tv [untitled] February 15, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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you read. three blog video for your media project c.e.o. gondar t. dot com. russia started the recovery process as a twenty hiroshima strong meteorite blast at least one hundred people injured thousands a window shutters and wreaks havoc on the country's nuclear how. vigilant and chuck hagel saw any u.s. defense secretary confirmation which meant an unprecedented republican opposition is seen as a push for shuffling his anti hawkish view. and tired of being watched and t.c.c. to the answer it's in germany team up and take their fight against public surveillance into their own hands by destroying as many street cameras as possible
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. russia and around the world this is r.t. with me. thanks for joining us. twenty here ocean was that's the national space agency's estimate of the explosive power of the meteorite which sheltered over russia's year olds it left more than twelve hundred people injured and caused tens of millions of dollars worth of damage. in office at the epicenter now and details how events unfolded. it wasn't a bird a plane or superman but something much louder brighter faster and many times of war terrifying because big bright like him shiny across the sky you know blinding brighter than the sun it was around nine am when the skies were suddenly lit up by
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a media war flying over to gavin's breaking into three parts or leading a striking trail of smoke before vanishing just minutes later the city and the surrounding areas were literally rocked by a series of massive explosion. and i immediately called one of my teammates who lives in my building and i you know i couldn't get through to him by phone in work so i was a little bit scared at that point so powerful it damaged buildings and shattered windows all across the city but. i was told that a plane crashed right into our building then we were told that a wall has been partly disloyal and metal structures inside of a band by the blast wave it was very scary. many were able to film the unearthly sanaa manana leader flooding the web with footage as rumors spread of what it might have been a stricken airplane
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a satellite that fell out of orbit even the beginning of the and off the world an r.t. documentary crew that was working in the area suddenly found themselves at the center of events that. we saw a huge tail in the sky like from an airplane and then there was a bright fire and an explosion the feeling was like there are three shots ring we thought a military jets may have crashed or that it was some manmade disaster it was a relief to find out it was a natural phenomena except over twelve hundred people were injured including over two hundred children mostly from pieces of shattered glass that one of the girls ran out to take pictures yes. and she was thrown in by the wave that came after the the flash and then we. my ears got blocked and the whole room get got to deal with just just like like a fog it's estimated the media as we need to varied from ten to forty tons and its
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speed of around twenty miles per second it gave it a huge amount of energy and made it very difficult to detect in advance that there are telescopes and networks operated by nasa in the u.s. it was cosmos and russia and the european space agency others that are out there trying to detect and track asteroids but honestly there's a lot of there's hundreds of thousands and their biggest focus is on the really large ones ones that are hundreds of meters in diameter or kilometers in diameter that could potentially you know do two oss what happened to the dinosaurs thankfully no one was killed this time and well leave the media or didn't hit any industrial facilities including several nuclear sites located in the region i must say all of this really looks like a scene from a science for a movie but it's really happened and it's another reminder that no matter how. advanced technology gets nowadays when it comes to nature often we can only watch helplessly and hope for the best you've got is going off to dad in central russia.
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and lawrence monks all crimes from the school of earth and space exploration says this was a scientific precious in fact meter is an asteroids are a comment and then come from the outer part of our solar system perturbations from the planet jupiter and other planets there's a huge. store of of the comments asteroids out outside the orbits of jupiter and outside in fact the outer solar system some of them periodically get disturbed by the gravity of the inner planets and get sent inwards some of them are big balls of ice and become comets others are big balls of rock and the impact on mars and the earth and the moon and. what's fascinating is actually you could if you can collect some of this material some of it is primordial if we actually detect it and we can we can get it right after it falls we can actually measure material that hasn't been processed since the solar system formed four and have billion years ago so for scientists it's
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a fascinating event and i'm happy that people weren't killed by it but if some of that material can be recovered it will be incredibly interesting and important for scientists. and of course we've got some amazing photos of the exploding at meteorite as well as vivid examples of how powerful it all is on our dot com headline for that as well as updates footage and more comments from max. more than a week of debates brainstorming and policy revolution all will now be needed following an unprecedented vote which saw president obama's nominee for u.s. defense secretary failing to get enough support from the republicans or the results not a complete defeat for chuck hagel delay may give his opponents more time to further spoil his chances and many in the us believe this is what was supposed to happen to
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a country that was not pro-war enough. and has the details for us. those who blocked the vote on chuck hagel nomination this thursday know very well that he will eventually be confirmed as defense secretary there are enough votes in the senate to confirm him but the stalling of the vote together with the humiliating treatment that the senators gave chuck hagel two weeks ago at his confirmation hearing this whole process is seen as a message all by itself those lawmakers showed that they could crush anyone who would allow themselves to dissent from washington's core foreign policy beliefs chuck hagel remarks at the confirmation hearing disappointed even his supporters during the hearing which to many seemed like. mr haygood had to backtrack on many of the statements he had made before including that war with iran should not be an option including his criticism of israel's actions and some other foreign policy views that he had expressed as a senator so throughout that long and exhausting hearing mr hague kept apologizing
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for much of the previous statements he had to take to previous positions he had taken and he bent backwards to show how quote unquote mainstream his views are in the senator's case kept accusing him of not being again quote unquote mainstream enough to get the job chuck hagel swore to defend basically all of washington's foreign policy orthodoxies his confirmation process has been humiliating in many ways and it demonstrated the state of u.s. foreign paul of policy basically intolerant of the mill target of vision alternative claude having said all that the president's decision to nominate chuck hagel of course knowing the position chuck hagel had taken before was also seen as a message president obama had said previously that there is too much war talk going on and maybe by nominating chuck hagel he wanted to play down because too many people here in washington are too eager to talk war just during the confirmation hearing the word war was mentioned one hundred twenty times the word iran one hundred eight times by comparison of ghana's than the war that the u.s.
