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tv   Headline News  RT  February 25, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

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a vote of last hope austerity hit italians are choosing their parliament with a former comedian stealing support from mainstream politicians and disappointment running high. america's new secretary of state john kerry is checking the boxes with key allies in europe on his first tour abroad and we'll look at what is mission with partners there could be. syrian rebels release a video which they say shows a government helicopter being shot down with a missile that's out there were teams says it is ready to talk to all sides of the opposition even those who are armed and fighting. an afghan drugs amid a russian vegetables the drug control officer sees almost two hundred kilos of heroin in sacks with radishes at a market near moscow. good
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evening it's great to have you. and of course you are tuned in to our t.v. well into our top story now voting has ended in italy where a disillusioned public has been choosing its parliament at the polls at the moment to show the center left coalition is leading with the main surprise of the election the party led by a former comedian also showing good results while our own our team. is reporting from rome. this point it looks like. he is indeed coming in the first place but then the good old silvio berlusconi's in the second place in the third place we have the five star party with the face of the stand up comedian of
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the green low heading to that party and of course not in one thousand struggling in the fourth place of course that is that these are just the preliminary results but you also have to understand in some areas. just kind of comedians actually in the first place and this is something that nobody has even dared to predict just days ago italy is eurozone number three nation obviously whatever happens here will impact their markets and the euro zone a great place so everybody out there in the bankers and of course the ministers the finance ministers of the eurozone are watching the election closely and nervously a lot of the analysts of course the that we have spoken to they are saying that there will be no absolute majority and people will have to form a coalition they are predicting that. he will have to decide with monty and interesting situation because both of these candidates have been showering each other with kind of mild sort of aristocratic insults throughout the campaign but there probably will have to come to terms with the fact that they will have to be
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friends at least for the show and tonight they're in the parliament but also it would be interesting to see if that happens whether or not but. try and side with the role of a standup comedian on one side bill is going to himself used to be a stage singer so he's no stranger to performance and that is another possibility we could be facing in these elections the poll over a phony strategic and political analyst says that it is likely that another period of broken promises lies ahead for adelaide. people need to be on time of the measures which i cannot produce the structural reforms of the society you know that do have a trustable future for those who are already working and for those with land to do the work force people are dying of promises which have not been fulfilled the center left the. getting what it was already in
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the polls elections but certainly many people are wondering why they didn't make the reforms in the previous their stations where they had the majority so this is. very cold at the moment it is not certain that the government can be forced if not the coalition government to vote in almost all the major political forces that are present in the bible and on america's new secretary of state john kerry is testing the ground for us foreign policy on his first ever state visit where he'll be heading to european capitals to speak with traditional allies as well as the middle east now when he visited london he actually had some interesting things to say about how ties between the u.s. and the u.k. are closer than ever let's play that sound bite there is a reason why we call this special relationship or as president prime minister cameron wrote really a partnership of the heart and earlier i spoke to jeremy corbyn
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a british labor party member of parliament who gave me his view on what this alliance is actually based on. it's narrow more than anything a military alliance made through nato and the substantial u.s. bases in britain well speaking of the military alliance there is another sound bite that i want to play for you from john kerry now the secretary of state let's take a listen to this one the united states and great britain the major countries stronger we've made the world more stable secure we can be proud of that if we look at the different conflicts where the u.k. and the u.s. have collaborated on we're talking about afghanistan iraq libya do you feel that this has made the world more stable and secure as john kerry says no i think tony blair formed a very close relationship with george bush took a straight into the war in afghanistan and later on accepted all the arguments
