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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2013 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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delayed today's confirmation of john brennan as the next cia director of the white house has responded to his repeated requests about domestic drone strikes will take a look coming up. plus the wealth divide between whites and african-americans isn't just growing it's tripled in size well tell you what's causing this deep racial divide. when it comes to cyber security it seems hackers are always one step ahead of the game and next we'll reveal the top techniques used by hackers and we'll bring you the latest developments in the tech world. it's thursday march seventh a pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. well john brennan has been confirmed as the next director of the cia late this afternoon u.s. senators cast their votes on the senate floor brought in received sixty three yes
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votes and thirty four no boats and to no one surprise kentucky senator rand paul was among the no votes today senate confirmation of brennan comes after senator paul's historic filibuster it ended at twelve forty this morning after the senator talked and talked for almost thirteen hours here are some of the highlights a rise today to begin to filibuster john brennan's nomination for the cia. tom in-breath my throat's already drawn i just got started. you know sitting on the sidewalk cafe smoking of our train all of us what. we one should plan on coming tomorrow we're through for the night. which had previously brought a challenge in federal court. i'm disappointed that the democrats choose not to vote on this. i am reminded
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of henry the fifth. and let me just begin by quoting a modern day poet its name is wiz khalifa discover that there are so many limits to filibustering and i'm going to have to take care of one of those in a few minutes here thank you very much for the forbearance and i yield the floor from the very beginning he said he would speak until he could speak no more and as you can see that is exactly what he did the old fashioned filibuster was aimed at blocking the nomination of john brennan as head of the cia well now that senator paul has people talking what happens next are to correspond of margaret howell joining me earlier to discuss what you know was there certainly has been some fallout from senator paul filibuster members of his own party aren't taking to crime leads to it so what he what he has been deemed you know his behavior and the filibuster even john mccain calling it an offensive and insulting behavior senator
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lindsey graham of course that is not too pleased about his actions as well. so you know it has been a mixed bag of opinion all right you know you mentioned mccain let's take a listen now we have a clip of what he said today in response to senator performance let's take a listen. is there any way that the prez united states could just randomly attack with a drone or a hellfire missile someone without that person being designated in a me come back but to my republican colleagues i don't remember any of you coming down here suggesting that president bush was going to kill anybody would grow. all right so there are some of his critics. margaret a he's not there are some people that are hailing senator paul's performance. that is certainly correct members of his own party marco rubio senator cruz of course who was with
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him last night you know definitely members of his own party rallying around him people are saying that he's breathing new life into the g.o.p. and certainly we will see more coming from senator paul in the future some are saying even that this may be a part of a possible bid for twenty sixteen run and we are definitely seeing people rally around for. well well today he did get a response attorney general eric holder provided this response you said quote it has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional question does the president have the authority to use a weaponized drones to kill an american not engaged in combat on american soil they asked that question is it no so margaret he finally got an answer what can we make of this. right right we know it is definitely came at a very late hour it wasn't forthcoming something that we can do you know forty
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three words long this was certainly not a long response by any account but rand paul did hail this as a victory he didn't come out saying that this was a victory for the american people that the white house was able to confirm that you know drones are not allowed to kill american citizens on u.s. soil so certainly a victory in rand paul's eyes definitely pull him self admitted that he doesn't have enough votes to block brennan's nomination that certainly proved true just a few moments ago brennan was in fact nominated so now that this is all said and done i guess the question is is what now what exactly has he accomplished. you know he's accomplished a lot of things you know senator paul a very good speaker he's able to rally people around him in his own party you know definitely bringing light to the issues of civil liberties a greater issue besides the drone attack which he was able to do you know pin code
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and even the a.c.l.u. came out in support of rand paul which is something that you don't see every day those two organizations coming out to support a g.o.p. senator like this us a certainly a lot of affability for his actions and definitely definitely able to rally support for this cause and make this issue known which he was able to leave the able to do pretty effectively as certainly a diverse group of people that he's won the backing of you know we saw i mean i was watching it as a kind of glued to the t.v. watching this and we saw this whole thing blow up on twitter as this kind of old fashioned tactic of of this talking filibuster enhanced by new technology. you know absolutely before you know i don't fashion filibuster tactic that's been used for a very very long time it's a very powerful tactic but never have we really seen twitter being read on the floor i know senator cruz was was helping rand paul in effect by reading some of
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those twitter twitter hash tag responses and supporter of rand paul on the senate floor as he was filibustering and we haven't seen that before really you know something new to this whole mixture this whole debate and definitely something that we may we may be seeing in the future margaret thank you that was our to correspondent margaret how. now to iraq where there is a struggle to pick up the pieces after the war that ravaged the country it's a war that cost a lot of lives and a lot of money now a new report says much of the tens of billions of taxpayer dollars the u.s. spends on rebuilding the country went down the drain and the reporter called learning from iraq the special and the special inspector general for iraq reconstruction his name is stuart bowen details how the sixty billion dollar u.s. that the u.s. spends to rebuild the country went to waste some projects that the u.s. started but never finished forty million dollars prison one hundred million dollar
