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tv   Headline News  RT  February 12, 2013 2:00pm-2:28pm EST

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the u.n. security council has strongly condemned north korea's third most powerful nuclear test threatening more sanctions against pyongyang. iran may allow access to a military complex which is the suspected site of nuclear experiments that's ahead of another round of talks with the u.n. atomic watchdog. and a black bloc rising egypt's opposition becomes increasingly radical with a master movement attracting support r.t. has granted exclusive access to members of the secretive group. live from the new center here in moscow this is r.t. with the online screen twenty four hours a day. the u.n. security council is usually as issued
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a stern rebuke to north korea over its third nuclear test as it held an emergency meeting in response to the test which was in defiance of international regulations it says it plans to beef up the sanctions already in place for the country's previous atomic exercises. as more. well the u.n. security council unanimously condemned north korea's latest nuclear test there called it a defiant act and a clear threat to international peace and security her statement approved at an emergency meeting hours after being on yang's latest underground test called the atomic blast a grave violation of three un resolutions of banning north korea from conducting nuclear or missile tests now the council also pledged further action calling peelings latest defiant a clear threat to international peace the security council also strengthen sanctions in response to. a missile test back in december and they promised the
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council members promised to take significant action in the event of this new nuclear test now while there was a unanimous unanimous sentiment within the security council in the midst of this emergency meeting some members like china and russia said that the international community should tread carefully russian foreign minister sergey lavrov said that no country or the international community should not jump to quick conclusions or actions but i would like to stress that north korea's nuclear test deserves condemnations we hold the will not be used as a pretext to build up a military presence around the korean peninsula we believe that flexing military muscles in the region is extremely dangerous now u.s. president barack obama also warned that both tuesday's tests and earlier satellite launches are provocations according to the u.s. president and he threatened further swift and credible action against pyongyang u.n. chief on ki-moon also condemned the nuclear test calling it deplorable of the test
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was also criticized by many others including britain japan france the e.u. the i.a.e.a. and nato north korean diplomat john young wrong also told the u.n. disarmament forum in geneva recently that his country quote will never bow down to any. solution and that was in response to criticism that the un yang's nuclear test violated several u.n. security resolution now pyongyang has also threatened that if the u.s. response to that test with hostility then i specified quote second and third measures may follow it seems as though if you just base that on the patterns that are taking place that north korea is not backing down despite any threat of resolutions or sanctions report there with the latest on north korea's nuclear test and we've got a live timeline to keep you up to date on all the latest reactions and developments on that issue dot com so the u.n.
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security council condemning that north korean nuclear exercise with pyongyang now facing the threat of further isolation director of global studies at hong kong university simon shen says that while beijing joined the world wide criticism of the test and let it stand by the secretive state in the face of serious sanctions. and snowden in this region because you know stability is to measure. at this moment. the rising wrote activities in japan and south korea. seeing north korea as a new balance against united states so it's not going to be ok it does nords. the interests of beijing and these kind of behaviors i mean still be tolerated by beijing at this moment so as the new government is up south korea and japan are just being installed and they could use an excuse to mobilize their own rotors as
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collusion of those two troop abilities so. also matured. to move but it sure can and then the results could be a competition among all of us in the region. iran has also condemned the north korean nuclear test calling for all atomic weapons to be destroyed tehran itself has revealed it's reducing stocks of material that has the potential of becoming weaponized with another round of talks just around the corner but a breakthrough may not come quick enough for some iranians who are seeing their health care hit by international sanctions a report on that for you just ahead this hour on r.t. .
