tv [untitled] March 9, 2013 5:00am-5:30am EST
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volved in last year's deadly football stadium rice imports saeed paving the way for more unrest in the troubled city. hugo chavez his confidant is sworn in as venezuela's interim president as world leaders pay their last respects to the late charismatic leader at his state funeral. and a look back into high life began russian scientists find an identified bacteria in one of antarctica's subglacial lakes which may have been isolated for millions of years. and i welcome you watching r.t. coming she live from moscow now more violence is expected in egypt's port side after a court said the twenty one death sentences handed out over the football riots which
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killed seventy people last year will stay in place it's also been an i've been jailed for life our correspondent bell tree is in full sight. young port syeed activists wept and held their heads in their hands as the verdict in this contentious. stadium disaster trial was announced people i was sitting with knew some of the twenty one defendants who will be executed the judge said today they were shouting at the t.v. screens what about the police five people have been given life some police officers also will face jail sentences including the head of security the former head of security here imports i assume some like he's been given fifteen years however the feeling here is that poor syeed is definitely being targeted i spoke to a leader of the ultras here the ultra hardcore football fans. who are very key to this whole situation he said to me that the treatment of the port side people is is
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similar to racism residents here feel like they are now in a separate country being targeted by the government and this verdict is proof is that so a lot of anger what's going to happen next is that the ultras again these football fans will gather at the stadium where the massacre took place in february last year and stage mass protests they also plan a series of strikes on civil disobedience across the city in the coming weeks i think right now we're going to probably have quite a lot of violence in the in the afternoon as people really express their anger at this verdict there's been a number of funerals in the last week as these clashes continue between police. and anti-government protesters the police have vacated the streets what the government did after this these clashes happened is they they secure the area with the military who are literally standing behind me the security director that's been the focal point of the violence in the last five days they also got rid of the security chief of all of put sayit have basically paced the care of the city in the
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hands of the military the army are securing the area expecting further. violence develop as the day goes on so in the moment right now people are reeling with shock from the verdict their tents and they're extremely angry. courtside where she says her team was forced to stop filming by stone throwing protesters there be the first to get the updates from the embattled city by following her on twitter at bell trick. now you can chavis is delegated success and nicolas maduro has taken the reins of power in venezuela until a presidential election is held next month thousands gathered for chavez's state funeral at the military academy in caracas is the feeling from marty's video agency ruptly was also there. its body will remain in state for an extended seven days
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because of the sheer amount of people people from the barrios the poorest neighborhoods in the cities the countryside and across the country who want to see him for the very last time today is the first official day for the ceremony of the funeral of chavez when fifty five heads of state from around the world are attending the ceremony to honor the cuban leader raul castro showed up last night the brazilian neither do my research is here by the former brazilian president lula da silva as a russian delegation and also the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad is here he has said that to vez is a martyr who lost his life serving the venezuelan people and preserving human and revolutionary values now of course chavez and i didn't judge well very close allies and really that relationship was an example of how chavez used the power of this country which is not to be based on its own very large oil reserves to extend solidarity to countries that are targets of saber rattling economic interventions
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and threats of military aggression by the united states and i the western powers now there's also very much a sense of anger amongst many people here at suggestions by some senior western political figures and media figures that somehow chavez's death is a cause to celebrate that somehow it's a good thing for the venezuelan people and for the wilds of course the grief very much continues amongst the people here in caracas who have come to see him sections held in approximately thirty days time now of course the outcome of that election is very much unknown but at least amongst the people here that very much determined that maduro must replace chavez with one of the most popular chunks have been with chavez that people say lizzie feelin what's he got i guess. the opposition in venezuela has boycotted the swearing in ceremony for nicolas maduro calling it fraud but latin american expert steve almas says they still full short of gaining the people's trust the opposition understands that it will not win elections
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just on the basis of the middle class well yeah physician has made it difficult to . work people and the campaign for the presidential elections in october last year the opposition candidate. in the company. went to the bottom spoke to the poor people and that was the main thrust of his campaign there is a great amount of distrust among the poor people. copy of no matter what the people he said it's pretty much that the social programs that were so popular there were so politically successful. will be a big if the opposition return return to power the key to all this is that what do or don't do not have any trouble with the upcoming presidential elections is closely associated with charles you know when she was with venezuela to go to cuba