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bush used about iraq and britain was then deeply committed in iraq and as a result we've been involved in two major wars we lost a very large number of soldiers spent a vast amount of money and made the world an infinitely more insecure place we've also damaged civil liberties in our own country just as much as the united states has with its department of homeland security and all the controls that go with that and i think we need to examine the whole strategy of the west involving itself going to stand in iraq then later libya and now syria to some extent and wonder if we're not really heading off in a completely wrong direction as if all this isn't enough a new adventure is broken out in north africa where britain and this time france involved in the deployment of forces of a process are a massive drug bust on the edge of moscow has once again highlighted the our larning rise in the illegal heroin trade from afghanistan into russia almost two
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hundred kilos of high grade heroin were seized by drug control officers this monday at a busy market earlier are to shun thomas described the details. great story here the russian federal drug control services say that they have discovered one hundred ninety kilos worth one hundred eighty million u.s. dollars outside of moscow and how they discovered it is kind of interesting in fact the drugs made it all the way from afghanistan here in bags of radishes in fact you can see the radishes and then the green heroine check this out it's a dyed in the color of the radishes so that it's less noticeable less easy to detect and there they've discovered one hundred and ninety kilos worth now the big news here is that they have blocked where they believe they've blocked a major supply route from afghanistan through an uzbek a stand company a vegetable contract that was sending things to the urals russian company there and then brought to moscow in this particular case they have detained two people two
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more people have been arrested of course the own investigation is ongoing if you look at this week around russia in different regions around thirty tons of various types of drugs between heroin marijuana synthetics drugs and psychotropics as well they were discovered in various regions around russia but the bad news is since the west has gone into afghanistan since the u.s. invasion drug production from afghanistan up five thousand percent not good news at all and then again narcotics into russia from afghanistan has more than doubled in that amount of time and in fact of the director of the russian federal drug control services states that two thousand and fourteen may actually be a very good year for russia saying that when the u.s. bugs out of afghanistan they actually expect that the import of drugs from afghanistan to russia will actually decrease or to shun thomas reporting there unfortunately drugs are just one of the many problems facing afghanistan these days that contrie has seen a further turmoil president karzai ordered u.s.
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special forces out of the war a top province is trying to quell public anger over numerous cases of civilian murders and abuse as we report on that a bit later this hour. syrian rebels have released a new video which they claim is evidence of growing success in their fight against government forces. oh. so this amateur footage apparently shows a rebel fighter shooting down a syrian army helicopter with a missile you can see it right there the voices that you are hearing in the background are shouting god is great a lot like bar two out of the attack now after being struck the aircraft goes down in flames surrounded by black smoke you see that on the screen right there in front of you now this incident allegedly took place near the city of aleppo it's of course been the scene of heavy fighting in recent weeks meanwhile last week rebel
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officials said that they received any new batch of heavy weaponry from outside sponsors across the jordanian border. meanwhile syria's government says that it is ready to hold talks with the opposition including its armed factions the country's foreign minister made the announcement while meeting russian diplomats in moscow but attempts to bring peace to syria have suffered a fresh blow after the main rebel coalition decided to pull out of international talks there reason while a lot of international action against president bashar al assad. has the details of this visit is taking place at a very uncertain time it's really not clear what's needed to be done in order to get the syrian opposition engage in talks with the government since saddam oscars it does stress that it is really for dialogue with the opposition and in the last week there were some positive signals coming from the web they said that they were willing to hold talks with the government now that you refuse coming to moscow
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accusing russia of supporting president assad was. the number of those who support this realistic approach towards a peaceful resolution is growing those who want to continue fighting to the end realize that it's so they're trying to suppress positive leaders from the opposition and stop any steps towards dialogue. in the meantime soon enough though to use have put together a government commission headed by the prime minister designed specifically for negotiations with the opposition and they say that they're ready to talk even with armed rebels. we are ready for dialogue with everyone including those who are fighting on the ground as we are convinced that reforms should not be made through bloodshed meanwhile it was more or less predictable that the rebels would refuse coming to moscow it came as a total surprise that they rejected coming to washington and to rome to take part in the upcoming meeting of the so-called friends of syria group which was initially
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designed to support the syrian opposition and foreign minister elaborate office stressed if nothing is done now and no political process starts if the violence continues there then the whole country is on the brink of collapse or news after a break stay with us. technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia. the future. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for link please you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charged as a big. news
