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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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immigration and to those who lost out we were too quick to say like it or lump it. the truth is the public were ahead of us in seeing some of the problems of migration because they were seeing them in their own communities poll after poll shows that the people living here are worried about the speed and the size of the influx. for my opinion i don't think you. need more immigrants at the moment i do love the movie. critics say the government is too frightened to address what person will look like in fifty years time it's going to look like. it's going to be a complete population. the indigenous population is shrinking anyway the younger generation and the younger generation is becoming increasingly radicalized and i think it's probably. twenty twenty five twenty possibly civil
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war demographers say that if immigration continues on a similar scale the white british population throughout the country will become a minority after twenty sixty six but with less than half of londoners already describing themselves as white british some say that a quiet and irreversible revolution has already taken place in britain. at sea east london. americans are preparing to tune in to the president's big speech barack obama is about to make his state of the union address is expected to focus on the economic recovery of the middle class ignoring crucial issues like secretive u.s. drone strikes that are just ahead here in. new hope outgoing pope benedict the sixteenth says he won't have a. choice of successor with the catholic church at a crossroads following the surprise resignation announcement. so those
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stories still to come for you between now and the start of the next hour in the meantime it is business with katie. and understand that peace has been made no currency wars is that right well apparently said the g seven seven of the world's biggest economy is they've said that they're not going to engage in these so-called currency walls pushing down the valley of their cars in order to growth it's not effect save in the grand scale of things in terms of boosting growth for the whole of the world economy so they vowed not to do that so i'll be back with business about a minute so it's a bell i get it thank you. some countries want oil but that's kid stuff who needs oil when you could secure the world's largest supply of truck soda located exclusively in sweden and reading
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sweden for absolutely no logical reason is a possible you say well supreme commander of the swedish armed forces general sphere guru and son must have watched red dawn too many times because he thinks the russians are a common general durance and declared that if invaded by russia sweden wouldn't be able to last a week against the onslaught therefore sweden must immediately join nato he said that currently it is not quite possible to invade sweden but due to the two thousand and eight war with georgia it is possible for russia to somehow push through established european borders bring their forces up to sweden's gates putting the generals country in danger but guess what according to your own council of the european union georgia started the war so by that logic if the two thousand and one with georgia is the example of the future then don't kill russian peacekeeping troops and you'll have nothing to worry about but general goran so also made the point that president putin is rearming the russian army hinting at a threat of being heavily armed to defend yourself is
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a bad scary thing then joining up with nato seems to be pretty hypocritical if the people of sweden want to join nato well that is choice their. but they shouldn't be tricked into having their taxpayers pay for their sons to die in afghanistan based on totally bogus arguments that make no sense but that's just my opinion.
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i. welcome to visit us i'm katie hoping the g seven has issued a statement on what seems to be the dominating topic these days the currency wars the group of seven nations have vowed not to engage in the pushing down of the
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value of their cars to create trade advantages and boost exports agreeing to consult closely on exchange rates and said government's fiscal and monetary policies must not be directed at devaluing currencies nominations out just two days ahead of the g twenty summit in moscow this week so i've got to turn up well it kind of out right here to give me the lowdown on it also known as the currency wars that will they be the hot topic for finance ministers here in moscow this week i would imagine so. because the statement you are speaking about is already adopted as a very weak and market watchers say about it will hardly have any implications are tall and in fact the japanese young about was most aggressively devalued over the past month has already lost even more value on the back of this statement and i've spoken to russia's deputy finance minister aleksey we see it who told me that his
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overall skeptical about the whole notion of the currency was. over from a overdramatize this is it's not something that is going to result in devoted himself to the right side so i think. the effectiveness of attempts by various countries to two currencies i think that there will be quite low. my case is telling you the burning question is if they're not going to be talking about the current sequels what will be on the agenda or are they going to say well i was thinking about the real issues the real problems they will talk stimulating economic growth creating new jobs and the means has taken place in moscow because russia said to chair these years g. twenty summits of the main one in september and deputy finance minister alex a may say if you told me that russia will raise some mobile issues concerning investment and that is listen to him then the most important topic in my opinion is going to
