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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2013 3:30am-4:00am EST

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among advocates who are saying like this is small we'll get to in a minute but that this bill doesn't have many fans yet still managed to pass the house and it's going to be reintroduced tomorrow it's going to come before a vote most likely during the next couple of weeks and once again we're going to be back in the same battle once again fighting over this bill but we can talk about it i said let's talk about that they go to their correction andrew you know it's very very big of course and i think a big danger with the bill is it's so big that the language is almost like the n.d.a. were really the broad implications of who can be deemed a cyber threat i mean what are the real implications for our privacy here in the world i mean right now there aren't any when someone says when this went through the house last year a lot of civil liberties groups kind of stood up and said hey wait a second before you put this crazy information sharing bill let's make a couple of men and i said yeah exactly you know they went you know went through a few times to try to figure it out and then it just stalled because the senate couldn't agree on it but you know here we go again and the to authors of suspected reintroduced it without those amendments so we are looking at something just as harsh as the first time around last year there aren't any of those safeguards there
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yet will they be added probably but it doesn't do anything to change the fact that this is still happening we're still going to look at this bill tomorrow we're going to hear about it going to be told that it's unnecessary and then this whole cycle going to start all over again right it's at least you know we have a couple hours before they had us and we could rest rest well tonight with lots of doctors manders it seems like we're given forty eight hours to just galvanize this whole you know galvanize resistance to this bill and of course i'm expecting for something like this to happen based on the fear mongering that we're seeing toward robert miral or obama saying that we're supposed to encounter the next cyber pearl harbor nine eleven and cyber anything yet it's. all going right over well i don't they haven't been serious is the day to decide what war is that other countries are right being hit by hackers from iran and allegedly happens from china these are real things and we are also hacking these places where you are sending cyber you know what do you send it to cyber don we are we are screwing around with with with a. this is this is what actually makes me skeptical is that unlike
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a real terrorist attack the government can just say you know we were hit with a cyber attack and are going to pass this legislation i mean it's so ambiguous and really they can say anything and use it as a justification to push through really harsh cyber legislation which we know that they want to do but talk about who's who's resisting you know you should actually really good because it's clear that there's a reasonable congress can have a reasonable suspicion about what you can gauge in on line you can use that in order to pass this crazy bill that's going to make sure that the government and private companies can share everything but when it comes to people and what they're actually doing and you know whether or not you can with this person other person there is no reasonable exception of privacy when it comes to how the government looks at them they don't need any suspicion they just go ahead and say no we're going to go ahead and ok but yet so did the thing that separates just from bills like. backlash was. insist there's actually provisions that are in there so that when these third party businesses when they share information from the
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government they are let off the hook entirely they don't have to worry about any crazy repercussions any you know any damages that happen from all the sharing of personal personal identification information that they don't have to worry about it at all it's going to do for them is say here here's info on a cyber attack you share with someone else that has a cyber attack that's great it's a win win for them it's just happens to be when the lose for the american public the winning being ok here is a new step in preventing a massive cyber attack which could united states the loses you lose all of your pride right i mean these giant web giants like like google would be i mean they were actually they're looking out for their profit margin and so they could actually lose profits i mean to get with this but they're like yeah you know last year when cisco when it came around and around the different months a lot of people signed up for it mozilla though the makers firebugs they were one of the only mean silicon valley entities to say we're not going to do this this is bogus think about it but i guess it was the not but you know it's all going to start again tomorrow we're going to hear idle complain but in the grand scheme of things isn't room after all. that much because president obama is expected either
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tonight or tomorrow to unleash a new cybersecurity executive order which is going to mobile find out when it comes out but it's not what is this you're going to love to talk about as executive order that ok so so obama's been saying ever since this book felt like six seven months ago what has been working on a cybersecurity executive order they've drafted a whole bunch of different visions it's made its way around the web we've all seen it at least different additions of it and it's just going to put the necessary safeguards in order to start building the sort of blueprint for this massive cyber security infrastructure that will protect our security structure of the united states government and all of its critical businesses so what the white house wants to do is they want to pick up where congress couldn't last year with cisco and just kind of give them like a like a to stop like hey here's a step go ahead start working towards it so that's what's to come out tonight or tomorrow but in protest very very soon members of anonymous are planning to wage an attack tonight on the obama administration specifically because the white house is ok with putting together these executive orders which come from no outside debate
