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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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one prisoners go on hunger strike after personal belongings are seized including copies of the koran adding to a toxic legacy of torches and tensions without charge also this hour. is very shameful. in britain. the u.k. is accused of double standards for supporting falkland islanders rights to self-determination while depriving others of their land. europe set to vote on my far reaching ban on pornography including on the web but liberty experts fear a different cover up a chance to snoop on anything uses a doing online. and pakistan could be next for u.s. sanctions over a gas pipeline project its launch with iran in defiance of washington pressure.
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hello there good to have you company watching r.t. live from moscow now lawyers say all but a few men in one of the prisons camps are on hunger strike in protest over disrespecting the koran and confiscation of personal items the prisoners condition is said to be rapidly deteriorating and reaching a potentially critical level well let's now talk to geo political analyst ron dawson and he's written extensively on guantanamo listed or some rights activists in the u.s. told the military saying prisoners personal items were being taken and exercise was being restricted what do you make of these accusations. well they really have very
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little other recourse other than a hunger strike it's not the first hunger strike they had it before in two thousand and five and it went to the point where eighteen people were hospitalized what i find disgusting in this one though is that the u.s. is denying that this strike is as large as it is and downplaying the strike saying it's only a few inmates by they've had to admit that at least five are being force fed food through tubes in their stomachs so this is obviously real but what happens is you have a if is issue between the spokesman whose name is robert duran and then the lawyers for these prisoners and you can't really believe anything robert duran says because he's been covering up all the tortures and murders from quinton mcveigh the entire time infamous case in two thousand and six and there were three so-called suicides but there was army staff whistleblower his name was joseph hickman and four other witnesses who said you know that these men were murdered but again the army spokesman for the navy robert duran covered that up so when it comes to this
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dispute between the word of the spokesman to get moe and the lawyers are going to have to believe the lawyers believe that this is a massive hunger strike. one time i was no stranger is it so you a human rights violations them how much of a concern this this latest incident i mean are we looking at a new. i think we're looking at the same low it's hard to get lower than guantanamo bay a lot of these men are detained without trial some without even charges and it doesn't mean they're innocent but it doesn't mean they're guilty either and the problem is secrecy and you have this level of secrecy you're just creating a environment for abuse because they are basically human beings with no rights and they can defer stronger strike was over beatings from the i.r.f. which is the end made response force this one again confiscating their items this is the little freedom they have and so this is a really a low point but i don't know if it's a new low point because it's continually low. and do you expect the military to be
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able to solve this in any way we mean what do you expect their reaction to be. well the rational thing would be to do resolve the conflict by maybe returning the items that were confiscated our entry in the qur'an with respect i mean mass but we're told it could be far worse than that however the usually don't act in a rational way they're probably going to just force feed these people and deny the hunger strike for as long as possible it happened before and they waited until eighteen were hospitalized. well barack obama he did promise to close the facility at the beginning of his first term so why is it still open. because barack obama's wire rock obama promised many things but he didn't even attempt to close it it's one thing if it were the other party or another branch of government that prevented it but obama never even attempted to close down guantanamo bay and there are more prisoners in there now than there were when he got in office. ok well wolf we'll
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have to leave it there mr dawson thank you very much they feel it's on your insight that is geo political analyst ryan dorset. now you can have your say on when you think the us will finally close guantanamo head to r.t. dot com and tell us what you think and we'll tell you the results a little later on. the european parliament is set to vote on banning all forms of pornography in the media including the internet the aim is to help eliminate gender stereotypes that debase women but there are privacy fears that it will mean allowing web users to be policed even in social web social networks and their own photos as artie's tesa cilla expletives. the criticism is coming from the civil liberties fighters those campaigning for freedom of speech and expression as well as some politicians because they see it as a an infringement of sorts so one of the strongest voices coming from rick fall the founder of the swedish pirate party here's what he said on his blog he says this
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surrenders attack on our fundamental freedoms of speech and expression needs action now well basically what the critics are saying is that in this proposal it is quite lengthy there are a lot of words there that are used that are quite vague and broad to such as the term media and therefore it could be abused to another. from the pirate party as well christian and strong said that this may eventually include all internet related activities such as a private e-mails or even a social network there is no one who will decide what to blog would be do want to form sort of a sex sensor monitoring monitoring regulatory body which will be kind of a big institution this is what sanctions on companies so essentially again what critics would look at here is the fact that there's a control of the media that's not specified and not given the details on what the thing so this is what the critics say that although this may not be legally binding at this point what happens is it could be shaping the thinking in the e.u.
