tv [untitled] February 12, 2013 6:30am-7:00am EST
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beings who are targeted for assassination abroad on mere suspicion somehow diminishes due process right here in america flip that logic on its head because the office it's actually true deny ndu process to anyone is a dangerous precedent which normalizes and conditions americans to accept the lack of due process as it relates to them you end the article by defending how waterboarding leads to more intelligence than simply incinerating people from the sky with drones does. you know his point really a pit in my eyes is the sad state of politics in this country where we can choose between an administration that openly justifies torture or one that simply assassinate people without a trial if this false dichotomy pisses you off to stick around because i'm about to break the set. guys this is the hundredth episode of breaking the set and i'm really excited
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that's what i'd like to highlight what i think some of the best interviews we've done since the show launched last september and december i had the exciting opportunity to sit down with a cademy award winning director oliver stone and historian peter cosmic about their book in showtime series the untold history of the united states we discussed a wide range of topics from self-censorship in hollywood to the growing surveillance state here in the u.s. check out. to the history you cover pearl harbor which of course led to the internment of japanese american citizens i don't think a lot of people really acknowledge that once again under reported aspect of really what that meant when you look at the surveillance grid in america today it almost seems like it is an open air internment camp where they don't need to in turn people anymore because we have this great set up in place of them you know because they're we the u.s. government now intercepts more than one point seven billion messages a day from american citizens one point seven billion that's you know that's telephone calls it's other forms of communication that's about one point seven
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billion we've got this apparatus set up now with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people over a million people with top security clearances they've created this kind of nightmarish state they said in one nine hundred eighty four kind of state in many ways we say well if i was an iceberg i have million clearances one million top security top security if you know you know which we are living in a fishbowl and i think the sad part is that kids the younger people. there used to . say well you know and it's true i mean how can we follow the law as everybody but the truth is that we're all ultimately watching ourselves is it or well you know. it may not be oppressive on the surface but you know horowitz we have to have certain we there's no place there's no. there's really no place. indeed we have. turned into an orwellian state and i love how they articulated that there it's the slow decline in our society that reminds me on
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a daily basis of my responsibility to shine a light on issues that are otherwise not given enough attention one story that i found so far too overlooked was that of the manmade disasters plaguing the small caribbean country of haiti late last year i had the amazing opportunity to travel all the way to haiti on a chartered plane with former u.s. president jimmy carter and there he held an intimate press conference where i had the great opportunity to ask him about a topic that so many other media outlets are far too silent about here's that clip you wrote an excellent article and june of this year where you said that the u.s. is violating human rights at home and abroad what factors do you see plain what are the main factors playing a role in this deterioration of human rights and the rule of law and how can we restore it well the main. to which i referred in that op ed piece had been brought about by correcting the nine eleven disaster when terrorists. came in and destroyed as you know more than three thousand american
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lives and and two buildings but also even the defense department so we have over reacted to that and i'm a lonely voice in saying that. we should have a drone assassinations of people i know that many others disagree with me personally think that we do more harm than good by having a potential terrorist who have not been proven that they're guilty but in the meantime the drone attacks also killed you know women and children so it would be nice and i think this iraq is more new terrorists then it is possibly a correction in maybe killing a few of the terrorist leaders pres. carter went on to talk about the growing loss of personal privacy an issue that's becoming commonplace in this country there warped laws that justify and legalize the stripping of our most fundamental rights
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which brings me the most recent interview i just did with chris hedges journalist author and main plaintiff in a lawsuit against obama and others are suing the administration over a section of the national defense authorization act that grants the military the right to indefinitely detain u.s. citizens without charge or trial this has been an issue i've covered a lot on the show since it first launched and this particular episode about the n.b.a. was an exposé on the dangers of this law and the importance of this case here's a clip from that interview. in the historical narrative of america in the short brief history of our nation lincoln f.d.r. you know when he authorized the brief internment of japanese people i mean all these things were very brief periods and they were reinstated it seems like to have the n.d.a. ten plus years after an event where there's really no threat i mean and now it's coupled with the surveillance state profiting off the erosion of our society i mean