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today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. welcome back you're watching our team the afghan president hamid karzai has ordered a u.s. special forces to leave the key battleground province of wardog troops there were accused of torture and the murder of civilians well for more analysis on this we're joined live by brian becker of the antiwar answer coalition sir thanks for taking
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the time to chat with us of course we do know that nato troops will be pulling out by two thousand and fourteen so why this push now to ban u.s. special forces from the wardak province what's behind this decision. well the u.s. joint special operations efforts started with mcchrystal and then patrol yes especially had the idea of four men team a kind of civil war at the local level in villages by the creation of these civilian based militias in addition to that the joint special operations commission operations. created secret cia led militias of afghan soldiers to now it's been a real problem for the afghan government because these forces are in fact outside the control of the afghan army or the afghan police and they are identified by the civilian population made and wore doc and in many other areas especially in the
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southern part of the country of of committing war crimes crimes against people all kinds of atrocities kidnappings murders and it is a point of real of credibility really for the central government if the central government can't tell the villagers who are being killed and kidnapped by american and their afghan compatriots from special operations that they can be restrained then the afghan government seems to be nothing but a puppet and of course the. government during the transition period leading up to two thousand and fourteen by the way i think five to ten thousand of these special operation commandos will remain in afghanistan after two thousand and fourteen if the obama administration gets its way well brian of course said the water province is still a hotbed of insurgency and given the fact that afghan troops themselves have been implicated and some pretty severe scandals how what how does that speak to afghanistan's ability to effectively maintain calm and peace there is the country
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ready to take over security control. well you know the problem with the afghan army and the afghan police is that it's the creation the proxy the client of a foreign occupying force which is the spies really by the people of afghanistan including many who may hate the taliban but who realize that the foreign occupation forces especially these special operation commandos commit any kind of atrocity kill the people torture the people set afghan against afghan without any accountability and so of course that leaves the afghan military in the police even if they were doing pristine work which of course they're not they have many they've committed many crimes on their own but that would leave them in a position of having no credibility with the local population the fact of the matter is the american government has stopped trying to win the hearts and minds of the afghan people and resorted to the methods of terror and of course that strains the credibility of their partner the government of course the question is i guess
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whether hamid karzai could win the hearts and minds of his own people brian becker unfortunately we're out of time thank you so much weighing in there from the answer coalition brian bakker thank you. well the rivalry between the u.s. and china has gone digital and it's threatening to turn into a full scale cyber war at least according to some recent scandal involving a chinese military unit allegedly engaged in cyber theft from american companies has put washington on the defensive but it might not be long before washington makes its move in this new era of a cyber arms race sorties marina port nial reports in january it is my pleasure to welcome president to the white house washington and beijing would be a list couple of geopolitics the positive constructive cooperative u.s. china relationship is good for the united states in february america's feelings are fleeting china unleashing its full spy power let's return to the alleged link
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between china's military and april. cyber attacks are being carried out by teams inside the chinese military china is officially out of control because don't look now but prove today our sugar daddy is a thief beijing became an overnight security threat last week after the american information security firm mandiant identified a secretive chinese military unit as the likely source of hacking against u.s. corporations are charged china vehemently denies. however as the u.s. refocuses its military from the middle east to china's backyard critics say it's no coincidence that beijing is suddenly morphing into america's virtual al-qaeda i think this is part of what oh asia pivot which is really a china and this cyber thing muse is fits right into that pattern i think what we're looking at is art of this obama pivot to focus on china and to paint china is
