tv The Truthseeker RT March 1, 2013 3:44pm-4:00pm EST
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i think libya because of this oil was the subject. of being target by too many countries because this oil will is needed not only for libya maybe you know to finance some other projects in the region you know. taking a look at the qana me today or the. decision and. the situation which american budgeting is in today you know i think libya. we use it or at least is being seen as an alternative to you know to finance in compensation for the lack of assistance that might be coming from europe from the united states that's why i mean libya. is target for too many too many players and in the region and worldwide many libyans that have been spoken to and most of them are people who never liked qaddafi because they're all
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very educated they studied abroad but they tell tell me that one thing that could not not be denied is that during khadafi there was seen a sense of security and stability in the area and this is something they're we're lacking greatly right now how much time we think it will take for a libyan still feel secure and first ability when you see the post conflict periods of the difficult one it's not an easy thing especially in a country where we create a culture it was totally absent you know heeds time needs patients and he's a real love of this country you know which lots of people like those days and other opinion is that the problem is between a growing gap between the victor towns like for example benghazi and the loser towns like ben will eat people feel like maybe that gap is widening and they're like two camps establishing in syria do you feel that. some glimpses of that
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are true you know what you see you cannot deny that this is the. harvest to forty two years of of a culture that somehow managed you know to divide between libya's to create clear vision is between libya's and tribal lines in secretarial i mean regional lines. ethnic lines you know. too many years you know try to discriminate for instance against the muzzle be with the barber and this is. now it's an opportunity for libyans everybody is asking for is all rights to be realized to be a to be achieved. these are all is to try to. measure word is dialogue real between all those groups to talk about the coffee klein to see still have support in libya libya a lot of people still support his clan and what what future would you envisage for
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them in libya look first of all libyans should be treated the citizens and they should have equal rights you know excluding those who committed the crimes against the libyan people those acts should not be exempted those should be the subject of law courts should say they were doing this you know other than the libyans should be treated equally and should this should be granted in the constitution for example cut off his son safe is held in a city of seem tongue. do you think he can be tried inside an international criminal court is it do you think he's getting a fair trial in libya if he's tried by his enemies. i mean the first. their fees the libyan crimes were committed in libya and so if the three libya is not a member. of the court to be. known
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grounds you know the international community or the i.c.c. is talking about safely been tried in the sea but you feel like he's getting a fair trial in libya he'd been tried once you know two or three sessions you know and we didn't see any mistreatment you know but when you were working and cut off his government you were in somewhat friendly relations with him were not. there was a working relationship sporadic. but i was basically a consultant. he has his own team but some technical issues that relate to my specialization sometimes yes he gets in touch with me and asks me some questions you know it because back then i was told that he was trying to democratize or liberalize libyan economy and was it a sincere attempt could it have helped at that point no i don't think it was
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sincere or told i think it was some sort of a division of labor by gaddafi among his own sons you know when you were working with qaddafi did he have any understanding of what was really going on and what could he really happen well first of all it didn't work for good work and for the libyans th i don't think he had any glimpses of understanding of what was coming you know he was in girlfriend in his own perception of the world he was ill from fleeted. sense of narcissism in his personality and i think he so that this uprising could be crushed the new moment you know he had the assumption just the moment he fired some shots in the seas of a body would run away you know he didn't know what was coming you know this is a national uprising it's not just a demonstration by. students in a certain university you know i think even the security systems in the arab world
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were built around that assumption that only a demonstration here and there the scope maximum it's going to be a city you know more than that but all security systems and security forces in the arab world were not built around the assumption that a national uprising covering all the country can take place and they can counter that the uprising when he was killed i remember he told our channel that a year ago that he didn't know who. and you regret the killing. no i didn't regret the killing regret the fact that he was not tried before he. takes what he deserves you know whether it's punishment of death or whatever you know but i think it's we're buried with him you know those secret city guarding. our financial brute his relationship with too many intelligence.
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institutions world wide his relationship with too many heads of states where conspiracies are planned here and there you know all these were secrets for the libyan state not for that and i think those secrets were buried of him. home ever killed feel differently had an interest you know to bury those secrets in libya has a pretty complicated track relation record when it comes to united states like in in september alone there were two americans killed by an angry crowd and also the u.s. and bassett or in your personal opinion was it a planned terrorist attack or was it just people's outrage not involved involved in the investigation but just your personal opinion i think what i heard from different findings you know whether libyans or americans that it was a planned planned attack it was not just writes you what do you what do you think
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when hillary clinton said how could that happen in a country that we meaning americans help to liberate. when it's a question of a lack of security there was no official control in the country and anything can happen just do libyans feel liberated by americans is that that no no that's not the case at all libyans feel that they're liberated themselves they appreciate the help of the international community but who liberated libya who achieved this level was the libyan people nobody else. the question of islam is very acute in every country that underwent the arab spring what kind of islam and democracy blend to you envisage for libya you see first of all. it is is a global religion it's not it's not confined for instance to arabs or to sit in national t.v. you know so when we talk about islam. it depends. and
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how it's been conceived how it's been understood when it was conceived in the right way it managed to build a civilization still one of the bests of civilizations in history where even westerns it was true the students used to come to. in spain they come to the highlands of of the middle east just to learn chemistry you know this was the real islam which respects the human mind which. human beings with with a mission to be. the holy fits of god on this earth you know that they'd be creators they'd be peace create a peace had cheever's that they'd be peace lovers you know this is that a message of islam you know but sometimes it's misunderstood though misinterpreted
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by others and this misinterpretation or misconception sometimes gives a very distorted picture of islam and at the end some sort of very negative stereotype results as the one which associates islam with tourism seat islam with cordons. with a ten ten a come and learn this not that he is a slum but what do you know this is for libya and in terms of islam what kind of his. identity it should be the free him of reference for our constitution for our interaction with carrier lobby for example an option for libya i always ask my islamic scholars in libya that they really mission is to turn to the this show to go into a real loss i want to thank you very much for this interview thank you. you
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know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. little bit of. both. live the to. the street. if you.
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