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with regards to matters of dealing with an now this is really a sensitive topic because on the one hand they're saying that there is really a fundamental and justified need to address those challenges facing women's rights and role in society and on the you on the other hand the manner in which control may be imposed how broader and compassing these powers may be is really what's worrying those campaigning for freedom of the internet of speech and of expression . become the european democracy to attempt internet censorship there is debating radical internet filters to block online pornography but who should choose what gets blocked on that call. falkland islanders have voted overwhelmingly to remain in overseas british territory but the results not likely to help end the bitter dispute between the u.k. and argentina when his areas claims the islands were stolen from it by britain two centuries ago falklands referendum has also sparked renewed accusations over
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britain's overseas policies as r.t. sarah explains. protecting people's rights to self determined their own britons made a huge amount of movies and fuss over this when it comes to the folks in guidance referendum so you got to read a lot about today it's going to be in all the papers it's going to be on most of the nice channels a story you won't have heard about many years indeed might never have heard of is that of the takeoff's itin snout the fact that you would have heard of it doesn't make it any less shocking take us idence possibly british indian i deceived territory and though grouping of violence the largest of which is the a garcia not many people know that as the last u.s. military air base from which we seen the us launch attacks on iraq and afghanistan but back in the one nine hundred sixty s. and that was home to a population of roughly the same as the folk in guidance around two thousand indigenous people that and the u.k.
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struck a deal with the us which threw them get a discount on arms and saw the us get diego garcia for their military base and most of the population when they were forcibly evicted from their homes many of whom would need to move rishis where they've looked out there dave enough to quality ever since and now we also have a number at the table side and is living here in the u.k. and i think what's even more shocking is that this isn't a partisan justice this is something that's been for white up till today the government of today is still fighting the takeoffs islanders rights to return home it's very. tough in britain. because britain is great itself around the world and supporting the rights of self-determination of those the four gardens and what about the rights to try to solve this now i think what side this about that story is that many of the to go see and say here in the u.k. now all spirited women he simply want the right to return home and he put that in
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stark contrast with what's happening in the folk and violence right now on the one hand you had pointed fighting. many huge amounts of money sending troops to defend this. actually this colony against argentina of claiming on the other hand you have been fairly equal amounts of money to stop the table fighting that from returning to their home for the contrast really is a very dark apparently lied into and how. we think the take our side if treated to the folk and islanders by international business consultant and even sell bucci explain to us why he thinks the referendum is a pointless step in the long running dispute between britain and argentina it's like asking the old to right wing israeli settlers on the west bank whether they want to continue being is really really want to be comparison to me and maybe they should open up immigration if you have twenty or thirty thousand argentinian settle there there we can have another referendum and see what happens as far as argentina's concern just as argentina made a serious serious mistake in one thousand nine hundred two to take on britain and
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the united states it is also making a rather a ridiculous of making a fool of itself with its claims now because argentina has no military prowess or credibility whatsoever so britain in a way are laughing their way as the. seek out against an exploit this while those sixty six or sixty some odd billion barrels are just a rough estimate but the whole continental shelf which is very shallow or on the forbidden mildness seems to have really huge oil reserves and on top of that it is in an area which is not a hot spot for the united states and britain as the middle east is. still ahead for you this hour germany's famous fifth and efficiency takes a knock from some oddball budgeting fun see a purple carrot that is just one of the bizarre investments from the federal court we'll show you more and tell you how taxpayers are reacting plus. one of google's main competitors is up for grabs with shares in russia's yandex june for
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a stock market floats we will tell you why a little later. pakistan could become a victim of american sanctions which are meant to target iran's energy sector washington is threatening penalties following the launch of a joint iranian pakistani gas pipeline project on monday could be a fresh blow to already fragile relations between washington and islamabad which have been deteriorating because of u.s. drone strikes and the massive civilian civilian casualties they have brought artie's tony moore who you deem explains why the risk of sanctions didn't stop pakistan's decision. to stymie are you seeing a very. troubled and very shortly shortish and you know the six jurors there have been a lot of meetings between the americans and the state is when this issue will be back stateside has really been widely viewed by the americans to have them out on
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the receipt to solve the energy crisis that they're piecing since a few years. only of promises from the american side but they have said that we want to solve the problems even if we go with the iranians in spite of the sanctions sot there is a determination by every one of these of the leadership in pakistan to call for this after our own long debate between the pakistanis and the u.s. which lead to nowhere on the morning after a short break. to some people extreme cold isn't a chilling threat to life or imminent death it's a cooling if you look you can see that the water and outbreaks in my body feels really warm now and this is good for you. they plunge into icy water to make themselves stronger you can't get used to the cold if you can tolerate it and you
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can struggle with. people of snow and ice picks as a frost. surviving the cold. sea.