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wastewater treatment center and seventy five million dollars pipeline and that is just to name a few so as the country remains in a better the bait over how to curb government waste how how it so much away fail to happen overseas the discuss former senator mike gravelle joined me earlier by phone and began by explaining that this report shouldn't come as a surprise. harken back when we followed the iraq war these were reports that were getting all along that oh they were building this but it didn't take place in the in the corruption that went into the ins billions of dollars so what this report is the mission of the tip of the iceberg of what really happened with our presence in iraq and the fact that we had to buy off all of these iraq the leaders
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a monarchy backed it was it was reported continually during the entire iraq war when mike mullen who is in charge that his government was unbelievably corrupt now does it come as any surprise that right now we're told that well they can identify eight billion dollars that is the tip of the iceberg that they can't begin to identify and at the level of waste is a. pauline's i mean we just pointed out a few specifics there some of these projects that were just abandoned how did that happen that these multi-million dollar projects just started and eventually lead to nowhere well what happens is you get a contractor an american contractor. and signs that he's going to build a specific altie he then contracts with subcontractors of the local they pay people off and they get it going to a degree but then everybody loses interest and they pocket the money no it's not
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only the corruption within iraq it's the corruption of american contractors working with the iraqis when they know that the facility is not going to be built and the money is just going for payoffs payouts for american contractors and payoffs for iraqis so contractors so essentially what you're saying is the projects don't get done but people are still profiting. profiting when you when you stop and think of all of these mansions that are being built in abu dhabi these are people in iraq who made fortunes and take their money over dobby dobby and build themselves a mansion. and we and we the american taxpayer who really make sacrifices to make these payments to the department of defense that then absconds with the money through subcontracts. here i think
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the best lesson of all is to realize that the defense department is not audit a poll that means you can't begin to even trace the monies that go into the defense department it's accepted that it's not on a dimple and so it's like flushing money down a hole yeah i mean my next question. he was going to be how did this happen is there recklessness is it lack of oversight but you're saying that they're not able to be audited so it looks like lack of oversight it is a huge problem there all of the above all of the above and when you when you see this these. alligator two years about all would disagree western is going to cut the defense budget the defense budget has been on a hand says the korean war. and there's just no limit to it and so
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what happens with the conservative community that they never question the appropriations whatever the defense community wants they pay for and then of course you have to go to war to expend these munitions and then you see what happened in iraq and now what they talking about trying to gin up a war with iran i mean this is a sick sick situation where half the budget of the defense department is is is is probably not proper not proper and since you can't audit it you have no way of determining what is well spent and what is not well spent it is just wasted on a colossal level. so as former alaskan senator mike ravel. the u.n. is tackling. the issues with north korea the un security council has adopted a resolution expanding sanctions against the country it was drafted by the u.s.
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and china and as a response appealing and third nuclear test argues on a thaw theatre going to have the details from new york. this is the member united nations security council presided this month by russia has adopted a new sanctions resolution against north korea in response to a certain nuclear test conducted by pyongyang on february twelfth in defiance of existing united nations security council resolution which basically ban any kind of nuclear testing by north korea and this latest resolution was drafted by the united states and china during three weeks of negotiations and adopted this thursday unanimously by the security council what this latest new resolution calls for is an implementation of tighter restrictions on north korea including making it tougher for north korean officials to be able to carry around bulks of cash in suitcases it basically also calls for a ban on the shipping and receiving of banned cargo by and by north korea and also
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called for steve to deny aircraft over their territory if it is suspected that a specific aircraft might be carrying bad cargo another thing that this resolution doesn't specify is a ban on the import of certain luxury goods by north korean officials such as yachts and expensive cars and high and jewelry the united states of course has said that these sanctions will bite north korea hard to give you more a general idea of what this resolution is all about what it basically does condemn this latest nuclear test as well as any other nuclear activities conducted by north korea including uranium enrichment and also banned any further nuclear tests and calls upon north korea to return to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and most importantly the security council in this text calls for north korea to return to six party negotiations and this is something that has been reiterated several times earlier today now in terms of north korean reactions we have to say of course that
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north korea has said in a waiting for this resolution to be adopted that it would as a threat for this resolution. basically cancel the existing ceasefire of one nine hundred fifty three which put an end to the korean war this thursday north korean officials threatened with a preemptive nuclear launch if she were to be attacked by another country and this is of course a hint at the united states because this week the u.s. has kickstarted joint military drills with south korea on the border between the two koreas something that pyongyang has dubbed an open declaration of war and we have to mention that analysts of course are saying that north korea is actually far from a while from having the technology to be able to set up and a nuclear weapon a specific target what was the biggest concern here is of course this provocative language that's dangerous in the united nations security council today a point reiterated several times by russia hopes to achieve is basically for north
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korea to return to six party negotiations with this latest push of this new resolution from the security council and the. new york. still ahead here on our table racial wealth divide between blacks and whites in america has tripled in the last twenty five years we'll tell you the major factors causing this massive gap after the break. the same story doesn't make good news no softball no puff pieces some tough questions.
