. their telephone conversations are likely to be mine if they're seen as a national security risk if there is a suspicion that a particular person is engaging serious organized crime sex trafficking or terrorism the government can then institute a pro as a member of the public who photo my e-mails for well if you don't want your e-mails . more engaged in any kind of illegal activity your e-mails
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would be proof if you want if you want complete driver's seat don't write any letters to your friends don't speak to the moment don't send them photographs of yourself in joking and you can very much for joining us if that is the house that is the solution maybe is the time for a big load off in case someone is actually watching south. london well we here at r t want to invite you to join our online discussion about exactly what the u.k.'s controversial communications bill will do and you can weigh in on our web site at our dot com you can answer the question and cast your ballot as to what you think the surveillance of people's web activities will actually lead to now on our web site for those of you who have actually cast your ballot so far we decided to break down the results and show you how you have voted so far so as you can see the large majority of you thirty seven percent here think that scrambles scramblers pardon me encryption is actually going to become some sort of an
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ordinary thing in the u.k. now about a third of you believe that people will reject this practice and fight for their rights eighteen percent of you as you can see in the orange over there think that this will result in people leaving social networks and there's a smaller portion of you about sixteen percent in the green who think that well nothing at all is going to change. well scuffles have broken out between former political prisoners and supporters of president saakashvili in the georgian capital of tbilisi now the violence erupted i asked saakashvili was going to deliver his annual state of the nation speech the president was forced to change his venue for the address several times after the country's parliament had been used to provide them a platform even listen to the leader in a new sign intentionally of his waning hours now hailed in the west as an exemplary
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democratic ruler saakashvili lost popular support as a result of his crackdown on the opposition and claims of human rights abuses parties i'd say are chef scale reports georgia has performed miracles we moved from being a failed state will be one of the top business destinations in the world while it would be high could be academic freedom according to the world bank i'll be number one fighter with corruption worldwide demand people started to believe in this nation's people started to believe the mockers it was because it is georgia really a beacon of democracy and freedom north from your gaze viewpoint when he's universities rectories refused to build a prayer room he helped organize a ten thousand strong peaceful student rally but it ended with his arrest and sentence of four and a half years behind bars. guards could just walk into our cell and start beating us for no reason the even put twenty year old students in wheelchairs and prison one
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of the inmates went insane because they showed footage of how was wife was being raped. georgie thought he was spending his time with murderers and drug barons instead he found himself among academics architects and writers all jailed for having a different opinion to the country's leadership. works as an advisor to the minister of the penitentiary system and used to be classmates with saakashvili she believes the astonishing number of prisoners in georgia during his reign was to a large extent personally driven. he had often been joked out in school he directed his revenge against his former classmates when he became president most of them were either stripped of their businesses or put to prison in his presidency we've had twenty five thousand people in jail. shocking video of prisoner abuse in georgian jails went viral and effectively diminished the president's plan to support by more than a halt which lost both the election and control over the country it's not yet known
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where the circus really will face prosecution over the prison torture legations but for two hundred political prisoners the change of power meant to walk free because like us really will formally remain as georgia's president until october but he's already been transferred to the prime minister did he want to sweden has already declared a national wide amnesty of political prisoners but experts say there was socialization takes several more years. reporting from belief in georgia all right let's take a look at some other international headlines in brief right now. a suicide bomber has blown himself up near a security checkpoint in the city of galle northern mali no casualties happened except for the bomber himself that's the first case of such a suicide attack since the french troops have entered the country the north of which was taken over by islamist extremist friends now once you and peacekeepers to take over security there as it prepares to end its mission. a series of car bombs
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in iraq have killed at least thirty six people marketplaces were attacked in the capital baghdad killing seventeen at least fourteen more died after cars exploded in the helmand province an hour later other victims were killed by explosions southwest of the capital targeting busy areas on friday has become a widespread terror tactic with insurgents in iraq. over one hundred thousand people around on the streets of the bangladesh capital for an anti-government rally protesters are venting their anger after an islamist leader convicted of war crimes was spared execution he was charged with crimes against his own people during the country's independence conflict with pakistan in one thousand seventy one of our more long was sentenced to life in prison by a military court although many had expected him to receive the death penalty. well up ahead it's our special report.
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wealthy british style. that's not on the. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mikes concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser reports . there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv
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aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of each and over sixty two percent of those species are diagnosed with aids this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns that people were really focused on this problem you certainly should be able have a lot less h.i.v. a lot less human suffering. old.
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