tv Headline News RT March 5, 2013 7:00am-7:29am EST
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battlefield the ballot box the group is considering a political comeback and despite thousands of lives and billions of dollars sacrificed to remove them. china's reins of power pounced a new leaders for sex to death and beijing's military muscles and a long standing battle for influence with the u.s. . and the mysterious acid attack on the artistic director of one of the world's most renowned valley theaters the bolshoi could be a step closer to being solved as police arrest a suspect. that evening and so good to have you with us this evening i'm lucy catherine of and we've got live world news and analysis from our moscow headquarters you're watching
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our t.v. well into our top story the afghan presidential election approaching next year the taliban says that it is seriously considering entering politics a former official in the militia said the group us toying with the idea of launching a political party but of course that doesn't necessarily mean an end to the insurgency and it looks like the militant group might get significant popular support if it takes part in the election now this map right here shows you the regions that are either poised for a taliban comeback or areas that have already been seized under its control now all of this data is according to the carnegie center for endowment meanwhile earlier are to have spoken to a former afghan member of parliament and political analyst. who believes that the current government laid the ground for a taliban put a comeback. this government has so much so many problems that western world have lost their credibility and this government has no credibility so in that sort of a situation that taliban had they've been smart they would have scored big in the
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political front but i think the taliban can take advantage of this void in fill that vacuum it is up to the taliban to show their real face not the face that is pushed by the british intelligence or the facts on the intelligence the west is is confused the west is looking for an exit a very speedy exit and there i'm afraid that they will probably do whatever is possible whatever is convenient to put up a very very tedious. and very temporary fix and leave and then things will go back to where it started that's the problem in the region has to realize that we have to find sustainable success for this problem not a temporary face saving thing for the nato to leave and then leave a big problem for afghanistan for the neighborhood. well we here at r.t. are always interested in your point of view on the stories that we cover and today
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we're asking you whether you believe the afghan taliban will actually be able to convert its combat credibility into political power so head over to our web site r.t. dot com and take part in our online poll. well it may be one of the world's most reclusive states but it seems the power of the web is slowly lifting the veil of secrecy so much there that even the even claims the pirate bay was preparing to drop anchor with force we're talking about north korea r.t.
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is that alex they are chefs he is here with us so alex it we're hearing instagram photos tweets emerging from north korea not exactly the first country i think of when i think about social media what's actually going on well it started on february twenty fifth when one tweet from jim lee the bureau chief of associated press in korea opened the floodgates basically for that story she tweeted this is my first tweet. using coralie new mobile service this is hello from world from com send in pyongyang. this came after the korea link the operator even that phrase the korea link the celebration in north korea created it was unthinkable just three four years ago it launched a three g. mobile internet service and mislead has not been the only one posting pictures all foreigners are now gaining access to the network services mobile networks in north korea and basically a flurry of face tags check ins coming now from inside one of the world's most
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close states lets fascinating and i mean i guess that's great for the foreigners but what about the locals i mean do we see local north koreans running around posting tweets and instagram is everywhere now this all these options remain restricted to the local population but at least now. they can send text messages to each other in even make a video course for a country where having curtains and windows has been outlawed simply for the reason that this would indicate you mean you have something to hide you know this is a great breakthrough indeed i didn't actually know that they had that that's pretty crazy i mean you've actually been on the ground there tell us what it's like and how it's changed from what you've seen when you were in north korea i traveled to north korea six years ago and it was a certainly a different country back then my phone my cell phone was confiscated at the border at the passport control and the only one time i could use the internet i could go online was from the russian embassy from a computer because the russian embassy back then had a contract with a chinese satellite internet provider that was the only option for me to go online only once so all other ways of communication both inside the country and the
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outside world were barred at that time and i would say i'm curious of course this is a country where typically we don't get a lot of information you know and if we're seeing these small ships foreigners getting more access to social media do you think or is there a sense that maybe this is because of the change in leadership to a younger sort of more maybe in with the times modern leader or what is it all about clearly seems so because kim jong on the new the new leader he really seems to open korea to the world first of all we had a visit of one of google stop executives just several months ago to north korea which is already unthinkable if you say like three years ago that google stock because it could be north korea to be crazy then we had a visit over from boy and former n.b.a. player dennis rodman just recently your. friend for life. obviously this this is this is indication that john wants korea to open up to the world to what extent openness would be we'll have to wait and see of course and of course i'm
