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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2013 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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war is indeed over apparently the group of seven nations the biggest economies in the world have come together and said that they don't want this intervening in the currency is in order to boost growth it doesn't help the global economy move forward so that's what we've heard today and of course we have the g twenty meeting coming up in moscow with menaces this week we're going to be talking about that all coming up in the business bulletin after the break thanks gary. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard luck is a big. speak
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your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks of the i p interview intriguing story. arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dot com. welcome to business the g. seven have a few issued statements almost seems to be the dominating sophocles days the current sequels of the group of seven nations have vowed to mulching gage in the pushing down of the value of their cars is to create trade advantages boost exports
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agreeing to consult closely on exchange rates and said government's fiscal monetary policies must not be directly at devaluing current says now the night is out just two days ahead of the g twenty summit in moscow this week so we've got tess in a cave ahead to give us all the details on this one that's anya i'm excited seeing this topic the current seawalls. we've been talking about it for two three months now we had it well series well i'm expecting it to dominate the agenda this week here in moscow defined as it is in no no because the statements you were just speaking about is already adopted as very weak and some market alan is say that it will not have any implications at all and in fact the japanese yen for example that was most aggressively devalued over the past month has lost even more value on the back of this statement and i've spoken to russia's deputy finance minister alex a way save who told me that his overall skeptical about the whole concept of the
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currency wars let's listen to him. i wouldn't over trauma over dramatize this issue it's not something that is going to result in the vultures have to sell for it so it's i think. the effectiveness of attempts by various countries to to or to trade the currents are something that there will be an acquittal i case of current's is going to be the talking point what is what are they going to be talking about with speaking about real problems there and talk stimulating economic growth talk creating new jobs and the meeting is taking place in moscow because russia is set to chair this year's g. twenty summit the main one which will take place in september and russia's deputy finance minister looks a ways if he told me that russia will raise some normal issues concerning investment and over this week. but in the most important book in my opinion it's
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going to be thought because on financing for investments and we understand that. it is the main challenge for today's world to generate enough investments to support growth and that's so you know opinion is one of the very important reasons why growth has been so like luster in most of the countries in the world and second of course we expect to. new. concepts of that measurement on that level on the. sort of the best interests on the face of the. face that problems and so on. ok turn here right. through as a lot of theory and talk yet assured me that they will start working real hard this week and by the time of the main summit in september they will come up with some real practical results that will affect ordinary people's lives like i
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was and more like ours was dhaliwal hopes they were certainly big driver that hurts us in the positive yes exactly it kind of got me i'm interested ok thank you very much for that very informative ok let's move on then it's down to earth for russia sukhoi superjet one hundred thanks to the state aviation watchdog ross aviation have grounded four out of ten super jet planes in the air force fleet after receiving a letter from the federal air transport agency reporting failures in the aircraft now have a sukhoi superjet said the root cause of these failures has been identified and eliminated. moving on the united states wants no beef with russia when it comes to meet the u.s. has urged russia to honor the accession to the w t o commitments and to immediately lift the ban on the import of us before national forces and force the ban because
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of the alleged finding of the growth promoter rap tape or mine it's a substance that is banded one hundred sixty countries because of the health risk it poses to the human race. right there let's check out some markets and the u.s. you can see they did indeed rise again when they're testing resistance levels really as you can see stocks on the nasdaq that are you can see the tech quad in there nine basis points down that's because apple has face and investment conference also financials did rally as well though but there's a lot to contend with today because. you got president barack obama's state of the union address that he's expected to talk about outlining his plans to create jobs and growth for the middle class as such you can see it's a mix but they did largely gain as you can see for the portends for the dow jones just that it's going to europe we can see it ended up the day in positive territory
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that was an overnight run in japan gave waivers i'm optimism while mining firms added pressure as well as metal prices dropping as well lots of meetings going on today e.c.b. president mario draghi meeting spain's prime minister mariano rajoy hoary meanwhile european finance ministers they're in brussels right now as we go gaze as you can see a percent for the footsie in london the russian ruble them it finished up the day managing to strengthen actually against the basket there you can see the u.s. dollar and the year arrive to check out the mechanism here in moscow and see what happened to the bourses hair will be able to see got it the r.t.s. it managed to gain three basis points the mice that flow down a quarter. and moving on then. saying with russia russia is it rapidly increasing its foreign debt the total foreign debt at the end of twenty twelve amount to do six hundred twenty four billion dollars that breaks down