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how are we in some way too far gone you're right you're talking about. periods of emergency in which. our basic civil liberties were taken from us. during wartime. which is not defensible what we're talking about here is something else we're talking about a long continuous process over a decade this isn't the first assault against our civil liberties the corporate state has used nine eleven in the same way that the nazi party use the reichstag far as a justification to strip away all of our most important constitutional rights the. examples that you cite lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the civil war and f.d.r.'s internment of one hundred ten thousand japanese americans were moments this is something. far more dire far more serious and far more frightening. and of course you can see all of these interviews in full on our you tube channel or guys
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it's been an intense and very exciting one hundred episodes of breaking the set and it would have been possible without my amazing awesome producers and most importantly it wouldn't be possible without you the viewer that you guys carry enough of these controversial truths to watch and share the information i wouldn't have the same drive to keep going every day you guys give me faith that we can turn things around for the better in this country and in the world so thanks for watching from the bottom of my heart let's keep breaking the set for another hundred episodes. so since it's our hundred break in the set and since every day i tell you to write in with your comments i'm going to go over some of them and respond starting with
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you to leon six twelve right so abby you're such a disgruntled woman why having such a hissy fit that israel has nukes but iran doesn't if you prefer. i'm get them you know i could say many things to this comment but i will just let you tube or derrick johnson respond instead he said the point is that the us is threatening iran because of its non-existent nuclear weapons program meanwhile israel is the only country in the world with a stockpile yet no transparency or need to sign the and he treaty if you don't think that's whack and you're whack word here's one that i found very interesting bit pathetic lee predictable it's from the jewish internet defense force who called me out on twitter and said gotta love the internet or haters of jews israel and the usa like at abby martin and espouse their idiotic hateful views and influence others to which i responded so i'm a jew hater for defending the rights of ethiopian jews against the israeli
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government's eugenics policy yeah that makes zero sense and you know what i'm not the only one who can see that this veil of propaganda that your organization promotes my viewers had my back at twill say rights haters of non haters going to hate true that and troll is of non troll is going to troll but really browsers on twitter had the point home right on the head who said you know i hate how people can't criticize another nation's policies without being labeled a racist or bigot hash tag stick to the issue. that's the problem with criticizing israel as soon as you do this is the catch all label given you no matter how the gym it may be to criticize a whore and government policies like apartheid and eugenics and in response to my segment on north korea not being the threat that the us claims it to be per just stronger of your rights on youtube what happened abi can join only give you some money oh yes she's
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a russian commie spy pathetic americans fail fail i think you're missing the point here bro no one's glorifying north korea. how did said that anyone the us declares to be part of the axis of evil probably deserves a closer look at a proper historical context outside of the corporate media tunnelvision so you might want to look into that now probably the most prevalent attack that i get on the show is on the way that i look and dress every day i get a barrage of degrading insults and i'm trying to sell sex on the show doesn't matter if i'm wearing a suit or a dress damn i could probably be wearing a burka and i'd probably still be objectified to that end this is the best response i've seen to the criticisms about the show's intro z.t. h.g. forty eight twenty one says on you tube your take is ad homonym against the r t presenters you and others miss the symbolism symbolism behind abby's intro she begins getting all glamour and up as an anchor on fox a miss and b c would do but instead of doing what you expect to walk into
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a news desk and sitting pretty to lend a pretty face to corporate nonsense she owns the gear of demolition ist pics of a sledgehammer and pummels a television that's blaring said nonsense this is a mockery of the m.s.m. and intentional one. well put you clearly get it and their response to my interview with hedges on the n.d.a. at and. writes on twitter why is dish on our t.v. pure russian chandon a fraud or is this a real story it's real why no u.s. or brit coverage to which i responded i don't know what's more ridiculous you asking whether this is a fake story or actually thinking the us corporate media covers real news on a more positive note jason gold writes call you on who got more straight answers in the first episode that i watched than the entire last year of cable and i'm not going to use the word news. but perhaps the most humbling feedback of all was from
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an actress and talent extraordinary at rosario dawson on twitter who said thank you for providing us folks with a real new thank you. rosario karine about real news it gives me so much hope to see high profile celebrities like you voiced support for controversial troops and thank all of you once again for writing and for watching much love. well if you like what you see so far head to our youtube channel youtube dot com watching breaking the set be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode all of our interview segments have doubt if you want to have those separately and encourage everyone to check out my interview with n.s.a. whistleblower thomas drake from last week it's a doozy but also look at every individual segment we've done separately under our tab the section on the top of the page from big brother watch to weapons of mass destruction check out all of that and more at youtube dot com slash break in the set well i'll let you take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned for the details the corporate
