tv [untitled] March 10, 2013 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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turbulent times in their own countries at least post count trend sells and rents property to italians and. the town. in one of the main reasons our customers are buying here is that there is no trust in the italian economy or at the banks people see an apartment in berlin as a good way to preserve the value of their savings. was about the claims that the real estate boom is stealing and sold this invigorate god this is progress berlin is developing sure it presents some challenges but this is just the same as when the wall came down and people moved into more areas if anything this creates the mall. that makes berlin what it is for new housing developments being built all around the city to try and accommodate demand however with rental prices having risen by ninety percent in the last decade it does seem that the writing is on the wall for the dream of an affordable life in the german capital peter all of
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a. belin. so i had fear the south china ushers in a new generation of communist party leaders as it opened his annual national people's congress and beijing flexing its military muscles and i'm rushing the cage of washington also ahead sobering thoughts on a attacks complainers in the u.k. a calling for an end to constant rises warning putting the future of hundreds of clubs at risk i'll report not as often bring. our dijon faces of freedom quite a. bit. odd all there ready to clean up a new story. that. bring you liberty anytime absolutely free fall all
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a very high return on investment. he said but i've been working in this area for thirty years and i've always had to play the armed groups that made me better than other managers who changed their name and strategy but just to the same murderous. ranking suspects you know comment pretty upset on that mr president. the president. but to me. i won't give an interview i'm sorry but no. investigation is it. says sick stop your bullshit and keep quiet or else you'll suffer the consequences. even if they're your bodyguards to watch themselves because the same goes for them. regards from go say i've never heard of such
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a case as ours were so much money and gold has scope so many. for all the gold in colombia on our t.v. . welcome back this week china opened his annual national people's congress in beijing this year's gathering is seen as more important the most as it will see the ushering in of the country's leaders for the next five years on the list of priorities economic growth along with the pushing through of a large increase in defense spending china expert professor steve sang from nottingham university says that the new leaders focus on the military is because of
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washington's policy in the region. the new chinese president xi jinping is a much more self-confident confident assertive and nationalistic person that they're likely to see a china much more assertive in the next ten years in terms of what is described as the american people it back to asia the chinese sees these as a major change in american policy that is directed against china as a less than friendly act and therefore the chinese are trying to. undermine american rebalancing and it is also the reasons for the. digit increase in chartres military spending that the great british pint is struggling to survive and is in danger of running dry due to rising taxes the duty on beer is going up by two percent above inflation every year forcing brits to pay
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up to ten times more than some europeans campaigners say freezing the tax would save thousands of jobs and help preserve the beloved boozes r.t. sarah firth reports on why there are fears that calls for last orders could soon be permanent. something is brewing in britain we need budgets around the corner beer is set to rise again a third of the cost of the point where he goes to the tax man campaign is have said enough is enough and a calling for a freeze forces drinkers hang around ten times as much as drinkers in germany so will you just be right to hold a. hold on the book increase the charge. and keep down the cost for pumps over time old tradition in person but fully understand their appeal we have to go three hundred miles from london here to hesketh new market
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a village in the heart of england's countryside and steeped in history ten years ago when the only problem is when it is put up for sale the people who live to a rather than risk seeing it fall into the hands of a big chain and if you need character decide it's this something a little bit different matters into their own hands. together and pull the pub turning it into a co-operative believed to be the first of its kind in the u.k. the pub wasn't about money but it does turn a profit but even here the big g.t. hikes are felt every time. it's another. round the corner and the microbrewery that supplies the pub is also a co-operative that is doing well in the u.k. smaller brewers pay hard the tax of the major companies but has kidney market's
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been lucky a mixture of good business sense and strong community spirit has been the brewery and the pub have avoided the slide caused by the big g.t. escalator across the u.k. they and many others haven't been say lucky big businesses can afford to pick up the tax tab it's small into. pendent pups that suffered in the last four years nearly six thousand pups have closed resulting in tens of thousands of job losses on their e-mail section is the only woman to sleep doing well at the moment for the city going against the trend not falling self-reproach gradual you don't hear increases as we really are used many times the prices for service will tend to be improper for just. brought to their school for the big screen saving something to still logging in a certain individual because in an environment where you can watch out for somebody in the world's largest. and beyond profit it's the risk of losing
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a petitions to cheech and this pretty things that just so you bring thoughts crossing so for this work is a community it brings people together. it's more of a difference between social networking and meeting some in real life there is no substitute for this kind of career outside the old crowd might be unique in britain these days harking back to a time of community that many of us have now gotten but it's a reminder to avoid some traditions of best preserved. ality has kidney market in cumbria. now after the break r.t. interviews an arab member of the israeli parliament talked to ahmed to be about the struggle a power struggle in the region. john
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kerry made his first major verbal gaffe as secretary of state by mixing the nonexistent country of courage to stand in one of his speeches of course it is funny when politicians misspeak george bush was pretty good at that but i can say that we all make mistakes when we speak trust me it is very easy to butcher the pronunciation of someplace on earth like course to low voltage or walla walla washington the thing is that he didn't just misspeak his speech was written correctly and if you look at his eyes as he said it he wasn't really looking at notes or something he's reading it off of a teleprompter right now i'm reading off a teleprompter but i put every word there myself which is probably why john kerry is spelled with a q but my question is would kerry and prompter mr obama just read anything put in front of them to they even really know the realities of the tiriel they're reading in their speeches and who are deeply versed on some subject and you should need to read word for word from the teleprompter to give a speech just try writing some notes and speaking with your brain and maybe your heart like in the good old days but that's just my opinion.
