tv Headline News RT February 25, 2013 12:00am-12:29am EST
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digital era conflict war is washington and an issue of cyber war and in. cyber war between the us and china raiders and some security professionals say america is losing badly. they too have autonomy parliamentary elections sex scandal survivor but is scared to get the topless reception at the ballot while a form of funny money channels the country's rage over austerity. is the latest talks on the syrian civil conflict as russia struggles to bring both the opposition and government to the negotiating table with the rebels a reluctant. russia and around the world this is with me you dish of allah hello and welcome to the
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program become a petition between the u.s. and china has gone digital and the western super power isn't feeling confident key intelligence figures saying america is all right in losing a major cyber war. going into washington security. nine now reports. in january it is my pleasure to welcome president hu to the white house washington and beijing were the a list couple of geopolitics the positive constructive cooperative u.s. china relationship is good for the united states in february america's feelings are fleeting china unleashing its full spy power let's return to the alleged link between china's military and a prolific hacking group most cyber attacks are being carried out by teams inside the chinese military china is officially out of control because don't look now but prove today our sugar daddy is a thief beijing became an overnight security threat last week after the american
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information security firm mandiant identified a secretive chinese military unit as the likely source of hacking against u.s. corporations are charged china vehemently denies. however as the u.s. refocuses its military might from the middle east to china's backyard critics say it's no coincidence that beijing is suddenly morphing into america's virtual al-qaeda i think this is part of what obama calls the asian habit which is really a china and this cyber thing is is fits right into that pattern i think what we're looking at is art of this obama pivot to focus on china and to paint china is the new military threat to the world it's a demonization trying to earlier this month u.s. president barack obama signed an executive order aimed at strengthening america's cyber defenses when you know hackers steal people's identities and infiltrate
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private e-mails we know foreign countries and companies swipe our corporate secrets . now our enemies are also seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid our financial institutions our traffic control systems we cannot look back years from now and wonder why we did nothing in the face of real threats to our security and our comp but according to reports washington is all too familiar with the offensive side of cyber war it's the u.s. who launches things like stuxnet together with israel to to cripple certain iranian technology capabilities in two thousand and ten a computer virus known as stock snap infected tehran's enrichment facilities destroying nearly one thousand of iran's six thousand centrifuges according to reports the virus made entirely out of code was a joint collaboration between the us and israel in terms of a pandora's box i think it will be slightly harder for the united states to adopt
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a position of purely defensive we've sort of made it clear that we're willing to use cyber in advance of our national interest while reports about china's a legit cyber attacks have dominated u.s. mainstream media much less is being said about the pentagon's decision to double down on its cyber war workforce expanding from nine hundred to more than forty five hundred employees experts say the move is indicative of washington's evolving military strategy every commander. is going to the next major war will include is cyber component it won't just be a traditional insurgency a body of their craft a center a ground troops the next floor all certainly will include a cyber component and the edge of cyber war france could become foes by the click of a mouse and some say in a very short time relations between the u.s.
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and china over a virtual espionage can resemble the long stalemate that took place at the soviet union during the cold war we're in a port i.r.t. new york. and on aunty dot com you can have your say and express your opinion on what's going on between the u.s. and china you know paul so let's now have a look at how you have been voting so far so that we go all right about more than actually sixty five percent more than half of you saying that this is part of the p.r. campaign a bit more than fifteen percent of you are saying that these so-called scandal is about as their knowledge almost the same number of you just thirteen percent saying that this is a glimpse of the next world war and finally just six percent of you see this as a warning to china so do had to have called and have your say.