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enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just. not with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. on the clock. to do if you've never seen anything like to cut. costs. by now you probably know that there's a cop killer on the loose taking a look. back now with new details tonight on the other big story that's gripping much of the nation the manhunt for that former los angeles police officer accused of killing three people in revenge shootings earlier this week christopher dorner a former cop with a vendetta against the l.a.p.d. now vowing to use their tactics against them police say this man is highly trained
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heavily armed and has three murders under his belt already this manifesto from this suspect who is targeting cops it's it's stunning. it is stunning ship and it says he wants to kill cops because he believes cops ruined his name when they fired him and accused him of lying now he acknowledges that he will not be alive when his name is cleared but then again police have no intention of clearing it they think that he is a cold blooded killer while the corporate media has been all over this riveting story it's hardly a surprise they've missed reporting on a couple of the most interesting angles but look i want to make one thing clear killing innocent people is a horror and unforgettable that doesn't take away from the fact that underneath all of this there could be a powerful message being missed take for example chris dorner uncensored manifesto while the majority of it is incoherent rambling there are a few very pointed words that should not be ignored dorner said quote the
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department has not changed since the rampart and rodney king days it's gotten worse i saw some of those vile things humans can inflict on others as a police officer in los angeles unfortunately it wasn't in the streets of l.a. it was in the confound of the l.a.p.d. police stations and cruisers the enemy combatants in l.a. are not the citizens and suspects it's the police officers. chilling words it's unfortunate that we're only hearing them as a result of a tragic chain of events so to talk about media censorship the systemic violence and racism prevalent among police and how this fits into the larger dialogue of mass shootings i'm joined now by mike rivera a talk show host and webmaster of what really happened mike thanks so much for coming on thank you for all the way from home why so a lot of people don't know this but this guy was actually punished and fired he claims for reporting police brutality within the l.a.p.d. i mean why do you think this points kind of left out in the conversation by the corporate media well i used to live in los angeles and police brutality has been an
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ongoing problem for many years like the church child molestation scandal that was kept from the public in the past it's only with the bill. delivery of these cameras in the hands of the public that the brutality problem was made public knowledge of course going back to the video recording of the rodney king beating. perhaps as equally disturbing is the way in which the l.a.p.d. is pursuing this manhunt i mean targeting shooting virtually anyone with a similar vehicle i mean this is happening after they already found his vehicle burned by big bear i mean is there overzealous response and part confirming has a point here. i think it may be i mean it's clear at this point the manhunt is not succeeding nor is this much proclaimed total surveillance state able to locate this gentleman as you point out the shooting. people for driving trucks that merely look similar to here is kind of underscores the fact the police system really is not
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working they are unable to find violent criminals they're not even able to protect themselves from violent criminals and that's another reason for the american people to keep and bear arms equal if not superior to those in the hands of criminals also perrier i mean how reasons have sapir your arms have that their status and has mike . well that of course is what the second amendment is all about and there are supreme court decisions that state the second amendment muse about military weapons and if you don't want to argue about defense against tyranny the idea is in a nation where the police are unable to protect the public violent criminals the public must protect it so we have a right to have the weapons necessary to protect ourselves from violent crime i want to get into that in a second first i want to talk to you about drones i mean here here dorner is being the first citizen now being pursued by surveillance drones i mean if we take a cue from the way the u.s. uses drones abroad then i don't think it could be that long until we see predator drones i mean it's not too far away from reality to actually expect predator drones on u.s. soil i mean do you think this is where we're going here well i think people are
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understandably concerned about it because even if the intended target of a drone strike actually deserves to be killed and setting aside all those constitutional issues these drone strikes kill innocent bystanders and that really should not be tolerated at all but again i think you know with all these t.v. cameras they have all of us looking california they can't find the guy i don't think the drones are going to do any better you know it kind of reminds me obama is killing people under mere suspicion abroad with drones it seems to match up the way that cops are just shooting suspects domestically totally on mere suspicion it's just an interesting point but do you think it will take predator drones flying in people's backyards for people to actually wake up to what's going on in the world i think they're already waking up any kind of drone over and is is getting public anger i know the mayor of seattle just ordered the police to stop using their drones i know people in texas are very upset over the drones the police department have which are weaponized a little and i think people are in fact waking up well let's get into the mental