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be thought because on financing for investments and we understand that. it is the main challenge for today's world to generate enough investment to support growth and so you know opinion is one of the very important reasons why growth has been so cluster in most of the countries in the world and second of course we expect to. new. concepts of that leisure and levels the. sort of the best under so on behalf of the. face that problems and so. i can say. yeah. for you as a lot of theory and i would say i'm sure that they start working real hard this week and by the time of the main summit in september they will come up with some real practical results that will affect our ordinary people's lives that sounds
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good to me and really tells me you're going to have my life i'm not talking out of public i thank you very much indeed for. ok we're getting on and it's down to us for russia sukhoi superjet one hundred knots thanks to the state aviation watchdog aviation have grounded four out of ten super jet planes in the air for fleet hours after receiving a letter from the federal air transport agency reporting failures in the aircraft not heard of a sukhoi superjet said that the root cause of these failures has been identified and eliminated. united states will want no peace with russia when it comes to me the u.s. has urged russia to honor the accession to the w t o commitments and to immediately lift the ban on the import of u.s. beef products russian authorities and force the ban because of an elected finding of the growth promoter. a substance that is banned in one hundred sixty countries
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because of health risks to humans. let's check out these markets and see what is going on today and we've got the u.s. markets as you can see that in positive territory remaining up real marriage though as investors watch earnings before president barack obama's state union address bill mentioned it himself as while he's expected to talk about outlining his plans to create jobs and growth for the middle class to start on the agenda today for serving about for investors as far as the european session then when it actually ended up in positive territory as an overnight rally in japan gave way to some optimism on mining firms added pressure as metal prices dropped and also what's amazing is going on today a president mario draghi meeting spain's prime minister mariano russia meanwhile european finance ministers meet in brussels to as well they're so upset for the
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first see an around a third for the dax where this took her it says and you can see just how the russian ruble managed to finish up today stronger against both the u.s. dollar and the euro that arliss talk about taxes and here moscow because they finished up the day mixed you can see just three basis points for the r.t.s. the funds pose a very modest indeed for the my six it's a rather a quarter below the line. moving on that russia is rapidly increasing its foreign debt the twenty two foreign debt at the end of twenty twelve amounted to six hundred twenty four billion dollars that breaks down to four thousand two hundred dollars for every russian citizen things aren't as bad as they sound because the share of the corporate sector accounts for about ninety percent certainly an average russian is not responsible for gas from huge debts for the south stream gas pipeline project in south southern europe or the billions of
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dollars ross just has to pay to be paid for buying it. be paid in reality the average burden on each rushing comes to just over four hundred dollars oh it's put that into perspective then the us foreign debt has over five point five trillion dollars that's silly eighteen thousand dollars for every american whether they're employed a retiree or even a newborn we could say so americans are saddled with a government burden that is forty times bigger than what the russians have to do with. valentine's day is coming up and if you want to get your partner a gift that i might know just the thing for you rushes diamond. has dug deep and found a rock worth one billion dollars. over one hundred forty five carat is transparent with a yellow hue can receive the yellow here but it is indeed there it is rather large
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and i quite fancy it myself so there we are that is indeed the business builder you know exactly what this week and we've got plenty more news as well coming up here on r.t. so stay with us for that. mission
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download the official publication. stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just. not with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. here in r t the u.s. president is preparing for his state of the union address it's barack obama's first since reelection and he'll explain what he's got planned for a second term let's discuss what he's likely to include and exclude with gerald horne he's a professor of history at the university. now a bomb his main focus is going to be restoring middle class prosperity why is that
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on top of his agenda. well it's clear that there has been a slowdown in the u.s. economy as you well know this slowdown is increasingly being exacerbated by the rising tidal wave of u.s. debt which is now in detroit as mr obama sees it he has to make proposals that speak to this is this will include for example more emphasis on the green economy and green jobs the problem he faces is that there is a large political opposition in united states that is heavily in mest and climate change denial and as hotly opposed to any measures that speak to the issue of the green economy. now foreign policy issues as well on the agenda big announcer expected on the number of u.s. troops in afghanistan now that is expected to be cut by one hot off does this suggest that america ready thanks is mission accomplished now in afghanistan. well
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i'm sure that's what mr obama will say but as you well know this crisis and afghanistan is just reaching a higher level no one expects to tell a bomb to lay down their weapons no one expects allies in neighboring pakistan to do the same i dare say that it is highly likely that the president mr duration in kabul led by mr karzai will face a very perlis future when the u.s. troops pull out. career of course is on the agenda too in the headlines at the moment that's obviously going to be something that he's going to be talking about and north korea's nuclear ambitions just how serious does america see this nuclear threat from. well as you well know there is presently a truce between north korea and the united states there was a truce negotiated in one nine hundred fifty three and technically the democratic