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just curious i mean with dennis rodman there you know all of these developments i mean is north korea of course getting in on the action is north korea like the new country to sort of promote here. well it could be especially with the pirate story because it actually turned out to be a joke as we found out from the pirate owners but still they said in a statement that today we can reveal that we have been invited by the leader of republic of korea to fight our battles from the network and the quote which is ironic of course because the pirate bay has been you know persecuted not the world just as north korea in some way have been under scrutiny and things like that but they even changed their logo for a short period of time putting the traditional pirate bay ship there in ordinary and flags they later again said that this was a joke but you know there might be some truth behind a joke well there usually is artie's aleksei or thanks so much for shedding some light on north korea for us thank you. the international attention is firmly
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fixed on china as the world's second largest economy and a rising global global power past the hands of power to a new generation of leaders among their aims is a double digit boost to defense spending something which could worry china's main rival the united states a recent spending cuts have spelt out a big blow for the military professor steve saying from the university of not and says that washington's push towards asia is partly to blame for beijing's focus on defense. the new chinese president xi jinping is a much more self-confident confident assertive and nationalistic persecute and therefore we're likely to see a china much more assertive in the next ten years in terms of what is described as the american pivot back to asia the chinese sees these as a major change in american policy that is directed against china as
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a less than friendly act and therefore the chinese are trying to. undermine american rebalancing and that is also part of the reasons for the double digit increase in chartres military spending also had for a year. central must be coping with a credible military threat israel's venom in this novel pulls no punches on iran labeling diplomacy a waste of time and calling once again for the taking up of arms against tehran and its nuclear ambitions. plus stark home opposition and severe austerity in europe appears not to be enough to force lafayette to rethink joining the eurozone and twenty fourteen later on this hour we'll tell you whether it could prove to be a fatal move. russian police are questioning a suspect in the acid attack that nearly blinded the artistic director of the
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bolshoi ballet's sergei filin the suspect is the first to have been detained in the case and that put the spotlight on infighting in one of the world's biggest and best known theaters well it's now speak to our arena go lucia go who's live outside of the bolshoi for us what do we know so far about the suspect the attacker. well we know he's one of the two men the police are saying have actually carried out the attack on feelin in the middle of january that they have arrested him they have actually arrested him in a town on the outskirts of moscow and brought him in for questioning we haven't. other guy who is also supposed to be responsible for the attack but they do say they know who he is and in some sources in some of the russian newspaper is that they do say that apparently some of the police are inside are saying that they actually know who is the guy who are who they know who are the people behind the
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attack who actually ordered the attack to be executed of course when we spoke to the press secretary of the bolshoi theater she said that they are very excited that they had the man who is behind the attack has been caught and they really are looking forward to finding out who were the people who have actually ordered it now of course that brings us to the attack on filin all together he was he had his face clashed with sulphuric acid he sustained serious damage to his eyesight where is his face they said was easy to recover through several surgeries is eyesight was the one that suffered the most and he had to go to undergo more than ten surgeries we were told today in order to save his eyesight but it does seem like he is on his way to recovery right now in a clinic in germany horrific of course for someone who makes his living off the visual arts the ballet but it mean of course the bolshoi theater no stranger to intrigue throughout its history tell us about more about that. no absolutely not as
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glamorous as it is both outside and inside the bolshoi theatre is actually sort of an abode not just of the arts not the beautiful things but also why plenty of scandal as an artistic director sergei filin essentially had a chance to make or break any ballet dancers career inside the theatre and of course there were rumors and information coming from the artist from the ballet dancers themselves they're saying that there is a tremendous amount of infighting going on behind the scenes everybody is fighting for that one part or a certain position on the stage there are holes there have been reports of. even of husbands of various ballet dancers driving up to various artists of directors that were here before sergei filin and i this threatening them are offering the money so their wives would get better parts i mean that's as bad as it got and of course the theatre went through fiber to stick directors and since one thousand nine hundred ninety five there was also the. directors of the ballet troupe who.
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was actually those who was being hailed as the next director of the bolshoi theater but then that of course one to shreds after pornographic images of him were leaked on the internet so there is a tremendous amount of intrigue and scandal surrounding the bush to theatre and of course the entire affair but to feel and also said that he actually knows who is behind the attack but he doesn't want to say anything until the until the investigators voice it first all right well filling us in on the murky details the twists and turns of the history of the bolshoi artie's arena go lucia go. all right a new round of violence has erupted in the egyptian city of port side with hundreds of protesters taking to the streets we do have a live report coming up for you on the latest there after a short break so stay with us here washing our. well the british study done. time to. go to.
