tv Breaking the Set RT February 16, 2013 1:28am-2:00am EST
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many i mean it's a challenge i know that i'm seeing the same thing really messed up. in the old story so personally apologize it's. a little worse for the legal white house or for the. radio guy and political minestrone they want to go for a power to produce never seen anything like this i'm told. i'm having mine and so today palestinians clashed with israeli soldiers and several demonstrations held in support of some aerosol political prisoner who's been detained by israeli forces he was initially arrested by the israeli army in two thousand and two and sends to thirty five years in jail for protesting under a deal brokered with egypt he was released in two thousand and eleven along with
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four hundred seventy six other prisoners tragically samar was once again detained last year for the crime of entering jerusalem in the last two hundred six days he's been on a hunger strike in protest of being held without charges or trial now he's inching closer to death just look at him this is not about some aerosol week of the hundreds of palestinian prisoners that are being held in israeli jails many for similarly superficial crimes this is about how this times a will to resist occupation and it's about justice. samaras life is a symbol of so much and that's why his serve buyable is so crucial in fact many are saying his death could even serve as an impetus to another round of fighting and bloodshed so as you start your weekend think about samara speak out tweet out his name or the hash tag palestinian hero do whatever you can because if he'd die is a small piece of palestinian hope would die with him and let's break that.
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i. i. well guys you might want to grab some popcorn because i'm about to break down a whole lot of political theater i'm sure you've heard by now that chuck hagel just made history by becoming the first cabinet appointee to be filibustered by the senate take a look. very very key. and. there's shocking moves who probably didn't have filibustered o'farrill vote on the show cagle president obama's pick to head the defense department for hazel's nomination is not dead but this does mean that democrats cannot move forward with a vote to confirm him right now they can try again after that week long recess the first time a filibuster of
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a cabinet nominees been used and needless to say this marks a major win for the g.o.p. and a pretty embarrassing defeat for the president and know his confirmation wasn't delayed because of the war corruption no it was because apparently they needed more time to examine undisclosed speeches he made since leaving the senate in two thousand and eight why you might ask well because back in two thousand and six haykel made in the naacp us very truthful comment that's that the media and political stoush if frenzy he said i'm a u.s. senator i support israel my first interest is that i take an oath of office to the constitution of the. knighted states not to a president not a party not to israel if i go run for senate in israel i'll do that so not surprisingly his nomination and vote a full out of salt from the jewish lobby you may remember seeing a barrage of ads to haggle on television just like this one. president obama says
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all options are on the table for preventing a theory run eagle says military action is not a viable he should be responsible option yes how did you make a rational and responsible decision about not starting world war three by attacking iran god forbid he believes in peace through diplomacy not through war oh my god so let's get back to that. what are these speeches that people are so concerned with uncovering while one that's caused quite a stir was given at a gala for the american arab anti-discrimination committee or the a.b.c. and when the video was finally released there was really nothing noteworthy said however it didn't stop the a.t.c. from being harassed and defamed by right wing media who called the organization controversial with possible terrorist ties in response the a.b.c. released a statement saying quote rather than questioning the integrity of arab americans it's time to question the integrity of those that perforate hate and division
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amongst all americans while put but despite this non issue the israeli lobby succeeded they successfully exerted their influence on enough senators and media to cause the vote to stall and now they're given even more time to dig up as much dirt as they can hoping to prove that a hateful isn't a loyal enough to israel to be defense secretary. but you know that's perhaps the most interesting aspect of this all politicians and media have spent they turn. talking about hagel being pro israel enough when strangely omitting any and all discussion about the most controversial point dean obama's second term john brennan the assassination czar who's now reading the cia yep he's been running on a get out of jail free card literally and in case you don't remember his scandalous resume let me refresh your memory this is the man who advocated giving immunity to
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telecom corporations participating in bush's illegal wiretapping program this is the man who led the signature drone strikes abroad which invoke targeted assassinations of people without due process you know blowing people up with all that messy paperwork we like to call due process not to mention that he also lied about drones causing no civilian deaths in pakistan this is the man that most recently at his confirmation hearing refused to admit that waterboarding is torture really really look congress has got it all wrong and the lacking media has diligently followed suit they're speculating about the wrong man they should be up in arms over promoting one of the most controversial bush era figures our priorities are clearly out of whack and we're questioning more about what will to israel than we are about lawlessness and war crimes but i guess that's what political theater is all about. looking for
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a. regime anything like that. ten years ago today on feb fifteenth two thousand and three there was an unprecedented mobilization of people around the world and they were all rallying around one single message take a look. and demonstrate an. issue. that's right up to thirty million people spanning eight hundred cities around the world marched in synchronization around the invasion against the invasion of iraq