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the new military threat to the world it's a demonization trying to earlier this month u.s. president barack obama signed an executive order aimed at strengthening america's cyber defense when you know hackers steal people's identities and infiltrate private e-mails we know foreign countries and companies swipe our corporate secrets . now our enemies are also seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid our financial institutions our traffic control systems we cannot look back years from now and wonder why we did nothing in the face of real threats to our security and our economy but according to reports washington is all too familiar with the offensive side of cyber war it's the u.s. who launches things like stuxnet that you go there with israel to to cripple certain iranian technology capabilities in two thousand and ten a computer virus known as stuxnet infected tehran's enrichment facilities
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destroying nearly one thousand of iran's six thousand centrifuges according to reports the virus made entirely out of code was a joint collaboration between the us and israel in terms of a pandora's box i think it will be slightly harder for the united states to adopt a position of purely defensive we sort of made it clear that we're willing to use cyber in advance of our national interest while reports about china's a legit cyber attacks have dominated u.s. mainstream media much less is being said about the pentagon's decision to double down on its cyber war work force expanding from nine hundred to more than forty five hundred employees experts say the move is indicative of washington's evolving military strategy every commander with whom i have spoken is going to be is the next major war will include is cyber component which is the traditional
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insurgency a body of their craft the central ground troops the next floor all certainly will include the cyber component and the edge of cyber war france could become foes by the click of a mouse and some say in a very short time relations between the u.s. and china over virtual espionage can resemble the long stalemate that took place at the soviet union during the cold war we're in a port i.r.t. new york. now we here at r.t. want to make the story a bit more interactive and give you a chance to have your say on what these hacking scandals are all about so you can head over to our web site that address is r t dot com and take part in a special poll that we've put together for you so those of you who have voted let's take a look at how those results have broken down so far there's a poll right there now sixty five percent of you as you can see a large majority believe that this hacking scandal scandal frankly is just a p.r.
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stunt to support president obama's cyber security policy is now a much smaller portion as you can see right there in the purple sixteen percent of you believe that the so-called hacker war scandal is purely about espionage and almost the same number thirteen percent in the orange right there believe the this is the glimpse of the next world war some doomsday scenarios out there and of course finally a smaller fraction six percent think that this is just a simple warning to china so of course we do want to get you involved so head over to r.t. dot com cast your vote and maybe we'll read the results again on air. of course there is also plenty more for you on our website including news of canada's state of the art satellite which is aimed at tracking down dangerous asteroids online we've got the details of a multi-million dollar investment aimed at saving the planet from potential dangers in space. also for you their web freedom north korea style the country plans to
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make life easier for tourists by giving foreigners all online access. to. the back world germany has vowed to renew the stalled talks on turkey joining the e.u. as chancellor merkel is there on an official visit ancora is increasingly frustrated over a lack of progress in negotiations with the prime minister calling the delay quote unforgivable political analyst on a well off and oxen writer says the current economic situation in the e.u.
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leaves many turks determined to stay out rather than just sign up. we have to see that the european union is no democratic pro cheik its political approach a sort of ideological approach take because when you ask the people in germany if they wanted to have the euro for example fifteen years ago the huge majority of the people who were against getting that europe the people if they want to send troops to the turkish syrian border they say no the european union is a construct without any democratic base it's an ideological base and so maybe hopefully we can hope for for the turkish people that they will have the right to take part in the referendum about to took up a turkish deal membership because i can imagine that for a turkish citizen to see how do you repeat the whole of the european union develops now in those states is doesn't seem very attractive to become a member of that club. well the blame game is in full swing in washington what else
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is new over a looming budget cuts which may take effect at the end of the week eighty five billion dollars will be slashed across sectors funded by public money of democrats and republicans failed to reach a compromise on tax increases well the latest budget battle is in the spotlight in today's cross top which is coming up next hour. at least indication of the united states you seeing the private sector the you seeing a good julie improvement of the economy a much won't do you a p.-n. situation where you have been go ahead and go ahead we're do you see an improvement in the united states what do you see that and also do you think a monetary policy is going to get you anywhere with. the balance sheets of every country and the printing of money is destroying it is doing the complete opposite of what you wanted to do the united states economy he's definitely on an improving bad housing sector is coming back named unable i would. put.