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egypt's opposition is turning more radical as protests become increasingly violent and the movement of men calling themselves the black bloc is attracting more supporters is threatening islamist authorities and sparking fears of a possible street war true as in cairo and tells us about the group which is given our exclusive access. this mysterious group appeared around the second anniversary of generosity five evolution when they released this statement saying they would fight the mizzen brotherhood and they would dig strife for the goals of revolution around about the time we started seeing a young man in black bought a car this according themselves said the black bloc and they were heading up the
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more minutes and sides of the revolution we saw them making want to talk on my facebook pages they were giving instructions for street fighting it taking responsibility for a number of the acts of civil disobedience such as stopping public transport and also have said they were responsible for the burning of muslim brotherhood headquarters of some of them this of course has sparked much criticism from the authorities including the missing brotherhood and the t.v. channels the prosecutor general and twenty ninth of january i said they were terrorists agree on that they would be arrested if they were caught red handed our team managed to secure interviews with this members of the secret organization. the black bloc is an idea that came about as a reaction to the negligence of our peaceful demands and also as a reaction against the oppression of the interior ministry which received orders from the regime we stand against the oppressive and tyrant regime we call upon the interior ministry to deliver justice for those who have been killed and we will continue our demands until they are met our actions are in self-defense we are
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protecting ourselves but have never attacked anyone we will always be present in egypt even after or demands are met however we will take on a different form the aim behind our presence is to prevent injustice in any form no one listens to our demands and the proof is the number of people who are being killed but of course we had so much a team on this stepping down of the ouster of hosni mubarak this of course devolved into clashes by the presidential palace much take us was throwing up protest as he responded with molotov similar protests occurred around the country down south in the suits and now we have reports creating egypt's second city in alexandria although. focus of the class was definitely as is most weeks by the presidential palace an indication that protesters attending to more violent means to push the regime to fulfill their demands. under the new egyptian constitution the black bloc is considered a violent group political activist ahmed says there's
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a reason for the opposition to be so desperate. just cause they're trying to portray themselves as a vigilante but the true anger behind it's the frustration from the lack of social justice the lack of fulfillment of the demands of the revolution so it's a true anger among certain groups of youth but then their frustrations in violence so that this could turn to peacefulness of the egyptian revolution which was which resonated all around the world with a lot of positive connotations the first reactions from the muslim brotherhood is that they will create something called the white bloc in order to respond to that pressure from the black bloc now both of them will be deemed. illegal groups if that happens but i'm not concerned about that violence being organized among different starters of the society however how it's being employed on the streets to
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falsify the collective perception of people through media the situation that egypt is becoming a lawless state and it's becoming a failed state both on the economic level and the security level egyptians by nature are not violent and these are tactics being employed so that egyptians grow desperate all the time with all the crises economic crises and all sorts of protests all around the country egypt. collectively people start thinking that the muslim brotherhood is doing a lousy job which more or less they are doing a lousy job however it's to push people to beg the military council for a cool so that they can kick out the muslim brotherhood to justify the military overtake of the government. this is the program this when back to work policies all working
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a court rules of the british government's program to ease of this was unlawful we discuss what's wrong with the u.k.'s ways of tackling the problem when we go live to london in the next few minutes also. a big speech with little space for some crucial issues president obama prepares his state of the union address focusing on the prosperity of the average american not terribly the average drone strike. later in the program on l.t. . will be the. science technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you . are welcome to the big picture.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cold world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. too much juggling just. do hack work and get caught when
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lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also. another word behind that which is how to influence the institutions steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hanging around the office and lots of strange faces around someone and said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy your building. possibly they want to do a confrontation possibly they wanted me to ring up the police to have the police come in through the mount but it didn't seem to be a good idea to learn the european way with brussels business. in the uk kristie
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it's one person one fold but in brussels business it's one euro one fault. this continues here naughty british government policies to tackle unemployment to taking a hammering with a court ruling that a planned forced labor program was unlawful and it looks like taxpayers will be left to foot the bill for mistakes made by m.p.'s well let's talk about this with l.t. set of she joins me now live in london sara tell us what happened today. well an interesting case bill but a complicated one and one that ultimately saw university graduate kate riley and
