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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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with the park throwing in the papal towel towel experts question the legacy of god and benedict the sixteenth and the sex abuse scandals plaguing the catholic church worldwide. here is false as well in not that time called the presidential palace in cairo with chad gas and water cannons as a self-styled out of his group emerges as a key player in the controversial street project. does iran hold a new round of talks with atomic inspections or holder and how a lack of basic medicine due to sanctions has many allies in the country by its read.
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this is coming to the line for hello and welcome. a wave of shock has tried in the catholic world after paul benedict around who will step down from office and then to the monks in the first papal abdication inside trees the development followed a series of allegations about the point of trying to hush up sex abuse scandals plaguing the catholic church across the globe on a hostile. well it's described by one cardinal as a lightning bolt from a clear blue sky it certainly caught some of benedict's most senior advisers on the hope his spokes person said that it had been left flabbergasted by the news that the pope will be stepping down at the end of the month now benedict is eighty five
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years old obviously not a young man but the cardinals knew that when they elected him and he was supposed to be there for a lot longer than this i think they would have thought it's not unprecedented but it's not really done that often in fact the last time a pope stepped down was six hundred years ago it's certainly not been an easy ride it's not been the longest papacy just under eight years but in that time the certainly being plenty of drama no leaks includes one of the one of the reasons that benedict said that he has to step down as he thought his age and made him physically and in some cases mentally unable to deal with the everyday life of being the pope in the modern world and one of the series of scandals that we've seen involve the so-called vatileaks similar to wiki leaks a series of documents that were distributed online which well apparently showed a c.v. a series of shady dealings done by the vatican this type of thing of course not something your average eighty five year old has to deal with but they included some
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quite serious allegations including the fact that the vatican colluded with silvio berlusconi's government in italy to try and get pressure taken off the church of rome for paying taxes on properties which it own and there is also a list that was published of well less than savory clients for the vatican bank which included some people alleged to be sicilian mafia bosses and of course one of the major scandals that is will be remembered for benedict's papacy concerns child abuse now in his previous. this job before he became pope he was essentially regarded as the john paul the seconds papal bulldog he was the defender of the doctrine of fair for faith and not role he is accused of covering up sexual abuse scandals all around the world but also here in germany in fact in
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recent times there's been further controversy over this as the church here in germany canceled an investigation into child abuses that range but the nineteen forty since that investigation apparently according to the man who was conducting it because they weren't happy with what would be made public so there's certainly been controversy and it will be something that's picked over for a long time to come after benedict steps down at the end of this month and barbara doris the child abuse campaign as as they are going pope has failed to solve the core problems within the catholic church. we believe that he uttered of words he showed there was filth in the priesthood he apologized to the victims but he took no action he didn't discipline a single church official for hiding enabling children to predators or you know moving them from country to country from diocese to diocese so until he does that
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nothing has changed and we believe the words were just empty empty promises if the people be protected these predators are promoted by cardinal law was in boston the scandal was huge and yet cardinal law managed to land in in the vatican on the most powerful committees that exist within the vatican so to the message we believe you sent was if you were unable shield and protected predators you will be rewarded and we don't feel that's the right message we feel that he should be taking action we have a bishop in the united states that was convicted of child endangerment and is still being allowed to run a diocese what kind of a message is that to send to the world i would expect more of the same since are those that enable and shield and protect continue to be promoted to continue to be given the most powerful positions within the vatican the message is clear if you follow the company line if you keep this secret if you put the reputation of the church above this of the children then you will be promoted what
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a terrible message to send many people no longer trust church officials like they did in the past and that's a very sad statement that you can't trust your bishops. and we're getting breaking news this hour and seismic activity has been detected in north korea it follows pyongyang's recent thread to conduct an atomic test they south korean defense ministry is trying to assess whether it was a possible nuclear detonation and of course we'll bring you more details on this developing story as we get them. police in cairo have been trying to repel attacks against the presidential palace with tear gas and water cannons after u.s. stones into its grounds the violence followed a march by thousands of demonstrators hope use egypt's current leader of repression and tightening his grip on power so the protests took place on the second anniversary of the toppling of hosni mubarak was iron fist all over the country
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lasted for three decades meanwhile egypt's public prosecutor ordered the arrest of a muslim cleric for saying the leaders of the opposition should be condemned to death under islamic law for calls to overthrow president morsi reaction now to the latest developments in egypt from ramsey baroud author and journalist joining us live from seattle ramsey very nice to see you sir mubarak quit two years ago and has been tried over the killings of protesters in the twenty eleven uprising so the number of fatalities in the ceaseless violent protests against the current president since january twenty fifth amounts to over sixty so is there a trial looming for mr morsy that. not necessarily because morsi was in fact an elected president and what has been happening since then is not exactly a popular a unified popular uproar against the addicted bitter but rather
