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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  February 20, 2013 11:28am-12:00pm EST

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food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love and love last hour russians teach foreigners to celebrate their biggest holiday of the year from moscow to train. them may be miracles. you know she could lumber a jury to mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tombs mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in. this is why you should care only. if you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food because you know how fabulous bad luck i got so. i mean. i know that i'm still really messed up. in we're all very so personally apologize
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if that. worst cheaper to leave. my house of a. radio guy for a minute. what. we're about to give you've never seen anything like this i'm telling. you. watch up guys and i mean martin this is breaking the set you know americans get a lot of flak for being uncultured not well traveled all around isolated from other people and ideas in the world well one former general has offered up a really great solution to the problem reinstate the draft pick up former general stanley mcchrystal the man responsible for the failed troop surge in afghanistan said this in a recent interview with foreign affairs that america suffers right now from the
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fact that many americans don't meet or deal with anybody outside their social or cultural circle i think mandatory national service would have a huge effect to help us in that direction wow that makes complete sense let's force people to be mindless robots working on behalf of the military industrial complex in order. become cultured crystal the idea of meeting people outside of our cultural circles is forcing the barrel of a gun in their faces and bombing their foreign lands i'm sure that the best way to learn about the world is traveling with the most brainwashed jingoistic attitude of american exceptionalism nothing more inviting camouflage in a semi-automatic rifle whatever happened to studying abroad learning other languages doing piecework or simply reading it's amazing what you can learn about the world from reading a book look the one thing i will say about the draft is that if it were reinstated people might actually start to care about the wars but is that
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a reason to march to our demise i think not you feel me it's great to set up. a little world to do their job or she's going to be like. so guys i want to talk today about one of my favorite subjects monsanto and no i'm not going to talk about their toxic scandalous past as a chemical company but rather i want to talk about their growing monopoly over the food supply and their campaign to shut down small farmers worldwide but wait that can't be months said don't love this farmers. monsanto we're working with farmers and partners worldwide. to realize a vision for sustainable agriculture it's a vision that strives to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population to protect and preserve its place called. genetically modified foods or g m o's hit the market over
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a decade ago and since then this monolithic corporation has sued over four hundred farmers in at least twenty seven states for patent infringement however more often than not the farmers are not to blame you see when one santos g.m.o. crops polony they can inadvertently infect other farmers crops and when this happens months santo claims the farmers are infringing on their seed patents sometimes resulting in the farmers having to destroy generations of seeds and thus their livelihoods this corporation is so massive and yields so much power that the state of vermont couldn't even pass a voter mandated g.m.o. labeling law all because of intimidation and threats of being sued by the ag giant while you know you have power when entire states are under your thumb a month santa doesn't just have a chokehold on our domestic farmers in india over three hundred thousand farmers have committed suicide as a result of their indentured servitude to monsanto and they've made life equally
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hard in brazil or five million farmers have taken the initiative to sue the corporation for unfairly collecting that crop royalties but the ag giant is no stranger to being countersuit in fact today the supreme court heard a case brought by seventy five year old indiana soybean for. armorer vernon hugh bowman the outcome of which could change the influence of months santa on crops and life patents but the enormous influence on santa hold over our government today the moment i have a chance to talk about the lawsuit and more i'm joined now by bill freeze science policy analyst at the center for food safety bill thank you so much for coming on yes happy to be here so you were sitting in the supreme court hearing the case today talk about both sides kind of give us a little breakdown and for our audience well i think you bowman is a microcosm of the really deep and systemic injustice in american agriculture that is really greatly harmed american farmers and this has to do with the fact that
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since the one nine hundred eighty s. biotechnology companies have been allowed to patent seeds and they've also bought up much of the seed supply so with patents they are allowed to criminalize seed saving which has had you know really bad consequences for hugh and other farmers like him and by buying up all the seed firms farmers have ever fewer choices of non patented seeds which are of course much more affordable so this is had really huge and bad impacts on farmers and as you mentioned. what we've seen is that monsanto has prosecuted thousands of farmers and we've calculated that collectively farmers have paid monsanto over eighty five million dollars in damages and then there they are skyrocketing seed prices as well with soybean seeds the price of the seeds that are required to plant one acre has gone up over four fold since just one thousand
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nine hundred five and then finally there are fewer and fewer conventional seed varieties as i said so farmers are really at the mercy of mom santo dupont and syngenta just a very few companies that have a stranglehold now on our season five horse the patent thieves also you know the farmers have to buy the pesticides. the roundup ready pesticides in order to counter you know have the seed grow to withstand these pesticides so it really is countering it's giving monsanto even more money in the long run so what is he suing for he's suing for the fact that his for this seed. protection is legacy of seeds and he's suing monsanto over that how did it get to the supreme court i mean where you talk about the process and how it got here i mean it's pretty monumental yes yes hughes case in case he bought seeds from soybean elevator and he planted those seeds for a second crop planting and despite the fact that hugh bought the seeds from an