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and you know congress is going to try again after months and months of debate that harry interesting we're not learning anything so right will will definitely be interesting to see what happens tomorrow thanks for keeping us updated and you blake my producer my pleasure margaret. one thing that saddens me is the lack of funding for space exploration things like ever since we went on the moon we closed up shop in space shifting our money supply from universal exploration to earthly death and destruction never ending wars drones the list goes on and on that's what brings me a small glimmer of hope to learn about people like lauren rojas the twelve year old california girl who took the daring initiative to launch a hello kitty dog into space for a school's science project truth fired by something as simple as a. mercial of the balloon launch of the sky and thought hey if they can do that why
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can i after pitching the idea to her teacher the teacher said she was blown away by the church twelve year old ambition and creativity so lauren along with the help of her father's spent the next month planning and executing the project they built a rocket ship gondola complete with a small video camera to record a hello kitty space journey and ended up reaching an altitude of ninety three thousand six hundred twenty five feet before the balloon burst in fact the project is being judged today and lauren school science fair between you and i and if she might win so good luck lauren and thanks for being my inspiration today so she's the hero who's the villain how do you live in the gay areas of both sam and cisco and d.c. and not being gay myself i sometimes forget how bigoted other parts of the country are when it comes to l g b t rights stories like this one never sees to amaze me in
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indiana multiple students and parents are campaigning to have their local high school throw a traditional prom by traditional i mean one that bans gay and lesbian students from attending similar to schools in other states that offer racially segregated proms still but it is great to know that there are still parents out there setting forth such good old fashioned family values you know like bigotry and intolerance sadly aside from students and parents there's also a special ed teacher from the same school on board with the initiative and she is special indeed the name is deanna medley and she's one of the main proponents of this festival of ignorance just look at how she looks you would never think that she was such an oblivious and dogmatic extremist but listen to what she had to say when she was interviewed about the issue. every choice that she made i don't believe that they were boy born that way i think that life circumstances made them
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choose that i think god made everybody equal and i have kids come to me because of their sexual preference and they know i don't agree with it but i care about you and the same thing for special needs you know god puts those people in our life for different reasons you know if a gay person do you consider them maybe they have some sort of purpose in life you think it's just. i don't i personally don't i'm sorry i just. i don't understand. according to miss medley gay people don't have a purpose in life and this is all coming from a special ed teachers what i'm supposed to understand patience and tolerance more than anyone oh one of my favorite algebra two columnist dan savage chimed in with his thoughts he said quote students with learning disabilities have a hard enough without getting stuck with a mentally challenged special ed teacher take a look at the condescending hateful smirk that spreads across her face when she was asked if gay people have a purpose in life and an imagineer gay kid in
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a special ed class and this hateful bigot is your teacher you know i'm sick of people like deanna medley or use their religion to advocate bigotry i don't bet my life that this woman doesn't rally against war torture or adultery which to me i mean are there more serious things than being gay nope she's just obsessed with gays and to really to spend all your free time and energy rallying against something that has zero effect on you or anyone else. well feel like you see so far check us out on a blue at hulu dot com slash breaking the set there you can watch the latest episode of breaking the set like yesterday's show it just happened to be our hundred episode check it out and also scroll through and watch every show we've had in the middle of december so. both of those favored us in common fare when do we not blue dot com breaking the fat and let me take
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a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear about the h.i.v. epidemic and how it's being blacked out by the corporate media next. i never knew adam lanza in person but i was in the same high school as that he was younger than me just a little bit younger. i always thought he was different i always into something funny he rarely talks and you don't he was a shy kid. i don't know anyone who was friends with him i also don't know of anyone who is particularly mean to the what i do know is that it was very clear that this person was not like everybody else. can imagine the level of mental illness that would be present to murder children. america's you know so when you go on this there would be an
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american behind every tree with a gun. i think for kids growing up in this environment is good for them at an early age to least see the gun and respect it because they need to know what kind of damage it can do. this is our first task as a society. keeping our children safe. this is how we will be judged.