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you on it because you'll notice that housing is going through my comfort consumer confidence is not a measure of economic activity. we believe we see. is the. time now for world updates. at least ten people have reportedly been injured amid clashes between israeli soldiers and palestinian demonstrators it's claimed shots were fired during protests against the death of a palestinian man who perished in israeli custody under disputed circumstances there are allegations that thirty year old arafat's was killed by torture inside of prison walls but israel denies this saying more tests are needed to establish the cause of death. the world go to place for cheap furniture ikea has
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been caught up in the european horsemeat scandal and he is famous meatballs known for sustaining millions of shoppers worldwide were revealed to be in fact partly horse meat balls they've been pulled from cafes in a number of countries including sweden and the czech republic after tests revealed they contained horse d.n.a. in the past month the horsemeat scandal has battered trust in the e.u.'s food system exposing failures across the continent. italian prosecutors have called for the captain of the luxury cruise liner costa concordia to stand trial for manslaughter francesco schettino is charged with having abandoned the ship during a passenger going back you ation the indictment involves a five other crew members the costa concordia slammed into a reef off tuscany last year killing thirty two people. time now for the
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latest in the business news with natasha well natasha it looks like italy's not so clear cut election is causing some concern perhaps among the investors tell us about that well absolutely and for a good reason there's a lot of concern that the former prime minister silvio berlusconi might get a pretty strong coalition in the senate and that's bad news for investors i'll tell you all about that after a very right we'll look forward to it. there's an old urban legend that says that the u.s. army stopped using circular targets for rifle practice because the soldiers would be hesitant to shoot at people on the battlefield the logic is that if you practice shooting something that looks like an enemy soldier you'll be desensitized about killing real enemy soldiers so again the logic is to practice shooting at what you
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want to kill so you won't hesitate and speaking of not hesitating the law enforcement targets incorporated has created a special line of paper targets for police called new more hesitation so it's on these targets well maybe mexican drug cartel members or l.a. street gangs nope children and pregnant women yeah law enforcement targets offers a product to desensitize police from hesitating to blow away women carrying the unborn and innocent children and you know it's even sicker than that i bet law enforcement agencies are probably buying these things up by the thousands but that's just my opinion.
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choose your language. because we know if you. choose to use the. choose to. choose the stories but if you. choose. to. it would. be.
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it's thirty one minutes past the hour here in moscow you're watching business r.t. with me let us shine scope welcome to the program italy's first general election since the launch of the unpopular a steady measures are going to set the country's future economic direction the exit polls show that this center left is ahead but the former prime minister silvio berlusconi may have a stronger than anticipated coalition in the senate leading the election pack is the democratic party front runner hillary cheever saudi many see him as a sensible politician who is likely to follow mario monti's path of tough and not very popular economic reforms for his part berlusconi face the group of violent albeit hopped less protesters when he went to the polls they screamed boston berlusconi or enough of berlusconi despite his questionable economic policies won
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an office and that included tax fraud and personal sexual misconduct charges berlusconi is incredibly resilient as a politician he's making a remarkable comeback by promising to stop many of monti's austerity measures and to issue massive tax returns to discuss how all this could impact italy's future i spoke with tobias blackmar of diet capital markets in europe he explained why blue scully gets investors extremely nervous. for the moment it's probably too close to call because there are still i think the very big possibility that after all. his turn to rights coalition will actually win the senate and hence we will have a hung parliament i think as it was feared by by the markets and probably also by most governments within europe if that will be the case and i think it looks actually most likely that this will be the outcome then i think we have really the
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worst outcome that we could have had for the financial markets in particular simply because we will have a very unstable government we will have the lower house dominated by the center left and then the upper house by the center right and that means that there will be no you know no majorities to pass through all of these important structural and fiscal reforms that italy would need at the current church or to put its economy on a sounder footing if nevertheless both houses will be won by the center left after all then i think we will still be looking i think of weeks of negotiations between . on the one side and mario monti on the other side and there are wide discrepancies between the two parties on the way forward for the italian economy so even in the press case i think we're still looking at weeks of uncertainty of weeks of high volatility i think given that you know there is not really united among the different parties in italy about what to do with its economy but yet many experts