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he called venezuelans and his people were particular to vote for but who are disappointed are in to elect him president if this situation came to that the u.n. says it's prepared to pick up a detained group of twenty one pace keep this from the syrian rebels lights out on saturday it's a vast cease fire has reportedly been brokered between the militants and syrian government forces in the area so now the it has to be evacuated u.n. officials says they are taking precautions to make sure that no more of this stuff a course in the conflict. the united nations has been in contact with the syrian authorities to secure the release of the peacekeepers arrangements were made with all the authorities involved for their release. team list dispatched to their location but due to the. late hour and the darkness they felt that it was not secure enough and so they were not able to reach it but
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efforts will be made again to do that but the fighting in syria our peacekeepers are caught in the crossfire very concerned for them and we are doing everything we can to make sure that they are able to continue working and. conducting their mandate in a peaceful manner moved some of the peacekeepers from a post eight of them out of eighty eight in the area of separation into another area just to make sure that they could be secure. while the rebel group holding the peacekeepers has backtracked on earlier claims it took them hostage as human shields the change of rhetoric came after the central rebel command stepped in and pressured the syrian journalist ahmed believes radical factions will drag the country into chaos if the west succeeds in helping regime change in syria. new countries would like us to believe as a goal as this opening of the syrian people we actually know as it goes through
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this horrible chapter the syrian crisis and this is something that we need to understand the syrian people already understand who is working for the local my ongoing nobody can control your actions which is a very alarming sign but it is a really important thing here of more of the opposition coalition and other things of the order and demographics you know he comes on here and lies to the public just seem to differ exist and this is not like it's never been just open to the foreground. if you're on you tube seeing. it now and. it is one of the you know the most of course this is the person who is supposedly. going to. you just and you know people have. the wool and you know it would like to be the going to the syrian people. now up to a billion twitter post at the u.s. library of congress every day it should be
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a treasure trove just not they can get their hands on it we explain why in a few minutes. sicko basic bass lines in other words bus services only full time students coming in and out of the waistband. driving divisions israeli officials claimed a new bus policy will make job trips easy of the passengers say it is blatant racism on that very same. did any of you seen darth vader and storm troopers trying to make their way into the ukrainian justice ministry as part of a protest well probably
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a lot of you saw this fun viral video but how many people remember what exactly they wanted and what their protest demands were all about probably not that many trust me i understand that using wacky protest tactics gets media attention and if you are pushing a cause the media attention is critical but when no one even gets what you want or why you are in that wacky costume it doesn't help there seems to be like almost a protest a culture and language like you see people protesting there so satisfied with themselves in their costumes and silly gimmicks but if your protest is actually aimed at people in power then how is it going to cure cost of goods with the opinion of heartless bureaucrats. sitting in some soulless office again media attention is great but if you want to be taken seriously we're a rainbow wig and thawing while fighting for your rights doesn't seem to send the right message but that's just my opinion.
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hidden far below ground that could be traces of life in our planet's planet's most environment at least that is what russian scientists believe they have found in antarctica after digging up in the sub glacier lake vostok ati's marine if an ocean at looked into what they discover it. more than three and health billion years after life first appeared on earth and nature is still springing surprises on those who have spent their lives starting it on thursday russian researchers say they've discovered d.n.a. traces of previously unknown bacteria in the waters of the subglacial lake vostok the bacteria they think they found does not belong to any existent class it's one of the only living things on earth that's managed to survive in such harsh conditions law temperatures no light enormous pressure and a high concentration of oxygen with little nutrients boss talk is a unique and isolated body of water which sits beneath almost four kilometers of ice and is the largest of on top because nearly four hundred known subglacial lakes
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it's named after russia's only station on the frozen continent in february two thousand and twelve russian researchers became the first in the world to reach the lake after more than two decades of drilling through ice they finally managed to read up forty liters of water that had remained untouched for more than twenty million years to avoid contaminating the lake special technology was developed in st petersburg which meant the people of drill automatically ways drew as soon as it struck water the discovery of russian scientists could provide an incredible insight into our planet's past and certainly those working in harsh conditions of antarctica deserve major kudos that is what art is build all discussed earlier with our correspondent sean thomas who knows from experience exactly what it's like. this all started back in the one nine hundred seventy s. as a project to research global warming what they were doing was they were drilling through the glacier to take core samples and go back layer by layer to find out small
