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tv   Documentary  RT  March 7, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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marvin in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. we all know rand paul aids drones but it turns out he hates workers' rights too why is paul outraged by drones but fine with letting businesses exploit workers does lawyer in the middle class the process happen tony are going to have a moment also milk president obama has his way u.s. dairy farms may soon be running dry even americans to drink the milk of foreign. prevent this from happening and ensure that the milk we drink is one hundred percent made in america and later in the show is a your take my take live segment your chance to call in and ask a question and make a comment line on here. you need to know this rand paul made drawings that he hates workers' rights even more
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the junior senator from kentucky stole that actual spotlight wednesday when a filibuster john brennan's nomination as cia chief over concerns with the obama administration's drone assassination program national media celebrated his twelve hour speech as a throwback to the glory days of the senate with balls epic rant was a blast of the past in more ways than one buried deep in the senator's call for transparency was a call to turn back the clock on workers' rights. what i'm trying to say though is that the rights of the constitution the rights of the individual that were enshrined in the constitution are important things that democracies can't overturn so when you get to the lochner the lochner cases in nineteen zero five the majority rules five to four that the right to make a contract. is part of your due process so one can't deprive you of determining how long your working hours are without due process so president obama is
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a big opponent to this but i would ask him among the other things i'm asking him today to rethink the lochner case the lochner case liberty of contract this is incredible in one thousand. which is the owner of a bakery he was the employer he sued the state in new york over the state of new york's bake shop act which limited the number of hours bakery employees could work in a week they couldn't work more than sixty hours a week as i recall after losing in new york's court of appeals in one thousand nine hundred five this employer took his case all the way to the supreme court and there the justices decided in lochner favor striking down new york's law in a close five to four decision in their decision they cited lochner is right under the fourteenth amendment to run his business without state interference apparently
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the bakeshop act violated that most fundamental of liberties that of employers to work their employees to death the court's interpretation struck down an important piece of progressive legislation and ushered in dark times for the american worker the lochner era as this period is fittingly called so the supreme court decided against child labor against coal regulation and even strike down the minimum wage as unconstitutional the supreme court eventually reversed many of these decisions actually included wachter in the one nine hundred thirty seven case west coast were twelve versus our nation a parish excuse me confirming the government's role in protecting workers' rights legal scholars today cite the lochner decision as one of the worst in supreme court history even a proverb or one of the most conservative legal thinkers in history called it an abomination. so when rand paul goes on about liberty and privacy he's not just talking about your right not to be drones he's talking about businesses right to
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exploit workers and libertarians like senator webb senator rand what rand paul waxed poetic about the evils of government it's tempting for us of the left to agree with them on their government does a lot of screwed up things whether it's overthrowing democratically elected leaders or bailing out banks there's the federal government has a tainted record when it comes to protecting democracy but it's important to remember that while the rand pauls america we would have a drone war we also wouldn't have a middle class if rand paul and his buddies had their way we'd be back in the gilded age working eighty hours a week for pennies. here to talk more about rand paul in the real libertarianism is mike papen tonio attorney and host of ring of fire radio welcome back might. and ring of fire t.v.'s well let's talk about the locker case why would libertarians like rand paul want to turn back the clock. well they want to turn it back because they actually want a sense of anarky where it comes of the relationship between corporate america and
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workers i mean that's that has a great appeal that's why when i watched rand paul you know when you take a shallow ill equipped mind struggling after struggling to figure erudite after thirteen hours of constant babble it produces those giggle moments that we saw in his lack of understanding about what he was saying what he was actually saying tom is that rand paul and the tea party and the g.o.p. who he represents he's their poster boy that they they're ok with the idea that in in the conflict between corporate america and america's working class that corporate america always wins that's what it comes down to this is a this is a situation where he was giving credit to a court that was anti-labor anti-consumer with a racist they were sexist they were damn near fascist as they were described not by me but by many people who look back on that court and they said you know what
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nineteen zero five the latina court was in and bare cement to democracy and you know what it's not far off there's an eerie parallel between what we're seeing right here in america today with this with this roberts court yeah it certainly seems to me the particularly scalia and thomas are drawing a lot of a lot of inspiration from the lochner court and basically if they did that they would undo the entire new deal i mean seems like that's the republican agenda why is it back to drones though why is it that rand paul i know you know ron wyden jumped in on this and a couple of democrats are going to salute the flag as it were but but why is it that. the that the high the moral high ground of being against the executive branch having the power of judge jury and executioner when the constitution gives them the power of executioner but not of judge and jury bias of that moral high ground has been captured by somebody is as whack job as rand paul is that embarrassing but