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expect pier luigi bersani to be a pragmatic politician who is likely to follow in monte's footsteps at least in terms of you know all the austerity measures and such old the tough reforms what will he focus on first and foremost in your opinion what will be his priority well we would say that we're probably a bit more skeptical on that front simply because spurs army is very very close to the trade unions. very powerful trade unions in italy and that simply means that i think on those reforms that monti already tried i think most notably the labor market reforms there really i think progress is needed in order to you know get a little bit away with that duality that you have in the labor market you have a very high youth unemployment in italy and we probably fear that i think the trade unions will try to stop all of those important reforms that monti already tried but
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he did not really i think at the end succeed i think many of his reform proposals in particular with regard to the labor market were watered down at the end and so it looks very very unlikely with the center left government that any of these very crucial reforms can indeed be passed i think in the in the senate and in both houses and so in that respect i think even if we have a center left even if we have a stable government it's very very unlikely that we see these kind of really important structural reforms that we see now in other member states of the euro area most notably we have seen something in france very similar recently but it's very very unlikely that the most likely elected government will deliver on that front. let's now take a quick look at the equity markets to see where we stand this monday in europe it was all about italy and it's and to separated election results equities ended the day in the black in fact we saw a pretty have to gains more than one percent for the footsie and one and
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a half percent for the dax but in italy itself shares in vons shared earlier gains when exit polls pointed to a potential deadlock in the parliament overall on wall street where the trade is actually pretty active this hour we're seeing them expect at the moment the dow is shedding value while the nasdaq is managing to stay in the positive territory but the precious metals are really gaining and that really shows that investors are losing their appetite for risk looking for safer assets to park their cash now moving on to the currency markets what we're seeing there is the euro was pretty much flat to the dollar all day for the ruble it was a mixed bag as you can see here it was actually. losing to both the dollar and the euro higher oil prices boosted russia's equities on
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monday the my sex and the day half a percent the r.t.s. almost one percent higher the few blue chips that traded in the red included was nafta hydro and aeroflot. and china wants more oil from russia energy giant rosneft promised to boost oil exports to china by about nine million tonnes the two sides also agreed to jointly process oil meanwhile reuters reported that rosneft was asking china's oil major c m p c for a thirty billion dollar loan to finance its t. and k b p purchase a report that rosneft denied russia export of twenty four million tons of crude oil to china last year which makes it the country's third largest supplier. in just seven years russia will become a developed country with a low inflation
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a sizeable middle class and much slower economic growth rates that's according to the latest research from bank of america merrill lynch and the most paradoxically idea in this research is that it's russia's demographic problems that will drive these changes by boosting internal consumption early on monday i asked steve on car auto from iran captain moscow what he thinks of all this. i can focus on your demographics is certainly not enough to draw this conclusion of course we do know the demographics are for discovery we do know that the population will be declining and this will serve to really create some conditions for us four four four four four growth in real wages which might lead to russia becoming kind of a more western economy but once again we need also to take into consideration that of accumulation of capital and also the productivities of this remaining labor force so i think looking out from now. in
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a ten year period it's difficult is difficult to do to say at least more of a mentor method of speculation then then then making some some kind of a very very very definite definitive conclusion about. it in ten years' time what about other macro economic indicators like inflation and g.d.p. growth which would you agree with the assessment of your colleagues. inflation is concerned i actually i actually agree in fact we can be seen a significant reduction in rates in this country over the last couple of years this is mainly due to the fact that at the central bank level the central bank has made distance vision from targeting the exchange rate which was the case before the two thousand and eight crisis in the inflation and i think this kind of change in the mockery konami there about paradigm has certainly help russia chief a much lower inflation i think he should continue to be the case so as far as inflation is concerned i definitely agree as it is g.d.p.