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thank you welcome back lucky i has set its sights on joining the euro zone in two thousand and fourteen that is despite the currency blocks shaky outlook with an all out austerity cuts and gaping holes in country's budgets the decision also clashes with the public opinion in lafayette were two thirds of the citizens are against the euro membership there jan at bank of a member of the european parliament himself says the timing couldn't be worse. lead of you want to be a member of nato or of the e.u. of the eurozone so want to be a member of a bigger block now than a two i can imagine the e.u. or can imagine when the eurozone at the moment is not the right club to join because lead of you came out of the crisis in two thousand and ten and the economic recovery started shortly after actually legacy is doing quite well so one could
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wonder why does latvia want to enter the eurozone if you have an economic crisis would come back to latvia latvia indeed you cannot leave have you and will have to stay in it like agrees is doing now in greece is go towards a lot of suffering and that is the economic downside to perhaps the political advantage to have member of a bigger club. i did delve into the finances in the eurozone as well as across the globe but that's in the latest edition of our kind of report and here's a short preview of the program which is coming your way later this hour. why are stock brokers on drugs why the stock brokers not so much cocaine why do the brokers and bankers at j.p. morgan and goldman sachs and barclays royal bank of scotland why do they sniff their weight and coke every morning just to get started to begin their day rampaging through the market stealing people's wealth because they are being
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treated like rats by the pharmaceutical companies to get them into a state of perpetual larceny and it's working. living on the israeli prime minister has made clear that he is not backing down from his idea of a potential attack on tehran binyamin netanyahu told a gathering of america's most powerful pro israeli lobby that negotiations with iran are waste of time and only a direct military action threat according to him will clear rush the country's nuclear ambitions but while his message was applauded at the apec conference in washington it hasn't exactly received a warm reaction back at home policy or reports these really prime minister is at it again christian his favorite topic words alone will not stop your own sanctions alone will not stop iran sanctions must be called with a clear and credible military threat if diplomacy and sanctions feel strong
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statements from a leader by new group from power on yahoo voice the now you can use world public affairs committee iran is using international negotiations to buy time so it can prissy haid with its nuclear program a message he's warm to in the past. how do you stop well you have to put greater pressure and you have to upgrade the sanctions. and they have to know that if the sanctions and diplomacy fails they will face a credible military threat that's essential nothing else will do the job and it's getting closer. so much for the side of relief many breathed following last month's parliamentary elections the surprising win by saying ten pro peace political parties prompted many to believe netanyahu would back down from his threats to strike iran ask those on the street who voted against netanyahu they feel their message was clear take your finger off the trigger in your three to
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attack iran give economic sanctions and diplomacy a chance but analysts on so sure netanyahu has any intention of toning down the rhetoric netanyahu is a man which is very much concerned about his position in history and he understands that now his third a prime ministership i'm afraid that one off the weasels if you would like to foster taking against iran is to place himself at the history of the israeli people and it's making the israeli public nervous daniel be an obvious company sells a system that provides ventilation in bomb shelters in times of chemical or biological attacks he says each time it on yahoo mentions the run the number of queries goes up. some people prefer not to think of the threat but it's a bear and they know it so we have climbs just calling to find out about the system
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but who have difficulty deciding to buy one and then we have some people who are more alert these are the people who assume there is some tension in the media will call and order the system you know a lot of worry is good for business and that's really help problem either and we were so many money go. that mother of one is an israeli graphic designer who accidentally created an online movement after posting a facebook message declaring that israel would never bomb iran are the israelis quickly created the own posters with the same message and irradiance responded in kind but they're up against netanyahu and his more powerful message i think a big part of it is people are voting out of fear out of you know being afraid of a walker coming in he's the one you know i think the war will end just speculation about a possible israeli strike on iran is also keeping foreign investors away maybe a weary that while war might mean big business for some it spells disaster for
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others policy r.t. tel aviv. the apec conference also brought activists out in protest against america's close alliance with israel one of them is peace campaigner midair benjamin who believes that the united states is playing a dangerous game with its meetings policy. apac is really a danger to our national security a pac is pushing the policies of a foreign government in israel which is not always in the interests of the united states and i should say is not always in the interests of the israelis either i think this push towards war with iran is disastrous for everybody in the region as well as us here in the united states we're looking at a conflagration of tremendous proportions so much so that there are those in the u.s. military that are trying to hard to stop this because they know how disastrous the u.s. getting into such a conflict would be in fact it would be very easy for iran to retaliate against
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u.s. embassies against u.s. troops that are stationed in many places around the world so i think that this push by apac is really something that all of us who are rational human beings and know that a war would be so disastrous have to pressure our president not to follow the lines of a pac and instead to pursue diplomacy. well we're going to check on what we've got cooking for you on our website and online at the elite military wing of hamas has shared some of its secrets exclusively with our team had over target dot com you can watch the exclusive inside a read the exclusive inside info on how the group conducts its david day and night operations against the israeli military and also get info on who gains access to the hamas in a store in a circle. the rate of preventable deaths in britain as now one of the worst in europe the latest findings are raising deep concerns over the state of the country's health care system for more tests more web site again that address r.t.
