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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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earlier today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more cattery down here the bottom line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. taking it is kind of pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of in life nobody's allowed to be driving lessons from emergency vehicles are exceptions. welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour doctors and nutritionists have been telling us for years to avoid a high sodium diet if we want to lower our risk of heart attack stroke and obesity but new research is out that suggests that the benefits of less salt in your diet may be even greater than we thought more on that tonight he signs and our economy
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society and livelihoods all depend on something so old that it predates mankind by hundreds of millions of years to really make sense to build an economy on fossils more intimate stilly take. welcome here take my take live our phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air give us a call at two zero two nine zero four twenty one thirty four our first caller then i mark in toronto a mark you want to talk about chavez yeah hi tom you know i wanted to make a comment if it's ok to you which i was it is politics approach to democracy it's a kind of a boat me and we brings once again as you mentioned. clinton had an interview about music and how it would impact if his life and how it taught him
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a book collaboration and so would venezuela have this amazing program jose antonio breo the total of three hundred thousand kids to learn about music and community and how to develop the sense of cooperation it really was an impactful thing that goes back to this. post pics of the me we bring in there's this guy roger newman norland at the university of so carolyn i think he'd be a great guest to talk with this. i think. we can develop we bring. through music martina if they weren't. thank you thank you for the advice thanks for the suggestion and waiting on the comment and chavez has done a lot for venezuela. it's going to be really interesting keep an eye on where this goes particularly as the billionaire money starts flooding into that country now that. the vice president is not as well known as chavez and it's i don't want to
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speculate we'll see where it goes paul in oswego new york all you want to talk about dick cheney. it seems to me like this man is generally whatever it is he did he ordered a war that violated everything we were led to believe in killing millions of people displacing them further i don't know what is going on he should be treated as a war criminal that's what he should be tried either here or sent over there. ok paul thanks for the call and thanks for sharing your sentiment i would. strongly i'm strongly of the opinion that we need to be having some sort of judicial process involved in this or at least congressional investigations and i would not limit it to dick cheney paul george w. bush told his biographer mickey mickey herskowitz back in one thousand nine hundred nine before he was even running for president that if he became president he was going to run he was going to invade iraq and do so to get enough political capital
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that he could have a successful presidency which in his mind meant privatizing social security and you recall after he won the election in two thousand and four the two thousand and four election and took office in two thousand and five first thing he tried to do was privatized social security it's what he campaigned on for congress unsuccessfully back in the seventy's in texas so bush had wanted to do it jeb bush had signed the peano act the program for a new american century thing back in ninety eight saying invade iraq along with several people wolfowitz and five and i believe five and certainly. rumsfeld and others and jeb jeb bush it's on the so it was like you know this was a this was more than it looks like and we really need to have some some investigations into this eduardo in redwood city california eduardo wanted to know want to address minimum wage would first have to give a quick comment about the former. against to really kind of court of vietnam or
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served in vietnam we do it in sixty six would be was for me and. three million maybe four million people that country here we owe that country to those people so much that we have officially not get it as a lot of other countries i don't disagree that we have a huge debt to vietnam into our own and that we should be playing a big role in the reconstruction and you know we talk about agent orange here in the united states they have a terrible orange an orange problem there that doesn't mean that we do our trade policies based on vietnam but actually called to say that. yeah you're still on there. when we have discussions of what the minimum wage should be a lot of business owners say they have to pay more for their health care or give them a higher wage will have to lay people off. workers or salaries or piece of information is how much is business make a year he's making two million and pain is workers