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to four thousand two hundred dollars for every russian citizen but things are not quite as bad as they sound because the share of the corporate sector accounts to about ninety percent certainly in an average russian is not responsible for gas problems huge debts for the south stream gas pipeline project to southern europe all the billions of dollars ross has had to pay for b.p. for its buying of the share of team k.b. pay now in reality the average burden on each russian company just over four hundred dollars wow ok let's put that into perspective then the u.s. foreign debt has been to over five point five trillion dollars that's nearly eighteen. thousand dollars for every american whether they're employed a retiree or a new born so americans are saddled with a government that is forty times bigger the war russians have to deal with. and so valentine's day is indeed coming up and if you are yet to get your partner
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again then i might just as a rush is a diamond empire has dug deep and found a rock was a million dollars you can see it right there it weighs over one hundred forty five characters that it is indeed transparent but apparently if you look very closely you can see a yellow hue so very nice india and i was going on my left although i'd rather have a million dollars in shoes if i'm honest and that is it from may that is indeed the business of for today but some of you know it for marty bill is back with more news for you after this break.
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there is is trash to get rid of. but it's also a treasure. it's worth fighting for. and the trap was no way out. i never knew adam lanza in person but i was in the same high school as adam he was younger than me disability younger. i always thought he was different i always into something funny he rarely talks and you don't he was a shy kid. i don't know if anyone was friends with him i also know of anyone who is particularly mean to the what i do know is that it was very clear that this person
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was not like everybody else. can imagine the level of mental illness that would be present to murder children. america's have so many guns there would be an american bind every tree with a gun. for kids growing up in this environment is good for them at an early age to least see the gun and respect it because they need to know what kind of damage it can do. this. our first task as a society. keeping our children safe. this is how we will be judged. as.
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news continues now here in r.t. the u.k. is the top destination in europe for migrants recent figures show around six hundred thousand came to live in britain in one year alone it's a trend which worries many with democracy experts predicting white britons could be a minority within fifty years or he reports from london where they already are. it's what britain is known for a vibrant multicultural society and it looks like u.k. babies are testimony to it in east london seventy seven percent of new mums were born in britain nicoletta is from romania two thousand and seven i have been here when my husband together so. i'm through him to sit cine recently moved here from sri lanka and. if i do that more dear a czar has three children i was born in bangladesh could do to kaisha
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good living standard of living so here prefer to live in. overseas between the years of two thousand and one and two thousand and eleven nearly four million immigrants came to the u.k. as part of an immigration boom under the former labor government at the time westminster said that britain needed working migrants to propel the economy this is tower hamlets in east london a third of the residents here a bangladeshi in fact they outnumber the white brits in this area by two thousand people so if you want to just say that they're baffled at just how quickly the number of indigenous brits has diminished over the past decade there are a lot of genuinely decent people who do have. even the labor party has discovered recently that the vast majority of people is right those who would. actually vote for the labor party have conserves and that's something that no
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government can ignore the leader of the opposition labor party recently admitted that his party got it wrong on immigration and. we were too quick to say. that. the truth is the public were ahead of us in seeing some of the problems of migration because they were seeing in their own communities poll after poll shows that the people living here are worried about the speed and the size of the influx . for my opinion i don't think you. need more immigrants at the moment. critics say the government is too frightened to address what britain will look like in fifty years time it's going to look like. it's going to be a complete population. the indigenous population is shrinking anyway the younger
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generation and the younger generation is becoming increasingly radicalized and i think it's going to be. twenty twenty five twenty possibly civil war demographers say that if immigration continues on a similar scale the white british population throughout the country will become a minority after twenty six sixty six but with less than half of londoners already describing themselves as white british some say that a quiet and irreversible revolution has already taken place in britain. at sea east london. barack obama is preparing for a big primetime speech on tuesday his first state of the union address since reelection his main focus will be domestic issues economic recovery gun laws and immigration foreign policy will not be in the spotlight despite controversy over many issues including secretive u.s. drone bombing campaigns human rights lawyer stanley cohen says that these targeted
