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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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both and i and there is decide to stay british while over twelve thousand kilometers away the u.k. seems keen only on the hunt for the vast oil reserves around its tiny overseas territory. the x. hangs over america's massive military budget putting its huge overseas presence in the spotlight on whether it's time to bring more of the troops and ships home. and europe set to vote on a far reaching ban on per dollar of cluing on the web but liberty experts fear a different cover up a chance to snoop on anything user are doing online. it's
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not i am in the russian capital what you are t. with me marina joshie welcome to the program our folk and i others have voted overwhelmingly to remain on overseas british territory but the results are not likely to help end the bitter dispute between the u.k. and argentina why desirous claims the islands were stolen from a by britain two centuries ago are reports on what's really at stake over the small remote archipelago. these are some very far flung islands from britain a tiny territory but this isn't just a question of national identity we know that the argentinian government's already dismissed the vote as a propaganda exercise cooked up in london but there's the prospect of all oil that a lot of people are talking about now there's speculation surrounding how much oil there is an estimated sixty billion barrels of oil potentially to be found in the fall cleanse base and compare that with britain's oil reserves well they seem scant in comparison the u.k.
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has an estimated two point eight five billion barrels of oil so if this estimation proves to be correct if the falkland islands do indeed have these sixty billion barrels then we're talking about more oil than the reserves of the usa could tar or even libya to talk about this i'm joined in the studio by ken hurst he's a journalist came to what extent is this dispute a question of resources for both the british and the argentinean government well it could be argued that it's always been questionable whether it's morally or logistically sustainable to try to protect. a colony that eight thousand miles away i suppose the argument one could have added to that is economically sustainable said he wore ships and so on and so forth but of course the oil rather changes all right but it only changes if you believe it's morally justifiable to go on which we call it you know a colonial plundering mission something we did in the eighteenth or nineteenth
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centuries and personally i don't happen to believe it is. international business consultant adrian explained to us why he thinks the referendum is a pointless step in a long running dispute between britain and argentina. it's like asking the old to right wing israeli settlers on the west bank whether they want to continue being israeli or they want to be composted me and maybe they should open up immigration in twenty to thirty thousand argentinian settle there then we can have another referendum and see what happens it is a question of double standards because the guardian newspaper from the u.k. only in february of last year ran an article reminding everybody that in one thousand nine hundred sixty six britain forced the eight hundred inhabitants of diego garcia island in the indian ocean they just threw them right out because britain had decided god how will sometimes prime minister have decided to leave those islands to you to the us for a military base which is now even a covert cia prison so it is
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a question of double standards i have no qualms of throwing out eight hundred people from the go up because see above now they want to protect the women. while the referendum results in but you can still vote in our poll on how you think argentina well react so let's take a look at the picture that we've got for you at this stage as you can see almost half of the viewers say argentina well declare the vote as illegitimate about a third of the respondents believe that fall planners will be pressured by their south american neighbor to relocate to britain what fifteen percent of the voters think that argentina will call for a future referendum on the issue and while only a fraction think ones iris will actually back off from its claims and can let us know which way you think the situation will be having by logging onto our web site r.t. dot com. the
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european parliament is set to vote on banning all forms of fernando fing in the media including the internet is claimed it will help eliminate jantar stereotypes the debase women but there are privacy fear is that a well meaning allowing web users to be policed and social networks personal emails or even their own photos fabia reinhard from the pirate party in berlin state parliament sees it as another excuse for politicians to try and control the web. the initiative undertaken right now is not legally binding but it's shaping the position of the european union for the next years two of the internet and i think
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it's very important to define internet freedom and citizen ride every step of the legislative process in brussels and in the. right now it's maybe just an initiative and the next step may be a different kind of proposal and i think it's very important that we take from step and say that we don't want to have any internet censorship even if the idea behind it is very noble idea and i think that. especially from the from the executive branch. and the european union i think the somehow threatened by the internet i think the. it's very easy to control of the t.v. and some of the channels but it's very difficult to control what's going on the internet politicians on all levels of trying to find all of the there's a new of different ways to to control what is going on the internet and control of
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the public and free opinion there while i slam could soon become the first european democracy to attempt internet censorship the government there is debating radical internet filters to block online pornography but who should choose what gets blocked more and back at r.t. dot com. the us defense budget is facing almost fifty billion dollars in cuts and it's causing mixed feelings in america some fear it will weaken security but others say the reduction is long overdue but america's huge military presence of pride is one area many think could comfortably take the hit our washington correspondent guided she counted as been going over the numbers. there's a lot of talk in washington about the need to make some cuts to the humongous military budget in light of this conversation which checked out the latest pentagon numbers on troop deployment around the world that you want to says boots on the ground in one hundred fifty countries that's around two hundred thousand troops.
