tv Headline News RT February 15, 2013 6:00am-6:44am EST
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in the sky. to the ground. and in the meantime five hundred people seek medical attention to the meteorite spread. with around twenty thousand emergency. and concerned horror a future in the u.s. government's. financial move. to chew over the state of the world's economy all of. us are in crisis. budget cuts in britain a strike against police with thousands of layoffs in the. takes a very close look at whether few officers means more crime.
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well it is a pleasure to have you with us here on a. very strange let's get to it now straight to our breaking news for you this is not being your normal morning across russia have a look at this. it's people in the region having basically seen burning objects raining down from the sky a meteorite exploded above the earth causing a meteor shower let's join us he's a rino now to talk more about this because ultimately i had a pretty terrifying morning and i'm not even in the part of russia the biggest
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country in the world and yet we have what is essentially a dolphin display in the morning skies absolutely that's the map behind me basically what happened is there was an asteroid which entered the atmosphere and then broke into several pieces thereby turning into a meteorite happened around nine o'clock in the morning so all these people there were driving you know you can see right behind me imagine me traveling driving to work and all of a sudden you see there's this absolutely tremendous what is the world's we're under attack absolutely and actually that's what a lot of people want to go to look at they didn't do that i'll get to that in a second but let's get down to some figures that at this point we know that the blasts the explosions obviously when it was the atmosphere breaks apart so there's an explosion yes apparently the windows shattered. and doors were flying out in all i know three hundred buildings have sustained some sort of damage three hundred three hundred buildings yes five hundred fourteen people have said that they need medical assistance among them eighty four eighty four of them kids and at least
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nine are in critical condition how are so many people being injured. no not always know what it was mostly imagine first of all the impact was such you've heard that you've heard the noise the impact was such that like i said the windows were flying out and the glass was shattering a lot of people who were caught by this by the shards of glass but we also know one woman a postal worker who actually had to be hospitalized because she had a heart attack yeah oh that's unfortunate that's pretty bad now what about it how did we get this startling footage because basically what i was coming into work i was getting a coup. from the newsroom saying we've got loads and loads of food is coming in but how do we get it well this is the twenty first century welcome. and a lot of people actually have this we have a video registry or whatever you call them video capture things that they put in their cars just in case something happens but i think most of the time that is just that's my opinion and i think we put them there just in case something unique like this happens all the stunning footage absolutely well this is i think this is
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a security camera for an office and again i'm only going. to get it actually does look like an explosion that's what happens and that's how people actually got injured so that's where it's no surprise that in the morning people think you're under attack when you see the streaks across the sky and you hear these sort of booms all the fracturing all of this heavenly body and it's not really incredible really. really a lot of things are heavily about it except maybe the appearance we do know that schools and canoe gardens are staying closed for today in fact the minister emergencies not only put to twenty twenty thousand of their personnel and they also have advised people to stay inside not go anywhere and the thing is it's not over yet because in a few hours the whatever's behind this asteroid is coming next to my right well there has been there has been speculation this is sort of a teaser or sort of a harbinger of the larger asshole that is not is the hope and. so the baby.