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assassinations are actually. we're not at war in pakistan we're not it war in yemen we're not at war in lebannon we're not in war in somalia if you want to clear war if you want to follow international law if you want to make your case you play by the rules the fact of the matter is no matter what you call this it's murder it's assassination it's illegal we're talking about murdering civilians we're talking about attacks by drones in countries that are our allies if there were a person is there that we are want that are wanted american citizens yemenis citizens pakistani citizens somalis citizens for crimes here you go to the countries yeah extradite him you charge him you bring him to trial the united states under international law cannot must not enough to no stretch of the imagination is justified in the use of drones in the execution and the extrajudicial assassination of not just americans of anyone overseas for years we
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have charged people we have extradited people we've indicted people we've convicted many people charged with crimes of terrorism and it's worked before but this is an administration which is a namrud with clean murder with clean killing that's what president obama likes and now we're just trying to clean it up further. some of the news in brief with this in india at least eleven people being killed off the police shot at tribal groups angry on going local elections in assam tribes men and women from the surrounding villages descended on polling stations armed with swords and it was rejected government rule and say it undermines the mills of their villages. the rights group reporters without borders has condemned the detention of french journalists by french troops in the modern city. it would take an mo filming an assault on the city and released only after the equipment and footage had been confiscated china say they have faced huge obstacles getting information from the war zone in mali
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with some alleging civilian casualties of being covered up and fraud has been accused of any. giving access to reporters traveling with its troops. you can check on our website for other stories from around the world and here's a quick glimpse at what we've got for you at the moment. britain is having to risk a new generation of hackers is short of t.v. experts to fight cyber attacks against it new report says it will take at least two decades to plug the gap more doughty dot com point. also racist amusement park claims you can find out how a white rabbit has led to disneyland facing allegations of bigotry all the details for you on that and other stories of r.t. dot com. my juggling just. do hack work and get caught when
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lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also. another word behind that which is how to influence things situations steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hanging around the office and lots of strange faces around so i said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy your building. possibly they want to do a confrontation possibly they wanted me to ring up the police to have the police come in through the mouth but it didn't seem to be
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a good idea to learn the european way. with brussels business and recruiting its one person one for old but in brussels business it's one euro one fault. if the. pope benedict says he will not interfere in choosing his successor after unexpectedly announcing his resignation on monday eighty five year old is to quit
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at the end of the month citing old age making him the first head of the catholic church to step down in nearly six centuries the director of the national secular society keith porter's wood says there must be more to the official explanation i think the doctrinal side as being an absolute catastrophe for the church it's actually lost. its authority in many parts of the world when you say that you're going to. oppose politicians trying to bring in say same sex marriage laws and you invest all your authority on that and then you lose is if as effectively happened in those important catholic countries like spain portugal brazil. and about to happen indeed in england and scotland in front then you actually lose the or authority it's more than just losing the fight so that's been a catastrophe for the church and church attendance has declined it's an amazing
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right and. i think the child abuse scandal has been something that pope benedict has never recovered from he's been involved in it personally through the c.d.f. prefecture for twenty five years and in fact he's brought more into the vatican and try to to cover it up more and more and more so i think his his papacy will be seen as a major setback and a very bad papacy for the church. well that's it for the moment i'll be back with the news team with more news for you in about eight minutes from now stay with us this is all the lights in the. wealthy british style. that's what i. find.
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markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our. my juggling job. to do hack work and get caught when lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also.
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another word behind that which is how to influence the institutions to steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hung around the office and lots of strange faces around so i said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy your building. possibly they want to come. possibly they wanted me to ring up the police have the police come in through the. business and. it's one person one fault. it's one euro one fault. good luck.
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her mother. goodspeed. her her. and. her wish i. looked. glum it flows good luck. her posts look at. my. bottom a little. news
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today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. china operations are the the day .


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