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as the second and final day of voting in italy and a parliamentary cum pain a full twelve better rhetoric and tough questions about austerity yesterday saw most major policy leaders cause that ballot with the vote of cyril's kind of survival suit be about this company targeted by protesters so topless fellow activists crashed his photo opportunity chanting enough above the screening before being swarmed by police and escorted out on a strong functions and clearly democrats and a new party fronted by a firebrand bill that under former comedian of his renegotiate reports now on a vote that was shaping it in a speech it was not perfect the streets of rome aligned with posters from various political parties and candidates all smiles and bright colors offering the best
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future possible for italian voters. that i could feel like i was becoming was because i was. thirteen i think it's not because i was so thank the program low is not the leader but the face of a movement whose plan is simple to do away with the politics that italy has been used to for the past couple of decades and bring about a new type of rule the number said by my part i don't feel protected by the state i want to state that is visible there is no more state in this country just the bureaucracy of laws that has replaced democracy there isn't anything left among the crowds disillusioned with italy's politics is done nearly alice she started small
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by successfully challenging politicians in his small hometown in the south like many talents he does not trust the current political system the phillies although you feel i believe that. there will be a vote was ok if you're going to be that way but you just leave it. of the oh but it is time for a change at least one hundred thousand people showed up to support group movement in the center of rome the biggest political gathering in half a century people say popular because this speaks clearly and this is one of the main thing to say is they have to go. home go home. they're finished this right because the the political class has lost in the in influence on the larger part of the population especially young people the crisis we have a political class absolutely unable to cope with the situation and the situation is
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a desperate one the longest recession in twenty years more than one third of the country's youth are without a job corruption that feeds organized crime and manages to siphon off as much as sixty billion euro a year by some estimates and declaring wealth divide between various a tally and regions basically italy's huge or parliament will have a mouthful to chew to avoid choking on the problems which have accumulated over the years perhaps doing away with the old men in suits no matter how respectable they may appear in favor of foul mouth but seemingly honest comedian may be just the thing to put an end to italy's political drama in rome it in a ghost. so they were getting officially closes at fourteen hundred g.m.t. today with end of calls made available shortly after but already political analyst and sandro police say downs any of the candidates will deliver on their promise to rein in his finances. well the problem of your is not the problem of public debts
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this is a financial assault that has been concerted by private entities to milk money from the eurozone that said of course berlusconi is not really the best choice to to drive around these difficult obstacles and it wasn't really so much better despite being well connected with the financial world has a wonderful work. but very little content and this is a bit worrying because as soon as he gets in it gets in parliament and it's not just italian politics who make politics in the world and frankly for the moment they don't feel he is really well equipped i hope he will make up because anyhow he will come up with a sizable number of elements to this but they have really to study very hard and very fast to come up with something credible. chancellor merkel brings new hope to
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turkey germany calls for a response to staunch talks on un cora's ascension to the e.u. despite serious human rights and economic concerns all that coming up for you. and america's new foreign secretary is on his first foreign towards syria and iran are among the main topics but no significant announcements are in store in a few minutes with good opinion on why he's being so cautious. in the latest attempts to find a breakthrough in syria's painful civil conflicts the country's foreign minister to hold negotiations in moscow the peace process has suffered a new blow zero after the west and opposition withdrew from all international talks complaining of a lack of pressure on the assad regime and. is here with us from central moscow hugo nice to see you so what's the significance of this visit is giving the ongoing
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diplomatic standoff that. well this is it comes amid widespread uncertainty over whether or not the syrian opposition will agree to hold talks with the syrian government since a democrat says it's ready for dialogue and the last week there were dim coax that the rebels would do the same since for the first time their leader said that they were ready to negotiate with the syrian government but now it seems that the opposition has returned to its traditional line and even went a bit further since it refused coming to moscow for talks accusing russia of supporting president assad despite moscow's constant criticism of the syrian authorities for the use of disproportionate force but the rebels have also rejected an invitation to come to washington and said that they are not going to take part in the upcoming so-called meeting of the group of friends of syria due to take place in rome now when it comes to moscow their refusal to come. for talks was more
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or less foreseeable but it was a total surprise when it came to the friends of syria group which was initially formed to support the opposition the rebels say that all this is in protest for the lack of an international reaction to what they say are atrocities committed by syrian authorities washington has called on the rebels to change their mind openly promising support despite russia's calls for all outside players to apply equal pressure on the two sides of the conflict but many analysts warn that the last control there is over the situation and these are signs of a divide between the rebels and their outside its borders the more the chances of the situation becoming even worse. now right artie the ego is going on as following is a very significant talks and of course he'll be updating us later on in the day all
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right thank you very much igor now is a syrian pro-reform activist says western powers could be losing their grip on the rebels who are pursuing their own goals and they do not want to have any dialogue with the syrian government because all their strategy based in a sense on the syrian government falling and them coming as a substitute they do not have a lot of quality on the ground we also know that it is for the rebels rather than the political elite that are called the national council which recently the national commission so all they are interested in is for the government to fall they know that the western societies of western countries have invested a lot in them both in money and time and so on in organizing them and they think that they could probably make a stand here with regards to what they see is the policy this is a bit funny because now if the choose to get out of this sort of international
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friends of syria meeting then the western community is really would have no leverage whatsoever in the syrian crisis. u.s. special forces kicks out of a crucial i'm going to province that alleged involvement in the torture and murder of locals has sparked outrage on threatens to leave a key area next to kabul without protection. that report coming up later but now the new point in the u.s. secretary of state john kerry is in london on his first official foreign tour of some meeting top officials there he will head to the living altogether the trip will include nine states checking on america's nato allies as well as its key friends in the middle east kerry is expected to talk about iran's nuclear program the french intervention in mali and the civil war in syria and italy will meet with members of the syrian opposition and their allies however he has said this would mostly be a listening tour and no significant change in america stance is expected however
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this might mean that washington just wants to shift the burden of foreign wars to its nato allies says john ruiz an expert on american foreign policy it's always been very important for the americans to keep the nato alliance together but they always wanted to keep it together on their own terms it's always been the case for instance that the senior commanding officer in nato is from the american armed forces what the americans constantly want to do is to shift the burden of military intervention on to the europeans hard for to keep political control over the process and i think that we've seen that a number of times recently especially since the american focus is now beginning to shift towards the pacific to deal with the rising threat of china we are going to the europeans now have. a greater share of burden in respect of policing the arab world and north africa what we're seeing here is an attempt to convince the nato allies that they should pay more but have no more influence. iran has announced it
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found thousands of tons worth of uranium reserves and it says it will use them to expand its nuclear infrastructure and to build will power we actually it's called for you find eligible to get us into europe how to abolish it. and internet freedom north korea style the country plans to make mobile internet its main tourist attraction giving foreigners for online access. little.
