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tv   Headline News  RT  February 23, 2013 4:00am-4:28am EST

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america braces for more than a hundred ronnie's against gun control with activists militias and even sheriff's rationing on resistance against the government's plans. a week of violence and there was a plan escalate as policemen and demonstrators clashed with trigger happy israeli police at a protest in support of those hunger striking in prison. and britain gets the boot from the elite aaa credit club would be rating agency behind the downgrade predicting gears of hardship for the u.k. . international news life for moscow this is all she was me you little problem hello
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and welcome to the program it's a day of resistance across america with more than one hundred rallies to be held across the nation over gun laws but thousands are not coming out and support a weapons control instead they're angry at efforts to regulate americans right to bear arms and as all she's going after she can reports now their resistance may not stop at mere rallies. part of america now favors some form of gun control especially in the wake of tragic mass shootings. while the other is getting ready to fight against any significant regulations they're preparing for what they call the invasion of feds by arming themselves to the teeth were more like it we actually got two that are ready for it but there are now that it works out of that of course it would be really qualified right. against the basement of. a police chief in pennsylvania mark kessler is training private
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citizens to become snipers and resist what they call it tyrannical government if need be trust me when i tell you this i mean i will take my uniform off and i will stand with freedom before i stand with the ironical folks absolutely not i will not in any way shape or form support anything that goes against the constitution or the second amendment sheriff associations from eleven states said they would ignore any a law passed in washington that would significantly regulate guns we won't enforce federal regulations or federal laws we're not required to there's a separation of powers in and we won't there is a tradition in american thought of states doing what they want despite what the federal government says of course that led to the civil war well now we see a revival of the same kind of philosophy well we don't like what washington says so we're going to do our own thing we have the right to do it well no they don't they're a part of this country whether they like it or not and and federal laws will be
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enforced. the obama administration says they're not going to take away people's guns they just want to ban certain types of assault rifles which are more appropriate for war and them for civilian defense but which have become the weapon of choice used in mass shootings in america the administration also wants to enforce background checks on all gun sales currently forty percent of weapons in the u.s. are sold without any background check but gun rights advocates see it as the first step towards disarming the nation but will be more bad like leaving a belt or in the future of the people got to answer that would happen while people like jim are gearing up for the second coming of hitler supporters of gun control points to staggering statistics the gun murder rate in the us is almost twenty times higher than in the next twenty two richest nations combined that's unimaginable in any other industrial democracy that an argument would be made in favor of owning guns for the purposes of overthrowing
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the government and made by a high court solution. making democracy stronger. by guns which imo strike. america's split over priorities according to the pew research center currently fifty percent of americans say controlling gun ownership is the more important priority while forty six percent say it is to protect the right of americans to own guns people choose different ways to stand up for liberty as they see it one owner of a pizza shop in virginia beach offers a fifteen percent discount to those who come in with guns all they have to do is show me that they're carrying a weapon. or they can show me their concealed weapons permit and they can get a discount miscellany says eighty percent of his customers have brought guns into the pizza shop since he introduced the deal one even came in with an a k forty seven one question of why is this when people here. talk about protecting their
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freedoms with weapons that are designed for war to these people have such little trust in their democratic system to the point when they think a boat is not enough to secure their rights and that they need a stack of deadly weapons at home to do that in washington i'm going to shock and. rebel forces in syria to start bombing has holes on the border with lebanon and later the foul we ask whether the showdown could be a part of a wider campaign to destabilize the region and change the balance of power. salaciously french president will get a peace prize for his military intervention in mali we examine the message the u.n. is sending with the nomination interested him out. but first hundreds of palestinian demonstrators have clashed with israeli security forces in a part of the west bank that's already witnessed a week of protests they burned tires and hold rocks as police fired stun grenades a response injuring dozens of protesters practice troops in solidarity with
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thousands of prisoners held by israel for which are staging a hunger strike one man is deteriorating condition has already drawn some high profile attention with the u.n. chief ban ki moon expressing concern and show on debris from a policy that human rights organization says it's time israel took some action towards a peaceful solution. getting begin big every day and the israeli continue not to speak to you know the legal obligation under the international law and continue with ignore and ignoring the. prisoners rights according to the law i think the protesters will continue there are some of the actions of the high commissioner for human rights but it hasn't yet you know just to pressure israel to respect their geisha and what we're asking for we are asking for more political pressure and the real a pressure and more actions are not just warts because i think.