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is fighting right now just twenty six mentions of course those are just words but they may very well show how eager many many in washington are to discuss new wars without even having finished the old ones. paul craig roberts assistant secretary of the u.s. treasury under president reagan things it's chuck hagel is bold views on some global players that's a landed him in trouble with the republicans. she has. made a mistake some years ago when he said that he was an american. and israeli. and this instant come up. in the last presidential election in the united states the israeli prime minister in. support of. the peace process for the. speeded president of the united states and
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a very demeaning way. and so a bomb in their eyes answering back to the israeli prime minister by appointing a u.s. senator who did a very very rare thing and asserted his independence. the israeli government. the u.s. library of congress is working hard and finding a way every tweet ever sent every way and a huge economy. they're doing a lot of other stuff that they should be doing like killing people across the world but you know there's only so much we can do i think so our tweets are kind of low on the priority but it's still a point that they should stop. coming out place that lori often is steps out onto the streets of new york to find out what people think about the government holding on to their own line messages. and attempts just as a global economic troubles are being made at the g twenty gathering on financial head. with the looming currency wars weighing heavy on mine.
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an anarchist group with a thrashing a major rally in berlin on saturday against what it sees as a massive expansion of c.c.t.v. cameras in germany their movements opposition against the ever encroaching big brother turned from words to action long ago with it becoming notorious for trashing street cameras all across the country r.t. speech on of it takes a look at whether the group's message makes them different from ordinary vandals. if you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you whilst walking through the streets of the german capital there may be more to it than paranoia. the amount of c.c.t.v. civilians in germany is on the rise and it's not as bad yet as in other countries for example in the u.k. very millions of cameras installed but still the numbers are rising and that's worrying us. that increase has seen some berliners take quite drastic action and
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fight back against what they see as the invasion of their privacy the target for their fight the cameras themselves the phenomenon has even produced an online game cam over the rules are simple film yourself destroying c.c.t.v. cameras posted online and points are awarded for the amount of camera smashed as well as bonus points for creativity although many privacy campaign is uneasy this more militants approach we're not a particular big fan of while and even if it's violence against things that's a form of protest we do not support of the ovi support the message. is contest will culminate in a protest ahead of the european police congress in berlin law enforcers fear the movement and its methods will only rise in popularity and public damage i don't think it's it's a group that is committing these crimes i think these are some people from the left
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wing political corner they want others to compete with them to destroy cameras and what about allegations that the rise in c.c.t.v. coverage was turning berlin into an all well state no i don't think so i think we have a strict law that the only personal belongings or the personal. the ground you own can be protected by a camera you're not allowed to point the camera at a public street and so i don't think there's. big brother watching everybody or germany does. some very strict laws when it comes to personal image rights even global giants like google of how to censor the faces of anyone snapped on this street view service the advancements of things like smartphones the amount of pictures taken and uploaded to the web every day should to make it even more difficult for those who prefer to keep their anonymity the authorities deny that
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big brother is watching you in berlin however as the amount of c.c.t.v. in the city goes up it becomes increasingly difficult not to get caught on camera peter all over r.t. . while being caught on camera is precisely what happened to a group of security guards the man suspected of having new nasa links queues of abusing thousands of foreign workers across germany details on our website. and america's not as the land of free but online we have this story of one man who doesn't seem to cherish his freedom as much as others after here robbed a bank just to get sent back to train.
