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tv   Headline News  RT  February 18, 2013 8:00am-8:28am EST

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wells top whistleblower breathes a sigh of relief after a rough career who gave him shelter in the ecuadorian embassy secured another presidential term. egypt sports set for more unrest as thousands of activists in force a work stoppage protesting against what they call government injustices. and twitter trouble in fronts as a country demands uses identities are revealed what's being seen as a threat to free speech and a step towards cross border censorship. live
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from studio twenty four seven this is. a twin victory the world's most famous whistleblower can rest easy if the ecuadorian president secure his job for another term according to exit polls she did in the sun she's under the country's diplomatic shield in london this by rafael career well let's get more insight on this from artie's now he joins us now on the set thanks carrie rafael correia is pinto win and has already declared victory in this first round according to some analysts he was marked to win a third term with this platform seen in ecuador and across latin america of standing up to the u.s. and friends while the opposition is more or less seen as pro-u.s. here's adrian south gucci the founder of the second republic project. public opinions there are left in america's growing very weary with u.s. intervention and u.k. intervention throughout the continent which explains why countries like venezuela
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ecuador bolivia even argentina brazil and weaker iowa are having governments are keeping very much of a move for arm's length from the united states. well let in america there is this very strong popular movement trying to move away from the united states per se has benefited from this sentiment by pledging to continue down this road now correia pretty much securing this third term as ecuador as president will be a headache for washington but is very good news for whistleblower julian assange he was of course granted political asylum by ecuador the only country to really stand up for him a small country indeed which doesn't really have much leverage managed to do so too so far make it impossible for us songs to be extradited to sweden for questioning over sex assault charges even with pressure from the u.s. and the u.k. has said this there can't be
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a problem due to asylum it's neil colonialism and he was referring to any kind of security for asylums and his safe passage well the signs has been holed up at the ecuadorian embassy in london fearing he will be arrested if he steps outside and so far hasn't been granted safe passage while under house arrest of songs premiered an interview show right here on our t.v. and one of his guest was nonetheless correia take a listen to some welcoming words from the ecuadorian president to a sausage. is really a pleasure to meet you julian least in this way and. to the globe of the persecuted . thank you for coming words there from president caray that seems to have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship between assad and ecuador so carry a very complicated i say when for as whether it's not as simple as his only becoming the president very good news for someone in particular across the atlantic
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you're absolutely right and he said ok thanks for that for now thank you. well the full interview which string of songs undertook with a rough career as we've just heard is available at r.t. dot com as well as all the other episodes of his talk show which aired herron r.t. . if. you believe. the news now protesters in egypt's restive city of portside or threatening more violence of the muscle rallies brought to work stoppage there several thousand activists marched to demand justice for the deaths of dozens killed in the city's
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brought sloss about this latest show of anger against president mercy that has gripped the country in recent months. true port's from egypt. the ultra hard core profound see these acts of the radiance have said they will escalate in the next few days if their demands are not mad about three thousand people come to the streets of poor saeed and basically show a mass of anger against the president and the authorities they reportedly surrounded the governor building they managed to actually get government employees on the science they stopped the harbor from working and even went to the telecom buildings this however was not just the ultras the hardcore football fans who are in both other sectors got in bone there were students and teachers who staged protests i'm off the death of a young student over the past few weeks and in the clashes in port saeed i'm as i
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said government protests during dinner as well the so what we're seeing really is poor sign taking quite a step toward independence from the country expressing that this is stretching across different parts of the city. angry is on twenty six january there was this court verdict the sole twenty one courtside citizen sentenced to death after this deadly football massacre that happened last year in february and basically pushed i.e. to people are saying this is unfair in addition they're saying that the anger all of the security forces so the way they reacted to protests by following this very contentious decision saw dozens dining said that this committee forces attacked the people of. live ammunition to look at the anger here is also got to do with the reaction of the security forces on the protests following this very contentious verdict as i said they will escalate in the next few days people are predicting violence and they want to continue to break the curfew which is on the city.