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forty year old jamison wilson succeed in their claims that their unpaid work scheme that they were they to take part in was indeed a little for them but it was taking place in the court of appeal today and the argument was that the surrounding issues will legally flawed so they were successful and a small but significant victory now the law is that that ruling say it could mean that thousands of people who have their benefits stripped from the under similar circumstances in this government program could reclaim that money that could leave the door open to the millions of pounds compensation that would be footed by the taxpayer of course that's cruising a lot of concern that the d.w.p. is saying that they are not going to be coughing up any cash whatsoever in our teeth done its own investigation into the work program it's been a hugely controversial program
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a lot of problems in response to what's the government has said that it was ridiculous to suggest that there were any problems with the work program and that it wasn't helping people get back into work but look this is all being quite embarrassing. tweet us more about this i'm joined by amery o'reilly for the boycott work program thank you very much for joining us a small victory do you think it is far enough because on the surface of it it seems like a big deal and when. obviously the people involved in that but is this going to be as hard hitting and as far reaching well it today's ruling is really significant and for us it shows that workfare forced unpaid work in the u.k. isn't just wrong it's also been unlawful so that means every single person who's been sent on these schemes in the last two years was sent on them unlawfully and the tens of thousands of people who faced really extreme hardship and possible destitution by having their money stopped as a result of not participating may well be entitled to claim that money back but
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you're right it doesn't go far enough the still a lot to be done one of this my significant schemes mandatory where tactility is still intact and really disturbingly the government threatening to bring emergency regulation through to bring workfare straight back in this when just today the schemes are found illegal when they've been riddled with corruption allegations from the start and the government's own research shows that has no effect on helping people find work there's a really interesting point and bill right now you can guarantee that the government lawyers are going to be poring over the details of this ruling and they're going to be looking now for permission to appeal the decision that was made today sort of the u.k. welfare system was criticised for allowing people to be actually better off than those who are in work. well look that's a fair criticism and one that the government always levees is the old government argument strivers versus skivers it's not an unfair point you know there are
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millions of people unemployed here in the way and of course the imperative is getting them back to work i don't think anyone's the jesting that these people shouldn't be put back to work but i think it's the rhetoric that's running and indeed the figures as we said are to see their own investigation and the figures just do not add up the percentage of people who are actually getting jobs from this program we're incredibly full of but it was worse than doing nothing a tooth so really the figure is quite shocking but you're right this is a fair assertion and one that i've put in conflicts where it's hugely controversial loads of criticism about these government work schemes but they are scheme still in place and the governor is quite right getting people back into jobs are they not like unemployment in the u.k. the moment is a huge huge issue but the government nice that these schemes don't work its own research shows they have zero effect on helping people find work possibly worse in doing nothing at all. instead of helping create jobs what they're doing is
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replacing paid work by handing big business like our gas tesco poundland hundreds of thousands of hours of unpaid work effectively replacing jobs that would exist if the schemes were and place not only that the governments are using these schemes to massage the unemployment figures because when people are forced to work without pay on the schemes they can't count them as having a job a very strange definition of having a job where not a single person is receiving a wage for them it does seem in this in this country where there is this divide and you listen to what the government say this is the sister lives you obviously deal with a lot of the people who are on this work program and you hear their stories and we've spoken to some of them are serbs and what is the reality for someone who's put on this program i mean it's an extremely demoralizing reality in mice cases the private companies who are being hunted billions by the government do close to not. i think help people find work often see their role of bullying people into doing things that they know be helping them in their journey back to work and we've seen since the government started these schemes sanctions triples what it means in
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practice is people forced into dire hardship possible destitution because the benefits of being stopped i mean it's absolutely shocking in the twenty first century that we've seen the government illegally forcing people to work in big business without pay and that's something we're going to keep challenging and tell all the schemes that stopped thank you very much for joining us today well for one graduate who is on that program certainly a small but significant victory in a fluid that k. fed today it certainly means that the government now has to go back to the drawing board when it comes to their work so thanks very much indeed for that salty sort of live in london. other news now despite the concerns of israel the u.s. and its western allies iran denies it is developing atomic bombs under the cover of a civilian nuclear program meanwhile the international sanctions are hitting the lives of iranians in need of medicine. has found out.