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a tansey at mostly peaceful celebration has begun only there as the country marks two years since the start of the uprising that ousted mama khadafi massive rallies were held in two major cities tripoli and benghazi with flag waving crowds marching through the streets a bomb exploded outside of benghazi police station causing no injuries so far she said it was the work of criminals not political activists meanwhile activists are planning protests against the current regime there they claim they will be peaceful still their fear of violence may break out thousands of police and militia are in the street and there have been reports of nato forces arriving in tripoli two years . the initial uprising the government is still struggling to keep on groups under control as well as east. and south of the country and they aren't succeeding says dr abraham aleutian political analyst and professor at the state university and a mile. to what we have seen over the last two years in libya is that this integration
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of a new form of sun throw control paving the way for the fragmentation of the country into three states at the same time there is a rampant lawlessness in the country there is an outgrowth of fundamentalism of the criminal side that has spilled over into mali as we have seen over the last couple of months a little bit more than two months and at the same time we have this but sort of. strife breaking out between the front militias and the country so yes a lot has changed but not for the better. a formula sanchez called who killed for committed suicide in his last fight but what he is from a corner valley to country and a life and a fast place opinion on the story coming up and if you mate.
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there's been another delve into how to deal with the prospect of currency wars but as you have the g twenty finance leaders there's still to be shared. growing dragging rather be world's markets into turmoil gathering is taking place in the russian capital as the country gears up for a broader side of nato this year and she's lucie county and it has been following the talks. a lot of conflicting statements have been said about this talk of the impending looming currency war which has led some folks some market watchers to be quite confused as to what we'll actually see coming out of this g. twenty talks here in moscow now at the center of the whole controversy and crisis is japan it's doing its aggressive monetary and fiscal policies and has seen a weakening of the and so what this has resulted in this essentially a clash between the countries very little consensus we did hear from
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a russian finance minister. who has said that this is certainly an important issue that of currencies that is very much on the table but at the very same time we've seen other world leaders come up and say that you know what currency wars aren't really a threat they're trying to calm down the market some have even questioned whether japan's actions constitute a manipulation of the currency basically when a country is in the dire fiscal situation such as of course as we all know many countries are today like japan for instance is one option that a country has is to devalue its currency so making something like this a twenty dollar bill worth less you can do that by a variety of means for example printing cash because why would you want to do that when your currency is worth less your manufactured goods are cheaper on the market and that gives you a temporary boost in the economy which could be pretty critical in tough times like this now what we've actually seen the fear here is that when
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a country does that your trading partner strike back they say hey we're going to lower the value of our currency and that sets off a currency war such as the one that we saw in. in one nine hundred thirty s. which has led to the great depression now japan insists that it is simply trying to stimulate as quantum e it's not doing anything to prompt a full scale currency war of course no country here wants to see that but the reason that we're seeing so much disagreement and so little consensus among the countries is that you know what for example the united states its policy isn't all that different the fed in the u.s. has been printing money like crazy so these developed countries don't really see any incentive in isolating japan in trying to really squeeze down of this currency manipulation issue because they don't want to mess around with their economies essentially so that is really the crux of the issue. why some currency war tactics work for some and not fathers discussed by own financial gurus mark skies and stacey herbut so watch the full program in a few minutes but here's
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a preview. everybody is doing at venezuela devalued recently by over thirty percent in the u.k. the pound has the pound sterling has fallen by over ten percent against international currencies and yet their export market is up barely point one percent so it hasn't worked for them they showed up to a global currency war with their feet paper and it hasn't done anything for them you know if you show up to a gunfight with a knife chances are you're going to have your guts ripped shot dead in the street like a dog show up to a currency war with paper like marvin kang or ben bernanke here these other central bank lands and you'll also be eviscerated gunned down in the street by the gold vigilantes and that's a good thing. the autopsy results have shown christopher dorner the former los angeles police officer who killed four including two of his colleagues committed suicide during
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a final shootout with sheriff's deputies the cap'n he was barricaded in court find during the fight and adornment shot himself in this to mock subliminal believes the officer never intended to count checks home and live in the fast play. the audio transmissions that i was listening to clearly indicate that they planned to burn him alive or as they said. deploy the bird. that audio transmissions of the scanners also show they carefully manage the fire to ensure that completely consumed the cabin use it during the base of the reacting emotionally and not fashioning it were hell bent on revenge and this was clearly shown in not just the police scanner transmissions but in an open transmission that was broadcast on channel nine during the standoff in which deputies were overheard screaming let's burn this about for they're in the embassy referring to dorner the suspect. for