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political polarization that has swept through the country for the last two years reaching the point of both sides justifying violence against one another and as it is you have these this increasing number of casualties some of it indeed due to police brutality but the political context of what is happening right now is almost entirely different from what happened two years ago and the more. a group calling itself the blog has a much as a new force and this latest string of clashes and we had a chance to speak now to one of its members let's now have a listen. to black block here's an idea that came about as a reaction to the negligence of our peaceful demands and also as a reaction against the oppression of the interior ministry which received orders from the regime we stand against the oppressive and tyrant regime we call upon the interior ministry to deliver justice for those who have been killed and we will
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continue our demands until they are met our actions are in self-defense we are protecting ourselves but have never attacked anyone and we will always be present in egypt even after or demands are met however we will take on a different form of the aim behind our presence is to prevent injustice in any form no one listens to our demands and the proof is the number of people who are being killed. you had that so do you believe in the peaceful nature of behind the intentions of these young men and blind. no not at all but i do think that there is . an important context here that we need to keep in mind for the last two years egypt has not been allowed to have a strong sutro government that is keeble or pushing the political process fooled and thus the economy of the country the social cohesion and everything else as a result you have the huge vacuum and this polarization and that is allowing
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egyptian society to be open for exploitation and i'm not necessarily saying that the black bloc in particular are is is a component of some sort of foreign conspiracy but there is a possibility that in fact that the are outside those who are trying to rather fuel to the fire that is already. taking over egypt at least in the urban centers from cairo to boresight it's a phenomenon that i think resulted from the frustration disenfranchisement and just the general feeling of betrayal that the youth of egypt are feeling right now the issue is not the black bloc in particular but why would the even appeal to the youth of egypt in the first place a list there was that vacuum and there was that the need that was it created by the lack of sensuality and the lack of confidence in the political process in egypt
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with or coming from the government or from the so-called the position of a still looks like we have the growing popularity of a movement accused of engaging and sabotage and wide like associated with the on occasion is that the kind of ally they tertian opposition was looking for. you know it's certainly not but they are also afraid of making that so very clear as to lose a component of their support the are desperate to to appear much more representative of various sectors. egyptian society than they are to the extent that at one point and it's still the they were willing to ally themselves with the so-called women and of the hosni mubarak we've we've seen that happening in the hairier square we've seen that happen in other situations as well you also have the so-called culture is and i keep saying the so-called because simply it is extremely difficult to authenticate any of these groups or their motives you have the ultras
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which is a football club that turned political and initiated violence and has been engaged in acts of violence throughout cairo and its vicinity and and the opposition worked with the ultras in order for them to achieve political ends so you have the situation where the opposition is a conglomerate of various parties that clashed at one point unified against the cause of morsi and the muslim brotherhood and now are desperate for any sort of support coming from that blog or green block it doesn't matter as long as these people are disavowing morsi and protesting his policies are right also our interests around thank you very much for your time and. this is all she answered ahead for you this hour dangerous demographics and politicians in a war the rapid population train could lead to civil war got the details in
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a couple of minutes. and. the you are nuclear watchdog is holding another round of talks with iran over its atomic calderon after failed negotiations last cia hopes this time to convince tyrol to open its the senate is suspected of making bombs beijing says main focus is the parchin military base a site where it believes iran a test of explosives relevant to the production of nuclear weapons around denies all western accusations insisting its program is named as mentor for power generation and medical research however increasingly severe international sanctions are posing this quiz on everyday life and making it harder for iranians stop tain basic medicine and there's and he's morea financial reports from tehran a drug addict deficit as in many cases leads to a lethal outcome. behind the smile lies pain and
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despair a bass on the run in with blood a cancer has just received his medicine but there is no guarantee he'll get it tomorrow a bass jokes about patients being patient but sadly has no choice. it's so hard to get treatment these days it's not that i don't get any at all but you have to wait a long time and if you get it that only means someone else has misto. the reason for the drug shortage sanctions imposed by western countries and the republic they're not directly targeting the pharmaceutical or medical sectors but they had banks and imposed trade restrictions tassimo unfortunately many foreign companies stopped selling us drugs they're not allowed to have creme brulee with a room and people predict price some with their lives. iran's officials warn it may have an impact far beyond its borders.