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the parents are coming next to me do we know anything about the saudis or the timing of what's to come next because it's happening today do we know anything about this one no this is kind of a little surprise well i mean if you know the seriousness however these scientists say that we're expecting a rather large meteor through a twenty twelve fourteen great name which is supposed to be a record which is supposed to be passing next to earth at a record breaking distance so it's actually close but a lot of people are actually saying that this well we've saw this morning and that is is actually part of it it's just you know one of the one of the. or is there a little meat here is there following it then we shouldn't we shouldn't be bracing ourselves for an impact on color as well as we are calling bruce willis i'm sure his friends been going off the hook for quite some time now. so we you know we have plenty of asteroids and comets stories or throughout two thousand and thirteen we've got one comment i saw on that is coming in a few months it'll be visible from the days of summer all the way to the days of
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winter will be the brightest thing in the night sky apart from the moon so maybe two thousand and thirteen to the end of two thousand and thirteen you can see it with your naked eye it's going to be soaring across the sky for a few months that's going to be incredible and then in two thousand and twenty nine we've got a profits are this thing is big. thing i'm going to be talking to you know it's big enough to cause major damage if it were to win right now what they're saying about a prophecy that is going to power so close to earth that it's going to skim across the atmosphere and knock out a bunch of satellites like a bowling ball they simply basically this is something that happened in one thousand eight hundred that. that was the big one was that when i was siberia. it was a little bit in a different direction from where this happened it was a lot for there but speaking of she had been screech and you know i think it's important to mention that this was actually a hub for nuclear research and one of the made the biggest nuclear storage facilities in the country called my dad is actually interested if you have to live and and the first thing that
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a lot of people i think about where it went looking for is whether or not that was damaged and lucky for us it wasn't because otherwise people the thing is though people do think you have or you also have your conspiracy theories that you have nuclear facilities that you always see or you see you are foes or floating orbs or little green men for goodness sake but going back to what you're saying about the twenty. eight in siberia it wiped out two thousand square miles of forest and there are many many documentaries about it all over you tube and on our to you as well. according to investigators the meteorite if indeed it was a meteorite. as it came towards the ground it actually exploded before touched. on the ground it was an aerial explosion that is why they could not find the creator or the actual reading and thinking of remnants they do say that they have found three fragments of this particular asteroid i'm sorry meteorite. and they also but this is an unconfirmed report they say that they have found one crater at least six meters in diameter so that's pretty big yet again the impacts you have to understand and that's where it's coming from again the report about the craters and
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but they have found three fragments so it would be interesting to see to analyze it and see what exactly those things are made out of yeah so. that was that's one thing that we should be looking out for well. that's coming up mid to late two thousand and thirteen that we're all going to be able to watch for months. apparently is coming from the i saw nebula which basically spits out an into a highway of debris that is not going to be spilling it's going to come out of the sky we're going to talk about this i think is well absolutely the case we're still we're still taking it all to you if indeed you have any footage you can share with us you can just get in contact with us or call marina anything else to give us on this actually let's talk about the speculations because when people first saw it at nine o'clock in the morning that everybody's awake when people first thought they could get up thinking up all different things and this is just some of the examples that the eyewitness told us what they saw. the first
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was what we're. trying to find absolutely then in a loud explosion this not only should we know. i was. trying to building then we were told that a wall has been partially due and metal structures inside of a band. it was very scary. so we're very very speculations about what it was but what do you know. about the image of russia as one of russia's russian politicians is famous for his out. pages comments and statements had already said that he knows that this indeed is not me to write this is americans testing their new oh joy way to kick off the weekend in style thank him for. klitschko a great pleasure thank you very much like my dear. it's well we'll continue to cover the story here at r.t. as i was saying it all to you dot com we're not taking any photos that you may actually have for us because of these our study comes on people's cars all over
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russia we continue to get absolutely startling footage so i thank you for joining us but his story and we'll be covering it throughout the day here on c for now though let's shift gears here a lot to the world's economic woes stoked by tit for tat currency battles and europe's painful crisis will be coming to light this is the meeting of the g twenty financial heads and the leaders of central banks right here in moscow for russia the gathering is seen as a launch pad for a broader g. twenty summit this year let's get more details on that now from our correspondent for e. from cosmic sparks caused by media showers to economic sparks caused by the prospect of a currency war this has been raised by japan essentially lowering the value of the yen and this has opened a massive rift between rich countries who are heavily in debt and growing faster growing countries developing countries are heavily dependent on exports who are quite worried about a wave of competitive devaluations now what does all this financial mumbo jumbo