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changes in the earth's atmosphere during years going back millions and millions of years then as they were drilling they found a way the ice is changed this is no longer glacial ice this is frozen water this is lake ice so they've discovered. the everyone else said ok we've done our job russians are like wait what's down there and so they were the ones who continued to drill this bacteria that they found living in such extreme circumstances in extreme cold this glacial ice it can give us a look back into our past as to maybe possibly where we even came from because it's so many million years old and also looking to the future possibly to mars and how life can thrive in such extremes are going to have this really is relevant to what else is yes sometimes i just think this is just getting started about exactly this is the most extreme part of the planet in fact itself is considered the cold pole if you will in fact the coldest temperature ever recorded is minus eighty nine degrees centigrade that was back in one thousand nine hundred three in fact victim a highly bitch who is the chief of the station where i was working he was actually
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on the expedition that brought equipment to the boston base in that specific year and was there for that record temperature so these people are working in credibly extreme temperatures incredibly extreme situations just to get the science done how cold is it when you get up in the morning you have to go out and work and it's just . i was there in the summer and it was still incredibly hundred freezing to get out there you know you wake up in the morning it really is like being on a different planet if you've seen star wars it's like being on hoffa the ice planet because very limited no vegetation only aquatic life it is so different so extreme from anything else that you'll see anywhere else on earth and then animals that are not afraid of you very interesting just completely surreal to be a part of that. now small world news for you this hour a taliban suicide bomber has struck near the afghan defense ministry building in kabul killing at least nine people police say the attacker was riding a bicycle and detonated his device near the main entrance of the building and
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another suicide blast eight children and a police officer work killed at a checkpoint in the country's east deadly attacks coincide with the first visit to afghanistan by the new u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel. ratings agency fitch has downgraded its least credit score by a notch to triple the plus it said the move is a result of the country's political uncertainty owning the recent election as well as its rising debt of yuri's vote no clear winner and stable government is expected in the coming weeks meanwhile in the heart of basically the vatican the conclave will start the full selection process to fill the vacant position on choose day it is the first time in six hundred years the cardinals have been convened to replace a pope who hasn't died but so you have been excused from the one for health reasons and the second the head of the scottish catholic church after admitting inappropriate sexual conduct towards priests.
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well there is a shadow of apartheid in israel palestinians commuting from the west bank and i were to board special buses they were launched this week by the transport minister after some jewish settlers fade their safety was at risk as well as the racist overtimes paul islay reports and how the roots of the problem go deeper. on the first of december one nine hundred fifty five a black woman by the name of rosa parks made history by refusing to give up her seat in the so-called colored six in of a crowded bus in montgomery alabama that incident became a formative event in the u.s. civil rights movement and again this week israelis and palestinians are remembering that incident as the transport ministry introduces segregated bus lines in other words bus services only for kind of stimulus coming in and out of the west bank the move has created emotional reaction both for and against it both inside and outside
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of israel the israeli transport ministry justifies it by saying that the move is an attempt to alleviate the distress of palestinian passengers having to travel for long hours in and out of israel but the truth is that behind the scenes there was a lot of noise being made by israeli settlers who refused to travel with palestinian passengers they say because they're afraid now newspaper editorials have had a field day with criticisms that israel is acting in line with a party that this smacks of racism and it echoes of the policies back in the united states decades ago the palestinian passengers on this bus saved leaves a bad taste in their mouths but the irony is that it cuts the travel time as they no longer have to travel through the settlements the ticket is a lot cheaper and the whole travel journey is a lot less stressful so i've been it's very hard to live with this you can call it a racist action or whatever but it makes it even more impossible for both sides to
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understand one another. we're supposed to be working in a civilized country but they're separate not about i feel like israeli people look at as a second class are not equal to. the little bit with that. i feel very bad it is not acceptable at all but in the end of the strong side decides what happens when we have to deal with this reality but the segregation here runs much deeper than just separate bus services we're talking different about. legal systems for israelis and palestinians we're talking about different allocation of resources and preferential treatment to name just a few policy r.t. on the way from qalqilya. the chinese foreign minister says beijing is committed to cooperating with the u.s. in the asia pacific region but yang jiechi stress that washington needs to respect china's interests and concerns hong kong city university professor joseph chang says that while regional tension is on the rise all sides are trying to avoid open