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if we have a disease of the demick and are unable to vaccinate the population it could spread easily to neighboring countries and the third to many even outside iraq. iran produces ninety six percent of its own medicine but the roma to rose for half of them come from abroad more than fifty vital medicines have disappeared from the running pharmacist international sanctions came in because the for an ingredient here made from can no longer make their way into iran people with cancer and team ophelia wait often ended with bad news but the drug is not available their chances of survival are getting ever slimmer as sanctions heat patients instead of politicians officials estimate a total of six million iranian patients could be in danger because of the drug deficit in the van by local and international media reported on the first death apparently caused by the shortage
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a fifteen year old boy who suffers from him ophelia couldn't get the medicine he desperately needed despite a frantic search by his family and he died in hospital on. the west apply a new strategy now they tried sanctions on the military sector they realized we actually started making progress there but they wanted to weaken destabilize the country and the government is their aim this is why they now target people so that people get angry and take the streets protesting i think. and people indeed take to the streets this is a meeting of organ donors and some whose lives have been saved by transplant a process now complicated by the like of medicine for that. i thank god and the donor who return me to life i had heart problems and now his heart beats in my chest and i'm again why. the problem is that many too many are still waiting
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surgery became extremely expensive and the number of donors decreased will they have enough time. to run in doctors find themselves facing a very hard to to ation having to decide who will get the medicine and who will not in this brazen they wrote an s.o.s. letter to the un chief they're still waiting for an answer griffin ocean r.t. from iran. to our breaking news this hour on the seismic activity has been detected in north korea there percent of the four point nine magnitude quake was reportedly located at this site oh pyongyang's previous nuclear tests on the follows its recent thread to conduct a new one the south korean defense ministry says it's trying to assess whether it was a possible new player just lation saying it could be former tell the time of stronger atomic blast also bring you more details on this developing story as we get that.
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recent studies in britain such as the country's most rapidly growing demographic is muslim and the trends starting trouble with laser brits they say their governments too scared to face the problems caused by the immigration who are his poor boy i went to investigate. it's what britain is known for a vibrant multicultural society and it looks like u.k. babies are testimony to it in east london seventy seven percent of new mums were born in britain nicoletta is from romania two thousand and seven i been here when my husband together so. kids come through and let it sit cine recently moved here from sri lanka and it is a big deal the board here. has three children i was born in bangladesh they get who did you. could living standard in their. so you're perfectly when you kill them overseas london is so ethnically diverse that white
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britons and now a minority here as well as in three other british cities between the years of two thousand and one and two thousand and eleven nearly four million immigrants came to the k. as part of an immigration bill under the former labor government at the time westminster said that britain needed working migrants to propel the economy this is tower hamlets in east london a third of the residents here a bangladeshi in fact they outnumber the white brits in this area by two thousand people so if you want to just say that they're baffled at just how quickly the number of indigenous brits has diminished over the past decade some put it down to a case of white flight they say that caucasian brits are moving out of the country's most diverse areas there are people in this country who have racist motives who simply don't want people because of the color of their skin. in the
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city but there are a lot of genuinely decent people who do have concerns and even the labor party has discovered recently that the vast majority of people is right those who would. naturally vote for the labor party have conserves and that's something that no government can ignore the leader of the opposition labor party recently admitted that his party got it wrong on immigration and to those. we were too quick to say like it but the truth is the public were ahead of us in seeing some of the problems of migration because they were seeing them in their own communities. and they were ahead of us in seeing the course of migration as a whole poll after poll shows that the people living here are worried about the speed and the size of the influx. really work for my opinion i don't think the
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military need more immigrants at the moment i do love the movie as a real critics say the government is too frightened to address what person will look like in fifty years time it's going to look like islam about basically it's going to be a complete population change the indigenous population is shrinking anyway the biggest growth stenographic in in britain is islam is growing ten times faster than any other demographic and the problem with that is that the younger generation and the younger muslim generation is becoming increasingly radicalized and i personally think it's going to really. civil unrest in the twenty twenty five twenty. of war demographers say that if immigration continues on a similar scale the white british population throughout the country will become a minority after twenty sixty six but with less than half of londoners already