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some international news in brief this hour in egypt police have clashed with the those who are venting their president mohammed morsy demonstrators hold stones and fireballs before being dispersed with tear gas their key is the government of trying to tighten its grip on power and using violence to clamp down on the opposition more than seventy people have been killed in protests against the government in recent weeks. if i'm brand cleric time here all country has helped a massive rally against political corruption northeast of pakistan a citizen of both canada and pakistan a petition to reform the national election commission a move rejected by the supreme court hasan organized to a more major rallies for the coming week in the build up to the country's general election expected this. the tunisian prime minister has said negotiations on the formation of a technocrat government will start again next monday to bali tretton to resign if
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his plans for a new cabinet were not passed on friday but now says he'll wait until after the weekend to make a decision on his political future this most recent instability sparked huge protests and comes after of the assassination of a prominent leftist politician earlier this month. dozens of people have gathered in the venezuelan capital caracas to celebrate the release of photos of the hospitalized president the pictures of the charges and his two daughters were made public by the government on friday they are the first to be released as in his most recent visit to cuba for cancer treatment. there are now close to two hundred billion tweets stored in databases at the library of congress in the u.s. the government says it wants to keep a snapshot of life in the country seen through online messages but some citizens are concerned it's just one more invasion of privacy they worry how often it's
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takes to the streets of new york to find out what people that think about the project. the library of congress announced that it's storing our tweet is this just another method of surveillance or is it a way of archiving the times this week let's talk about that did you know that our government is starting to store all of our tweets they're archiving them in the library of congress not surprised you're not surprised by that now why not they're quite everything are you ok with that no absolutely not so what do we do about it you know i don't know because they're doing a lot of other stuff that they should be doing like killing people across the world but you know there's only so much we can do i think so our tweets are kind of low on the priority but it's still important that they should stop there and yeah it's just another way that they can surveil us right yes but i think how would you feel
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about your government storing all those tweets that scares me the soul of that because i mean like you could tweak things i mean i've had to for about three years now and i kind of member what we had back then but if they can find out just kind of see what it was that's quite scary that's what our government's doing that now yeah isn't that crazy i don't think that's fair it's not fair have you ever tweeted something that you might not want stored for all time usually a tweet recipes and food related things so i'd love it if they store it. may be great for generations are able to reject recipes exactly do you think it's just another example of the government doing something idiotic i don't know maybe they got a good deal on hard drive space and they just need a photo i mean those are really surprised the truck your facebook and they track everything you do a lot i mean they have the rights and they stand long as the invention was private they're just doing this for your protection do you believe that you trust them to use it not as a way to surveil you or invade your privacy you know i believe they're i mean what
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more can they do i mean if you know if you're. stuff out there that you don't want to be out there that you shouldn't do it where you should just keep it private stuff so you simply want to with it all over the place isn't going to get worse as we move into the future or are we going to figure out this privacy thing are going to get worse because the mall pirates obviously the more i don't want to go i don't it comes between making weapons and stuff so obviously they want to know as much information about terrorism stuff so that i'm going to talk much more just to protect they're going to embed us with chips and you know everything we do yeah basically whether or not you think the government storing our tweets is an invasion of privacy the bottom line is you better think twice before you tweet because you never know who might be listening.
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and in a few minutes of currency wars on the g. twenty summit and the latest edition of the kaiser report. well. science technology innovation all the moves developments from around russia we've got the future covered. choose your language. we can without any financial system still some. choose to use the consensus you. choose to tell us that you think are great to. choose the stories that impact your. chance to access to often.
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guys are this is the kaiser report you know if you show up to a gunfight with a knife chances are you're going to have your guts ripped out shot dead in the street like a dog show up to a currency war with paper like mervyn king or ben bernanke here these other central bank clowns and you'll also be eviscerated gunned down in the street by the gold vigilantes and that's a good thing stacey yes max over the past few weeks we've seen the coming of the showdown at the ok currency corral right you've seen very same d.c. wanted dead or alive essentially against the u.s. dollar right there in the middle of the poster oh it looks like i'm going to tell us about our next guest wasn't dead or alive but i mean that metaphorically of course i would never suggest a special bankers would be gunned down and hunted down like dogs and ripped open and have their guts pulled up because of their profit ways i would.
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