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speak your language. programs or documentaries in arabic in school here all my. reporting for the world talks about six of the cia people interviews intriguing story. arabic to find out more visit arabic. it's called. wealthy british style. time. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our. my juggling job. do hack work and get caught when lobbyists money and lawmakers are combined together that's where the problem of corruption comes from. i don't know the document's. keep up a smart look. there is also. another way behind that which is how to influence the institutions to steer clear of provocations don't answer any question. came into the office and found banners hanging around the office and lots of strange faces around
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so i said what's what's happening will somebody please tell me what's going on and they said oh we've come to occupy your building. possibly they want to do a confrontation possibly they wanted me to ring up the police have the police come in through the mail that. didn't seem to be a good idea to learn the european way with brussels business and. it's one person one fault but in brussels business it's one euro one fault. what we have to be an arab member of the israeli parliament and also the leader of the arab movement for change dr thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. what is your reading of the recent elections israeli seem to have voted more same
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to end not as far right as was earlier predicted would you agree with us we thought that this considered the nineteenth knesset will be much more radical than the eighteenth but i'm not sure this impression is the night to the victory or the party of yes there is a future is at the end is. in the victory of the center. of liberals of the secular laws. instilled. in large men and strengthening the liquid does that mean good news for breakthrough in peace talks i'm not sure of that. usually israelis are in love with the process not with the peace they are talking a lot about peace but doing nothing nothing in order to achieve it there are fascinated with the along with photo op with talking with negotiations
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as to say that this is the goal. but it is their tool not the goal and its tool to achieve peace meanwhile israel is trying to rearrange the occupation not to in the completion arab parties have won the same number of seats as before but what we have noticed is a decrease in the number of arab voters turning out to cast their ballot of this time we it increased by three percent compared to two thousand and nine still it is very low half of the arab voters are not participating why are you not able to get more people to vote we succeeded in stopping the decline and the decline was able to bring us to forty eight forty five but we are arrived to fifty
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six this is good this is a given to the direction of increases but a good percentage will be seventy or more as a minority a national minority we should vote more than the majority but we are doing the opposite and it's a mistake in the selection extreme right wing israeli parties united why are the arab parties not able to unite as well because we are not extreme but we should have one or a beautified list we tried our best to compose and to create it before the elections but in order to created all parties should agree and not all parties agree to our board proposal do you think we'll see a larger number of arabs in the parliament in the future i think yes i think next elections there will be more. mandates and then to the more than eleven there
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is a move now after these elections to get more off a duck's truce to serve in the army this could likely sport over into a call for more arabs to serve in the israeli army why are you against this ideological or we can still remember the army corp army. fighting against our people our nation it's a conscious it's an ideological reason and the state itself did not ask. to be recruited in the army are you concerned that if offered out stu's eventually has to serve in the i.d.f. so will arab israeli citizens even those who are dealing with it are seeing that they are not demanding army service where i am and they are not demanding a big issue of civil service they are just willing to
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promote the idea we are against even that because we think that the starting point of the arab youth is much lower of understand the starting point of the jewish years in israel we should not lose two years in order to enlarge the economical and those who are talking about financial support of composition are like they are misleading the public how do you predict the second netanyahu term no one can predict with any. no one has nothing to submit and he is in love with the impasse what do you mean to say that there is no partner this is logan the things that as a leader of israel he can see this all and convinced there is only public and continue. without putting an end to
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a corporation and creating two state solution i am not sure that the future will be secure and this is his responsibility some say that netanyahu is policy of building settlements will lead to a one state solution do you agree there are two options or a one state solution or two state solutions he should have the choice that of the israeli people should have the choice and to decide if to have two state solution there is a partner if not there will be more and more loudly voices talking about one state solution it is a nightmare for israel that's why israel when you are putting two choices in the front of israelis they are automatically choose the third choice which is the status quo why because they can and this is the most dangerous