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describing themselves as white british some say that a quiet and irreversible revolution has already taken place in britain poly boyko azzi east london. eighteen people one hour known to have been killed following monday's me say an explosion in a mine of russia's northern cormier public the blast happened eight hundred meters below the surface while more than two hundred fifty meters were on the ground miners were on the ground so president person has sent his condolences and orders the country's imagines to minister to oversee the rescue and cleanup operations. and some other world news a brave this hour french and modern troops have regained can. all of the new city have got our limits militants launched a surprise. on what is one of the country's most populous cities or sources say three civilians were killed during the fighting france claims its military campaign
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in the west african state is almost complete with the surgeons pushed out of the cities towards the desert area near the algerian border. at least two hundred people took part in a so-called hunger march in the hunger and capital budapest protesters shot at the slogans against the rising cost of living and poor employment prospects in march was joined by members of the opposition garion socialist party demanding wage raisers and times of the holdings. rebels in syria have pushed army units out of a key hydroelectric dam in what same as a major setback for government forces to separate car bombings in the north of the country killed a total of twenty six people who have both been blamed on al qaeda linked militants despite the offer of negotiations with president assad the syrian opposition still insists he must leave his post at some point. at
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least twelve people most of them soldiers have been killed in the so side bombing and gun attacks in the northern iraqi city of mosul whilst of the damage was caused the one a car parked with explosives was rammed into a military checkpoint the bombing is thought to be related to the ongoing sectarian conflict in the country where the sunni minority are protesting against what they call unfair treatment from the issuer led government. now back child breaking news story and seismic activity has been detected in north korea they have a center over the four point nine magnitude quake was reportedly located on the side of pyongyang's previous nuclear test and follows its recent thread to conduct a new one the south korean defense ministry says it's trying to assess whether it was a possible nuclear detonation so it could be format tannic tunneled stronger or stronger atomic blast so north korea is currently under severe u.n.
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sanctions for doing its long range missile launch in december and of course we'll bring you more details on this developing story as we get them. barack obama is set to deliver his first state of the union address of his second with immigration gun control and the troubled economy high on their chanda the struggling middle class which obama claims to support is expecting the white house to usher in change because long overdue and economist mark floodwalls says the president risks losing support unless he finally delivers on his pledges. i think it's a bit pessimistic but largely accurate to call it the way i like to call it now which is the artist formerly known as the middle class so what's actually happened is a lot of what it's meant to be middle class in america has been access to affordable higher education college and university ability to retire with some security ability to own a home an ability to have health care and really all four of those pillars of the
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mass middle class experience that defined post world war two america are either nubile being nibbled away by economic change or in some can't cases those legs have collapsed for tens of millions of american families there steve union comes right after the inaugural speech the second inauguration which was very light on the economy and came in for some significant criticism both from allies and usually as well as from foes of the president's we need to address that we are already seeing a weak economy here so it will probably be revised up but it was actually technically negative g.d.p. in the fourth quarter of two thousand and twelve and there's a kind of feeling that at some point promises and good efforts by the president won't get him all that much with his base of supporters unless he can put some in real delivery of improved economic circumstances behind the rhetoric the promises and the successes that the obama administration has had in lots of areas other than the economy. and obama is also expected to touch upon america's foreign policy which is becoming increasingly a hands free thanks to modern technology like
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a month on this comes as the last administration seeks to justify the proxies of killing terrorist suspects including american citizens was a drone strikes have ruled and human rights stanley cohen says these talks had as i said i say same isolations i should say our action in that. we're not at war in pakistan we're not it war in yemen we're not at war in lebannon we're not in war in somalia if you want to clear war if you want to follow international law if you want to make your case you play by the rules the fact of the matter is no matter what you call this it's murder it's assassination it's illegal we're talking about murdering civilians we're talking about attacks by drones in countries that are our allies if there were persons there that we are want that are wanted american citizens yemeni citizens pakistani citizens somali citizens for crimes here you go to the countries you extradite him you charge him you bring him to trial the united
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states under international law cannot must not enough to no stretch of the imagination is justified in the use of drones in the execution and the extra judicial assassination of not just americans of anyone overseas for years we have charged people we have extradited people we've indicted people we've convicted many people charged with crimes of terrorism and it's worked before but this is an administration which is a namrud with clean murder with clean killing that's what president obama likes and now we're just trying to clean it up further. kate is next with the weekly recap of this posting highlights. technology innovation all the developments around. the future
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