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if you will palestinian prisoners in a very critical situation and really we have a real concern about their life. israel is courting controversy elsewhere to have a u.s. company get permission to search for oil in the occupied golan heights display the lands being considered part of syria but got the details ahead. also nordics x.x.i. flues move to become the first western country to bomb internet pornography three days of speech activists worried it's paving the way to more censorship. great britain has been stripped of its prized aaa credit rating with agency behind the downgrade saying there's years nor trouble ahead for the u.k. economy it's a fears of a triple dip recession and continued stagnation of all fueled rating agency moody's decision london is currently in the midst of a massive us terrorism campaign and maintaining its pristine rating is one of the
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reasons for it in reaction to the downgrades the finance minister says it makes counts doubly important but professor of economics crosswords from santa clara university doesn't hold out much hope this is just the beginning of the continued slowing in the u.k. economy and also its implications not just in the u.k. but elsewhere quantitative easing it may help your banking system but it doesn't really grow the economy results in less. so the long run perspective for the u.k. is even more deficits and debt leaving the e.u. is well trying to protect. the london banks which is number one priority the chairman of course you know in the euro there's a shift less austerity more financial transaction taxes more taxing in the bank system and i think. cameron sees it coming and he's going to try to shield the london that. now the u.s. has deployed one hundred troops tunisia to assist france with its intervention
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neighboring mali president obama says they're only there to provide intelligence support this comes after nisha as defense ministry agreed to host a u.s. drone base so far america's involvement in mali has been limited to airlift. french troops meanwhile the military intervention has earned a french president a peace prize from the u.n. cultural organizational unesco says francois alarmed should be rewarded for his valuable contribution to peace and stability in africa and social justice activist heroes man trace after giving such a prestigious award to the french leader will inspire other heads of state to follow his example. so what is this reward actually encouraging it presumably encouraging others to follow the example of the french or invading africa of occupied territories in africa it's an invasion on behalf of nato and the us and its ethical troops and is aimed at the economic and political interests of empire and particularly of france the problem here is that this is
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a political crisis that money can be resolved only by political means by sending in the warriors the troops the planes and the bombings actually doesn't resolve the problem as we can see it's actually exacerbating and they've claimed that they have been invited to come into mali by a government but it is being an illegitimate government and it's outrageous that the u.n. should do so should such or such a policy i guess that unesco feels that this is what what needs to be rewarded now from an artificial ears to rocket part three d. printing is touted as the next big thing and what if we could use the technology to bring someone from history back to life. if you will likely be walking around his beard be good. and be like what the how did you do with this country wow i. mean you're so stay with us later this hour when laurie hoffman is to find out who
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people in new york would like to see make a comeback. and quirky looks often struggle to get mainstream airtime but there are signs that the view on the streets could be heading for the screen as well stay with us here without a formal. iceland could become the first western nation to outlaw internet pornography the government already confronted by freedom of speech acts of its claims the move is necessary to protect children but former m i five agent an amish aunt says this bar could be the first step to more internet censorship is a very slippery slope to start going down the path of any sort of censorship or whatever reason because of course once in a position where authorities can look into what is being passed down the lives and then choose to block whatever they want violent porn to begin with then of course they have the tools to look into other communications and blocked other things in the future the issue of people you know the issue of porn and the issue of
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terrorism has always been used to justify any sort of attempt at censorship in a crackdown on the freedom of the internet and this is crucial for the development of the global society as soon as you start allowing certain technologies to be important to the internet to stop and censor certain nations they will be misused. president putin's spokesman says it's time to cool the emotions surrounding the high profile deaths of a three year old russian oddity in the u.s. the boy who was being raised by an american family died in january allegedly at the hands of his adoptive mother she suspected of beating the child and giving him strong psychotropic medicine the incident has course public outrage in russia and comes after a new law which bans american adoptions after a string of similar cases moscow says it will demand severe punishment if it's proved the boy was killed and wants his younger brother who was adopted by the same family returned to russia ok with the band ground and analysis on that
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story at r.t. dot com and also online covering up critics in the u.k. . find out how one m.p. accuses britain's national health service of spending millions of pounds to silence whistleblowers publicly criticizing the system. and you are scientists develop a known organic zombie cell that not only called visits a living prototype but even out performs it all the details for you at r.t. dot com. and of course we've got plenty more news lined up for you coming up after this short break. well into the next to the finish as world class athletes descend on sochi brand new a list big venues are kept safe by high tech sensors behind the scenes congestion battling infrastructure dig deep and build hard to get thousands where they need to