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live. i welcome back now it is one of the google's main global competitors and a stake in it is up for grabs a second stock market float is on the cards for russia's yandex which is the fourth largest search engine in the world if we can get more on this piece of. this is a major russian company a major global player why is part of it going to get flagged.
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russia's leading search engine and the fourth most commonly used in the world and this is its second public offering and this time its chief technical officer and two investment funds are selling their shares that's around seven and a half percent in the planning to earn up to six hundred million euros so just imagine how much the whole thing is worth during its first public offering it be initial public offering in two thousand and eleven. earns over one point three billion dollars which is the second largest e.u. us i.p.o. for dot com since google one public was established back in one thousand nine hundred seven it launched an english service in two thousand and ten and has been rapidly expanding throughout the years constantly launching new projects new services like drop boxes maps and so on and this second public offering of rubber stamps a young exposition as a russian innovation success story in line with. software and on the business and education side. thank you both definitely
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a company on the up now with live from moscow we hear more news on what's happening with the internet giants in the next few days. use artie's power of the web to check on other. always from around the globe a candlelight vigil for a brooklyn teenager shot eleven times by new york police causes community fury online we tell you what's behind the boy's killing and eyewitness accounts from the street memorial plus a dramatic development in the story of a kidnapped ukrainian journalist who's incredibly escaped from her monthlong capture by rebel groups in war torn syria all the details on the.
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welcome back my jimmies often being considered an example of efficient and responsible spending while countries all around flounder tanks is there might disagree after it was recently revealed that a lot of their money has gone on some raising projects takes a look at where the money's going in europe's biggest most stable economy. do you know where tax money goes tax the tea pay in this country not really precisely not really. well i know it's going in projects i would hope that they will invest money into schools and they will give it to disadvantaged families would you be willing to sponsor a study on the educational benefits of comics or invest in virtual reality three d. software for yachts or how about buying into the production of purple carrots most wouldn't but these people are and most of them don't even know it
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a text based rights group in germany has revealed a number of controversial projects some costing millions of euros a coming straight from the federal budget because the biggest problem we have is clearly our national debt we have to pay twenty three billion euros per year just on the interest the government should be wise with its money does not sponsor these bizarre projects the bundestag affection for cinema has cost the country some ten million euros with the state backed three d. adaptation of the famous tarzan story come into the world screens these summer german drama cloud atlas was also partially funded from federal reserves the irony is that this questionable state spending is exposed at a time when germany and angela merkel personally is pushing other european nations towards the top austerity since the start of the crisis the ira and chancellor has been travelling from one hundred country to the next urging savings and second feis
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but it seems what was preached abroad isn't being practiced at home this is another one to start project bicycles germans are known as a cycling nation twenty five thousand euros to fund my courses including practice and theory on how to keep your balance how to speed up and slow down how to use hand signals and not to use your cell phone while cycling so great isn't it so there is. and but in this program you must be a woman and an immigrant to qualify. germany has remained relatively unharmed by the crisis and the expression gad's may do would cattle may not could apply to europe's largest economy but it's an economy that contract by point six percent for the first quarter of last year which might once have been a case of innocent squandering by the continent's powerhouse could actually now be one of dangerous neglect. r.t. germany. and to some other news making the headlines around the globe and cardinals
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are celebrating their final mass in the vatican before they begin the process of electing a new pope later on choose day vatican staff not involved in the conclave earlier swore a solemn oath of secrecy one hundred fifteen cardinals will be completely cut off from any communication with the outside world until they have chosen someone to succeed benedict the sixteenth he retired after struggling with the church is widespread sex abuse and corruption scandals these are live pictures at the moment from the vatican. hugo chavez's home page a successor has launched an investigation into the death of the country's late leader nicolas maduro the announcement came just hours after he officially registered as a presidential candidate on confirming he was in the running the durham was chaired by thousands of supporters who held up as of the late leader chavez opposition supporters have already denounced the election which they call a carefully stage managed event as an affront to basic voting fairness.