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mean basically in tough economic times it could be pretty tempting for a country to lower the value of its currency for example taking this twenty dollar bill and making it worth a little bit less now why would someone want to do that because when your currency is devalued that makes your export goods cheaper on the market and that sort of creates a short term goosen economic growth now the fear with that is once you start going down that path as japan did europe can say well hey i'm going to lower the value of my currency america could follow suit and so on and so forth and that's the kind of clash that essentially leads to what we know as an economic currency war at the last time that happened was in the one nine hundred thirty s. and as we all remember that had some pretty devastating consequences one of the hot topics of debate is likely to be voting rights of the international monetary fund where countries like russia and china have less of a say despite the fact that they have trillions of dollars in reserves and so they are going to be pushing this is an ongoing issue for
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a revision in the way the i.m.f. is structured to the developing economies have more of a greater say now another major issue is of course debts and deficits with the finance minister is likely to try to come up with some sort of a new pact to reduce the borrowing a lot of major financial issues of course as russia becomes the first big emerging economy to assume the annual presidency of the g twenty summit. horrible as you see . the libya propose to mark the second anniversary of the uprising that toppled gadhafi preparations in. setting up roadblocks across the country and nato forces gathering in the capital as the number of those protesting against the new government continues to rise and that's coming up for you surely. the u.s. department of defense has allocated three million dollars for the development of a groundbreaking smartphone state of face recognition technology that is intended
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to be used by the military its potential use in law enforcement health care and civil i.d. programs sparking new privacy concerns. has more now on america's fondness for surveillance. the information age was an era nearly everybody in braced by today's surveillance age experts say is a reality oh most no one can escape we are five years away in new york from zero privacy from every new yorker being tracked and catalogued and watched and that information being saved for pretty much an indeterminate period of private investigator steve rom bomb believes america is being landscaped into an eis wide open society through the advancing market of biometrics technology that uses physiological and behavioral recognition to identify people. a system touted as a national security necessity is being used to build
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a database where the biometric identity of millions of americans be gathered at the border when you look at crying when you look at terrorism what we're really focusing on is the individual and so if you are interested in reducing crime or reducing terrorism you do have to focus on the individual and i am in a way. of connecting the person with a measurement recognition of unwanted visitors face recognition and iris scanning are the current tools of the trade however scientists are reportedly developing new technology aimed at identifying anyone from much greater distances if researchers are successful the defense department may eventually be able to detect individuals by your shape heartbeat walking patterns and possibly even older long range fingerprint and iris scanning are reportedly also being explored for the u.s. tool box of tracking are there reasons to have such security devices sure. do i
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think it's american do i think it's appropriate that somebody can press a button and determine everywhere i've been everything i've done. everyone i've been with you know its role. and i think that we're entitled to privacy. author and journalist a.j. jacobs recently spent three months documenting every second of his life with a small camera worn like a bluetooth it's remarkable it holds ten hours of video esquire magazine editor at large subscribed to self surveillance for an article about life logging yet he believes the market of high tech cameras and consumer biometric applications will soon make little brother and equally big concern and i think that we are. going to have a private moment in the future and i always tell people listen if you want to have an extramarital affair you better have it right now because you're going to be able
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to have them five years because everything will be tracked your husband or wife will be able to know exactly where you are at all times as companies like apple moved her words fingerprint readers and facial recognition insiders say that consumer electronics will generate an entirely new source of revenue for the biometric industry and industry estimated to bank more than nine billion dollars globally this year however the top cash cow is expected to remain government spending on security the bit in the past five years the department of defense has shelled out an estimated three billion dollars on biometric programs. hard to believe that just ten years ago the concept of facial recognition biometric surveillance and domestic drones was limited to science fiction movies like minority report marina point aren't you. all right i'm back with more news after a very short break hope you can stay with us who were nazi.