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continue these activists have been possibly bringing the city to a standstill for the next week. spain has seen some of its largest protests in months but the usual anti austerity slogans were joined by anti british sentiment this time employees of the spanish flag carrier at iberia are angry it plans to attack some four thousand jobs a move initiated by bosses at the parent company's london headquarters where ground staff. starting those are strikes that are expected to the mall the right. balance are officials warned that would deal a huge blow to the economy tourism the most and adding to the country's crippling financial turmoil political analyst gallantry rather says the industrial action is about much more than just a merger that turned sour. the way the the work is so high here yes see these magic that was affected between nigeria and we just there was two years ago has
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favored massively reduced our ways now apart from that but the fact is that it is true that. the leadership of these holding is mostly british based. and they have been unable to sue to find a compromise with his finest work force. that's the way to nice when we have seen last year was mostly security of protests health care or of education where there's a sense right now is seen a more generalized anger of the system not just of the government but of the whole political system and this has to do with the we discount those of corruption which are now of very prominent in the spanish media people are very angry about that and what we've seen is so actually something very new in spain a very wide and deep protest and that goes far beyond. the all the problems caused by it was that it. various stars were not the only
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protesters on the streets of madrid and other cities thousands of healthcare workers stage nationwide rallies against budget cuts and the government's plans to part privatized public health care but there still is fear that would harm the quality of medical services but the authorities insist the public money savings are essential to putting spain out of recession china is on the verge of taking the trading top spot from the u.s. so exports and imports values are surging the number of bats with kids who are being primed to take the race to the next level as we report shortly. and rock hard evidence russian scientists discover the first fragments of the beetle that crashed in the news last friday which caused havoc hundreds injured that's all ahead. and what's acceptable in one country isn't ok in others and that's getting twitter into trouble france has all
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of the microblogging site to reveal the personal data of users posted what were deemed to be hate messages pay a hefty fine with twitter is an american firm operating on the u.s. laws auntie's were for national examines the implications of a move which could open the censorship floodgates. two democracies stumbling over the concept of freedom the french court has called on twitter to help censor hate speech on the website in france because it violates its laws but tweeter is an american company and the american constitution sets no limits to freedom of expression given that the french words as we wired to do that the question is how can the french and for instance judge those decision when the union of jewish students of france took the issue to paris court in october they wanted to stop away with end to semitic messages posted under the hashtag on bones we are a good jew it was the third most popular tagged subject at the time the number of
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insulting jokes reached thousands but these people all of whom had at least once been attacked for being a jew also wanted to punish those responsible people. we don't want to prosecute or treat these people but just to draw the attention of the northeast to such cases to let them decide whether or not it's a case of racism. or when a special twitter agreed to remove offensive content but the authors were anonymous and punished so french jewish brought the popular micro-blogging site to trial the court decision in january asked the company to divulge the names of people behind the tweets the fight against racism has nothing to do with the violation of freedom of expression it is an american concept and it cannot be applied in france in the way it is understood in the us we just wanted this part of our life to obey this country's legislation which prohibits public racism. but not everyone agrees if
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freedom is limited they say it's no longer freedom jeremy of jewish origins himself is one of them he says greater liberty shouldn't bring more restrictions but a different approach to controlling the internet you have twitter a private company that may be acting as a judge deciding what is legal and what is not and removing content which is censorship so i agree that this content should be combated but i don't agree that the private companies such as twitter should implement private or censorship of free speech online this is a major risk today this story has sparked broda discussion of the violations of freedom and privacy in france there are at least one hundred ninety pan-european laws allowing authorities access to internet users personal information caption web storage is and surveillance. strike will be like china tomorrow but we are concerned that france the us britain and some other democratic powers are helping
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to produce internet surveillance technologies for china syria libya egypt and tunisia will if they allow the governments of these countries to use it against their people is there any guarantee that france will not use it against its own people one day. but this treaty dispute has gone far beyond the borders of the us and france and any greenland reached will affect all subsequent cases skeptics warn that france may be happy to let personal freedom slide the birthday party at liberty equality fraternity france's most famous motto and three peers the country has been resting on since the french revolution and today they face new challenges with racism been one of them and it has many fearing whether both intolerance itself and the fight against it may see those hard fought principles swept aside. from paris. well be back with more international news in just
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a few moments. new year's celebrations on the move without the traditional t.v. all festive food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love found and love lost all russians teach foreigners to celebrate them biggest holiday of the year for must go to st petersburg by train over the new year there may be miracles . it's.
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more international stories for you now russian scientists claim they found the first fragments from the red cosmic encounter and stormy crash in central russia on friday causing shock and devastation it's brief from miles around injuring up more than twelve hundred people in office cut off as in the air also for. scientists have confirms that the tiny pieces that they found at a lake she bought a pool which is around one hundred kilometers or sixty miles away from our ports of that exact meteor which sparked apocalyptic fears in several russian regions on friday they say that the pieces are just around one centimeter in size or less that's like a baby was just shows how massive the blast was since it's estimated that the media awaited from ten to fourteen tons. of the glass was equal to around thirty bombs
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dropped in a few shima in the media exploded while it was still high in the skies above and no radiation was involved nevertheless it still damaged buildings and shattered windows the consequences of that can still be seen all across the city like on the sports arena behind me over twelve hundred people were injured including over two hundred children mostly from these pieces of glass flying around. well it's already started a genuine that me to write russia in the russia's new rules groups of people are now combing through the snow and ice in search of chunks could be worth thousands of dollars program that's ten times the current cost of gold on that r.t. dot com also there britain's top military academy is under fire right now and some stars renamed the region dedicated to first world war heroes is now in tribute but can the bahrain want ot dot com. radioactive reality japanese researchers are painting