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altie spanish to find out more visit actuality. you're watching all see it live from moscow welcome back the german chancellor angela merkel's caused a stone to ok by calling for talks on korea's ascension to the e.u. to be were stunted interest currently on a trip that astonishing with a visit to german troops on the border with syria but her support for attack is aspirations to join the e.u. and being echoed at home consumption of our own chris human rights record is especially strong with more journalists reportedly jailed in turkey than in iran
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and china combined delays and talks have caused great annoyance that with spam as a one calling the hold up unforgivable that's right a political analyst and journalist says that the current economic situation in the e.u. leaves turkish citizens without any desire to enter the baroque. we have to see that the european union is no democratic pro-choice it's a political approach a sort of ideological approach take because when you ask the people in germany if they wanted to head the euro for example fifteen years ago a huge majority of the people who were against getting that europe ask the people if they want to send troops to the turkish syrian border they say no the european union is a construct without any democratic base it's an ideological base and so maybe hopefully we can hope before for the turkish people that they will have the right to take part in the referendum about a took about
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a turkish deal membership because i can imagine that for the purpose it isn't to see how the you repeat the whole of the european union develops now in those states is doesn't seem very attractive to become a member of that club. and now for some international news in brief this hour thousands turned out across ball garret to show their anger at rising utility costs and corruption in the editor sector ten thousand were in the capital alone waving national flags and shouting anti-government slogans and this is just a week after countrywide closures for the conservative party to resign from power. raul castro has told the national assembly he will stand down as cuban president when his current term ends in two thousand to eighteen the eighty one year old took over from his older brother fidel castro five years ago and money algiers canal voted in as good as mice president at the same assembly meeting is widely viewed as castro's successor. south korea's first female
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president park and hair has been sworn in at a ceremony attended by tens of thousands the daughter of the nation's autocratic founder faces among other challenges the question of how to deal with a nuclear armed north korea the inauguration intertainment was the all of the day as south korea's most famous singer side while the crowd with his signature. in the you are some governors have warned tom arctic expanding cancer you took a can next month will lead to huge job losses eighty five billion dollars will be slashed across sectors funded by public money of democrats and republicans failed to reach a compromise on tax increases some states like texas and virginia with large military budgets will be was affected and others less reliant on money from washington. economic trials facing america stretch far beyond its borders coming up next hour cross-talk looks at why other countries turning to the money printing
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press ever raise. at least in the case of the united states you're seeing. you're seeing. me. much more while you do you appear situation where you have been go ahead and go ahead we're do you see an improvement in the united states what do you see that and also do you think a monetary policy is going to get you anywhere while you have to balance sheets of every country in the printing of money is destroying it is doing the complete opposite of what you wanted to do the united states' economy he's definitely on an improving bad housing sector is coming back and name nato i would. put. you in one of the housing going through my cough it consumer confidence is not a measure of economic activity. we.
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have got a stance president hamid karzai has ordered the u.s. special forces out of a crucial province the americans were linked to the torture and murder of local villagers in areas seen as liable for defending the capital kabul the move comes as nato prepares to one hundred sponsibility for security to local forces by twenty fourteen and politics professor patricia additional rose says afghanistan will struggle on its. the wardak province is you know the family is strong the place isn't volatile and i think they're kind of tired as well as most afghans having u.s. forces going in and out of people's houses that are and comment karzai president karzai needs to take care has and the seeds definitely president karzai is trying to make a statement and our fact they haven't come to an agreement yet they you know there is there's still a little i'm sure power play going on between the u.s.
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and the president as to who's going to stay who's going to be in charge you know what kind of numbers they want and how they're going to work but absolutely you know afghan leader is going to have to show that he has a little bit more support throughout the nation and just his region and within the south where you have today stay with us next the latest special report in just a few minutes. well. science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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