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all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots fifty r.p. interviews intriguing stories for you to. try. to find out more visit our big. dog called. it's a friday afternoon here in the russian capital this is odds here with me will receive . british police have been given a severe crippling the number of officers on duty hitting a record low all of this as the country reduces expenses amid his continuing financial struggles but is it having any effect on the u.k. security he's trying to figure out by asking the people on both sides of the fence . the home secretary's announced plans to set up a national database where police officers will have to declare second jobs this is
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aimed at raising professional standards and this is also part of why the reforms that are seeing the number of police officers drop to the lowest levels for eleven years is the impact of a twenty percent cut and whitehall funding to police budgets takes effect which is think more about these forms i'm joined by conservative m.p. angie britain and labor m.p. jim thank you very much to both of you for joining us jim i'm going to start with a lot of the police officers that we were speaking with we've got is a bit and you've got these reforms going to leave it at the same time they see the number of police. and police morales so i mean it's quite confusing time i think for police officers as to what's being expected. i understand that there may be slight consolation but given the battering the reputation of the police is hired over recent months the government had to take steps to shore up the reputation in terms of morale. of the police service. in my part of east
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london we've seen over one hundred fifty uniform staff gone in the past two years productions in crime which we've seen year on year zero for six years and reverse and for the past two years have been an increase in crime last year of nine percent saw some parts of the country the cuts are being imposed are affecting the safety of people on the streets what do you say to. the lowest level of police now for eleven years. so i may not know the the police are having to take their share of the of the spending reductions along with the rest of the public sector to get the deficit under control and what we're actually seeing is it's not about police numbers it's what you do with the police or innovative ways of maintaining a police presence on the streets and jim a home for if you have a increase in crime in his constituency but the fact of the across the country on average last year crime fell by. percent and in fact it fell in my force in leicestershire by eight percent as well so we are seeing
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a overall reduction in crime across the country at the same time we're cutting police numbers but they're doing innovative things like sharing back office services with other forces to save money and keep those police out on the streets where people want to be sort of in offices filling in paperwork and snarl it with red tape to think that they're being in it because. the coalition i've been in the way they're cutting public services across the piece we've been told that there will be no night patrols on the river as a result of these cuts this is a security terrorism issue as well as an issue of safety on the streets so we have different experiences in terms of our constituencies and everybody wants to support the police and we have a different economic strategy to deal with the deficit and the financial measures that need to be in to just essence what we want to do is support the place we both want to see. how best to do that and speak about integrity it's not just the the police integrity it's the public perception of the police integrity and the reforms are announced they will help to improve the public perception of precinct important
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security around the country. growing calls for. troops arriving in the capital tripoli. supporting democracy. people have invested a lot of hope in the arab spring i think now they're beginning to realize the harsh reality that a lot of it was backed by the west and the west wants to strip their countries of the mineral wealth i mean we're seeing the spillover into other areas like mali and niger as well and this is all part of a bigger sort of power play or link between the u.s. wanting to secure the minerals or says about africa generally and stop china getting them so in terms of democracy in arab spring i think it's very naive to
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think that that's what the west is trying to help these countries to achieve we've seen an absolute mess left behind by the nato invasion of libya which is what happened two years ago let's not mince words and that was problematic on so many levels not just the international legal level where suddenly aggressive war could be justified as humanitarian intervention even though it stabilized an entire country and results in many more deaths than could be prevented and we're also looking at a situation now where the country has lost its stability where there are reports coming out from independent journalists about militias still holding great swathes of the country and their power where we have competing fairly fundamentalist politicians police school groups as well fighting over territory without any of the promised ability wealth and democratic values that were suggested when the nato went in so it's become such a mess and so many levels. well bahraini people haven't been so successful in
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overthrowing very jeem either is the international day of love became a deadly day of protests for them at least one teenager was killed and dozens of demonstrators wounded on the second anniversary of the program form uprising a london based black radio activist a cab he says that the government is only pretending to be resolving the standoff peacefully. we're looking at two years in which we've seen no reform we've seen nothing change i mean we started this uprising two years ago and on that day the first martyr of the uprising was killed and now two years later on the same day the fourteenth of february another teenager has been killed and this really shows and displayed the lack of reform the continuous human rights abuses the continuous repression taking place on the streets of basra and it's good that dialogue has come back on the agenda and there is discussions happening but it seems that you know this latest latest escalation of the security against the people is going to
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possibly put in jeopardy within the ruling family i think of course there are those who simply want to please the international community to say look we're having this dialogue and there is not a great thing was continuing the violations on the street the people have come out on the streets time and time again saying that they they won't go out and they simply will not go home until this reform and i think the fact that they stayed out for two years clearly proves that so the only solution is through dialogue and i think the regime has to realize that. i let's do it now into the r.t. world we go some of the global headlines for you in brief this hour of violent clashes have taken place between protesters and police as hundreds of neo nazis marched in the german city of dresden the rally was held to mark the sixty eighth anniversary of the allied bombing of the industrial center of world war two a day that has become a focal point for the extreme right in germany thousands of anti fascist protesters form a human chain around the city to try and block. demonstration. and in the u.s.