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well i think mainly because you have people like eric holder that basically made a fool out of themselves again yesterday when he was trapped and he was caught into the into actually admitting that yes they making it sound like he was admitting in fact that the president had some grand plan to kill americans with drones on american soil and then today of course there was oh by the way i i misstated that we really didn't mean it we don't have any intention like that but what you have to understand is the reason the gallic rand paul gets the moral high ground here is because there is that truthful underpinning there is that there's that undercurrent within this within this administration that that type of conduct might be ok nothing has changed much by from by these decision or wu's decision where we extend the power of the federal government to basically ignore the constitution ignore due process ignore. the fourteenth fifth amendment virtually everything that gives us
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protection ignore all that in simply make these random choices like we're seeing this administration do it really is quite remarkable and it's not just the cid ministration also started in the notion of ministration was a big foot and i mean this isn't this isn't a partisan narrative and that's why i'm sad that it has become one and and also that it's giving many used to be that the right wing tin foil hat crazies who are running around going obama's going to come get us he wants to take our guns next he's going to kill us and usually they were saying this was a whole bunch of racial overtones now you know before. all they could quote was right wing websites now they can quote the new york times and the attorney general the states but holder go ahead yeah as a matter of fact last night i was at a town hall meeting that sinclair broadcast put on and i was the constitutional lawyer on the left and you know i heard that more that that day that you know you go they were telling people standing up go look at the newspaper go on online today
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and you will see that the attorney general said it's ok to kill americans on american soil with drones now that enabled in that empowered their argument but by god we better protect ourselves because we have a government that we can't trust and so it's a very dangerous thing when you have such off the cuff kind of statements that eric holder made yesterday and he has a disconnect where it comes to his ability to control an issue like this and it showed up again well and i think you know i think somebody who woke him up yesterday because today another letter the did is come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question is the president have the authority to use a weaponized drone to kill an american not engaged in combat on american soil the answer the question is no and a quote this was a letter to rand paul from the attorney general but this action and rand paul said ok thank you very much looks like the case is closed brennan gets confirmed everybody says that's the end of the issue but it seems to me that's really not the
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end of the issue because he's saying well we're not going to kill anybody is not engaged in combat but george w. bush had created this category called enemy combatants and has said they could be anywhere in the world including you know paducah iowa. there is a real question how does how does a lightweight like rand paul take the high ground here i mean the very idea that you would have this oddball tea party republican that we you know we heard him for thirteen hours we saw how crazy he really is that he now has the high ground because we have an administration that hasn't focused this issue to understand americans don't want to hear that there are drones flying overhead that might kill them and so it is it is a total disconnect that this administration has sometimes and they put the worst people out trying to formulate the talking point and eric holder is one of those worst people you don't just back you know walk back on this we're going to hear
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this again and again i've got to do another town hall meeting and hear the same thing i'm sure what about the drones don't we need a k forty seven forty seven's to protect ourselves from a government out of control that was the theme that i was confronted with last time to join the militia it's really a sad thing. it seems to me that what rand paul was really doing yesterday i mean there was no need for him to stand in that place and talk all that time he could have just phoned in the filibuster the way the republicans usually do it seemed to me what he was doing especially by talking for an hour without taking a sip is kicking off his twenty sixteen am painting and putting it mark and marco rubio's face of course that's exactly what he was doing this in and that's a good thing i'm from a standpoint of a progressive i like saying that the split continues the split with call rove continues the split between call rove in the rand paul crazies continue the split between the money people and call rove and rand paul continues so they've got some problems jeb bush is showing up now he's trying to add some credibility to it but
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when you dig down even on jeb bush the stories have never been told he only ran for governor we haven't i know the stories the stories are just as about jeb bush's they are about rick scott and i'll tell those stories if he does decide to run for president all of us will be telling those stories so there's such there's such a disarray right now in the republican party that every progressive should be thrilled yeah ok mike babbin tonio thanks for anyone and i know there are thanks for joining us tonight thank you. coming up when you reach for a glass an ice cold milk you expected that milk came from a local dairy farm nearby or at least from a farm in the united states that could all be changing very soon james hoffa president of the teamsters union we'll tell you why after the birth. let me let me i want to know we're going to let me ask you a question. here on this network is what we're having a debate we have our knives out. the truth is
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this time it was just about staying there to get here in a situation where being i don't want to talk about the surveillance me. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dog and. i'm sorry i'm just
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a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what that is my other terrorist cells. all want to keep us safe to feature a sufi on live from the christian point just. to secure the borders but. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells the sensationalistic garbage because that breaking news i'm happy martin. and we're going to break that it's. looking pretty down the road that you will find it here if you're looking for a balanced stories unique perspective from tom my skin's. in screwed news according to the u.s.