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serving in the from parts of the world largest contingency include of course of ghana's that six this if that wasn't true well that number is supposed to be half by the end of this year there you see vast presence in asia pacific japan south korea where the announced pivot to asia those numbers may actually grow in the gulf nations while you see kuwait bahrain the presence there has been growing since the withdrawal from iraq huge presence all across the globe so why all this this is more than fighting terror more than fighting anything colonel douglas macgregor is with me today to discuss all those wise colonel macgregor let's take germany almost forty thousand troops why so many in germany before we run through the regions let me tell your viewers something that's very important up front because all of these numbers that you've posted are about to change you have a secretary of defense name chuck hagel and a surgery of st john kerry and both of these men are committed to conflict avoidant
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everything that you've got posted is going to change starting in germany where we've had soldiers for sixty years and we don't need them and haven't needed them certainly since one thousand nine hundred ninety nine hundred ninety but for various reasons when the soviet state system collapsed and the soviet armed forces withdrew from eastern europe there were people in washington who set out to find new enemies a new new justification or rationale for our global below tree presence and actually succeeded somewhat in expanding it as you pointed out with the global war on terrorism that period is no indeed what about this idea of policing the world something that. that washington has been engaged and for for so long it has that worked out it hasn't worked out has it it's cost us trillions of dollars tens of thousands of laws it's cultivated do it i mean he's alienated hundreds of
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millions of people in key regions of the world so why would we continue to do that so these numbers are going to come down very very rapidly over the next thirty six to forty eight months and there are no forces in washington that would want to keep it the way it is of course but those are being drowned out by voices that say no we can't afford it we have to economize we have problems in the united states we must address and oh by the way as i just pointed out this hasn't worked out well for us thank you sir thank you the new chief of the cia john brennan when making a case for drones last year said boots on the ground would not always be america's best defense because that you would take the local population create a lot of backlash as if drones don't but nevertheless even the new drone base is that the u.s. is setting up in different countries require troops on the ground to operate them recently president obama announced the deployment of one hundred troops in new shares so even this pivot to drones doesn't mean no troops in washington i'm going to check out. while still ahead this hour here on r t germany's famous thrift and
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efficiency takes a knock from some oddball budgeting fancy a purple carrot that's just one of the bizarre investments from the federal pot we'll show you more and tell you how taxpayers are reacting. and the dump next door in a few minutes we report on the villagers forced to live next to a growing health hazard in israeli occupied land. for some people the extreme cold is the chilling switzerland for women of this it's a cooling if you look you can see that the water in the rates in my body feels really warm now this is good for you. they plunge into icy water to make themselves stronger you can't get used to the cold what you can tolerate it and you can struggle with. people of snow and ice picks as a frost. having the cold to see.
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these are decent faces of freedom fighters. and. they're ready to clean up a new sort of. that. and bring you. any time capsule loot plate free float. tough cuts or do like to be treated this way. syrian diary an arche. they've been living this way since the seventeenth century. strict. their communities on the silicon.
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the clearly distinguish between their own and the alien. and guard their family infamy and the treasure. wealthy british style. markets why not. come to find out what's really happening to the global economy. mike stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r t. welcome
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back you're watching r.t. live from moscow now germany's often been considered an example of a fish in a responsible spending while countries all around flounder but taxpayers they are my disagree after it was recently revealed that a lot of their money has gone on some eyebrow raising projects and takes a look at where the money is going and europe's biggest and most stable economy. do
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you know where tax money goes tax the tea pay in this country not really precisely not really. well i know it's going in projects i would hope that they will invest money into schools and they will give it to disadvantaged families would you be willing to sponsor a study on the educational benefits of comics or invest in virtual reality three d. software for yachts or how about buying into the production of purple carrots most wouldn't but these people are and most of them don't even know it a tech space rights group in germany has revealed a number of controversial projects some costing millions of euros a coming straight from the federal budget as goes the biggest problem we have is clearly our national debt we have to pay twenty three billion euros per year just on the interest the government should be wise with its money does not sponsor these bizarre projects the bundestag affection for cinema has cost the country some ten
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million euros with a state tax three d. adaptation of the famous tarzan story come into the world screens these summer german drama cloud atlas was also partially funded from federal reserves the irony is that this questionable state spending is exposed at a time when germany and go america personally is pushing other european nations towards the toff austerity since the start of the crisis the iran chancellor has been traveling from one hundred country to the next urging savings and secretary rice but it seems what was preached abroad isn't being practiced at home this is another one to start project bicycles germans are known as a cycling nation twenty five thousand euros to fund my courses including practice and theory on how to keep your balance how to speed up and slow down how to use hand signals and not to use your cell phone while cycling so great isn't it so the
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reason. and but in this program you must be a woman and an immigrant to qualify. germany has remained relatively unharmed by the crisis and the expression god's may do would castle may not apply to europe's largest economy but it's an economy that's contract by point six percent of the fourth quarter of last year which might once have been a case of innocent squandering by the continent's powerhouse could actually now be one of the injuries neglect. germany. now there's a dramatic development the story of a kidnapped ukrainian journalist incredibly on our conscious thought as a skate from her a month long capture by rebel groups and war torn syria where across the details at r.t. dot com. lots killed for spreading the word an egyptian christian is found dead inside a libyan jail report online. no
