tv [untitled] February 9, 2013 5:09pm-5:30pm EST
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he's out parties and he's in our reporting for us there now of course as always will be keeping a close eye on this story online head to our t dot com to learn if the latest arrest may be a signal for the russian opposition to brace itself for further tension with the government. while unemployment rises in the u.k. and wages are being cut and the house of commons has announced a vacancy for a new dream job and of the law makers are looking to use taxpayers' cash to pay for their caffeine fix or tiscali boyko in london has more on what some are calling a case of cups and robbers. well the house of commons is looking for someone to join their team of burma reste is to basically serve hot fancy beverages to politicians now the job pays over twenty thousand pounds per year which to put into context for our international viewers is over thirty thousand dollars per year if we compare that job to other public sector jobs we've
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got policeman who studies have recently been cut starting salaries they now start on nineteen thousand pounds a year similarly with soldiers who start on over seventy in just over seventeen thousand pounds per year so you've got frontline jobs that carry risks to your life the people who are detecting the safety of british citizens that are being paid less than somebody who's serving coffee to politicians a lot of the police federation representatives took to twitter to ask where they could apply for such a nice job in parliament because it's obviously a lot safer and it's paying more than some of the frontline police officers but i spoke to the former editor of the police tribute to find out what the morale all is like among the police officers amidst these revelations well merola's already rock bottom amongst police officers than you because of this tax on their pay and conditions their pensions and then they find out as you say the politicians who
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could like the rest of us made to coffee themselves and let's not let's remember that the coffee they have will be heavily subsidized by us the taxpayers a lot of people's wages being either frozen or slashed just like the police officers we hit the streets of london a little bit earlier to find out whether people in london think that someone who serves coffee to politicians should be making more money than a front line police officer let's take a look. my coffee twenty grand commons where do i saw it i'll give it to you so i'll just get less than washes over says coffee get more you might say. you have probably no so i said drinks night again tonight is basically a kick in the growing because they're just being ridiculous and advertiser paper and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing something that shows just how out of touch the politicians are with the problems of ordinary briggs and of course not critics saying that with the austerity measures we buy something for
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a lot of people in the u.k. and politicians could have made with a capsule of boiling water and some instant coffee and of course our news team is working hard to bring you our top stories and the latest information i'll be back with more of that coming up after a short break you're watching are today. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives. with this is a problem that. they were really good. people were really focused on this problem you certainly should be able.
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to sleep. and you're with r t welcome back tens of thousands of people have marched through cities in ireland in a massive show of anger against severe austerity measures marko peter pollie a financial advisor says ireland's situation is one of the most difficult in the e.u. and the dublin is holding of the blocks a presidency is unlikely to make things any better. i think it's going to be
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difficult for the audience to get them to refuse going through that again a campaign or it. difficult because then of course of a come. from really. from the. from the europeans the irish catholic have ended up with. most countries at the back and therefore. a great deal. with the president on the early going to be able to. much pressure or much influence. in europe because the power remains of the german. europe and. the german accent i think you have integration or you have a breakup with. the problem. in sticking with this story
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angry crowds on the streets of ireland may spoil the mood of the e.u. leaders as they celebrate a historic budget deal cutting the blocks spending for the first time now it's the european parliament's turn to have its final say on the agreement and the look set to block in the budget plan after a secret vote in what is seen as a revolt against e.u. leaders economists james midway weighs in. constitutionally they're well within their rights to reject the thing and send it back and have another go at writing this now whether they actually do that will probably depend on the fine print in the budget or already present you politick to said he would be able to support the steel and the heads of one of the major groups in the parliament the socialist group said there are likely to be supported so it's going to be a rocky ride i think this budget over the next few months cameron's right talk about this being like a reduction in a credit card limits and of course you can have your credit card limit reduced and
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still spend carry on spending more money now that's almost certainly what's going to happen to britain over the next few years the amounts that britain is expected to pay into the main e.u. fund will increase as a result of increased payments to a new member countries so he's going to pretend that this will show how britain can still be a force in europe how we can push the rest of europe around this glosses over the fact of course that he would have got anywhere in this without the support of angular merkel in particular so he can he can try to push that line that you know he knows what he's doing to europe and that we don't need to go so far as to step out of the european union but i wouldn't see the more euro skeptic members of his own party being particularly impressed by any of this. the raid fixing of banks or the lie bore rate in britain is the subject of an expanding investigation into just how widespread the practice was artie's max kaiser will be looking at the issue in depth next hour but here's a quick preview. i'm going to avoid that c. word for today just for variety i mean if i thought the t.