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in the u.s. senate i should say republicans there have voted against naming it chuck hagel as secretary of defense delaying his confirmation fifty eight senators voted in favor of hagel taking the post too short of the sixty required to go to the next stage of the naming process republicans say the delay will allow them to find out more about the candidate has come into criticism for saying the jewish lobby has too much influence in washington. d.c. . and in chile a fire has ripped through the city port of injuring twenty seven people and burning down seventy houses strong winds stoke the blaze forcing five hundred families from their homes emergency services battled the flames for five hours before bringing it all under control. authorities in serbia say they've filed a plot to assassinate a national leader by burning down
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a government plane few details of the plan have been released to or who indeed was the intended target the country's national media has been questioning the prime minister's association with an alleged drug smuggler if you could admits to meeting the man known by the name misha. denies any wrongdoing. or that coming up after a short break you're not see the latest edition of paedophiles crosstalk could be construed as. helicopters flying through the air the night rounds of assault rifle ammo popping as the choppers buzz over the land now this unique form of hell of terror is no longer restricted to those in vietnam. in the middle east now houston miami
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residents of the good old usa can get in on the fun houston residents in terror called nine one one and scrambled for cover and even to schools put on lockdown as the military helicopters participated in a multi-agency training thrill in miami at night in the middle of downtown onlookers caught a video on their telephones of blackhawk helicopters pumping loud blank on to the people below and maybe even as i speak a flexibly scheduled military drill could be happening in jesper county south carolina you know when i was a kid they tell us about how the evil soviet union would parade their tanks around how there were soldiers all over their oppressed country even in one thousand nine hundred four all made it a point to describe our military helicopters would eternally be overhead and a dystopian nightmare world now we're living the nightmare the united states is a huge country there's plenty of room on remote army bases to do your training also last time i checked afghanistan you don't look like downtown miami just who are you
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hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle five tiny pacific islands one big problem for japan china and the region what is fueling this dispute domestic nationalism geopolitics a natural resource grab all of the above then there's the question of what is called the pacific pivot is washington's pivot focused on challenging china's great power ambitions. to cross talk this heated island dispute i'm joined by she cocoa goto in washington she is a northeast asia associate at the wilson center in hong kong we have andrew bloom he is an international an independent china specialist and in philadelphia we crossed him and then he is a writer and blogger for counterpunch all right folks cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want if i go to our guest in washington d.c. i mean if you were to create a hierarchy of what this dispute is all about what would it be containing china resources the american pivot what's your number one. well the the just be
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huge between the the japan and china really started with the grab for resources it has since then evolved into redefining national identity japan sees this as their own territory china has disputed that agreement and it is it is something that both sides simply cannot recall the file against and we are finding ourselves in a deadlock over who owns what and it is it is a very terse situation that really cannot be rationalized that the stage ok andrew for i can go to you i mean yeah i nationalism can be very irrational here but what direction is this going into we've seen it a little bit of the steam blowing off now of the last few days but it hasn't been resolved so what's the major issue for you well i think at the order of events is not exactly like bart i think we should look at how the world order has warped
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don't forget that territorial disputes between china and japan have been on the table for a long long time so why now and also if this is the this or core grab for resources you know it's only happened only recently where is the all of the spills as i was saying are have been on the cards i think what's happening is there was a major shift of events after the american pivot to asia now the american people it is not. just about china is because of the change in the world order america's capacity to lead has is the climbing is still leading but the capacity to lead is the climbing according to the national intelligence council report based in washington you should be in the national intelligence council because of washington
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d.c. . so. america has got to reconfigure is assets around the world moving . a lot of the. that the resources from the middle east and concentrating to where it counts is asia but because of that because of american spirit in our military pies with china's neighbors that somehow have an old and a number came into use getting really you're getting way ahead of me you know what it's all related you're getting way ahead of me that's why i like you have you on the program i'd like to go back to washington because our guest in washington was disagreeing. explain this has nothing to this has nothing to do with the united states the united states has made loud and clear that it really wants to take a neutral position regarding think islands the u.s. pivot the rebalancing towards the asia pacific is one issue since a country die you dispute is another what the united states has declared is that
