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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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saudi arabia has ordered its retailers to construct one point six meter tall barriers in the middle of their stores a rather unusual demand is that something related to everyone's favorite buzzword terrorism no it is to keep male and female coworkers separate saudi arabia is pretty infamous in the west for its laws regarding the sexes and their segregation activists always want to go to other countries to convince them to adopt western attitudes that deep down in their hearts they secretly want but often they miss things like the fact that it was saudi women who ask for the segregation feeling uncomfortable while buying products from men according to a.f.p. you know some people in countries like saudi arabia or north korea might actually like living a radically different lifestyle and even if they don't like living that way well it is their job to fix it not by some sort of western intervention when i want to live
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in either of those countries not really do i want to live in a country with the saudi arabian concept of gender not really but part of having freedom of choice means being able to choose things that i may think are backwards or illogical you know let them have the walls in the stores if they want western civilization you know if it's truly the end all of human evolution then they'll take those walls down eventually on their own but that's just my opinion.
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play. play play. i. couldn't. sleep technology innovation all the least developed mints from around
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russia we've got the future covered. it's almost twenty three minutes past the hour you watch in business are to you with mean of the shouts go welcome to the program the south stream pipeline will start pumping russia's gal's to europe no later than twenty fifteen that's according to gazprom chief alexei miller who met with president over republicans serapis cum laude doric on friday the south stream pipeline will bring russia's gals to central and southern europe bypassing transit countries like ukraine it will cost russia and its partners billions of dollars and spending that money might not make any could all make sense of gas prices in europe keep falling in two thousand and thirteen some economists even go as far as to say energy prices of past the point of no return historic highs thanks not only to the shale gas
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revolution but also to other factors. a lot of the new gas which is going to come to market at the end of this decade is from actually not even from shale gas. from australia from conventional gas and canada conventional gas in east africa it's very much a supply revolution two very high prices and at the same time difficult to learn for oil in in the o.e.c.d. is now falling be falling for a number of years we believe that that process will accelerate. both. the car fleet become more efficient but also gas takes over this is a heavy troll school fuel and and consequently helps to to to to reduce or to mount you've said that russia now is much more of a petrol state as it has ever been so falling energy prices mean collapsing economy we're not at this stage talking about collapses in
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a couple prices interesting enough we will be talking about a general drift so for example if we believe that the medium term oil prices likely to be eight hundred thirty dollars as a ceiling will do if yours is a level which the russian economy is still able to operate it's still very difficult to see here so. it is not it's not a disaster similarly with guess we believe that the european gas price will probably settle at the. last rolls which might be eleven dollars per b.t.u. which again would be a negative but it's not catastrophic are there any opportunities for russia in this changing environment relatively attractive areas within russia even even in this time for example. those domestic growth companies in russia which are able to resist this downdraft affording. prices because they're in very low penetration sectors such as home building or infrastructural services they will continue to do
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extremely well actually in this environment. now let's now take a quick look at the markets to see where we stand this friday on wall street which is still actively trading equities are higher in fact almost one percent higher walls three quarters of a percent higher for the nasdaq shares of mcdonald's are jumping on better than expected results over in europe shares closed in the block on friday with miners and banks pushing the indices highers well two main factors boosted the appetite for risk positive chinese trade data and the european union leaders agreeing on a budget cut the first one to history i should add here in russia investors didn't seem to find too many reasons for optimism hence the indices wore a lower they ended this week's session in the red roughly a third of a percent each for both of my sex and the r.t.s. but the russian ruble managed to strengthen to both currencies of as you're seeing
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here the euro was pretty much flat to the dollar. and russia's flag ship airline araf lot this week fiercely criticized the united nations for failing to produce a reliable regional jet air flight claims the company's latest midrange passenger plane was superjet one hundred which many hoped would revive russia's aviation sector is not up to scratch business artie's katie explains. yes that's right the aircraft is used to rowing through the skies but now creating an uproar and that's because when it comes to aircraft reliability is paramount and that is exactly why air flow out of concern right now now in the first serious attempt to analyze the reliability of these models ten of them tested inadequate eight percent of air felt relief and sequoia accounted for forty percent of all of the aircraft failure is not a lot of these will mind up but when you talk about people's lives hundreds if not