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word is being prosecuted in this country or america i would imagine if i thought it or drone sent up a stink frank jenkins over at barclays bank and exploded innocent ass into splattered on the wall i thought that would have any effect if i thought the gov would give a flying head about their own population i would mention the t word but i don't know because they don't. as the political crisis escalates in tunisia thousands have rallied in there in support of the ruling islamist party the crowds marched in the capital tunis shouting anti french slogans and accusing the former colonial ruler of interfering in its politics this comes a day after the funeral of an opposition politician was marred by clashes with protesters blaming the government and the police for his death violence erupted near the cemetery and spread to anti regime rallies in the city causing security forces to fire tear gas and make arrests and despite authorities managing to keep
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huge crowds away from the city center for now author and activist for rosie manji believes young may take a turn for the worse. to new suits and carrying a profound crisis a crisis of the credibility of the existing new arrangements for holding and any massive creativity overweighted which that it will create i think there are signs that this could easily disintegrate into some kind of civil war going hopefully it won't happen and we remain to watch to see how the popular movements organize to prevent one of those frightening so used to external support for example by the qatari government of the right wing fundamentalists and it remains to be seen whether the present government will take any action against these terror groups. and it has been almost two years since anti regime protests broke out in
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another country involved in the arab spring rain there the government and the opposition have finally agreed to resume dialogue but while the opposition bears a little trust in the authorities after months of persecution the chances of an end to the political deadlock are low. looks into how dissent is being gagged in the country. if you look through any pro-government newspaper in bahrain you'll get an impression that the government has nothing to hide the news of an uprising of the opposition is dominating the front page and if you look through it you'll see other stories about the political discourse in the country the country's information minister insists bahrain has no problems with people speaking out what it it that if in freedom of expression of our english very high because it is guaranteed by the constitution moreover there is a law to be issued soon that further guarantees yes we have a problem related to banning so much zines but that's to protect bahrain from six here in ethnic problems in violence and not for any other reason. but
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this is what happened when we tried several opposition websites having looked through these pages later we did not notice any extremist overtones and so you see from bahrain center for human rights believes the government is deliberately attempting to silence views different to its own center for a moderate which i work for website is a blog we have almost more than four hundred website out of the most of them are human rights. political website although of certain beheaded our block we have only facebook and twitter there are many which is not a blog site yet spoke to us on the back over two week prison term for what was called breaking the law on public gatherings several weeks later he was arrested again the editor in chief of bahrain's only independent newspaper says this is how things are in his country if you speak out if you express yourself you are
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expressing yourself at your own risks people are brave enough now to speak out but they do that and they could be punished one day you could be put in jail you could end up like a builder job three years because if you tweeted something. social networking came of age during the uprisings of recent he is a fact not lost on bahrain's leaders who have watched almost daily street protests and an unusual drop in web traffic through the country picked up by an american internet morning tour leaves human rights activists here wondering exactly who the constitutional right to expression really applies to. let's. see reporting from the kingdom of bahrain now let's take a look at some other international stories making headlines around the world for you this hour at least six people have been killed as the ferocious snowstorm memo sweeps across the northeast of the united states the blizzard has already caused
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massive blackouts cutting power to more than seven hundred thousand homes the government declared a state of emergency in the region more than five thousand flights have also been cancelled. clashes have broken out on the streets of india's capital after a pakistani man convicted of a terrorist attack on parliament in new delhi in two thousand and one was executed mohammad group. after the president rejected his mercy petition the execution sparked violence between protesters and supporters of the ruling the high profile terrorist attacks claimed more than a dozen lives while increasing tension between india and pakistan. over two thousand people took to the streets of athens to protest against a the far right golden dawn party the marchers chanted slogans against a golden dawn which has been widely criticized for its neo fascist policies the party has gained significant support since the economic crisis broke out in the country artie's international news agency ruptly provides the footage of the rally
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. ukrainian protest group femen has made it to the berlin film festival but only as far as the red carpet the notorious activists were staging a topless protest against female circumcision but police quickly removed the half naked women from the venue parties were harsh minister has been placing people in new york to find out if they would be ready to bare it all for a good cause. a new york city it's legal for ladies to protest topless so where are the boobies this week let's talk about that that part of the body even though it's legal it's
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still private. but don't you think that would draw a lot of attention to the cause yeah but then again you know the checks are all grown sometimes too but it attracts you dare. i would want to say. would you ever consider protesting topless. a reason yeah what would be the reason. you would go topless for that yeah would you do it well maybe one month but do you think french girls would do it more often than american girls i think so why is that what's wrong with the kind of crazy it would be a way to get he was attention but i personally wouldn't do it maybe someone knows and i mean do you think that it would be little it was or help because. i don't know if they were much it's will bring more awareness i guess people will look so isn't that what protesting is all about. let them out ladies the bottom line is going topless is a sure fire way to bring attention to your cause so ladies you might want to
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consider that the next time you suit up for your big rally. and coming up after the break we take an in-depth look at the impact of the hiv aids epidemic on the african-american population. secretary of state hillary clinton recently testified to congress in regards to the attack on the us consulate was killed an american ambassador in benghazi libya
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during the testimony clinton rather calmly said things like that the revolutions that sprang up during the arab spring like in libya where the events in bali have created instability and safe havens for terrorists and she made it clear that there is no doubt that the algerian terrorists had weapons from libya so the us secretary has basically admitted that the actions of the usa and nato have caused a mass instability that has allowed the seeds of terrorism to grow when the justification for most of the actions in the muslim world is to stop evil dictators who harbor terrorists or spread chatting to mock recy if libya would have been left alone algerian terrorists wouldn't be getting any weapons from it now this is like an exterminator accidently or maybe on purpose actually feeding the roaches in your basements that there are ten times more of them and then saying that he has to keep working because he's the only one who can get rid of the roaches people like hillary clinton who support funding brutal jihad it's rebel groups to overthrow
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governments to somehow bring about stability and democracy are either dismally stupid or consciously running a very brutal con game but that's just my opinion. oh i. have to start this strange new disease affecting healthy young americans looked like this a period between the first outbreak of a summer night hundred eighty one and ninety five not only were people coming down with a it's and dying and so forth but nobody knew who had it or who difficult now more than thirty years since its arrival the face of aids looks like this but the social
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stigma of this disease lingers persons get educated who but in the back of their mind in time he may still be a little dirty secret the biggest part of this little secret is its growth across black america as you have in a sense gotten a hold in the african-american community it's it's it's is right here is that spreading out that way despite in the african-american from them they collective silence has enabled it to spread across gender and sexual orientation african-americans tend to have sex with african-americans it's black men and black men usually it's black men and black women usually we're spreading death among ourselves.
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