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one wants to live next to the stanch of a landfill waste side but some have no choice hundreds of palestinian bedouins in a village on israeli occupied land say their rights are literally being trashed by the jewish authorities or has a story. from this to this the remote hills of the west bank off becoming an eyesore by the way noisy garbage trucks dump waste from jerusalem and its surrounding areas here. far enough to keep the stench of garbage away from city dwellers but close enough for some to conclude it's making the bed when tribes who inhabit these hills sick of not hussein is recovering from cancer he says he can
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prove the dumb cost it but suspects it did. our children play next to the dump our animals in the nails in the garbage and later die we always smell garbage day by day the dump is getting closer to ahmed and his family because these radio authorities don't want it spreading to be expanding settlements on the other side israeli law says a landfill should be two kilometers from where people live this one's a stone's throw away. there are a lot of people suffering from a lot of illnesses that we've never seen before some of them are skin illnesses there have been cases of cancer and people have died some of the garbage being dumped here has chemicals and gases. and for as long as these hills fall into palestinian territory they'll continue to fill up with israeli waste these bedouin tribes were forcibly moved here a decade ago the one similar magic herders were compensated with cash electricity and water supplies this is
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a mountain of waste that's been building for seventeen years it's convenient for the israelis to dump their garbage here because it's not too far from jerusalem and this is after all contested occupied land. these reedy health ministry has found that the dump is producing methane gas amongst others with long term health risks for the last few years talk to his son has been researching the health effects of bed with living near the rotting waste water getting out of of these damning sides these waters just goes into the ground leeching the uk where we have the water drinking water we have it well where would that be drinking water from these wells and we found. this heavy metals inside these wells but land here is expensive and building a new waste site would cost money it's also not clear where these big when communities could move to the lack of building space means they forced to put up tents closer to the landfill site. it is not normal that we live in
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a dumb it's supposed to be far away from people who all the time it's getting closer it's very hard to live here the only solution is to move this dump away from here in its defense that you recently municipality says the site is legal but it has until the end of this month to respond to a court order to stop dumping here each day more than a thousand tons of garbage is deposited on ahmed stored step potentially a ticking bomb for people who live on the fringes of society police fear r t village in the west bank. now take a look at some other stories from around the world catholic conclave will begin the process of electing a new pope later on tuesday vatican staff now involved in the conclave earlier swore a solemn oath of secrecy the one hundred fifteen cardinals will be completely cut off from any communication with the outside world until they have chosen someone to succeed benedict the sixteenth he retired after struggling with the church's
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widespread sex abuse and corruption scandals. if your job is as hand-picked successor and equipment duro has officially registered as a candidate for the presidency madeira was cheered by thousands of supporters outside the national election commission also held the posters of the late leader thomas opposition supporters have already denounced what they call a carefully stage managed event as an affront to basic electoral fairness. and your explain to ban a large size sugary drinks has turned sour just hours before it was due to take effect a judge ruled it arbitrary and capricious at a state supreme court it's a blow for a mayor michael bloomberg has backed several laws to try and curb new york's obesity problems bloomberg refuses to be beaten and he's office has already said it will appeal. all right after the break meet the man and women who take being cool
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to the extreme stay with us. while. science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. they've been living this way since the seventeenth century. their rituals are strict. their communities are the silly. they clearly missed english between their own and the alien. and guard their family in things and the treasure.
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we speak your language as anybody will inevitably you. will music programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angles in the stories. you hear to. enjoy all to spanish find out more visit eye to eye. teeth. more news today violence is once again fled up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are the day.
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olympos. limit. the speech. if you. wish. the bomb is so good at least. just see. it and. come out fine i'm a little.
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live. live. live live. live
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. this was a routine train following its regular route from one siberian city to another. in the vestibule of the last carriage a man was smoking a cigarette. as he tends to go back to his compartment he pulled open the door and stepped into emptiness.
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a moment later he found himself lying on the track it was a crackle of frost of the it was forty below zero and he was wearing just a t. shirt sweat pants and slippers so began his struggle against extreme cold. inside this climate chamber the temperature was ten degrees below zero the volunteer has been in there for about half an hour this experiment his condition is gradually deteriorating he's on the verge of the early stages of hypothermia his body temperature has fallen by about a degree in a huff and a shiver is approaching fast canal the second stage follows his pulse rate will plummet shivering uncontrollably kill experience
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a very slow reaction to blood will gradually be drawn back from his limbs to concentrate around his vital organs brain lungs and liver. blood vessels in the extremities will contract. myself immediately because there's a certain process. now i want all of you to go to some place as soon as you experience some sort of. meeting a frosty sunday morning by sitting in wearing practically nothing physiologist. who practices yoga it's a. method of overcoming the cold for the other. something of a feat. now it doesn't mean that you immediately stop feeling the.


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