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i'm. sorry. the economy is on the mind of every american these days from the rising cost of living to stubborn unemployment rates many across the country are feeling the pinch however artie's give you no good i shows us how upward mobility in the u.s. may be more closely aligned with the race than previously thought. but then that all men are created equal we sometimes forget what racial equality means in the united states we can drink from the same drinking fountains and eat at the same restaurants but that doesn't mean that racial equality exists.
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just look at this part of southeast d.c. minutes from the nation's capital the impoverished district is ninety seven percent african-american. it's filled with boarded up houses and families that struggle from day to day i would like to say might help like you know the people it has really having problems like. it's kind of hard for us in this community there is a growing divide in wealth between white and black one that's one hundred fifty two thousand dollars wide brandeis university just released a study showing that the wealth gap between african-americans and whites has tripled in twenty five years and some years ago. this study was that average white house school graduate made the same as average white black college graduates so when i read the of the new stated that he was just nothing surprising to me the study was based on seven thousand nine hundred households of working age between one nine hundred eighty four and two thousand and nine in just twenty five years
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the wealth gap between white and black families tripled from eighty five thousand dollars to a staggering two hundred thirty six thousand five hundred dollars after american a washing machine you know the school is a cheery they've seen the housing market so the so black solution that blacks moving out of these are all maybe. in the u.s. one percent of households own thirty seven percent of all wealth giving towns like this one in fairfax virginia a new definition of what it means to be wealthy and privileged i don't think surprise a single black person in america i don't think the thing about and i probably didn't surprise many. as you were as you might imagine you know when the johnson talked about this a long time ago and he said in very simple words in one thousand seats if i would have a university he says that you can is the man with the mule kitsap with the man with the caterpillar and i often use that with my students and they don't know when they think of a pill or mean word but keep it on the tractor and so you can you know it's demand
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starting a woman starting at thirty or dish to catch up with someone who starts at seventy the study shows that where we live where we learn and where we work all seem to widen the wealth gap between whites and african-americans. to begin stuff like. this this will be needed changing and there's no better place to see the striking inequalities between race and wealth than the d.c. metro area a place where freedom reigns and equality looks good on paper but is actually much different in practice in washington d.c. i'm driving know that i r t but for years we've heard about the dangers of cyber attacks but a recent cryptographers at a recent cryptographers conference they shed some light on just how invasive and how secretive these attacks really are one very dangerous type of hack we've covered on our tear is the distributed denial of service attack or d.d. o. s.
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attack it is one of the more simple types of hacks essentially what it is is it reroutes thousands of servers all to the same place and overwhelms a data system so much of it so much that it crashes it's relatively easy to conduct and can cause millions of dollars and financial damage are to correspondent megan lopez shows us four other of the most dangerous attacks computer hackers are using today. have you ever thought about how safe you really are from cyber attacks well believe it or not your digital vulnerabilities extend beyond your computer and go well into your day to day life the twenty thirteen r.s.a. cryptographers conference were real the number of cyber security flaws the us faces today here's a look at the most dangerous types of attacks first up the password breach now the hash algorithm used to create and protect many of our passwords was designed for efficiency and not security in the end these algorithms slow hackers down but they don't actually stop them given how much weight we put on passwords to protect our
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data that's a scary thought so if you think that a complex password is actually going to guard your secrets think again now the stuxnet flame and shamoon viruses are all examples of kinetic attacks this type of hack manipulates cyber systems to cause physical harm to a country's infrastructure and social function so things like water facilities and stoplights have been targeted and a lot of our day to day technology is completely vulnerable because there aren't systems in place to protect them so an even more onerous type of hack is known as off sensitive forensics so let's use these papers and pretend like they're files on your computer back in the day hackers would enter a system and scoop up as much information as they could leaving a huge digital footprint along the way today computer experts can target and extract the exact information they want from a system getting a very small trail sometimes even using the forensic tools analysts used against them former defense secretary leon panetta says the u.s.