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conflict china still valueless very good relationship with the united states because it understands that this still needs a lot of time it needs a peaceful international and vironment to concentrate on this modernization and they will continue to work hard to avoid serious conflicts with the united states but since the twenty eighth ten chinese leaders are increasingly increasingly worried about american dealing with all of them and even the territorial dispute in the asia pacific region may need to do you tie island is filled with a pan and the time the dispute of the countries and china is concerned that he returned to asia strategy on the part of the obama and this strange and coincides very well with the hedging strategy on the part of these asian countries i think wow there will be a lot of postering there will be considerable escalation of tension but all
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countries concerned do not want a military conflict and they will carefully to avoid incidents of military conflicts but. certainly we'll continue to enhance tension concerning the military concerning the territorial disputes. journalism in post arab spring libya feels the force of uncontrolled militias in tripoli doesn't stormed a t.v. station through its puffy's windows and kidnapped in staff as we report online also there and you had a for the operators of the disastrous fukushima nuclear power plant involving hundreds of tons of groundwater leaking into the damaged reactor building every. actuator is one of the fastest ways to share your thoughts on the mining could prove
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a huge resource for future generations to study the science agreed for the massive archive of micro blogs to be stored at the u.s. library of congress for research purposes but two years on and it's still inaccessible is walls being finding it. it's part of the social media landscape that has revolutionized the way we communicate. twitter allows users to broadcast their thoughts one hundred forty characters at a time. from the very first tweet to declaring historic presidential victories to the downright dumb all of it has been stored at the library of congress what the popularity of smart phones and i pads users can tweet pretty much anywhere at any time and the library of congress is taking note of the way people are communicating and expressing themselves along with journals and other publications social media is being stored as a part of history it began in two thousand and ten when twitter agreed to hand over
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to the library every tweet since the social media site launched and the tweets keep being stored with an estimated half a billion tweets per day it's a massive undertaking basically taking this body of information about the culture of this country and putting it into some kind of storage well we're talking about one hundred fifty. well now that the library has collected this massive archive it's not clear what they're going to do with it how do you search that how do you how do you how do you catalog that and split it into searchable pieces of code and they haven't been able to figure that out yet. the libraries blog says quote although the library has been building and stabilizing the archive and has not yet offered researchers access we have nevertheless received approximately four hundred inquiries from researchers all over the world so far the library tells us the goal is for researchers to have access to the database not the general public and we
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asked are there any limits to what information the library can distribute the library tells us they've sent a few no tweets newer than six months old will be handed over to researchers and the tweets can. be used for commercial purposes and researchers can make a big chunk of tweets available for downloading on their website still questions remain if you delete a tweet does the library still store it and how easily come law enforcement obtain your tweets if people are worried about privacy i'm pretty sure the n.s.a. and homeland security has already cope threw up of that stuff so perhaps the takeaway as think before you tweet because it's going to be stored right here at the library of congress and washington liz wall r.t. now in the way we unveil the tangled web of lobbying pay on foul play that is blighting europe ain't democracy.
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for some people the extreme cold isn't a chilling threat to life for women of the if it's a cooling if you look you can see that the water in the words in my body feels really warm now this is good for you. they plunge into icy water to make themselves stronger you can't get used to the cold it but you can tolerate it and you can struggle with. people of snow and ice victims of frost. surviving the cold. choose your language. actually because we know in federal court today still some. choose to use the consensus to. choose the opinions that you've
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a great book on. choose the stories get inside the mind. choose access to your often. people don't understand what the european union is they don't understand how it's governed they don't know who the people who are running it but they know that they were chosen by the people and so when they see the results less than perfect they say who do we blame. they don't know who to blame because they don't know who these people know.
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when i started out as a young environmental activist i had no idea that i should end up as a watchdog in the brussels machinery. but i was stunned to discover how fragile the political decision making process is and to realize how easily it can be manipulated. there's a dark force behind this machinery an entire industry operating in the shadow often in secrecy and very confidential. and a part of this industry is to lobby industry. to. see any this is. going to get.
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serious in twenty years now i've been fighting to uncover. who are these people who are pulling the strings of the new decisions. and how do they operate. and hording to the news political or. religious belief. i'd like to speak to one hundred plus. i thought that no well listen i'd like to to leave a message for tomorrow i just wanted to come to the meeting. that we have fixed. my name is mr kenny's best i can escape the r. and s. and p. .
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