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it was the largest antiwar protest in the history of the world but despite this monumental display of unified force against the war the us government turned a blind eye and as we know the subsequent war and occupation that followed what ensued for the next ten years causing countless human beings to be maimed traumatized over four million iraqis displaced and the deaths of over one million human beings today although the ground troops have allegedly left iraq and afghanistan the bombing campaigns haven't stopped in fact they've actually increased and now the drones have expanded to countries like yemen somalia and pakistan so where are the masses now were the millions of people in the streets demanding an end to the bloodshed and perpetual war joining me now to discuss the state of the antiwar movement in the us is angela keaton director of operations for antiwar dot com angela thanks so much for coming on oh thank you happy so i think
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people realize how big these protests really war what was it about the iraq war that resonated with so many people around the world well it didn't resonate with people around the world but remember you know you mention that there's over a hundred cities and thirty. people marching for peace is that most of the much of that was in europe in latin america and asia yes there were some major cities in the us for people who were marching but that was very fleeting and that was a very short lived phenomenon in the us. the average american it's hard to get americans interested in what happens outside the borders of the u.s. or the facts of what the united states government is actually doing abroad people weren't that interested it was a very very short period where we were a part of the worldwide active anti-war movement so to begin with we it's the united states is probable to really anyways since this is where the war machine chen aerated in this is really the mass of the protest needs to come from but it's not that's not typical in the way americans generally think they don't vote on the issue it's not a foreign policy is a high priority even when they do know about it or it's interesting that people are
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kind of preoccupied with domestic issues when really the state of our horrible economy is in part because of this perpetual war fare that we're waging so it is kind of this disconnect angela but you know i think a lot of people when they think of the antiwar movement at its best i think a vietnam really successfully bringing that war to an end but as we know i mean this was this global effort much bigger than that i mean of course that spanned across much more time but i mean why did the establishment just completely ignore the people. well the people for the most part in the us are it have ignored it in the united states partisanship is like religious identity and it's a substitute for almost every other thing that you know people might crave to fill themselves up with i mean to be anti-war right now or to be anti-war for the past four or four years is to be anti obama and that for many many reasons is not going to happen in the u.s. i don't see very little hope while barack obama is in this position he currently
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holds holds the title of emperor that they'll be any difference in the anti-war movement and growth i mean remember of the george bush era time when we had the protests people were very motivated to be anti george bush he had certain aspects of his personality and symbolize certain things in the culture whether that was real or illusory that people didn't care for so it's very easy to organize against it but now to be openly anti-war and you can see this so if you can see this on the social networks very easily i mean when one speaks out against the war one is speaking out against the policies of barack obama and his administration and that is still not done amongst the people who generally are thought to be inclined to be anti-war in the first place but the main issue that was ultimately americans don't want to know until they get that information and they can make a rational decision will they even have a chance to to think about why you know do it to form an anti-war movement the reason why we do we do it antiwar dot com is we provide information every single day on these topics it's very very clear so people will know how much is spent how
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many people are being killed where we are and why but that's not interested most americans are in that they still think that things things happen magically or because we're heated you know by for example by the i don't understand why these things happen and they have no interest in knowing why people might have grievances against the u.s. to where they might act out upon so until something changes and whether we change the way we we organize the anti-war movement we stop we move it out of partisan politics entirely until we narrow the focus of what the anti-war movement is supposed to be about and we eliminate all the other litmus tests so rare as broad based. possible they'll be no will be no further progress certainly and certainly angela blind partisan politics definitely plays a role into the lack of opposition against obama's wars but i mean yeah and i and i love how it's that we're prevented this we're presented this false dichotomy which says you know you don't have to support ground wars like the bush administration did or this is the more humanitarian effort the overseas contingency operations which obama is launching of course we we don't have to choose either of those things i think
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a lot of people are like well it's better than bush's policies but party allegiance aside how do people stop caring about killing people i mean i just find it hard to believe that the party allegiance alone is why people cared about the war isn't about civil liberties being eroded or bush well i think it's a misunderstanding that people ever really cared about these things to begin with i mean these are things that help in a faraway places to people who don't look like still worship our gods don't speak our languages they're not quite human to us so there's no reason i mean the joker in the deck here is though in terms of the what might happen the anti-war movement is the issue of drones because that is something that might get the average american actually to care since he or she might realize that the drones might be used on them and their families so that might be the reason why people reorganize or run an anti-war movement but you're making assumptions about basic morale of the people's basic morality they don't think are true i don't i don't think that we understand that barack obama is a war criminal or that george w.