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elevator. he was sued for patent infringement and monsanto's theory is that whenever one of the seeds is planted even if it's a second generation see that was saved from a harvest right which farmers have done for millennia it's patent infringement and the theory is that farmers actually make the invention which is of course nonsense . monsanto has claimed rights patent rights to the very process of plant reproduction which is you know of course they had no hand in inventing and that's reproduction is a natural process of life so you know we strongly supported hugh bowman in this case as we've supported other farmers we just came out with a report called sea giants where we talk about some use you know impacts on farm american for absolutely no really does call into question the morality of the ethics of patenting life in the first place bill but i wanted to talk about just this case i mean given monsanto's and norma's influence of our government we see
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lobbyists and excellence and officials stopped and his administrations here. you know really how likely is it that bowman is really going to win here i don't want to predict any hoping for the best and the fact that the supreme court took the case has surprised many people exactly because the. federal circuit court below the supreme court has consistently ruled in favor of monsanto so we're hoping that they're going to reverse the decision to some extent but only time will tell. and what are the implications if bowman does indeed when i mean really is this going to set a precedent and really help small farmers in the future i mean it's going to open the floodgates is that monsanto going to lose money in the future i mean i know this is one aspect of the kind of the terror and leash over the world with their monopoly here but i mean really what will this do i think in the best case scenario farmers would gain some at least some rights to save seeds from their harvest i'm not real confident that that will happen but that would be you know
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a huge and beneficial outcome again saving seeds from your harvest to plant the next season that's as old as farming and the fact that that right it's been taken away from farmers just over the past twenty years is is outrageous and it's at the heart of many of the you know problems that have been caused by monsanto on other companies and it's really hurt farmers quite a bit we continued to see farmers grow out of business in the united states each farm tends to get larger as the big farmers buy out the smaller ones who go out of business and it's getting so we're we're we're we're rapidly coming to a point where we have very few farmers left and those that are left there are huge and of course this is just the aspect of the farmers i mean let's talk about us the consumers really really are losing out here in america when you know over ninety percent of people when they're hold they overwhelmingly support labeling of genetically modified foods as almost every other industrialized country their labels bands that right we have soya and corn the majority of sonia's so in corn
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planted the u.s. g.m.o. and of course we know that they're the basis of almost all processed foods in this country i mean what do we what can we do as the average consumer if states like vermont even we old you old monsanto's reach here. and don't even pass this this direct democratic vote where people want labeling what can we do to fight this well there's been a number of. positive developments so it's i'm sure you know california had a ballot initiative to label g m o's and it barely lost just by a percent or two and it was only because months and on the other companies injected tens of millions of dollars to defeat it but it has i think you know stimulated other similar efforts in other states so we're hoping that this. movement will continue to build and that we will get some control over this you know technology in these companies and i would add that most of these genetically engineered seeds
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are engineered to be resistant to herbicides and that's led to a huge increase in the use of these weed killers many of them toxic and it's created a huge epidemic of resistance throughout the country absolutely and the result is that the companies are coming out with new herbicide resistant crops resistant even more toxic and these are going to be the super weeds super bugs i mean we all know diseases work that way i mean they'll become resistant to whatever you try to squelch it with so it really is just this never ending cycle and of course monsanto at the end of it thank you so much for coming on breaking down the case a little more we definitely are following this monumental bill freeze science policy analyst for the center for safety thank you so much thanks for having me. feel like we see so far go to our facebook page at facebook dot com stuff breaking this particular thousands of already done and give us a like will be out there in our status daily there with links to segments as the well is reaching out to you for ideas of what you want to see covered on breaking
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in the set and also check out behind the scenes photos at our studios like this one featuring my producers hard work side to our facebook page and check out all that and more right now on late to break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear about reality has become science fiction next. please speak or language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots the v.o.i.p. interviews intriguing stories for you to. see in trying. to find out more visit our big. wealthy british style and sign. on with.
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the market. it's going to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. world coming to the truth to the finish as world class athletes descend on sochi brand new a list big venues are kept safe by high tech sensors behind the scenes congestion battling infrastructure digs deep and deals hard to get thousands where they need to be it's building bluebook fueled by clean energy while research is pretty new life into gold medal dreams the race is on going to see a day here on. the central.