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a bleak picture of how they're going to schumann you can see is affected the health of almost half of the children living in the area. now the competition between the u.s. and china to be the world's foreign trade supremely has tightened in recent years with the two titans now neck and neck the latest figures show washington faces a worthy trading rival for the first time since the second world war can takes a look at how america's any education system might affect its leading status. the u.s. is still home to amazing innovations into knowledge but will it be able to maintain
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its experts are looking to schools for the answer to that question internationally fifteen year olds in the u.s. are ranked twenty fifth among peers from thirty four countries in math while china tops the chart harvard published a study titled globally challenge are u.s. students ready to compete it looks at how the results in math at school can affect the nation's economic development they estimated that the results students in the u.s. showed today can cost the country seventy five trillion dollars over the next eighty years seventy five trillion dollars i spoke with professor eric from stanford university one of the authors of this study a leader in economic analysis of educational issues here's what he said this is a tremendous impact you can measure it. on terms of g.d.p. and it would in present value terms be over five times the current
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g.d.p. of the united states your improve our schools over the next two directors i asked professor henitiuk what's the main reason behind the poor results in math and u.s. schools is it that the world's wealthiest nation doesn't spend enough on education he says money is not the reason this looks like it's largely an issue of the quality of the teachers in the classroom now there are so many issues about the curriculum and what's taught in the textbooks and so forth but what we've found is that the biggest influence on student achievement in our schools is the teacher in the classroom china now doubles down on science and technology at schools all the technological advancement there varies from region to region but the trend is there and it's strong judging by the initiatives put forward by president obama in his state of the union speech washington recognizes the urgency. we'll reward schools to develop new partnerships with colleges and employers and create classes that
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focus on science technology engineering and math the skills today's employers are looking for to fill the jobs that are there right now and will be there in the future for decades the u.s. has been a magnet for scientific genius from all over the world immigrants helped start prominent american tech companies like google yahoo intel lent instagram the u.s. can still count on the steady inflow of talents from around the globe no doubt about that but experts say it does not alleviate the urgency of growing talents at home considering how much poor math results can cost the country in the future in washington i'm going to check out. a quick look at some other world news now. in pakistan militants disguised as policemen have attacked the office of a top politicians international are killing five people that's a day after protests across pakistan time on the security of a shia minority or in another deadly bombing which there people dead there is
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traitors wave flags chanted in held up signs calling for attacks against shia muslims to stop. u.n. appointed panel of inquiry as the syrian government and the opposition are committing war crimes during. the country's civil war has also borne the sharjah becoming radicalized the struggle is. conflict the report is based on hundreds of interviews the syrian victims and witnesses abroad. listen turkey have clashed with crowds of demonstrators in front of a prison complex on the outskirts of this time activists gathered it in the last in almost three hundred people accused of political defendants are also being linked to a terrorist network the final verdict is expected within weeks. the
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pope has blessed tens of thousands of people and sent peter's square one of his last appearances as head of the catholic church eighty five year old is the first pontiff to resign in six hundred years later today people the valve looks at his legacy and the visions that continue to threaten the church. the hierarchy that covered up the sex scandal for years back the problem too isn't it. and it certainly is and they have our guests are hurting ok i asked nancy jump in this is cross talk go ahead the council of bishops says been very firm and the hierarchy about these catholic nuns for taking. exactly the positions you're saying they should be taking and that i agree that they should be taking but it matters you seem to say that the road is a real don't you know that some people would say some people say that the only thing that that creates a catholic church is the fact that we have
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a pope that we have these bishops and cardinals who get get behind closed doors and with a little puff of smoke they tell us really why duty is to be. a true faith very catholic. pope fumin creators often get their fragrance site is from flowers or emotions how about a cologne inspired by a long range missile it's a battle in gaza named after a weapon used by had mass against israel last used conflict. now on what's behind the idea what israel smells of that. the french have the eiffel tower the brits big ben and now the gazans the only symbol of the night at the few bottles
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with the same type of victory and the perfumes always make a person remember good things after we won the last war on gaza the rocket at m. seventy five that was celebrated we were immortalized in it by naming this perfume after it and sales have reportedly rocketed excuse the pun for five years i haven't bought israeli products the moment a palestinian product comes on the market i don't hesitate to buy it but this is something special this is a symbol of our victory. in november israel gaza war the m seventy five long range missile reached as far as television of the first time in twenty years the city came under threat which is why its frequency is far from sweet to those living here i hope it doesn't smell like like a bomb it's funny it's nonsense it's funny side of the thing. it's a good idea i wish all the. fields it's whether it's
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better to love than or should now i don't think it's funny to name a perfume after. that actually i think it's sad but i think on both sides they're kind of warmongers unfortunately i mean this is the way the conflict is going on on . television is hitting back not to be outdone the government to celebrating its own nature to. the iron dome anti-missile defense system that's intercepted eighty seven percent of all rockets fired from gaza and so this is the israeli symbolic response a state meddle with three interceptors fired from the over the tel aviv skyline with a state emblem and the biblical message i will shield the city to say that most of the medals have been bought by the company rafael that's behind the anti missile shield as a. thank you to its employees we are at the wharf symbols we are off perceptions we
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are at the war of media even here that media play their role of by diminishing the aggressiveness of the israeli response during the war because scenes and televisions are today very very vividly part of any war as post-war symbolism cements each side's perceived triumph over the other it's only a matter of time before the decades long conflict erupts yet again into missiles in the skies policy r.t. television. well coming up in a few minutes sits artie's special report untitled train to new year.


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