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is working on ways to track down digital thieves but churchill aggressors should be aware that the united states has the capacity to locate them and to hold them accountable for their actions that may try to harm america however given the change in technology in recent years that isn't really the case and that brings me to the fine. dangerous hacking technique used today and perhaps the most hazardous of all misattribution when hackers enter a computer system they leave a unique trail to follow depending on the code that they use in order to gain access into a system but these cyber invaders are getting good at covering their tracks very very good they are now copying codes from other governments and hackers in order to misattribute the attacks to others so even though i was the person who hacked into your computer you might think it was me or me or me a misattribution attack could potentially launch the u.s.
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and other nations into war while the true guilty parties get off scot free these are just a few of the ways that hackers are gaining access to technology and their refining new techniques every day cyber security is becoming more of a priority in the u.s. but when you think about how much we rely on computers the real question is has our thirst for technology overpowered our will to keep ourselves secure in washington meghan lopez r.t. . now to the latest developments in the tech world of the white house is now coming forward saying it supports the right for people to unlock their phones and speaking of phones smartphones are getting so smart they can read your eyes samsung's new galaxy smartphone reportedly has a new ice curling feature that can track users' eyes till it knows where to scroll and facebook's at it again revamping its site the social media giant is unveiling its news feed to talk all things tech i was joined earlier by brian dude in technologist at the new america foundation and ryan radia from the competitive
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enterprise institute i asked brian about the decision in late january that made it illegal under the digital millennium copyright act to um lock cell phones to use so that you can use these phones with different carriers and he explained why this decision was so controversial. so the digital millennium copyright act was and was a law that was passed in one thousand nine hundred nine that was designed to protect copyright or protect the locks on copyright the digital locks on copyright the digital rights management or d r m and the law applied that logic to a gazillion things the devices used and one of those things that got swept under the rug was the lock that allows mobile operators to have a mobile phone strictly tied to their service and no one else has service now since the the the intent of the digital and in copyright act is to protect copyright there's a huge question about how much walking a cellphone to
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a specific carrier service actually protects the copyright in the intellectual property that that mobile operator may or may not have so you know there's a lot of talk about laws being antiquated laws that no longer reflect the times so do you think this is an example of one of those laws that are kind of out of touch with the current state of technology. i do up and in fact it's unclear whether this law to the extent that it applies to cell phones was ever a wise idea even when it was passed the notion that we need a federal law with very strict civil and criminal penalties in the context of cell phone locking doesn't make sense people who get cell phones for a bargain price and in exchange are required to spend say two years on a single carrier rise in one thousand nine hundred so forth there is a penalty built into that contract if they all lock their phone to switch carriers early they pay what's called an early termination fee the longer they've been to the contract the lower the fee so there's a remedy for this phone walking whether it's
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a problem which it isn't always but already exists based on principles of contract law that we've had for generations i'm not sure the congress release foresaw that when it created the law i would apply it in the context of phone unlocking but now that the library of congress is really makes it illegal i'm glad that the white house and some in congress are looking to legislate a bill was introduced today by senators close which are leave blumenthal to address this problem i haven't seen the text but i'm hoping you'll take it in the right direction and then move on now to the samsung phone that is supposed to come out pretty soon it's got this new eye scrolling feature supposedly the way it works is you look at the phone and it can tell what you're looking at it and know how to scrawl is this the new big. is this creep they are useful what do you think brian well it depends on who has control over the device and the devices that we get from mobile operators right now there's a huge trade off into the number of third parties that actually have control over
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these devices so realistically google sprint is in. mobile they give you a device that for all intents and purposes they control so the device by itself is perfectly capable of doing this tracking. and controlling device with the eyes which is really cool but the problem comes in the third party is the control of the . the device collecting that information and potentially sending that information about you and your habits to third parties or selling that information to third parties without your knowledge without your consent without your ability to opt out right there always coming out with the next big thing ryan i want to get to facebook because they are and are at the site has been getting some big changes today or i don't know how big they are this new news feed apparently it's getting revamped what's that all about it's about facebook trying to keep as many people spending as much time on the site as it can especially now that it's a publicly owned company with shareholders to please facebook has to keep innovating because the internet is a big place people are spending time with twitter on google plus facebook needs to
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stay relevant so it's new change that it announced today is an expansion of the news feed to make it more visually appealing to offer different options for how you see what your friends are doing whether it's photos or music i haven't seen the what the news he looks like first hand on on my account because facebook is rolling it out slowly by will certainly know within a few weeks whether users like it the stock price went up slightly so at least the market seems to think that this is a good move but it remains to be seen whether users will agree yeah i guess we're going to have to wait and see if banks gentlemen really interesting that was brian deegan he's a technologist at the new america foundation and ryan radia from the competitive enterprise institute that's going to do it for now but for more on the stories we cover check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash our team america and follow me on twitter as well all for now have a great night.


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