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download the official publication to your cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's if you're away from your television just doesn't go about with your mobile. you can watch any time anyway. two thousand and thirteen guys when we don't have flying cars teleportation or time travel the future is that i want to highlight just a few technologies that have been calibrated perfected and pave the way toward a reality where science fiction has become a fact starting with darpa pro robot humanoid robot capable of recreating common tasks all with super human ability what about the mind control prosthetic arm
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developed at the university of pittsburgh with enough practice this robotic extremity is capable of performing complex tasks all controlled by electric signals created in the brain there's also the bio nick i revolutionary procedure that consists of a retinal implant that could restart eyesight to the blind procedure that was once only a dream actually has f.d.a. approval right here in the u.s. can't leave out the robotic exoskeleton a body suit straight out of a science fiction movie that can get paraplegics a new lease on life and give the average person more than average abilities and last but not least three d. printers capable printing anything almost including human organs could this be the end of organ donors and could we start seeing human being blown out of the machine to discuss these amazing new technologies their benefits and their potential for abuse i'm joined now by b.t.s. producer manual rob lowe hello i have a house going low let's start talking about the proto pet proto robot looks let's
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check this out ok this is terrifying i think i have i don't know i mean i know that it has a lot of practical applications but i want to talk about now but it's just it's a really frightening image and it's a really i mean i think it's pretty cool looks like it looks like the little it's. from robocop and you can even see it going up stairs and going through all these new things there's tons of practical action that come into your house and i don't want to mention it to you but it has a lot of practical applications to it i can imagine this being used for firefighters police officers kind of like. and it is to some extent it is an autonomous robot it learns from its surrounding its probably see this in the future used for disaster relief and hopefully not see it as kind of this like giant army of these autonomous robots coming at you so what how much can it carry because i know that they're talking about using these things for the battlefield to carry giant you know tons of things and really transport things easier and there's
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another one that dark has been working on it's actually it's called the alpha dog and this is the one that has even more kind of practical applications to it he was like oh my you know this is so frightening incident this before they can push this dog over and it look at how with these you can carry four hundred pounds for twenty miles you can knock it over and you could hit it with a car it'll survive it'll stand back really does look like something out of star wars but i want to move on to the mind control prosthetics i mean this is an absolutely incredible invention manny i mean i don't think people really realize how how like i mean how amazing this really is talk about how this is different from prosthetics we've seen in the past right it's known as the robot arm now it's a prosthetic robot arm and i don't know if we have an image to show it but it is different than any other prosthetic that we've seen in the past here what it is this robot arm is actually has a cord that runs directly into your motor cortex and it's connected to
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microelectronics and the motor cortex actually controls limb function in the human body so whereas you know maybe you would use muscles in the past to control maybe one or two functions in a prosthetic arm this actually has almost here is my question of an arm what if someone hacked into this arm and started killing people i mean they're like it's my arm it's not your needle you know that something exploded and this is like the docket from spiderman i mean i don't know like well into the future that seems like something but we you know because we know with every good invention it could be used for bad abuse as well but let's talk about something that i heart. and i actually considered how this could be used for abuse but at the bio nic i mean this is something that gives sight to the blind talk about how it adapts to your eye and evolves not sure this one is actually really really classy a picture of the merits of micro lect road that's implanted right next to the retina and what it does is that it takes there's a camera mounted outside there's an exterior camera that sense signals to this
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little electrode which then runs down your optic nerve and into your brain your brain interprets this the same way that we interpret the light that we see as images and over time i mean it's not perfect vision but over time your brain to adapt to these signals in your vision progressively gets gets better and the awesome thing about this is that it's actually f.d.a. approved so these little things slowly start making it into american culture and just like hearing aids yeah one hundred thousand dollars apiece but i mean like everything else will probably get cheaper as time goes by and science is so cool let's talk about the robotic exoskeleton this thing it looks like a hall of women cluster but it's really amazing and invention talk about this sure this one of the photo that we have a brain now this was developed by nasa but there's a number of these being developed i know that mit is working on some honda is actually working on the motorists disfunction course this is a great thing on is working on a number of pro as well to help with paraplegics is probably the number one
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function but you know as with what it looks like you can do it dirty but i'm worried about our inability but anybody that you know what i do when i look at this i think of iron man what about what about some evil force taking these you have a lot of this is there anyway i love looking at it is that even if this is the future look at this i mean the fact that raytheon is working on these right now with me is that these defense corporations are invested in this technology i mean science is amazing and of course if we have the technology we should be using it to help all these people and defects but i mean i really can't help but i wonder on an iron man suit i want but i'm worried about to get our hands very loved. talk about probably the most amazing. radical invention of all which is these really printers they ok it's so insane to me that this is actually possible now you can print not only plastics or carbon material i mean you can print organs now you you can print pretty much anything and we've known about these three d. printers and the fact that they kind of print on a three dimensional basis you can print just about anything anything in your home
