tv Headline News RT February 21, 2013 1:00am-1:28am EST
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france expands its military presence in africa to cameroon as paris sends in special forces to rescue a kidnapped family. broken trust a recent poll shows people in the u.k. don't believe the country's journalists anymore than its politicians. the adoptive mother of a three year old russian boy who died in the u.s. a month ago claimed she had nothing to do with his death as the investigation into the case continues to drag on. and i welcome you watching r.t. live from moscow with me andrey from now our top story amid the ongoing french intervention in mali paris has sent
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a team of special forces to cameroon to help track down a kidnapped french family seven civilians were seized by militants on tuesday and reportedly taken across the border into nigeria paris has ruled out negotiations and believes the notorious nigerian islamist sect is responsible french foreign minister says if the news is confirmed it justifies the ongoing fight against terrorist groups in africa like mali cameroon is a former french colony is now the top oil producer on the continent and some observers say france and its allies are responsible for the rise of extremism in the region and could use it as a pretext to go after african resources. the former new york colonial powers are once again flexing their muscles and they're starting to reach back into into yugoslavia into iraq. afghanistan into libya and now into west africa the main product. mali for example were mushrooms there would be no french troops
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there are in niger but the the main export is your am and that's very important to the french you have a twenty first century race for colonies beginning it's tragic that there is a further problem that the west has introduced to in a successful overthrow of the look of the gadhafi government it introduced. all kind of type terrorists into africa where there weren't them where they didn't exist in any significance before so that has created a can of worms the main point though is that the western powers. and europe the neo colonial powers and the united states nato these countries have no right to act as the police of the world. the u.k. as media is traditionally known for its high standards but a recent source mori poll has put journalists in the top three least trustworthy professions in britain so let's have
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a quick look at the actual numbers even members of the parliament polled better than journalists with almost a quarter of the british public trusting them to tell the truth with the u.k. under the threat of a triple dip recession three call to say they don't trust bankers they are next they're politicians in general came out worse trusted by only eighteen percent of those surveyed and sadly for june this over seventy percent of brits no longer trust them well the earlier on my colleague kevin only spoke to the investigative journalist tony goldstein who believes it's all down to the media bosses. the first thing i'll say is this probably expect me to say this is not the fault of journalists because the people who actually control the media really are not the journalists themselves journalists are hired and fired by the managers and boy bosses vaal papers the senior staff well it is actually and it's the owners as well i mean it's been one of the byproducts of the financial crisis has been very handy for some because the it's been become much much easier to hire and fire journalists
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and so what's happening is the media is concentrating if you are a few hands on these owners are basically using their outlets to push peddle their own political line the idea being basically if you're a journalist like me you know don't rock the boat you might end up on the dole you know you've got wife and kids to feed ok right so generally just studying for this people feel that media is all too frequently lying to them started as you see it in britain is that a fair assessment or is it overblown. well i think it's overblown to say they're lying it's just that we're not told the entire truth i mean for example in denmark about ten years ago one of the news presenters was actually sacked for being on the news and saying at the end of the news that is what we decided to tell you tonight as a bit of a joke but you know there is a lot that isn't being said in our media i mean the b.b.c. is losing its credibility slowly ever since really the one nine hundred ninety s. because of the way it's been being managed not through the fall of the journalist
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but i mean for example the moment we've got the chairman of the b.b.c.'s chris patten he's a former senior conservative cabinet minister you know he's coming from a very specific point of view i mean i don't really think he should have people without political persuasion or any x. you know senior politicians running the b.b.c. and of course the result is being things like the savile scandal of coming out but nobody has actually been sacked from that. they talked of mother of a three year old russian boy who died in the u.s. exactly a month ago says maxine cruz means death was an accident russia has demanded justice saying the toddler was abused however local police are claiming it is still too early for any conclusions artie's. is in texas twenty russian children in the last seventeen years died in their adoptive american families most recently here in texas much seen calls me and known to locals as max shadow just what i heard on the news. just the kid had some scratches. that's all i
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know three year old mark and his younger brother keel lived in this house with their adoptive parents in a rather secluded neighborhood it was from here that on the afternoon of january twenty first the boy was taken away by an ambulance never to come back the boy had severe bruises on his legs head and internal organs can get into that because it would be speculative. for the results to come russian authorities didn't hear about the case for almost a month. even unfortunately it's usually months after a russian child has died and in the u.s. that the american side informs us about it in one case it was five years after a boy died russian officials say it was the boy's mother who beat him as well as continually fed the child drugs intended to treat schizophrenia and adults meanwhile at the u.s. state department we obviously take very seriously the welfare of children particularly children who've been adopted from other countries according to moscow
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little corp has been shown until it was demanded. along with two dozen deaths caused by abuse and even manslaughter russia in a move often criticized recently imposed a ban on american adoption of its kids i have always believed that russia should stop these adoptions and i hope that they maintain this ban and don't yield to pressure weeks after my death texan officials have little to say while they wait for autopsy results the results of the investigation with russia heavily involved and asking for punishment of those responsible could take weeks to be announced no arrests have yet been made while the investigation of flow paced on the alleged information on the little boy's life and death extremely scarce one of the questions that demand an answer is why should it take a rigid push from abroad for the u.s. to pay attention to yet another tragic destiny of a hopeless child to whom it promised
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a better life on its soil and the future. r.t.e. actor county texas. kneels who given a spokes person for pound pup legacy who promotes the safety and wellbeing of children in care believes this incident puts the u.s. adoption system thermally in the spotlight in general we can say about the adoption system itself is a failure especially in america where the federal government has no control over what actually happens in options you need to have a proper system in place that checks. adoptive parents much better before the adoption which has posts adoption monitoring all that is not really in place there is screening but it's not properly done post adoption monitoring is impossible. especially in america it is impossible because of right to privacy.