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a decent wage would mean he would make one point eight million is refusing to do that i take issue could but they should at least be participating in the debate let us know what their profits are excellent point thanks for calling and making it and in fact i would say if you look back during the forty's fifty's sixty's seventy's and the first half of the eighty's when the top tax rate was seventy four to ninety one percent on millionaires after they made their first million or so. those making thirty times what their average worker was now they're making four hundred times with their average worker is. there's plenty of space there. i don't want to talk about. yes sir i'd like to mention that when it comes to postal workers i'd advise people to watch a movie called by proxy and also there's a book called mobbing and one called. just want to mention that
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letter thanks for the call i'm not familiar with any of those i can endorse them or or not so mike in alexandria a mike thanks for calling. pictures were great programs thank you thanks to you and your. portrayal. on t.v. . media. the public were quick to to. put a. t.v. finish was the same for t.v. . but mike if you think back to thirty forty years ago or you look at the old movies from that time or t.v. shows even forty fifty years ago you saw people on t.v. spoken cigarettes you saw. back in the day dean martin literally getting drunk on
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t.v. and he really was alcoholism tobacco addiction were not only. accepted they were celebrated and then mothers against drunk drivers got active and attorneys like mike papantonio started filing lawsuits against a backhoe companies and we. reached a cultural consensus that this wasn't good stuff. and now it's it's not viewed as cool to be a smoker or to be an alcoholic any longer and i think. the cultural consensus on violence needs to change and that that comes about from people like you speaking out you know when enough people start speaking speaking out because people go oh really ok i get that and then things change so i encourage or activists mike mike in alexandria dave in mesa arizona hey dave what's up. just first of all i'd like
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to tell you how much i enjoy your show thank you. i was just wondering. should there be many investigations how much the leaders in the bush administration have earned from from the iraq war like cheney. rumsfeld because i'm sure that they have their hands. i'm sure they boyish. he and his family were heavily invested in carlyle group which is a major investor in defense contractors and so i don't think that anybody has published any numbers if they have i haven't seen them but certainly the bush family made a very very well dave thanks a lot for the call. made out very well dick cheney he had when he was c.e.o. of halliburton in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine they acquired dresser industries which had this huge a specialist liability and it was a very very bad business decision and dick cheney's halliburton was that close to
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bankruptcy and then we got the war in iraq and cheney was still sitting on hundreds of thousands of halliburton shares and we got the war in iraq and all of a sudden halliburton got all these no bid contracts and now they're sitting pretty and then doing very well so we know that those two guys made out like bandits from that war paul and param minnesota funds and they're right all thanks for calling you want to talk about bradley manning. i was just curious. what the people do to show their support for what i call a patriot because we have very few patriots left and you're doing a good job. thanks paul thanks for the call there is a bradley manning support group i'm sorry i don't have the website memorized off the top my head but it should be fairly easy to find with duck duck go to google one of the search machines on the web. and beyond that i think we're to the point
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now he's already pled guilty i don't think i would say the. call your member of congress but. bradley manning or kurt tells me is the support network so check that out mike in south michigan a mike thanks for watching thanks for calling. we wash your program the other night and there are thousands of vets in michigan not only the rest of the country that are interested in this color in. workers who are working on. sites to help problems with the causes of diseases and she said that there was. a system for ridding people of type two diabetics and i'm just trying to find out how we as veterans can get ahold of this because there's many type two diabetics from agent orange that to me disks here and we
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think he got kicked out of the united states because the. drug systems are losing money over it mike thanks for the call. conversation great minds with dr bernard. and you can find that a conversation with great minds dot com. who is preaching a diet that he says will cure type two diabetes that's the closest i can remember to that gene in washington d.c. we have less than a minute. yes the. college doc about this is the many great one many mccomb will do about me didn't woman read in the convoy and six new people killed. under the radar nobody is talking about these so i would like to have an appeal to need you to come to you sure will. give more information to the people. the american
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people need to go on the streets will be that woman and children will. now don we're not out of time but you're absolutely right the the story of what's going on in the congo is one of the most underreported stories in the united states and you know as come on the program or whatever just because we had our website thom hartmann dot com and you can get the contact information for our producer that's it for your take my take live thanks for all your calls and when you get to your call tonight tries back next week. technology innovation all the developments around russia. since you covered. download the application. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite.