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people's republic of korea and united states of america are technically in a state of war you may recall that a few years ago then u.s. president george w. bush proclaimed that north korea was part of the axis of evil whole we all well know what happened to saddam hussein's iraq with regard to being put in that category it was invaded by tens of thousands of u.s. troops and the regime was overthrown i think that north korea feels that if it has nuclear weapons it will not go the same route as saddam hussein's iraq that is to say being thrown by the united states military could the same be said of iran then . well i hope that mr obama mentions in his state of the union address that just a few days ago there were very ominous military games held off the coast of iran as is well known the u.s. ally in israel led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been ratcheting up the
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pressure and the tension with regard to iran mr bahman is expected to visit and israel within weeks and many of us expect that this will be a very dangerous mission and so far as we fully expect some sort of attack on iran before the end of two thousand and thirteen led by the interstates in israel really is that likely to happen do you think. well let us hope not but some of the signs are unmistakable i point you to those military games held off the coast of iran i point you to an editorial in this morning's wall street journal pinned by the u.s. ambassador biggest thrill and best of its united states michael oren which makes all matter of our claims about iranian intentions there are unspeakable signs pointing to a height military conflict with iran. let me quickly ask you about one aspect we've covered a lot here a lot and that is drawing strikes the kind of action if you have those what well
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let be mentioned do you think. i hope so but probably not i don't think united states has fully for this question of drones it's well known that united states has no monopoly on the knowledge of developing that kind of technology as we speak dozens of nations or developing drone warfare if these dozens of nations will see down the same route the united states has proceeded then we can expect the law of the jungle to iraq for example in the united states there are a number of iranian dissidents the united states will not extradite to iran should we expect a run ins to engage in drone strikes in the united states against their political opponents by the united states has done in yemen and in pakistan and elsewhere let us hope not but the signs are pointing in that direction. to go before we had the contents of that address thank you very much indeed gerald hall for joining us live to talk about what could well be spoken by obama a little later today thank you very much indeed thank you some of the news in brief
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for you this from around the world in india at least eleven people have been killed and the police shot at tribal and great ongoing local elections in the tribes men and women from surrounding villages descended on polling stations with swords and locals reject government rule and say it undermines the laws of their villages. the media rights group reporters without borders has condemned the detention of french journalists by french troops in the city of bar macko they were taken while filming an assault in the city and released only when their equipment and footage of been confiscated journalists say they have faced huge obstacles getting information from the war zone in mali with some alleging civilian casualties are being covered up and france has been accused of only giving access to reporters traveling with its troops. pope benedict says he will not interfere in choosing his successor after unexpectedly announcing his resignation on monday the id eighty five year old is to
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quit at the end of the month citing all age making him the first head of the catholic church to step down in nearly six centuries the director of the national secular society keith porter's word says there must be more to the official explanation. i think the dark triangle side has been an absolute catastrophe for the church it's actually lost. its authority in many parts of the world when you say that you're going to. oppose politicians trying to bring in say same sex marriage laws and you invest or your authority on that and then you lose as if as effectively happened in those important catholic countries like spain portugal brazil. and about to happen indeed in england and scotland in france then you actually lose the your authority it's more than just losing the fight so that's been
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a catastrophe for the church and church attendance has declined it in amazing rate and i think the child abuse scandal has been something that pope benedict has never recovered from he's been involved in it personally through the c.d.f. prefecture for twenty five years and in fact he's brought more into the vatican and tried to to cover it up more and more and more so i think his his papacy will be seen as a major setback and a very bad papacy for the church. that's it for the moment for me in the news team will be back with more for in about eight minutes from now stay with us this is l.t. life in moscow. to
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my juggling job. do hack work and get caught when lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the documents. keep up a smart look. there is also. another well behind that which is how to insurance things citizens steer clear of provocations do. don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hanging around the office and lots of strange faces around so i said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy you'll believe. possibly they want to do a confrontation possibly they wanted me to ring up the police have the police come
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in through the mail that. didn't seem to be a good idea until learned the european way with brussels business and. it's one person one fault but in brussels baseness it's one euro one fault.
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live. live live. live
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morning news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing up for a shelter on the day. that. fell far.


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