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no one wants to live next to the stench of a land filled waste site but some have no choice hundreds of palestinian bed wins in a village on israeli occupied land say their rights are literally being trashed by the jewish authorities the slayer has the story. from this to verse the remote hills of the west bank are fast becoming an eyesore by the hour noisy garbage trucks dump waste from jerusalem and its surrounding areas here far enough to keep the stench of garbage away from city dwellers but close enough for some to conclude it's making the bed when tribes who inhabit these hills sick man who sane is recovering from cancer he says he can prove the dumb caused it but suspects it did. our children play next to the dump our animals in the nails in the garbage and later die we always smell garbage day by day the dump is getting closer to ahmed
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and his family because these radio authorities don't want it spreading to the expanding settlements on the other side israeli law says a land full should be two kilometers from where people live this one's a stone's throw away. there are a lot of people suffering from a lot of illnesses that we've never seen before some of them are skin illnesses there have been cases of cancer and people have died some of the garbage being dumped here has chemicals and gases. and for as long as these hills fall into palestinian territory they'll continue to fill up with israeli waste these bed when tribes were forcibly moved here a decade ago the one similar magic herders were compensated with cash electricity and water supplies this is a mountain of waste that's been building for seventeen years it's convenient for the israelis to dump their garbage here because it's not too far from jerusalem and this is after all contested occupied land. these reedy health ministry has found
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that the dump is producing methane gas amongst others with long term health risks for the last few years talk to his son has been researching the health effects on bed when living near the rotting waste water getting out of as an extra of these damning sides these waters just goes into the ground reaching the aquifers where we have the water drinking water we are well aware with the drinking water from these wells and we found during our research that there's some heavy metals inside the. wells but land here is expensive and building a new waste site would cost money it's also not clear where these bedroom communities could move to the lack of building space means they forced to put up tents closer to the landfill site. it is not normal that we live in a dump it's supposed to be far away from people who all the time it's getting closer it's very hard to live here the only solution is to move this dump away from
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here in its defense that you recently municipality says the site is legal but it has until the end of this month to respond to a court order to stop dumping here each day more than a thousand tons of garbage is deposited on ahmed store step potentially a ticking bomb for people who live on the fringes of society. or r t l jabal village in the west bank. often write me the men and women who take being cool to the strain in our documentary surviving the health of. the month before the oscars and what annoys you with their predictions and the
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month after everyone complains about the results but isn't being talked about much as the few hundred people who gathered to protest the glamour filled award show why protest the asker's you ask well although the film life of pi won the oscar for best visual effects effects to you that made the movie look so amazing were them and hughes has filed for bankruptcy quickly after the film's release you know that seems like a bit of a discrepancy i mean the group that made the best visual effects in the world in two thousand and thirteen is flat broke how can that be this reminds me of how the lead creators of call of duty modern warfare two were let go directly after the release of the game which to date is the eighth highest grossing video game of all time this was done supposedly to dodge paying them the royalties that they you know earned through hard work the problem is that we live in a world where only the bottom line count making as much profit as you possibly can damn the consequences it's just good business practice they say well it might be profitable but it's bad for society and it's very bad for visual effects and
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videogame artists but that's just my opinion. well. science technology innovation all the news developments around russia we've got the future are covered.
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this was a routine train following its regular route from one siberian city to another. in the vestibule of the last carriage a man was smoking a cigarette. as he turns to go back to his compartment he pulled open the door and stepped into emptiness. a moment later he found himself lying on the tracks there was a crackle of frost of the air it was forty below zero and he was wearing just a t. shirt sweat pants and slippers so began his struggle against extreme cold. inside this climate change where the temperature was ten degrees below zero the ball and.


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