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if you're away from your television just doesn't matter now with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. thursday let's get solved for years doctors nutritionists have been telling us to cut back on salt in order to reduce the risks of health problems like heart attacks and strokes but now there may be another reason to stay away from the salt a recent study on rodents and cultured cells shows that dietary salt may help to promote
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a variety of auto immune diseases including multiple sclerosis m.s. and inflammatory bowel disease i b d study's findings suggest that salt promotes the specialisation of what are called t. h. seventeen cells a type of immune cell all these types of immune cells protect us from dangerous bacteria func fungi they also have been identified in ellis' such as inflammatory bowel disease multiple sclerosis and psoriasis th seventeen cells mature from unspecialized t. cells and depending on their influences they can be either beneficial to the body or destructive researchers of the l. school of medicine found that people who said that they eat a lot of fast food had more th seventeen cells. as we all know fast food contains large quantities of salt to determine whether the salt was the culprit for the increased levels of th seventeen cells the researchers then spiked cultures in
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a petri dish of unspecialized t. cells with sodium chloride salt and the results were alarming a modest increase in the amount of salt radically increase the number of th seventeen cells that maturity in cultures nearly ten times and these cells began to make inflammation producing molecules which means they were the bad type of th seventy seven cells not the good type which you know to that inflammation is been often tied to cancer the researchers then tested whether this effect occurred naturally in animals they prompted mice to develop a e which is a neurological illness in mice similar to m.s. in people and it's fostered by the bad type of th seventeen cells some of the mice were fed meals that contain about as much salt as the typical western diet compared with mice that lived off a low sodium food. when they compared the to the mice that consumed the high salt western diet developed d.a.'s sooner and had more severe symptoms medical
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implications of these findings could be unprecedented cases of auto immune diseases like m.s. and type one diabetes have risen dramatically over the past few decades in large intakes of salt could help to explain the trend so while scientists still need to confirm salt is a definite factor in human auto immune diseases it's safe to say that's something. that has already been proven to promote heart attacks strokes obesity and high cholesterol probably should be avoided. crazy alert when out of oklahoma police arrested christine dawn here as this past week they knew she might be hiding drugs what they discovered in her my when they brought her back to the police station though takes exercising your second the rights to a whole new level they will. serve notice the handle of
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a revolver sticking out from inside the woman who is a five shot. revolver the. other well concealed carry a t.v. chicago anchors then found the occasion an important opportunity to talk about some of the dangerous loopholes of gun law. i know some of the good out of it she got in the. state i'm not if you. are you ready for the end of civilization as we know it or at least the evacuation of all the old confederate states researchers at the national oceanic atmospheric administration report that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere underwent
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one of its largest single year jumps ever in two thousand and twelve two in the end of two thousand and eleven and the beginning of this year carbon dioxide levels increased by two point six seven parts per million and increasing only topped by the c o two spike of one thousand nine hundred eight this drastic rise in c o two levels makes it highly unlikely that global warming can be limited to just the two degrees celsius threshold that most scientists and researchers agree is the bare minimum needed to avoid complete climate catastrophe. we've known for quite some time that if we don't meet this two degree threshold large chunks the land across the globe will likely become uninhabitable for humans and that includes the united states as one of the nation's top climate scientists as as dr james hansen put it climate change human made global warming is happening it is already having noticeable impacts if we stay on with business as usual the southern us will become
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almost on inhabitable. so where is all this c o two coming from it's pushing us to the edge of climate catastrophe it's coming from our addiction to burning fossil fuels like oil natural gas and coal for energy but we're out of that carbon and come from that we're pouring into the air. i lay it all out my book the last hours of ancient sunlight fossil fuels like oil natural gas and coal are captured form of ancient sunlight that has been stored in the earth for millions of years around four hundred million years ago there was an error on our planet known as the carboniferous period at the beginning of this period in earth's history there were huge amounts of carbon in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas that holds the heat of the sun against the earth and doesn't let it escape during the carboniferous period there was so much carbon dioxide in the
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atmosphere that the temperature of our planet was much higher than it is today too hot for any large animals like us instead the world is populated by little things and lots and lots of plants the high levels of carbon dioxide in the air during the carboniferous period trap sunlight energy is heat and provided massive amounts of carbon in the carbon dioxide for the plants to pull out of the atmosphere and uses raw material to make carbohydrates through the sunlight process driven process of photosynthesis building carbohydrate based leaves and stems and roots out of all of that carbon dioxide as a result pangea the huge continent that once covered a quarter of our planet so a tremendous growth in plant life was covered in a dense matter of vegetation mostly ferns and this was before trees it even evolved in many cases rose hundreds of feet into the year. this vegetation created thick