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health second and i measure what you brought up earlier i mean dorner is obviously mentally disturbed much like the other perpetrators of these mass shootings i mean it seems like the go to response is to use these tragedies for political capital do you think that there should be a larger point of conversation about mental health instead of. and control here i absolutely agree with that and one of the things the corporate media is not covering is that at least ninety percent of these mass shootings being used to justify gun bans the perpetrators were either on or withdrawing from prescription and i depressants mostly access our eyes and they have a long and well documented history of triggering violent and suicidal thoughts in the patients taking them and this is an issue the corporate media doesn't want to cover because there's big money in pharmaceutical advertising but it is a known problem congress even held hearings on that talk about more specifically what is it as are eggs i don't think a lot of people realize when you use that term what you're talking about the acronym stands for selective serotonin inhibitors and basically the theory is by
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keeping a surplus of serotonin in your brain you'll be calm and happy and less stressed and less depressed but these drugs have a very long history of back flashing on a segment of the population that takes them and again these horrible incidents of violence sometimes with guns sometimes with cars and knives and it me even be that this suicide crisis among our combat troops could be linked to these drugs because they're handed out quite commonly to our troops serving in the war zones definitely definitely a point that if they made more about the state of mental health and what the farmer said a lot is going to prevent us from really learning the truth about this but to wrap it up just talking about the second amendment i mean like how are we supposed to fight the largest military in the world with the weapons authorized to us legally you have about a minute left well i'm confident you know this comes a shot sorry if if push comes to show i think any revolution in this country only has to survive in order to win we don't need to march into washington d.c.
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we don't need to do i had on front to front battle with the army i think when florida investors realize that there is an angry american people no longer willing to be the wall of last resort for the financial crimes and corruptions the know it wall street i think they'll call their foreign investment and wall street will come tumbling down and probably take the federal government with it thank you so much micro webmaster what really happened awesome website thank you so much for coming on. thank you you. thank. i don't know about you but i did a very entertaining weekend and all thanks to former president george w. bush wait let me explain couple of weeks ago i read that bush had taken up painting as a hobby and it is subjects that interest are primarily dogs and desert landscapes but apparently that was only scratching the surface of his recent artistic exploration
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due to a hack over the weekend in the bush family's personal e-mails a couple more paintings of his were released and let's just say they boast a more personal touch check out this portrait of bush's naked body taking a back legs outstretched for the water fills the tub but as strange as a self-portrait of your bare legs is it gets better or shall i say worse take a look at this self portrait of bush standing naked in the shower as his confused face stares back at him through a hanging near. me this is say these bizarre paintings have gone viral and has everyone wane in attempting to rationalize their deeper meaning just check out some of these headlines this one all the way across the pond the guardian said a hack george bush paintings help us inch toward empathy and back on us soil the atlantic had this to say bush is our forces liberals to contemplate this soul and by far my personal favorite from the huffington post george bush self portraits
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perplex our world yes the our world is in a frenzy trying to psychoanalyze bush's brain and what's the real us the message he was trying to portray by painting his face in an off center reflection but could be that is just a simple novice painter that didn't quite get the symmetry right guys are we really obsessing over bush's deep thoughts let's be honest bush doesn't have many deep thoughts to give and his soul well we all know that he sold that out a long time ago so stop taking this awkward amateur and might i add boring art at anything more face value and in all seriousness this. overanalysis attributed to these paintings is completely unwarranted yes bush is a human being and sure he has an artistic side it's great that he has time to pursue a creative outlet considering how a million plus iraqis will never be given that chance but i digress to say that these paintings somehow show the depths of his soul are revealed he's projecting
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guilt over his horrible deeds is absurd and it detracts us from who bush really is and who will always be a war criminal that belongs behind bars a man responsible for two illegal immoral wars based on false pretenses resulting in the deaths of over a million people and that's just the tip of the iceberg interestingly enough there's another controversial historical figure who tried as hand of painting and in fact he said that quote future historians will remember me not for what i've done for germany but for my art yes i'm talking about adolf hitler and surprisingly his art was much better than bush's book what does this tell us well it tells us one thing only terrible criminals can have artistic side too so before you get swept up in all this deep analysis always remember bush is a war criminal first and a painter second. we
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