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that's made of plastic that you need replacements for the bottom of your shoe breaks if you're going to embrace just print out printer new and the awesome thing about it is the ability that science health researchers have found now that you can print human organs using stem cells you layer the stem cells to mimic the human heart. the idea here is that eventually we're going to do away with the need for organ donors we're going to need to do away with the need for skin grafts you can just print out some skin for someone and you know if you're using the same tissue there's no reason there's no possibility for it rejecting but yeah i mean it leaves a lot of room for abuse as well you mention that it can print just about anything can also print guns like all these all this talk of congress banning guns or rifles i mean you can print it out i mean yes it would be plastic but i mean i'm sure in time maybe they can figure out how to how to do that it would really just shows how arbitrary all this stuff is when you can really print these things out but many also for talk about human tissue and pretty organs about people what if eventually they have a printer that can just print
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a human being is quote why not twenty years ago we had her no i mean is that wrong i don't think i got the morality of cloning humans through printers but i mean twenty years ago thirty years ago cloning a sheep was impossible we've done the clothes who knows how many other things that might only be a matter of time before you see a little fetus come out of a printer so the science is amazing that you so much for coming on break it down thanks ali. i. to date president obama urged congress to make a plan to avoid the automatic spending cuts that could take place next friday is looming cuts are also known as sequestration like the lapdogs they are the corporate media has been all over the story. and now we turn to them festering feud on capitol hill over the massive budget cuts that will kick in automatically in
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just two weeks unless some kind of deal can be reached march first is the day massive spending cuts are scheduled to kick in the attorney general and f.b.i. director are both warning of impact in every city and town in the country unless congress agrees on alternative savings dozens of programs will get slashed the military would cut back on training and counterterrorism efforts ten thousand teachers could lose their jobs disaster relief during a vince like superstorm sandy would be reduced and even those annoying airport security screening lines could grow because of furloughs. the t.s.a. and that's a whole another story entirely but you know the funny thing is a solution to avoid the sequester is literally going to right and the administration knows all along in fact historian webster tarpley pointed out the obvious fact on this show before. you don't need to have genocidal austerity by cutting social security medicare medicaid unemployment benefits food stamps in
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particular there's one huge flow of wealth that has not ever been taxed in recent years it's called wall street tax while st jean is the idea oh if we only could tax the big banks after all we did pay for the largest corporate bailout in history at a cost of seven hundred billion dollars to us the taxpayers and we all know that won't happen considering that big banks. fund every major political campaign alright alright alright banks aside what all the other giant corporations that are going to waste scot free with pain nothing and corporate income taxes you heard me right zero zilch nada take a look at this list from a study done by citizens for tax justice boeing horizon code hell thirty five fortune five hundred corporations paid no federal income tax between two thousand and eight and two thousand and ten according to the same report these
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same thirty companies are still not forking over their fair share and most recently i just learned that the granddaddy of social media facebook is among the lucky bunch of tax dodgers yup think progress reports that despite making one point one billion dollars in u.s. profits in two thousand and twelve facebook didn't pay a dime and federal and state income taxes instead facebook says it will receive tax refunds totally ordered twenty nine million dollars but i'm not being fair there are some big corporations that pay at least some share like one or two percent keep in mind america's corporate tax rate is thirty five percent but data from capital i.q. has a list of some of the biggest companies that are paying. less like amazon or carnival cruises for example. and all thanks to a ray of loopholes in the immensely complicated tax code all of us name one the
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deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations is a loophole which allows multinational corporations to defer paying us income taxes until they transfer their overseas profits back to this country the result is that many companies simply leave their profits overseas aside from the loopholes the corporations lobby to get inserted in the tax code they also siphon money away from small businesses. just take companies like joakim martin horizon boeing or coca-cola these giant corporations are among the wealthiest in the country and they're all getting away with millions of dollars in small business contracts contracts that are actually reserved for simple businesses lockheed martin as many of you know is the country's premier defense contractor well they received one hundred ten million dollars in small business contracts just last year because sure hundred forty thousand employees and forty one billion dollars in revenue is really the sign of a small business forget the fact that in order to be awarded this type of contract
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a company must have less than five hundred employees so the same goes for the other companies on this list almost half of the top hundred fortune five hundred companies are deceitful the receiving small business contracts all of which are mounted to about half a billion dollars last year alone but this all goes back to the two tiered justice system if you and i tried to cheat the tax code the iris would be how do you know it's taking away our assets or imprisoning us so corporations are people what they held accountable for cheating the system that's right they're above the law they're above it all that puts us are below.
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new year's celebrations on the move without the traditional t.v. all festive food surprising meetings and new adventures stories of love and love lost our russians teach foreigners to celebrate them biggest holiday of the year from moscow st petersburg by train. them may be miracles. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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perhaps. and. and. and. and and. close
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i find. wealthy british stock. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports.


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