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behind the smile lies pain and despair a vast and they run in with blood a cancer has just received his medicine but there is no guarantee he'll get it tomorrow all the best jokes about patients being patient but sadly has no choice. it's so hard to get treatment it's not that i don't get any at all but you have to wait a long time and if you get it that only means someone else has missed. the reason for the drug shortage sanctions imposed by western countries with public they're not directly targeting the from the suited medical sectors but they have bangs his trade restrictions. unfortunately many foreign companies stopped selling us drugs they're not allowed to have cribbed relations with iran and people predict price with their lives. iran's officials warn it may have an impact far beyond its
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borders. if we have a disease or pedantic and are unable to vaccinate the population it could spread easily to neighboring countries and the fact to many even outside iraq. iran produces ninety six percent of its own medicine but the roma to roast behalf of them come from abroad more than fifty vital medicines have disappeared the running pharmacist says international sanctions came in because the foreign in britain c m a from can no longer make their way into iran people with cancer and jim ophelia wait often ended with bad news that their drug is not available their chances of survival are getting ever slimmer as sanctions heat patients instead of politicians officials estimate a total of six million iranian patients could be in danger because of the drug deficit in the van by local and international media reported on the first death apparently caused by the shortage. a fifteen year old boy who suffers from him
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ophelia couldn't get the medicine he desperately needed despite a frantic search by his family and he died in hospital on. the west used try to do now they tried sanctions on the military sector they realized we actually started making progress there but they wanted to weaken destabilize the country and the government is their aim this is why they now target people so that people get angry and take to the streets protesting that things. and people indeed take to the streets this is a meeting of organ donors and some whose lives have been saved by transferring is a process now complicated by the like of medicine for that. i thank god and the donor who returned me to why i had heart problems and now his heart beats in my chest and i'm again why but the problem is that many too many are still awaiting
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surgery became extremely expensive and the number of donors decreased so much will they have enough time. to run in doctors find themselves facing a very hard to to ration having to decide who will get the medicine and who will not in this ration they wrote an s.o.s. letter to the un chief they're still waiting for an answer griffin ocean r.t. from iran. you can check out our website for other stories from around the world at the moment here's a look at what we've got few there if you log on right now britain is having to react to new generation of records as in short of experts to fight cyber attacks against it and you report says it will take at least two decades to plug the gap more not for you but. also racist amusement park claims you can find out online how a white rabbit has led to disneyland facing allegations of bigotry those stories and plenty of others right now at all to dot com.
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braca bomber is preparing for his big primetime speech his first state of the union address since reelection his main focus will be domestic issues economic recovery gun laws and immigration foreign policy will not be in the spotlight despite controversy over many issues including secretive u.s. drone bombing campaigns human rights law stanley cohen says that these targeted assassinations are actually murder. we're not at war in pakistan we're not it war in yemen we're not at war in lebannon we're not in war in somalia if you want to clear war if you want to follow international law if you want to make your case you play by the rules the fact of the matter is no matter what you call this it's murder it's assassination it's illegal we're talking about murdering civilians we're talking about attacks by drones in countries that are our allies if there were persons there that we are want that are wanted american citizens yemenis citizens pakistani citizens somali citizens for crimes here you go to the countries
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you extradite him you charge him you bring him to trial the united states under international law cannot must not enough to no stretch of the imagination is justified in the use of drones in the execution and the extrajudicial assassination of not just americans of anyone overseas for years we have charged people we have extradited people we've indicted people we've convicted many people charged with crimes of terrorism and it's worked before but this is an administration which is a namrud with clean murder with clean killing that's what president obama likes and now we're just trying to clean it up further. that's him in the news team for the moment we'll be back with more in just a whole phenomenon the meantime the ins and outs of the world the big money under the microscope next on how to eat and that is in the kinds of reports stay with us for that if you can.
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see british science. it's time to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look global financial headlines tune into kinds a report.


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