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choice for how long can the status quo continue the status quo is the binning of the apartheid in the occupied territories the international community is more and more none tolerant to this situation and south africa is a very good example with the new who should learn that model the result can be the same israel is defined as a jewish and democratic state in your opinion is that a contradiction how would you define israel there is. an obvious contradiction between the two values if you are democratic you believe in equal rights for all citizens. but if you define yourself as a state by ethnic differences. as a jewish state you are immediately seeing that you do citizen is superior to an
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undue citizen which is a contradiction to the equal equality value that's to see i am seeing is about is the really jewish and democratic state but it is the most graphic towards julie and jewish the words are up and this is the difference will you accept israel as a jewish state if it ends the occupation and goes back to one nine hundred sixty seven borders and there is no relation between both i. right of existence of the state of residence there was there was a lot of recognition i am recognizing israel as a state i am a member of its parliament. and i cannot. accept a different issue. putting me in an inferior status both legally and publicly.
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to the jewish majority at any cost but in the past you have said that you believe in the nation's right to self to finish and so are you not contradicting yourself here no i recognize the self the finish and the jewels in is about it. but in israel there are all saw and mainly indigenous people who were here and did not come for writers or to buy a plane or buy a ship i cannot. live. peacefully with the idea that isn't even in the still of the jewish people every dream in every world every place in the world cannot arrive here and be immediately citizen when my uncle and my son died in full color or in jordan after being expelled in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight without even having is that right to be buried entirely in my town or in jaffa from where there were respect it is in justice pure
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and justice you are a member of the parliament since one thousand nine hundred nine as an arab are you prevented from making new laws no i am not prevented from some kind of laws i was prevented from even proposing them to the knesset or to julie i passed five laws in the last knesset but they are saying their clothes which contradict with the jewish identity of the state can be prevented as you say lost him you made five new laws but they were general they weren't specifically geared towards arab israelis as an arab member of parliament what kind of influence do you have over israel's policy towards its arab minority we are the elected legitimately the ship of the arab minority we managed
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to stop or to change some racist motions other motions we will not be able. to stop the arab communist leader tough exam said that one demonstration is worth more than a year's work inside the israeli parliament what do you think sometimes yes sometimes not when we were here in the knesset and supported the withdrawal of israel from the settlements in gaza it was much better than thousand demonstrations but both can go together demonstrations and parliament and that's what we are doing palestinian refugees in syria are caught in the middle of the fighting there many of them are now becoming refugees a second or third time over there is talk of them coming back to the west bank do you think israel will allow this i doubt those are seeing belong to palestinian president is willing he demanded that he does that but those are it is
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a reluctant. there is a tragedy for the palestinians in syria as it was in iraq as it was in kuwait we had one network in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight we're not supposed to continue having not a bus how is israel managing to avoid the impact of nearby regional conflicts which have a strong terrorist element to them a little low saying that they are upset about what's going there are monitoring following with going sometime there are interfering. secretly bubbly how by the contact with the american administration. by a declaration. is that aloof issue. any concealed operations i don't know in which way do you think egypt should be aiding
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the palestinians would it go further than just making an announcement for example in terms of gaza egypt is the most greatest country most influential country. but it can be much more influential we won egypt to be the strongest. you'll be hearing from it's in their many issues because a strong egypt is strong but us like. strong egypt is a strong peace. yet the situation is not so dr ahmed to be thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. .
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these children. they're serving a sentence just like their mother. the ones born in prison. now must pay for the crimes committed by their parents. kill babies on our cheek. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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