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be it's a building boom fueled by clean energy while research is pretty new life into gold medal dreams the race is on to see a day year on. the country. you're watching us here live from moscow welcome back. syria's key opposition group
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the syrian national coalition says it will take no part in upcoming international gatherings over how to resolve the bloody civil standard of the group or skip that friends of syria meeting in rome talks in russia and the u.s. over what it sees as lack of international condemnation of the assad government so the rebels the keys damascus of multiple killings with the same accusations coming back a bomb see when authorities say opposition militias were behind a bomb blast in the capital on thursday which killed dozens of civilians and adding to the tension rebel fighters have reported launched attacks against hezbollah targets on the syrian lebanese front activist succumbed believes the syrian conflict is being deliberately pushed over the border. what insurance has been trying to orchestrate in syria is also trying to impact on his blog which is a historical revenge act especially seeing that the resistance movement hizbullah expelled the israeli occupation in two thousand and also beat them in a battle in july two thousand and six now an open confrontation with hizbollah by
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means of made so or particularly the white settlers and the state will probably is not the ideal situation the ideal situation is to get brown skinned people to do it themselves like like they that they developed in the in the lebanese civil civil war so for the west is an ideal situation doesn't matter how much what capacity f.s.a. and the other terrorist have got in syria it's the ideal situation is for them to ratchet up tensions against his blood and to really not divide and rule but divide and destroy which is the name of the imperialist game currently and these are all could be reaping benefits from the conflict next door it has awarded to the first license for oil exploration in the golan heights to a u.s. based company the region was seized from sea where more than forty years ago and it's still occupied by israel even though it's considered syrian territory internationally but as she's point to clear reports now damascus is too exhausted by its internal battle to deal with a serene expansion. israel has awarded its first ever license to drill for oil in
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the golan heights to an american energy company this is according to sources in the energy sector who say that after israel decided last year to allow for oil and gas exploration in the golan djimi energy was awarded the license to drill but the new jersey based company still needs further work permits for drilling to commence and this is a process that could still take several years the company is headed by none other than the golan heights residents and a former general and could cabinet minister the company's shareholders reportedly also include rupert murdoch and one of the company's advisors is former u.s. vice president dick cheney geological tastes have indicated the potential for oil and foreign oil discovery in the golan heights which is all captured from syria back in the one nine hundred sixty seven six day war in one nine hundred eighty israel and mixed the area in
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a move that is not recognized internationally the strategic area has seen exciting extensive israeli settlement construction it is also the signs of a major israeli wind turbine a project the golan stymies has has been at the heart of previous talks between israeli and syrian leaders damascus is demanding its full return and there was concern that as the syrian revolt threatens the president bashar assad's rule israel is digging in its heels on the golan heights it was also an observation that on the eve of almost every high level visit to israel by american officials the israeli government has without fail angered the americans by coming up for example with announcements of settlement expansion in the west bank president obama is due to visit israel at the end of march and no doubt the state department is likely to criticize this permit as they do not recognize the area as being part of israel. now some international news in brief this hour in yemen. four people have been
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killed while protesting in fabled southern independence during the one year anniversary of the president being elected it's thoughtful she who were wounded after security forces fired on the crowd in the main square of eight and a pool safety in the south large numbers of police were deployed as authorities try to keep separatists apart from another rally in support of the president. five hundred demonstrators have shown their plans for a massive picture from a berlin cultural center that doubles as as court they marched into the sun told the capitol chanting i want a capitalist slogans and waving flags and banners around a hundred families currently live in the cultural center there and the will that all be auctioned off next week. on six underground tanks storing nuclear waste are leaking in washington state the governor says the report is disturbing but there's no immediate health risk to humans on the site with two hundred eighteen times holding millions of liters of radioactive material is the
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most contaminated nuclear area in a. prime minister dmitry medvedev has expressed his concern at the state of the u.s. russia relationship warning dire consequences if the deadlock over america's under missile defense plan does not result. with one of the main stumbling blocks in our relationship with the us is the european anti missile defense shield neither washington nor nato here are concerns about a suit that the system threatens us in our nuclear potential which keeps the nuclear balance in the world they are trying to placate us by saying the shield isn't aimed at us but at some other countries but this doesn't sound convincing unfortunately every month leaves us less time to reach an agreement when i was president i said the time to decide would run out by the end of the decade even a bit earlier if we cannot agree on the fallout for international relations could