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please. more news today. the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada . today. to cool. the british. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred global financial headlines two kinds of reports. the mission to free accreditation free clothes for charges free. range
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ones three risk free studio types free. old free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media. dot com. and. look what. to do if you've never seen anything like the tallest so. last thursday was national black hiv aids awareness day you know there's educated many people about the disease the rate of infection for members of the black community hasn't gone down instead it's increased in fact if washington d.c. were an african nation it would rank twenty third out of fifty four countries in the percentage of people with hiv in the district seven point one percent of black
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males are infected which is an intensely disproportionate figure in relation to other demographics signaling a clear sign of an ongoing epidemic but you wouldn't know about by watching the corporate news today that's where thirteen percent comes in it's a locally produced documentary addressing the media blackout on the thirteen percent of americans that constitute fifty percent of the world's new h i v aids infections check out a clip from the film. that was given grace to the mainstream media about how they cover any news that gives. because we only seems to cover it was a lovely thing to cover when something negative happens i would sell them to get out there and talk to people who actually have the virus i think this is another place where we go wrong is that we want to talk to the experts the doctors the nonprofit organizations the government officials but you're not talking to people
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who actually have the virus and they're the ones who can speak about it the most. so here to talk about how this epidemic is affecting the black community and why there's a media blackout i'm joined by our jones the film director and founder of dream factory thank you so much for joining me are welcome so art this is a staggering statistic statistic that i didn't even realize how did this become so disproportionate that fifty percent of new age hiv cases are happening right here in the united states the first was the reason. the aids expert i'm a filmmaker and i got interested in doing this project because of. pressure that was put on me by another filmmaker friend of mine when i came back from overseas and he had gotten information from the c.d.c. indicating what the numbers were like in the african-american community and i thought because i was out of the country that this was being made an issue in america and i came to find out that there was almost no media coverage about this and none of the major filmmakers out there would be doing anything that addressed
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this issue and when i did research on this i discovered that when of the most telling films that came out in two thousand and six that was on frontline and before that approach hiv aids was called the age of eight it was like a six hour three part documentary that in that documentary the coverage of african-americans and aids affect them was less than three minutes. how how is this happening here i mean especially the african-american community i mean why is this community sleep such a disproportionate number been affected from our research we what we've discovered was that going back to the outset when it first began the it was about five people that we discovered in l.a. that was reported to the c.d.c. those were all caucasian males mostly in san francisco there was another that was discovered those were all white gay males and the media coverage around that time
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was almost exclusively focused on this white gay male disease in fact we used to through it one time called grid gave really the. immune deficiency and for about two years there was this whole focus on weight gain i mean what was happening at the same time was this was impacting the african-american community and i just like e-mails but for those who i.v. drug users but across the entire community this was having an impact with heterosexuals with homosexuals with very street lease people who are mothers fathers. sisters brothers aunts uncles cousins and we unfortunately the african-american community was not is quite peculiar in this issue on this issue as people like larry kramer and those who lead a creative act up in some of the very active groups that drew attention to what was happening in the way do you think that that almost the media frame it in a way that it only is affecting gay males maybe didn't cause people to be as aware
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as they should or take proper precautions because it was being framed in such a way that it wasn't really affecting those communities that it really was i'm sure that a lot of people who heard some of the early reports by tom brokaw and some of the others were thinking oh this is a white issue i don't have to worry about this because i'm that way and i'm not gay it's not an issue for me or when it became a drug user issue or and that weight and again many drug use they do one point three was zero both people coming from haiti they were the ones who were responsible for bringing it to the united states all of that was iranian why are we hearing that media why are we not hearing about this issue now why is the media kind of standard or in this issue it's a growing epidemic i think. as with the civil rights movement in the one thing since these are the one nine hundred sixty s. what attention to what to the plight of blacks as it relates to housing and our housing in employment in education was because they were people who were in the
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community who stood up and say we need to address these issues and there needs to be a change made. typically when someone is in crisis in the african-american community as well as to places that the pin to go to when they are looking for support is either the family or is the church in let's be honest most of the time those who are the leaders who have taken the leadership of the mantle solution on social issues have been the church most of those in the clergy who are not politically crazy about talking about this. in a way to see it as a human issue it was so those who. we're living in a moral life found there were risks that were catching this so they would damn by the rights of black clergy they were asked to society were marginalized they would kick their curb sort of speech so there was not a whole lot of discussion or momentum built around this to create the kind of groundswell of support to bring the political economic and social.