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trade representative's website the trans-pacific partnership is supposed to support the creation and retention of high quality american jobs but could it actually destroy one of america's most important agricultural industries one of the free trade deals lacks trade regulations new zealand's dairy products could flood american markets out competing farmers from wisconsin to his elan as one of the largest dairy industries in the world american manufacturers fear that if the united states enters the t p p domestic products will be no match for cheaper goods across the pacific history suggests their concerns have merit mexico's dairy industry for example suffered a market decline after that country joined nafta in one thousand nine hundred four without the benefit of protectionist tariffs mexico's native dairy farmers could not keep up with subsidized imports from the u.s. farmers closed workers lost their jobs fearing that this could be the future for the united states americans from all sectors of the dairy industry from the
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national milk producers foundation to the teamsters have joined together to lobby congress to reject the transpacific partnership the t p p join is now in the studio to discuss the tepees effect on american farmers and what we can do to stop it as well as other labor issues is james p. hoffa president of the international general purpose of the international brotherhood of teamsters great to have you with a certain i see you explain the c.p.p. for our viewers well it's a big project i mean what it is it's. basically it's a huge trade agreement involving all these different countries you know mexico again canada japan bruna vietnam new zealand austria australia i mean it's amazing how big this thing is and it's basically an idea to have them all trade together but it's a bad idea because it's going to open the american our country to trade from new zealand where they can basically talk about the dairy industry we have over a million people in the dairy industry that would basically be threatened by
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basically a dumping from new zealand there's a company called from terra that is you know basically owned and subsidised by the new zealand government that could basically inundate this country and we could lose all kinds of jobs here this is another nafta ready to happen we don't need another one of these i don't get why it is every other country in the world is protecting their their domestic industries i mean you know whether germany japan taiwan south korea australia new zealand either they do it with tariffs most of them have dropped their tariffs they replaced it with that taxes where they added tax on an important right doc the tax on the export or they do it with trade policies like you know china japan didn't make it hard south korea why don't we do that what's what's it well how did it what and how did america get stupid we have been stupid for a long time since nafta. ministration other administrations are basically on this idea of these trade agreements and if we didn't learn anything from nafta where hundreds of thousands of jobs left america we didn't learn anything and we haven't
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learned that lesson we want to make another nafta we want another w t o we have huge trade deficit with canada you know with mexico and now we're going to have these huge trade deficit with everybody else see we are basically an open economy we're an economy that you know that thrives and has unions we have freedoms can you imagine trading with vietnam it's a communist country there's no freedom of the press there is no right to join a union and you imagine what the day. prince would be between the two economies if they don't work together and the same thing with brunei can you imagine your nice run by a sultan you can't join a union there's no freedom of the press what are they thinking to say that we can have a trade agreement with them is going to be all these inequalities and the answer is you know don't we really care about democracy don't we really if we all have the same then we can see having a trade agreement with another country that basically shares our values has a similar trade policy you know has basically the same standard of living we can
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trade with them but when you have these huge disparities between these companies countries i don't see how we can do it and take vietnam is the best example you're going to be trading with some company that is going to be owned by the communist party and they're going to own a factory there and nobody basically trading with the united states there's another thing by america if something is very important in a lot of programs that we have with regard to homeland security with regard to defense department you must buy american part of these negotiations or to take that out so basically when homeland security somebody wants to buy something will be buying it from vietnam does anybody think that's a good idea again more american jobs leaving our country in the i mean to get the government purchasing is about twenty percent of our economy in the future out of our economy and if we take that away that's the whole thing we put in and that's the first thing they go after is get rid of that buy america so basically we're going to be buying everything from who knows where from vietnam from brunei and from wherever that's what words wrong with these trade agreements and the whole
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idea of buy american we need to buy more americans we have basically support our economy make our economy stronger right now we need more factories here we need jobs we have high unemployment that's how you rebuild america and we've got to invest in america and make sure that people buy american and basically have our government buy american so we've got now the dairy industry has come out the both industry and labor are saying no and i'd bet i did c.p.p. and you. but it's still being negotiated it's being negotiated largely in secret the word on the street is that it's going to be presented as a as a fast track up and down vote can't be filibustered all that kind of stuff and. is this a train wreck about to happen and when it what is this thing coming down the road we well they're keeping a secret like you said it's in secret members of congress can find out what's in the agreement when it does come out they're going to give them like one week to look at it no one's going to look at will be this thick they'll say get a vote up or down right get it done right away and it'll have all these things get