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coming up raising the standard the debt crisis and financial woes in europe see a return to bygone days with gold again in vogue as we report later on or say we analyze the rise in popularity of the muslim brotherhood in jordan and look into their changing role and ambitions all that is coming up after a short break. wealthy
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for america. i was right i was. right. hello welcome back now greece is being brought to a twenty four hour standstill after workers across the debt stricken nation went on a general strike halting transport shutting schools and leaving hospitals understaffed in the capital walk were accompanied by huge marches over fifty thousand people converged on downtown athens riot police fired tear gas at the crowds some of the demos did turn violent protesters are demanding an end to the government's the starting policies with the country in recession for a sixth year and unemployment at
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a record twenty seven percent mentary filmmaker addie's says the birthplace of democracy is not becoming at that. when you. want greece and other congress of the european pretty free are facing. losing. democracy. i'm afraid that's hell and don't forget that one year ago we had a non-lethal brag and after the election we have a government that promised to renegotiate the dead but never did something they only invest in riot police and in unconstitutional peace between both morris their country i'm afraid that and we are. becoming a third world country not only as far as the economies closer but also as far as democracy is which europe was one of the major players that destroyed the greek
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economy by forcing business through the measures only countries that said that we not follow the orders of the i.m.f. for big financial institutions miners who survived big this crisis and i don't even own a gun to his leg argentina or i slunk who didn't know any of the proposals of the big financial institutions or their or their governments what used to be the main exchange currency in europe but soon after world war one governments ditched it now amid turbulent financial times and economic woes gold is fashionable one small as artie's peter all of our expense. sometimes all that glitters is gold those who deal in the mess all say its importance today can't be overstated in crisis when you have consumed prizes and monetary prizes gold and silver every time as a security for people for bad times and with europe still far from
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out of the financial woods buying up gold is no longer just the reserve of the super rich the reason we sell small pieces is because we get customers a lot of people see buying gold as something only the rich can do we get customers who i reach poor women everywhere in between just people wanting to secure the value of their cash. well if you're feeling the gold rush when you're in something of a hurry there's a.t.m.'s they can dispense it whenever you need it here's why greed and fear is a very powerful combination of fear of her demise of all paper money. you put your alone or paper money is global and if that actually happens that will trigger prince three where everybody has to go into gold because they will feel that. their paper money will be worthless one reason behind swapping currency for carrots could
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be more stark than this gold silver is a real monetary value is a paper it's printed it's like leg monopoly and it's that feeling that the way you would you were with no longer hitting the right notes. that sending europeans on the hunt for metal that matters peter all of the r.t. germany well the golden issue is also one of the topics in our latest kaiser report where no financial secrets are taken dark to be revealed i missed the full program airing next hour. the us dollar is like this horsemeat that's circulating the globe and fact is that the u.s. dollar will eventually become worthless because it's backed to some degree by workers in america whose tax revenue is are the backing the us dollar there's the tax revenue the american people and the us military that's what backs the us dollar
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tax revenue in america is crashing wages are crashing people can't afford big donalds anymore people can't afford to go to walmart anymore food stamps are soaring and then of course the inflation coming to the energy complex including gasoline is going to help going to hurt the u.s. military because they buy two hundred fifty million dollars worth of gas every day to fund the pentagon's war machine when the price of gas continues to go up as it is hitting a record prices in california and other states the pentagon won't be able to afford to fill up their gas their tanks and their other vehicles of destruction so it's a double edged sword so that dollar is going to zero and gold is going much higher germany will ask for their gold and i'll be given a receipt for worthless dollars or a horsemeat burger from findus. emboldened by the rise of the islam is the allies across the arab world the muslim brotherhood's branch in jordan is now looking to expand its influence the movement
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has long been tolerated by the money key that allowing it to gradually win hearts and minds among the population some like with nine feet the brotherhood changing priorities could spell trouble of reports. when it comes to the arts professor mohsen us four works to bridge the divide between east and west influenced by both islamic and renaissance art he hopes to inspire his students with the same passion. but he's going concerned about the muslim brotherhood's rise to power in the region a force says his students don't want to lose the freedoms they now enjoy and often worry about how their lives could change if jordan came under islamist rule. but. maybe. we are afraid. of the mass.