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bush is a war criminal and these people kill children that killed civilians and did we did a revolution of values i want to get and one last question angela you know we saw what happened with the occupy movement complete militarized crackdown from the top down completely controlled by the government on peaceful dissent on the redress of grievances i mean how can we galvanize even form an antiwar movement successfully of our first amendments being repressed by the state. well you know if he was occupying one of the things that we're able to get people motivated with things that were extremely personal dealing with their finances there's a possibility that and i mean we tried this in different forms and that maybe people haven't it hasn't they haven't gotten through to them yet how much the war actually costs and as a i think former congressman alan grayson is to say the war is what you know the war is making you poor and still people maybe make bad connections or they really see how it does affect you know each person's life that's when perhaps maybe they'll be will be some movement forward absolutely we do need to understand how everything is connected domestically and internationally thank you so much for
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coming on giving your insight and director of operations for antiwar dot com. now if you like what you see so far check us out on hulu and the dot com slash a break in the set there you can watch the latest episode of our show like yesterday which featured u.s. drug trafficking a christian dorner cover up and the waco massacre also for it scrolled through and watch every show since the middle of the summer so favor us comment on how we're doing and who took home slash bergen's that it was a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear about the meteor explosion over russia next.
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claims. in case you haven't heard there was a massive chunk of space matter that tore through the skies over russia this morning the meteor hurled toward earth and burst into flames creating a powerful sonic boom that blew in the doors and windows of countless buildings cars leaving hundreds of people injured check out the crater left in the frozen
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lake that the meteor hit for most this will just go down to some freak incident when you put into perspective that serves as a reminder of humanity's futility and this planet's vulnerability to space objects that could cause serious devastation to talk a little bit more about this rare astronomical occurrence and the dangers posed by a near earth objects and what the world is prepared to do to protect us from these cosmic threats i'm joined now by dr ross or when she ologist at the center for earth and planetary studies at the national air and space museum thank you so much for coming on tonight to be here so i can't remember the last time i saw a meteorite because such a big impact no pun intended on the news there and tell us a little bit more about this meteor today and how common this incident type of incident really is well the reason why you haven't seen it is because it hasn't happened at this scale in our lifetimes the last time we've had devastation on this scale was when an object entered the atmosphere over siberia in one thousand nine hundred eight released considerably more energy than this one did and leveled about
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two thousand two hundred square kilometers of forest just knock down trees like sticks so how how common does this happen i mean is it like once a center i mean it's really hard to obviously gauge since it's just random but let's talk about how much stuff is really floating around in space that really does pose a threat to us i mean when you look at mars i know that you you cover a lot of mars geography right covered in impact craters exactly i mean how much does this pose a threat to us i mean we're only you know we are live in the scale of history here but when something like this happens it really does remind you of everything on earth is like you know secondary to what could happen externally yeah yeah well we have. objects like this might pass by. the earth or come into the earth's atmosphere and explode like this on the average of once a century there are other asteroids a larger one flew by the earth also today had its closest approach over indonesia and came in even closer than our geostationary satellites objects like that might impact the earth on average once every one thousand two hundred years so you know
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much less often usually they come in over uninhabited areas and they don't do a lot of damage what about the threat i mean what i mean what governments are arc of prepared to deal with is that something really is a core lean at the earth then i'm going to hit it you know so nasa has a program that's looking for near earth objects these are our small asteroids that orbit near the earth and might at some point in time in the future strike the earth so nasa is aware of where more than ninety percent of these things are so far none of these asteroids is projected to hit the earth if one of them were projected to hit the earth at some time in the future then we would want to know about it this far in advance as possible we need to be able to study this object we need to be able to know exactly what it's made of is it rubble is it a solid piece and be able to devise a strategy for how to deflect it the farther ahead you know about these problems the better your opportunities are for being able to mitigate them all you need to do if you can get to these asteroids quickly enough just tweak it and then it'll
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miss the earth by a great distance by the time you know if finally reaches here and when you say tweak it ira you know hollywood portrays kind of our defense mechanism as nuclear weapons being shot out and the word of these objects in space i mean like what are we talking about here when we're talking about deflecting these kind of objects well that's a possibility would be to use a nuclear weapon know whether you actually strike the surface of the object or where to. go and you need to know about what these objects are made of because if you were to break the object apart well now you've got lots of smaller pieces each of which could be individually devastating so it's very important to know is the asteroid one piece is a essentially a pile of rubble held together by grab. how big is it how massive is it sometimes these things are small objects and they're spun up so you can't just land on it and then fire thrusters and tweak it out of the way you could put a larger spacecraft nearby let the gravitational interaction of the asteroid in the spacecraft kind of tobie thing out of the way over time without ever touching it so