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be very unpleasant because we would have to issue our own reply and it would have to be issued by any russian leadership. he was speaking in an interview with cuba's state news agency during an official visit to the country the trip aimed at cementing ties between the cold war allies have seen moscow write off part of this soviet era debt as well as agree a deal to these jets russia's prime minister has also paid tribute to sign that soldiers the sudden cuba to take part in a wreath laying ceremony in the capital has been up along president castro. a quarter women in the u.k. are now obese according to new statistics from the national health service that that's a rise of ten percent interest two decades but if you took your cues from the media he'd be forgiven for thinking that all women were tall and slim and all men toned and well muscled or point to boycott reports now there are signs the fashion industry is starting to change with the times. that
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a very very proud to model agency character means fat thin large small or that is anything he hasn't got every kind of carrots you can think of that's what we supply meets robin he's a successful fashion model he works for a london agency i'll be representing over a thousand models aged eighteen to one hundred in the most diverse shapes and sizes it's really important to have current suffices in the industry and i think there's enough good looking people around every why am i think you know kind of people with quirky you know expressive prices get far more work on the right fashion and advertising is changing to make room for models who look more like real people do you think now there's a strong the demand so people are using models because people are so bored of looking at the normal you know six foot to have a chiseled person or that looks exactly right you know people's body shapes some places and. we should look at them and i really embrace them really katie green
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found out all about the pressures of the fashion industry when she was chosen to be the face of wonderbra and signed to a major modeling agency they asked me for me thing and then though told me i needed to lose to star and now i'm five foot ten and a size twelve i wouldn't it's been about the bones you know i'm perfectly healthy as it is and they wanted me to lose two stone go to a size eight i called my parents after the meeting just in floods of tears saying that i confronted facts bimodal five years on she's not only working as a successful plus size model but is also campaigning to ban underweight models. from catwalks and fashion spreads it's all persons the functions are those expressions of a big campaign of the somebody who looks so small and none of us normal girls can have a big what they made here is a very sort of fantasy related industry it's all based on airbrushing and nothing in these magazines is real the majority of british women now measure in a size fourteen or above design a sample size that
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a skinny model wears down the catwalk is a minuscule size zero the difference is huge big brands of beginning to realize that consumers want to see models that they can identify with major fashion designers or tapping into the changes and introducing largest sizes raised differently some type of shakeup going on in the industry enough big that you know in the future you're different you see that this becomes more the norm and we probably won't call it flies anymore it probably just be fashion it's a profit at the end of the day businesses want to make money so if there's a market there where you haven't actually tapped into a new you've got to do is create products for bigger size the numbers show business men business women everywhere when they do that in the super model is over you know who's one of my models sees the new models done for you my job campaigns levi days on telling time these classes so you know of a suit mosaic done so you know he's a supermodel with almost half of u.k. women now officially plus size and individuality suddenly on trend it seems that
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the fashion industry is finally waking up to reality. artsy london it's might cost a nominee and a leg but we now have the technology to actually print three d. objects from shoes to bikes through artificial limbs and want to one day we could resurrect someone from the past that way and who would you choose a sportsman upon to perhaps lower half in a storm does the streets of new york to find out say among them. who would you three d. print from history this week let's talk about that i mean reported bring so in the life of a character oh yeah like super mario or. their elmo yeah
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i got it thirty were my best friends oh someone you know that's a good idea to frederick douglass. want you to king. and malcolm x. do you think that they would appreciate where society is today to be honest with you there would be a little disappointed abraham lincoln you have the classic president right as that were everybody says no no and said that yes i mean lincoln's pretty hot great nel you know people like lincoln him walking around his beard be good yeah yeah and he'd be like what the hell did you do with this country while i've been dead boy and i guess the purpose of these questions is to see you know how the past would deal with the president yeah definitely what do you how do you think they would deal with that i mean how would mozart deal with musics have boring you know reproductions of like that that would be amazing to see what he would do he would
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probably lay off the auto and you don't know the bottom line is three d. printing technology is developing extremely fast so let's just hope the people in control of it use it for the good of humanity. is coming up with the latest edition of breaking the set. if you have a business that you need customers.


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