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dot com. fresh clashes have broken out between hundreds of protesters and police and egypt's rest of the city of port the town has been locked in a cycle of violence for several days now after demonstrators began calling for justice in a trial over a deadly soccer riot which took place last year true reports on what's preceded today as my island. we're seeing very bloody and chaotic scenes coming from the coastal city of port this comes off to a funeral for three people killed and the ministry of health announced five people were killed three civilians and two police officers who should be in their very
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confusing reports of the army and the police fighting each other although we have no confirmation on that the military maintains that the armed forces are in the streets to protect the police and help the police in this situation that is gradually descending this comes ahead of a very important verdict on saturday on this massacre at this point saeed football massacre that occurred february last year with the crash that she broke out on sunday just thirty nine of the defendants related to this case that were moved from the prison that they were in families found out about this very angry when security directorates where they started fighting with police even in the funeral imports which is really related towards this verdict on saturday people were chanting against the muslim brotherhood the ruling party here behind the ring party here and also against the president has been a lot of anger in the streets of cairo and also the major cities across the country since the second anniversary of january to do find revolution here on tahrir square
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or sit in continues even though security forces attempted to clear it say yesterday morning in fact there's been clashes actually in the capital with more clashes on the cornish and what people are saying here is they've seen no change as major economic woes a quarter of the country is below the poverty line people are against this i.m.f. loan the four point eight billion dollars loan that said the president is trying to push through they also against the constitution who they say was. drafted by an islamist dominated assembly and in addition we've got parliamentary elections on the horizon that people say you know shouldn't be happening so there's many many grievances here with these clashes erupting across the country and no sign of any of this violence abating anytime soon. time for a world update let's get a check of what we've got cooking for you. syrian rebels claim to have captured the governor of the iraq of province in an overnight battle with the government forces this comes after days of heavy fighting with the syrian army which is holding out
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at an intelligence headquarters but it has emerged showing fighters destroying a statue of former syrian president hafez assad. supporters of venezuelan president hugo chavez as well as opposition members have been demanding to know the full truth about the socialist leader's state of health that's after a communication minister reported that childlessness having difficulty breathing following a severe respiratory infection john has recently returned from quba where he underwent surgery for us cancer and he's now being cared for at the military hospital. that's it for us this hour coming up it's the kind of report don't change the channel you're watching our team.
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john kerry made his first major verbal gaffe as secretary of state by michel the nonexistent country of courage to stand in one of his speeches of course it is funny when politicians misspeak george bush was pretty good at that but i can see that we all make mistakes when we speak trust me it's very easy to butcher the pronunciation of someplace on earth like course to low voltage or walla walla washington the thing is he didn't just misspeak the speech was written correctly and if you look at his eyes as he said it he wasn't really looking at notes or something he was reading it off of a teleprompter right now i'm reading off a teleprompter but i put every word there myself which is probably why john kerry is spelled with a q but my question is why. kerry and prompter mr obama just read anything put in front of them to even really know the realities of the tiriel they're reading in their speeches and you're deeply versed on some subject and you should need to read word for word from the teleprompter to give
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a speech just try writing some notes and speaking with your brain and maybe your heart like in the good old days but that's just my opinion. i am back to kaiser this is the kaiser report read by ups i have a cause the global great depression stacy max i think they may have and i have some evidence here in this headline sent to me on twitter by a genie laden and it is robot rat bullies real.
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