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intentionally thousands if they rarely any first thing out of line and now terrible for the most of them what to do with the conditioning system all those included the training facilities also landing gear as well as fire equipment but the most serious of all these problems was to do with a control system and that's where the alarm bells have been rugby leverage is pretty much a floor design. so it is not a coherent sound engineering design but it is a compilation of different approaches or a different system manufactured by different companies so i would say the first thing to do to redeem their reputation would be for. just to go back to their drafting boards to start designing a new aircraft now sukhoi have said that all of the problems have been rectified and eliminated. during the first year and ten months of operation
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like with any new aircraft we have encountered some teething problems these have been localized and are being corrected in airplanes the fact that they are also being taken into account during the year some believe new aircraft when you consider that the jet is only put in the skies twenty alive and cost billions to produce a long gamut of it is still very much up in the air. also. while that brings you up to date on all the latest in business the truth seeker with daniel bushell is coming up right after a very short break stay with us. leg
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length. political limbo hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it
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hold it hold her mother. that does speak. to. her of her. and. her. will. ultimately. to bomb it slow good luck. play a. little and i'm a. little mole right in front of me a little. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you
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thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. he is. he. says. we speak your language not a damn good. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little turn to angles kids stories. you hear. that
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all teach spanish find out more visit. tito it's calm. when i was down a bushel terrorists the real toll gates of america's police state coming up obama's adventures in murder lead. your search engine selling you life. and america outlaws private property. if you use a so a computer or walk outside the f.b.i.
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now considers you a terrorist suspect with no right to privacy sixty two percent of americans through drone strikes on foreigners can now get a taste of their own medicine but so will those a game strong with a lot of kids or not a court ruled obama can drone murder americans without trial even though it's quite incompatible with the constitution when obama threw an alice in wonderland christmas but it's unclear if he's mocking the judge who said. the alice in wonderland nature of this is not lost on me a catch twenty two that allows the executive branch of our government to per plane as a lawful certain actions that seem on their face incompatible with our constitution while keeping the reasons for their conclusion a secret investigates a jason leopold what's going on it's a khalif statement halley and if i were to say to you or anyone in the public that we are moving closer and closer toward a police state it would i would be dismissed as
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a conspiracy theorist as someone who is just paranoid but we are already there and as you mentioned we have the drone strikes we have we have the fact that drones and various police departments throughout the country are using drones for surveillance here several u.s. citizens have already been assassinated here blackhawks fly low on downtown miami strafing highways with machine gun fire in what with or to school a practice room. drone says the supreme court can even spoil your private property without a warrant you will somebodies mood on your own property. of america's civil liberties union you could no longer be sure nobody is watching you so the first citizen who pulls the trigger will be feted says the judge the first american patriot to shoot
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down one of these drones that comes too close to his shoulder in his backyard will be an american hero and a small the first scandal were americans paid to spoil my sil's this full true on this video was pulled off it reveals this public spy system is already recording all conversations in places like michigan and soon some francisco until the streets calls cope's when you make a loud to the average noise and uses a mining like fishel profiling of every pulse of boy so the promo was pulled but the program expands moment of harm of security on touchable so they will simply tell us of the cities that deploy these robo calls investigative journalist medicine please describe to us a world of so-called intelligence streets you might be having an intense conversation with a friend you might be having a friendly argument over a sports game or whatever it may be a political situation the cops could be called in then you are treated as
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a criminal and till you can be proven innocent of some kind of criminal activity and the problem with that is obviously that it is the complete reverse of what the american justice system is supposed to be we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but with this kind of pre-crime technology where you are held guilty intil you can be proven innocent is truly a kind of minority report style absolute science fiction when we're talking about this kind of stuff but unfortunately behavior recognition is getting rolled out in these cameras privacy expert kate crockford was. laws is the government breaking its constitution. states pretty clearly in the fourth amendment that united states persons that say anybody in the united states should be free from want less search and seizure so it's pretty clear to us that the c.r.u. that listening to someone's phone call or reading their e-mail constitutes