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groundcover of rotting and dead plant matter that ultimately became hundreds to thousands of feet deep as the vegetation continued to grow it trapped more and more carbon from the atmosphere at the same time the earth's oceans which cover three quarters of the planet's surface were also experiencing an explosion of plant growth mostly in the form of algae and other microscopic plants like the land plants the algae and the other microscopic ocean plants capture the energy of the sun's your photosynthesis and converted atmospheric carbon dioxide into carbohydrate plant matter and then died and settled to the bottom of the ocean floor but three hundred million years later a massive disaster occurred possibly from a collision with an asteroid that caused an explosion in tectonic activity that tore apart of the continent of and jia and forever changed the planetary environment the earth's crust broken many places because all of volcanoes to erupt and pieces of land to crumble and migrate and these huge chunks of land collided
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with each other millions of acres of earth were covered by mountains or by other land that what once think thick mat of vegetation sunk deep within the ground. fifty million years later dinosaurs began to roam the earth and another period of stability began on earth and on the two continents was geologists today called noor asia and goal goal gondwanaland the triassic jurassic cretaceous periods known together as the mezzo of period came to an end sixty five million years ago when a meteor asteroid struck the earth causing the dinosaurs to go extinct during the mesozoic period the planet underwent another period geological on rest and the two continents broken is smaller pieces of land to create the seven continents that exist today. at the same time mountains were created as these cons drifted into
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each other and plant matter that had been buried underground millions of years before it was pushed even further into the ground and subject to great pressure that pressure and millions of years of time converted all that now underground plant matter into oil coal and natural gas which brings us to nine thousand nine hundred years ago when humans for in europe and asia first discovered coal beneath the surface of the earth and began to burn the coal it burned it was the surface of the most ancient mats of vegetation that had been buried deep under the earth's surface millions of years ago there weren't that many of us that however the world's population was less than a half billion and we didn't use much coal but when colonel drake drilled the world's first commercial oil well in titusville pennsylvania nine hundred sixty five he began a whole new way of living while coal is mostly from the land plants oil is from the dead plants that sank to the bottom of the ocean floor hundreds of millions of years ago that marine plant matter was trapped underground in compressed into what
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we call oil. but enough of the scientific talk think of it like this every time you go to put gasoline in your car your power in your car with little fossil is made from plants the died so long ago that humans were not even yet on the planet and every time a power plant burns coal it's similarly burning fossils of now extinct plants that outdate the human race by hundreds of millions of years since the beginning of the nineteenth century we've based our entire economy our livelihoods are in fail civilization on bottles just think about that for a second these preserved remains of animals and mostly plants that lived and died hundreds of millions of years ago today run our country from the cars we drive to the electricity we use in our homes they fuel our ships and our planes they drive our industry and our computers and most important are made into fertilizers and
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pesticides and they power the machines the plant harvest and transport our food we're literally living on and even eating the product of fossils and that's crazy we must move away from the subservient it's crazy to rely on a dead organic material an ancient sunlight fossils from hundreds of millions of years ago to run our economy and our society. one way we can break our addiction to fossil fuels is to create a carbon tax so clean energy forms that use modern sunlight energy from wind to solar to waves or replace our addiction to dirty fossil fuels all across the globe from australia to china to europe nations have made the decision to break their addiction to fossil fossil fuels using a carbon tax it's time america did the same thing it's time we stepped out of the carboniferous mesozoic periods and into the twenty first century. and that's the
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way it is tonight thursday march seventh two thousand and thirteen for more information check out our websites of. free speech dot org r t and hulu dot com slash big picture and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there get active tag your it. wealthy british style sun it's time to.
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market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. it's. you to meet the truth. it's. a potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit starting in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but what we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper earlier today
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it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more patrie down to the bottom line there is still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight the flock jason it is going to pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout much of the life nobody's allowed to be driving lessons from emergency vehicles are exceptions. and emission free accreditation free transport charges free. range lunch three risk free. to tide free. download free blog just gone in video for your media projects and free media dog r t v dot com.


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