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there are different approaches that you might be able to use for different types and sizes of asteroids but we would need to know exactly what this asteroid is what it looks like and then to be able to devise a strategy for it and hopefully we would have many years or even decades to make those claims so and you know all those all this has made me think about it a massive asteroid did hit the planet talk about what exactly would happen if we have about a minute left just like the steps that happened to our planet yeah well it depends on where it is and depends on how big it is so you've seen you read your crater in arizona that was actually not a very big asteroid that created a crater that was half a mile across it's the devastation around that area would be would be enormous you wouldn't want to be anywhere near it sometimes there's a large chance of course that an asteroid could strike in the ocean and then you would have a big tsunami coming out from that at some point. larger asteroids one that was about ten kilometers across is believed to have been responsible for killing off
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the dinosaurs so you know that's a really devastating quote i don't think you can rebuild our civilization if something like that have been here that you so much for breaking down dr ross and i appreciate your time glad to do. remember the maine no seriously do you remember the main phrase refers to that massive explosion that sank one of america's first battleships station a van a cuban killing two hundred sixty u.s. sailors on board today marks the hundred fifteenth anniversary of that event at the time the navy officially stated that the ship was blown up by on mine. and while they didn't place the blame directly on spain congress left little doubt that the spanish were in fact responsible for the explosion the sinking of the maine coupled with u.s. criticism of spain's control over cuba were all the ingredients necessary to start the spanish-american war the war lasted only
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a few months and the cease fire in the treaty of paris however overlooked aspect of this treaty is that it officially granted the us government its first overseas empire having acquired the territories of puerto rico guam and the philippines formally in the possession of spain but if we want to truly give justice to the memory of the main we should consider all the facts see in one thousand nine hundred seventy six american naval investigators concluded that the inferno that sank the maine and killed more than half its crew was caused by the ship's ammunition stockpile igniting the investigation proved once and for all the spanish were not to blame. it is interesting that an entire war could be launched against another country based entirely on false pretenses we're no strangers to this notion of starting wars on lies one just has to look at the iraq war to see that this is a common occurrence but did you know that there's actually a long history of government staging events or provocations and blaming them
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entirely on other countries in order to provide a pretext for war they're called false flag attacks and according to its naval warfare origins a false flag attack occurs when a government uses an elite special operations qadri to attack that nation state while falsely bearing the flag of another country or group in other words it's a self-inflicted wound used to outrage the populace and provide the necessary support and motivation for a country to attack or declare war and in fact falsehoods seem to be at the heart of every major war of aggression throughout history but i'll just go over a few more numbers the us became embroiled in the vietnam war while in one thousand nine hundred sixty four president johnson reported that the review enemy's boats attacked two u.s. warships in the gulf of tonkin off the vietnamese coast newspapers including the washington post and new york times among how most other publications ran headlines about the attack which helped to galvanize the public to support the us to enter
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the war i don't blame the public for supporting retaliation against a country attacking their own however there is a slight problem with the story it simply is false literally it never happened it was a made up a vent which took decades to come to light a false flag event might be a foreign notion to you you might be grappling with the fact that this country would kill its own citizens to advance an agenda but one has to look no further one of the what former defense secretary robert mcnamara under j.f.k. proposed under a now declassified document known as operation northwoods. northwoods is probably one of the most sinister plans ever devised at least that we know of and it was aimed at developing a way to trick the american public and the international community into supporting a war for cuba based on the document it was revealed that the us forces would be authorized to use quote pretexts which would provide justification for us military
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intervention in cuba the most alarming aspect of this was the disturbing scope to which these pretexts entailed see for yourself and could starting rumors using clandestine radio landing friendly cubans in uniform over the fence to stage attacks on base capturing cuban sava tours inside the base starting with riots blowing up ammunition starting fires burning aircraft lobbing mortar shells capturing militia groups sabotaging and sinking ships and conducting mock funerals for mock victims. the extent of this false flag proposition even went as far as to hijack american aircrafts and blow up a nasa rocket carrying an astronaut luckily kennedy had enough sense to reject the plan. but what other presidents aren't like kennedy you know many people look at the events of nine eleven in that same light and i myself still have many questions about the attack seen as how they were used to create perpetual war abroad and
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music. concerts or shouted out to sing we just heard a studio upgrade like a man has to go to the scenes of it which is because the united states was told of the classic scenes from the film with its looks of someone coming to stop the bloodshed others want to provoke a mechanic is there a concept of the steam past. new year's celebrations on the move without the traditional t.v. or festive food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love and love lost all russians teach foreigners to celebrate them biggest holiday of the year from moscow to st petersburg by train over new there may be miracles.
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