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whilst they are a neutral party in these in these tense disputes if japan feels obliged to take some kind of military action or react in some way the u.s. japan alliance kicks in and then the united states which would. align itself with japan ok let me go get a there to ok but the u.s. is involved then ok very much involved that's good at philadelphia what do you think here we got to the pivot real early in this program i'm glad go ahead lynn go ahead well i would respectfully disagree with that assessment because i think the u.s. is really behind this dispute the u.s. is playing of japan's fear of falling behind china or losing is primacy in asia and is also playing off the fear of other nation asian nations towards a resurgent china so just vietnam the philippines and another countries so the u.s. is using this. as a catalyst as a mechanism to stay relevant in the western pacific so as long as these asian
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countries fear chinese of bullying them but u.s. has a role to play and they can sell weapons. you know it can stay profitable otherwise it has no role in it was in the pacific for us is really behind this is going to japan towards this confrontation station which are now because the issue was dormant for decades there was no you know no over. conflict until recently japan initiated this so this rather suicide tactic is really instigated by watching the sea believe it let's go back to washington d.c. then. yes it is that it has been a tension coles subject over many centuries but it's only really bubbled up over the last couple of years but really i believe that the genesis of this is not the united states but rather the governor of tokyo who decided that hey we're going to spend money the government of tokyo to buy these privately owned lands and then the
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japanese government intervened and said ok well we can't get the tokyo government to buy it so we've the national government is going to actually buy these islands washington again is wants to play a neutral party in this but let me play the devil's advocate. say the united japan feels more strongly strongly about going in. to take military action to take to take over these islands because it has the united states backing what would happen then then china has an excuse to take military action against japan then the united states and japan can declare war on china and and then china will possibly have backing from north korea and we see this big big fall out and we are seeing and we would see a repeat of one nine hundred fourteen world war one when the assassination of a crown prince by some serbian nationalist sparks off
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a whole global war i don't think anyone really wants this and if anyone with any russian now can think through it is it is a dangerous game so i can understand that yes it gets headlines to talk about oh yes it will sell american arms but that is not what's happening here ok andrew i mean is it really it seems like containment of china to me at least well at least through the charter. appears to be a strategy of calm payment by i mean. or i mean. because a lot of america's treaty difference treaty with japan but it's also. america's now forming much closer military ties with or china's neighbors including of course but australia but also as far as india you can see that there is a. and circle moment of china and that's only happened only for the rebate during the last couple of years and then of course the
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south china sea is a very very important conduit for the importation of oil resources which are china's the lifeblood so china naturally feels threatened now as far as to japan is concerned the recent wide japan of resorting to what appeared to be more assertive action it's not us out of the blue it's because of the rise of japanese nationalism and of course a right wing politics in japan so the politicians are trying to cater into this kind of. national psyche which says that world is many many years of the second world war and in fact a lot of the japanese people were born after the second world war including prime minister abbey so they don't see why japan should continue to you know sort of move around the world would tail behind its back as it were after all japan as was the
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world's second largest economy until it was overtaken by china so all this plays into a more assertive national policy and because of that and because of the american pivot forming military allies with china's neighbors and so a number of china's neighbors with paula taleo. rival claims are all becoming more assertive and that feeds into china's ok here let me go to len let me go to lynn in philadelphia the other thing that held out the here is this nasty nationalism versus nasty nationalism it sounds quite dangerous. well the nationalist angle is used to play up support the mastic lee japan is using this dispute to rebuild his military so already is gaining something from it and abyei was reelected because of his nationalist right wing stance and his rather
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belligerent stance so nationalism is used in us too to gain support for whatever each country is doing but it comes down to resources and geo political reasons you know but. some money is at the heart of this but nationalism emotion is used to gain support. but i want to return to the us japan. coordinated effort to. create a front against china the u.s. is not just getting closer to you know it's allies it's us australia and india as already mentioned but also vietnam in cambodia is former enemies and the japan too is giving navy ships to the philippines and selling submarines to vietnam so this is a very coordinated effort to create a new front against china to contain china because inevitably there's going to be more of a yawn of a fight over resources because all these all these industries all these countries
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juggling job. do hack work and get caught when lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also. another well behind which is how to influence the institutions steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hung around the office and lots of strange faces around and said what's what's happening.
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