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rid of buy american you know flood us with you know a dairy products from new zealand vietnam you know basically taking our jobs it will all be in there and we won't have a chance to stop it right now a number of congressmen are writing letters saying we want to see it now we want to be part of the negotiations and i think one of the most important thing is for it to take fast reco because you know congress should have a part of seeing what's right and wrong about trade agreements and the fact that they have fast reactors they basically packaged this deal done in secret with these corporate interest is put together they slam it in front of them both yes or no well that's pretty hard to do if not better we all have been put we have a chance to debate it come on your show and when we talk about what's in this agreement what's right about it what's wrong about it isn't that the way we do things here in america well they don't want to do it that way they want to do it in secret they've kept this thing secret all the way members of congress are madder than hell about this they're writing letters saying we want to see it now and we don't want to be presented with a fait accompli at the end maisie in the minute we have left the minimum wage the
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president proposed nine dollars an hour this legislation out of ten dollars an hour peg it to inflation this seems like common sense to me oh if we got to raise our country you know it every time going back what do they say oh this is the end of our economy as we know it and it doesn't end the economy the economy thrives was seven dollars now it's nine dollars the head of costco came out and said it's a good idea warren buffett said it's a good idea and the answer is we've got to have a base in this country to basically make a. soap everybody has a shot if you're washing dishes you should be able to make nine bucks an hour what does it mean today it's nothing and there are people out there that basically go to the fight you don't want to have minimum wage they want to pay people so low or just you know giving scraps of food that's what they believe it we don't believe in that we believe in a fair economy and nine dollars an hour is just right and sounds great to me james hoffa thanks so much for being president it's an honor. in other news ten years after the start of the iraq war a new report from the special inspector general for
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iraq reconstruction says the u.s. wasted about ten billion dollars during reconstruction and stabilization efforts in iraq with one former iraqi defense minister squandering one point three billion dollars alone the bulk of that ten billion dollars was simply mismanaged all over a billion dollars was siphoned off in bribes kickbacks in the perch purchase of useless equipment from the beginning of the iraq war to the us withdrawal date the department of defense spent over seven hundred billion dollars on the iraq war and the total cost to our nation could top a whopping three trillion when all is said and done however it's impossible to price tag on the countless lives lost fighting the illegal and unjust war news that billions of dollars were squandered just adds insult to injury federal government is currently investigating and prosecuting those responsible for the fraud and abuse of the ratification start prosecuting those who started the debacle of a war in the first place i suggest are starting with the war criminals like bush
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and cheney. it's the good the bad and the very very scope of. the ugly the good and simple o.c. i was minority leader nancy pelosi took a stand with the american workers. thursday when she announced her support for raising the minimum wage to ten dollars and ten cents an hour as pelosi herself acknowledged the middle class is sure the economy is shrinking even a stock prices balloon something needs to be done maybe she was inspired by our ongoing coverage of the minimum wage debate you know regardless it's high time house dems fought back against the stagnation that's bringing us all down and see pelosi keep working for the maximum good. the bad greg gutfeld fox news's
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resident trog luddite greg greg gutfeld reached a new low even for his standards wednesday night on climate change protesters islamised and primitives apparently expressing concern for the whole planet as the new inquisition watch out for fuel efficiency standards reduces all the slavery right as with anything broadcast by fox so-called news it's hard to tell whether gutfeld remarks were serious just the ramblings of a cynical troll or satire but when like greg you mock concerned citizens the same day as scientists report the highest spike in c o two levels in fifteen years your sense of humor is just bad and the very very ugly. roger ailes the fox news chief followed him self that another controversy wednesday after sections of his memoir that call president obama a lazy leech published in vanity fair defending and romney tax on her
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privileged lifestyle ailes writes obama is the one who never worked a day in his life he never earned a penny that wasn't public money how many fundraisers does the attend every week how often does he play basketball golf i wish i had that kind of time he's a lazy but the media will report that. classy stuff. is a great when people reveal their true selves we all knew roger wasn't exactly the biggest fan of. president but now we know that his plans are just plain race no question about criticizing obama's policies is one thing but recycling old racist myths just to sell your book that's very. coming up our phone lines are now open for your take my take it live segment so if you want a chance to ask me a question live on the big picture give us a call at two o two i know four twenty one thirty four and maybe i'll be talking to you after the
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charming welcome to the big picture. of potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more powdery down so the bottom line there is still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. jason it is kind of pretty incredible day there
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and even record snowfall throughout much of in life nobody's allowed to be driving alyssum urgency here exceptions. right out of. the radio guy. what. did you ever seen anything like.


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