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growth is concerned i think that. we see slower and slower growth rates in d.c. economy let me just give you an example between the two key crises that russia has seen over the last fifteen years the sovereign crisis in one thousand nine hundred eight and the great recession in two thousand and eight in this between the into crisis period russia was growing at about seven percent per year and as you can see in the post crisis period. growth rates have already slowed down the kind of growth rates are seeing right now at about four five percent so we have already seen a slowdown and i think it's a natural development for any country along its road of economic development so i think from now on will certainly be seen. rates that they used to be seeing fifteen years ago so i think the new normal if you would like for for russia's economic growth over the next seven to ten years you somewhere between thirty five percent i would agree with that the overall claim and that's all from us in business coming
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up next here on our team we asked international peace envoy lakhdar brahimi when he believes called will truly be restored in war torn syria. good leverage. to believe. the police doesn't give a. mission to teach me why you should care about. this is why you should. only. make it with it if. she.
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chooses. to. wealthy british scientists are. sometimes right on. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports on our.
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mission. critical patients free. for drug free arrangement free. three stooges free. old free broadcast video for your media projects a free media dog r t v dot com. the un peace envoy for syria it's great to have you with our teacher dacer thank you very much i'm happy to various here so we're talking now in cairo where the national coalition for opposition forces and the syrian revolution is having its conference and he will be meeting its leader. do you believe that direct talks
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between him and the syrian president bashar al assad are are possible no two if president bashar al assad but with the government. it is necessary yes sure. i think you know there are more and more people who accept. but there is no military victory for any side and that you need a political solution and that party to consider solution meets make assertions. negotiations i think can take place between deliberation to presenting the government and the delegation representing the opposition so when you're saying he may be talking to the government but not the president directly. the problem is only in one man in bashar al assad himself or the steamroller is that the opposition to seeing every five minutes but they don't want to talk to us it this is the problem six months ago your prep predecessor coffee on resigned saying that
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there is no way they could be a peaceful resolution in syria no he didn't say it in has anything changed you still believe that a peaceful resolution a serious possible i mean you know first of all kofi never said peace workers allusion is never possible he never said. what he said there were was that you know he was counting on the international community to help him and the international community did not have so he said for the moment there is you know we are in front of a war he didn't say that he never said that there were there were never before his orders so unless you are saying that there must be a military solution. which a lot of people say. but kofi annan did not say not them i'm not saying what's your take on this peaceful resolution still
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a great possibility it is it would not oppose for the moment it is extremely difficult it's not that it's not happening but it is a must. syria either has a peaceful resolution or then war for until the country is destroyed and if you don't want to be the country to be destroyed and i don't think you do then you really call for this war resolution difficult as it may be. the the choice really is between destroying syria and having a peaceful can ask you something why do you think syrian uprising has such a strong terrorist element to say this is again. what is it that you call terrorist. very often
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a lot of people call terrorism what others call liberation movement and i think in syria we have something similar there are definitely acts of horrible violence and acceptable violence that is done by both sides but to say that the struggle is between the government and terrorists is is a little bit pushing it too far short the u.n. commission believes. nostra al islam shall effectively jihadist tera brigades are backed from abroad and they're operating in syria a lot of people are backed from abroad that doesn't necessarily make them terrorists the. is. is is considered a terrorist organization by a lot of people including by a lot of syrians but that doesn't mean that everybody is is a terrorist in syria what do you what do you make of saudis mission that they're
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actually supplying arms to love that there's a lot of prying around on the record not saying yeah sure the russians are supplying arms to the government. they don't they don't deny that and we have over war and. unfortunately we have a war a lot of syrians most syrians as a matter of fact both from the government and from the opposition. or with me because i call it civil war but it is a civil war you please at least you agree with me on something yes if you and i call it a civil war a civil war always support from outside and you have both you have two sides in this civil war and this is what level of says there are two sides to this position of the government and they should make us so let's make it very clear that there are organisations that are objectively objectively can be considered still