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but not all share in that fear for decades the muslim brotherhood enjoyed a safe haven in jordan even as it was outlawed elsewhere in the middle east the monarchies tolerance has helped the group to become the country's most influential islamist organization. that system was on a full display at this islamic hospital in downtown amman the muslim brotherhood has gained support throughout the arab world with its model of combining political activism with charity work here in jordan the brotherhood is responsible for building schools clinics and hospitals like this one a critical lifeline for the nation's poor. emboldened by the arab spring rise of their counterparts jordan's brotherhood is seeking more power it rallied behind calls for democratic reform of the country's political system trying to cast itself
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as the face of the opposition the group has vowed to refrain from violence but its leader saeed promised jordan would soon become part of the muslim caliph it rejoice . victory is that has. and islam excrete will be created on this subject can prevail. in january the brotherhood made its move leading a boycott of the parliamentary elections but instead of being a nonevent high voter turnout evidence perhaps that jordan's brotherhood isn't ready for prime time just yet. i have a lot of concerns that must be resolved before i can support the muslim brothers we've seen the recent rise in egypt and tunisia but so far they haven't proven to be a good solution in either of those two countries the power grab has also turned off some longtime brotherhood supporters like this patient who is recovering in the islamic hospital. the muslim brotherhood the street from its traditional role in
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helping communities now it's too focused on getting poll. despite such sentiments and fears about its true intentions the brotherhood still remains the only organized political opposition in town for now the group will have to bide its time helping perhaps that regional instability could tip the balance in their favor they think that if syria if the revolution succeed in syria we have like egypt. so that we. it's a game of political chess and chance for now the students could only wonder whether their futures will be shaped by the islamists or by their own hands you see r t amman jordan. now activists say at least twenty people have been killed by an army misao in the syrian city of aleppo reports claim twenty five people are still missing under rubble in the northern part of the city meanwhile rebel militias fired three mortar bombs at
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a presidential palace compound in the capital damascus the u.n. estimates the death toll of the two year conflict has now reached seventy thousand on the diplomatic front russia says it's ready to host talks between the syrian opposition and the government with indications that the stalemate could be ending. as this report. earlier the leader of the syrian opposition for the first time said that they're really to negotiate with the government but only on condition that the release one hundred sixty thousand prisoners will be claimed have been jailed because of their political views the government on its and said that it's ready to talk but without any preconditions or clearly there are still major sticking points including the fate of president assad but russia's foreign minister says that there is room for potential progress now moscow has been saying that it's not taking sides in this conflict but is calling on the international community to require equal pressure on them in order to begin a political process in syria. until recently there were those who discouraged the
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opposition from participating in dialogue with the regime just as far as i understand now the situation is changing and so it's important that this readiness of the syrian opposition leader should be met with the government's response that they are willing to do the same in the meantime of the situation in syria continues to deteriorate and i don't usually russian emergencies ministry's plane evacuated around one hundred russian and c.i.s. citizens and there's also speculation that several russian navy ships have been sent to the mediterranean to assist possible further evacuations. well staying with syria and despite the optimism over those talks the conflict could spill beyond the country's borders after a warning from the opposition free syrian army a rebel commander has threatened to shell the positions of hezbollah and lebanon and that's it holds its alleged attacks on villages held by insurgents it follows a nearly forty eight hour ultimatum by the f.s.a. which expires on thursday lebanon is sharply divided over the syrian civil war with
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the nation's cities and she's supporting opposite science. elsewhere protests against the government have continued in bulgaria even after the country's prime minister and i'm seen thai cabinet had resigned the move was in reaction to the mass demonstrations engulfing the poorest nation since sunday some of the rallies ended up in violence as police responded to public outrage is fueled by exorbitant energy costs. and a steady decline in living standards it's. time to break the set with abby martin after the break.
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if you have a business that you need customers right this is perhaps the simplest law of capitalism but if your business is making juvenile prisons how are you going to attract more customers by bribing judges into condemning innocent children so you'll have all of the captives i mean customers that you need to charge mark silva releve jr from pennsylvania has been sentenced to twenty years in prison for illegally accepting money from a juvenile prison developer the pennsylvania supreme court determined that he may have unlawfully convicted up to five thousand youths some of forward's young as ten years. years old for crimes they didn't commit this is obviously sickening a total exploitation of power but the thing we need to think about is the fact that the us has by far the world's largest prison population and a booming prison industry it leads me to believe that may be this one scumbag judge from pennsylvania isn't the only one out there abusing his power if you see a prison full of kids near you you better make sure that they're actually baby
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guilty of something but that's just my opinion. business. because no one thought to drink no good school. minutes when you feel part. of the local what's not enough wealth is in the local needs you might want to community l.n.g. motion will be used. if they don't for a match up artist i must fight back i must fight. i'll fight.
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