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a search simple question was should people know what its government is doing that's essentially what dianne feinstein said on the floor of the senate and they were debating the fi story out there is. that in december she basically said just that you know we can't tell people what we're really doing because if they found out they did tests and you know that that is not an acceptable way to govern in a democracy elected senators also call reveal all your calls opening the f.b.i. claims people on this so have no right to privacy you know professor neil richards do they have any legal grounding to do that at all i think to say that no one has a right to privacy when they use a mobile phone or that no one has a right to privacy when they use the internet is utter nonsense every u.s. family is being recorded not just for e-mails but to everything it goes from poking to kiss to choice of dog food that harvesting of dates is being aided and abetted by your local network provider. even would up at circuit direct to the national
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security agency or take john sold themselves as anti establishment in nineteen eighty-four was this freedom fighter playing big brother with him twenty thirty big brothers no. sort of like. subsequently this rich mogul is the only one doing this companies you know basically and let's take a step back there are the policies by the companies that basically say you have no privacy an example of that would be facebook they can sell your data monitor your data they change your policies all the time and they've made those chain. it is with very little or no notification to the users even china hasn't had the ability to monitor their citizens with such depth and breadth as a company like google hounded by feds constantly web. comb plans an end to the government spying capability my goal is within the next five year five years i want
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to encrypt half of the internet you know just. reestablish a balance between a person an individual and the state because right now we are living very close to this. and i think it's not the right way you know it's a wrong path that the government's on thinking that they can spy on everybody but governments now openly working to kill a free internet all together leaving the internet alone has been the nation's internet policy since the internet was first commercialized it was then and this is now. voy all the victims of this innocent people wiki leaks revealed the facts so shocking the feds attacked. day and night for over a week to stop people reading it. internal security e-mails expose that america's. work is quote more activists than terrorists threats this intercept operators
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testimony confirms the real target is ordinary americans the calls were all in english they were all american and the guy goes back to his supervisor and says sir these people are all americans the supervisor says just to transcribe it that's in order to transcribe everything a lot of these people were having personal phone calls calling their families and everything just disappeared somewhere someone's got it after a few days he said he didn't want to do it anymore didn't think it was right so they got somebody else to do it there's a lot of intimidation and people just follow orders from national into. somehow claims everyone is practical and effective but some independent probe the exact opposite what a bunch of crap coming through hampering counter-terrorism the inquiry could not identify a single contribution that fusion centers made to disrupt an active terrorist plot . officials asserted that some fusion centers existed when they did not centers
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forwarded intelligence endangering citizens civil liberties and privacy personnel are prohibited from monitoring u.s. persons for activities protected by the us constitution such as the first amendment freedoms of peaceful assembly and protest it'll be the biggest bunch of crap in history a million square foot facility. will hold all the world's information for the next hundred years when strange control victims. teach kids dressing through school supplied. croaks of strangers with access to all files how serious will the abuse there are over four and a half million people in this country now what have security clearances you know a number of those people are actually working for private corporations so these
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teacher snooping i think is are about you know police in appropriately using databases to look up information about their extra friends or you know mayer is using information to look to you know kind of their political enemies whatever this is actually just the tip of the iceberg because we don't you know what these people are really doing every day when they sit in front of a computer that you know has access surveillance feeds from all around the country or all around the world or you know it any number of of databases containing you know so much information about what early every single person's country in the u.s. this is a t.v. you know what you said you this is a tricycle. choose
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your language. completely kill it and if you're going to kill something else in the . right. to use the concentric circles and choose the opinions that degrade to. choose the stories that in the. truest sense to your. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people live. with this is that. they were.
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the way.
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