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there are organisations that are considered by the government as to orders as much of a who are not there in syria the main struggle is really between a large part of the people of syria who want change they want change in their country. and that is i think a legitimate aspiration they want dignity that's what they said they want dignity they want change they want democracy. this is the struggle there are foreigners they are a tiny minority maybe a few hundred maybe a couple of thousand but there is one hundred thousand at least of our own people who are fighting against their government unfortunately so i mean don't try to to say that it is foreigners who are fighting against the syrian government this is not the case so you feel like syrian people could go on believing in
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a secular country. even if our son goes i hope so that's all i'm asking that's not what you ask if you are asking about yes definitely and i think that a lot of people in syria and outside outside of syria very much want syria to continue to be a secular state why do you think it's has taken so long it's been two years already that's a very good question that's the best question you have asked. it. you know you have a very strong well organized regime. who are determined to stay in power they have the means they have the military means. to fight and doing so the opposition is in spite of all the weapons they. are not well organized mostly civilians who are taking up arms. and fight is why you know they can keep the
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struggle going they cannot win a military victory but the government also cannot defeat them this is. cindy's one thousand times that is why once again a political peaceful solution is what is necessary and good for the syrian people when i was in serious three months ago i also said that he actually will stay until two thousand and fourteen wait for the election and then see what happens i mean is this a realistic plan. you know one. would very much like the problem to be solved long before two thousand and fourteen if it were possible to be solved before two thousand and fourteen it's much better than waiting until two thousand and fourteen because we're talking about civil war and he's talking about elections . how does these two go together they don't you can't have election wide civil wars you need to stop the civil war and the civil war can be stopped. through
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the negotiations on the basis of the geneva agreement so if we have that resolution then we'll have an election what kind of an election depends on the results of the of the negotiations his future in his own hands at this point should it be in his own hands. and talk about assad i don't want to talk about that let me ask you one more question about assad do you think the only problem is in assad and he not stepping down that is. lot of people who are opposed to or who are involved in this conflict in syria think that the president is a serious important part of the problem this is a fact and very pitifully do you believe that's the problem doesn't matter what i believe doesn't matter what you believe either you talk directly to the american
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government they believe that he's the problem do you think it's an oversimplistic approach or no i'm sure the realty of you americans and you ask them but do you speak with the syrian government and assad directly as you speak to the opposition and their leaders also you know we have an office in damascus and we're keeping very close connection and i saw president i said. to somebody so what messages are they sending to each other how have their behaviors towards each other changed in recent months i don't think it has changed enough to bring them to the negotiating table and this is what a lot of people including mr level of work can go. coalition the coalition seems to be under a great influence of many international players you have the arab gulf states you have the united states you have turkey you know tell me if i'm mistaken please because that's the question what is the question all i'm asking is that is it hard
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to negotiate with a coalition that is influenced with different international forces everybody. in the world to the people who are connected to one another they are influenced by one another i deal with russia i deal with turkey i deal with the united states because these are countries that. i think rightly or wrongly think that they have an interest they have a concern. they have fears about what is happening in syria and i think they all can help the syrian people and me get to a sort of do you fear do you fear there's a chance that an iraqi scenario could unfold in syria where sectarian violence spills over absolutely this is what needs to be avoided this is what you know you
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have already some. overtones of sectarianism. you know becoming more and more visible in the in the struggle in syria and that is why the earlier the problem is solved the better ways to take care of that at this point he said overtones are heard at this point who is to deal with that now i think both parties both parties have to be extremely careful to avoid and i think they are aware of it. but they need to be a little bit more. mark out for not to allow the situation to slip into a purely sectarian conflict mr president thank you very much for this entity and thank you.
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