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elements that were required to be a to make this so what we are lucian and let's talk about that we only have about a minute left unfortunately but what can the u.s. learn from other nations that are really tackling this disease if you should ask that because as we were doing the research with with regard to the film before we would shut the film we look there we have an issue here in the united states of america but what's happening in other parts of the world where this is where other countries have had similar issues but they were able to effectively reduce the number of gun in one thousand nine hundred thirty seven percent of its population hit. by two thousand and five the drop down to seven are you talking about thailand headed to militia drop in the course of ten years by ninety percent and the lowest country are the lowest numbers in the world right now exist in kruger they have zero point one percent a.t.v. you would think that those in the medical community those within the the political
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community might want to do something to go to these kind train and talk to these people to find out what they did to make the numbers go down so they could take a page from the money back here unfortunately we're out of time thank you so much for shedding a light hearted jones founder dream factory director thirty percent increment pritchett. sixty six years ago today separate twelve five hundred veterans and conscientious objector. years from the first and second world wars burned their draft cards the demonstrations here in d.c. in new york were in protest of a proposed universal compulsory military enlistment law this isn't one nine hundred forty seven thirty two years later after the draft was repealed sorry thirty two years later the draft was repealed now these kinds of protest against war stark and the reason the biggest military force in the world doesn't need
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a draft is because wars now outsourced to private contractors and military drones in fact it's quite a brilliant strategy for maintaining an empire eliminating the draft will limit much of the resistance against war ground forces are still needed that's why there is an all volunteer army now for the decision to enlist is left to the people of course that decision being made under the influence of a barrage of media propaganda and glorification of war and fact the military spend millions of dollars every year on advertising to try to convince people to enlist see for yourself. yep and music action and major motion picture feel these ads are all part of what attracts tens of thousands of new recruits every year but what these ads won't show
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you is that once you've signed up you can't just turn around and quit now you've signed your life away for eight years and you know that myth about being army strong well it's not all of hyped up to be let's start with the lie that joining the military will give you the skills and training employers are looking for because in fact the only jobs you're trained for are military jobs designed to keep you perpetually in the military sphere the bureau of labor statistics show that unemployment rates for post nine eleven and vets is around ten percent higher than the national unemployment rate of seven point eight percent well over two hundred thousand in iraq or afghanistan veterans are currently without work another three hundred thousand are expected to re enter civilian life in the next four years as the ground troops from the wars withdraw i guess former vice president dick cheney said it best he said the military is not a social welfare agency it's not
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a jobs program. what about the free college education that you probably heard about the tens of thousands of free dollars at your disposal for college right well thousands of young people join the military specifically for the opportunity to go to college for free those free dollars aren't free at all in order to receive finances you must pay a monthly the positive one hundred dollars you must complete your term of enlistment and you must receive a good discharge or your deposit won't be refunded and get this according to the veterans administration less than half of eligible veterans are. even using their benefits so if you don't use the program then how is it a benefit that's right it's not in fact in this case it's the military that's profiting off this alleged social service not that but the appeal of a military career can be hard to escape when you're bombarded with high budget t.v. ads recruiter lies video games glorifying combat and of course million hollywood
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blockbuster propaganda films like black hawk down hurt locker and most recently in zero dark thirty it's no secret that movies glorify war get lots of freebies from said military as long as the message of the film is pro u.s. forces but now movies are taking it a step further check out this trailer for act of valor starring real life navy seals. so if you try to do our country. for your men for a bigger fight than when you had a magic los. lobos or los . lobos seller yeah man are you pump to join the military yet throw some girl names and
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launch of many surveillance drone from a landing craft folks look i know times are really tough and in some towns are extremely few options when it comes to careers but there are always other options and don't let yourself become a pawn of the global chess game and military empire that throws you under the bus for nothing more than profit and control. wealthy british think it's time to run. margetts. scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports. floating limbo that.
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her mum. could speak. her. her. mum with. the least. bit limited good luck. to her mother just seen. her. since.
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the first. well for. science technology innovation all the least of elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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too much juggling geog. do hack work and get caught when lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also. another word behind that which is how to influence the citizens to steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hung around the office and lots of strange faces around and said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy your building. possibly they want to do a confrontation possibly they wanted me to ring up.


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