tv [untitled] March 12, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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visit arabic. one hundred. reported. by guards some prisoners know so sick they're reportedly coughing up blood. also in the spotlight the bond between the u.k. proved stronger as the territories of. british while london comes under fire for being hypocritical in its overseas policy. and pakistan may become the next target of u.s. economic sanctions for building a joint pipeline with the rand in order to stave off an energy crisis washington though says it won't tolerate the deal despite its heralded alliance with.
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your company our top story than protesting against abuse most prisoners are on hunger strike according to lawyers for some inmates several prisoners is said to be so sick indeed they're coughing up blood while others are being hospitalized and force fed through tubes in the stomachs authorities downplaying the strike said no incidents of abuse were recorded but political analyst ryan doss news written extensively on guantanamo told us these are the first strikes of this type. they really have very little other recourse other than a hunger strike it's not the first hunger strike they had it before in two thousand and five and the u.s. is denying that this strike is as large as it is and downplaying the strike saying it's only a few inmates by they've had to admit that at least five are being force fed food through tubes in their stomachs it could be far worse than that however the usually don't act in a rational way they're probably going to just force feed these people and deny the longer strike for as long as possible as happened before and they waited until
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eighteen were hospitalized a lot of these men are detained without trial some without even charges it doesn't mean they're innocent but it doesn't mean they're guilty either and the problem is secrecy when you have this level of secrecy you're just creating a environment for abuse because they are basically human beings with no rights and they can defer stronger strike was over beatings from the i.r.f. which is the enemy response force this one again confiscating their items this is the little freedom they have and so this is a really a low point but i don't know if it's a new low point because it's continually low. so here's another abuse scandal rocking guantanamo we want to know what you think about it we're ask you in a web poll if you think this is the final straw that may see the infamous facility shut down this is what you're telling us thanks for voting if you have so far well they are going to get sixty three percent sixty one most believe guantanamo is going to stay open you on optimistic is going to close it all a fifth just under ninety percent gone down a tad down no one percent since last of think it'll only close what america runs
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out of money to maintain it slightly fewer sixteen percent said one time it will be shut down one another prison takes its place before the minority the two percent telling us that you think it will close only when worldwide terror is defeated so it's looking this hour you still got plenty of time to change it tonight that web poll open right now for your thoughts at our tea dot com. voted overwhelmingly to remain a british territory with only three votes going against the idea in
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a two day referendum the problem is to david cameron is called in argentina to respect the landslide result but what is are is maintains britain stole the islands from a two centuries ago the continued dispute say some critics questioning britain's i was his policies as r.t. sarah furthur plagues now. protecting people's rights to self determine their own future and britons made a huge amount of movies and fuss over this when it comes to the folk and items referendum so you get to read a lot about today it's going to be in all of the papers it's going to be on most of the nice channels a story you won't have heard about many kids indeed might never have heard of is that of the takeoff's itan snout the fact that you would have heard of it doesn't make it any less shocking take us idence possibly british indian i deceived territory and though grouping of violence the largest of which is the a garcia not many people know that as the large us military air base from which we seen the us launch attacks on iraq and afghanistan but back in the one nine hundred
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sixty s. and that was home to a population of roughly the same as the folk and guidance around two thousand indigenous people there and the u.k. struck a deal with the us which to them get a discount on arms and some of the us get diego garcia for their military base and most of the population when they were forcibly evicted from their homes many of them with me to move rishis where they've lived out there dave in object poverty ever since and now we also have a number at the table side in this living here in the u.k. and i think what's even more shocking is that this isn't a partisan justice this is something that's been for white up till today the government of today is still fighting the takeoff's islanders rights to return home it's very shameful confidence in britain. because britain is great itself around the world and supporting the rights of self-determination of those of the four gardens and what about the rights to try to solve this now i think what side this
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about that story is that many of the to go see and say here in the u.k. now all spirited women he simply want the right to return home and he put that in stark contrast with what's happening in the filter and violence right now on the one hand you had pointed fighting. many huge amounts of money sending troops to defend this. actually this colony again thousand nine hundred came in on the other hand you have been sending equal amounts of money to stop to take a fight and it from returning to their home to the contrast. he lied into and how. we seem to take our side with cleated to the folk in the island is a potent international business consultant it would sell bucci told me argentina could find it so i don't step in the dispute militarized it's like asking the old to right wing israeli settlers on the west bank whether they want to continue being is really really want to be comparison to me and maybe they should open up immigration in twenty or thirty thousand argentinian settle they are there we can
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have another referendum and see what happens as far as argentina's concern just as argentina made a serious serious mistake in one thousand nine hundred two to take on britain and the united states it is also making a rather ridiculous of making a fool of itself with its claims now because argentina has no military prowess or credibility whatsoever so britain in a way are laughing their way as the. seek out against an exploit this while those sixty six or sixty some odd billion barrels are just a rough estimate but the whole continental shelf which is very shallow or on the fork in my weakness seems to have really huge oil reserves and on top of that it is in an area which is not a hot spot for the united states and britain as the middle east is. u.s. troops serving abroad might soon finally see home sweet home the future washington's extensive overseas military presence is in doubt with experts believing recent reshuffles in a bubble cabinet will see many soldiers heading home so we follow it up shortly
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however in germany public bodies being the road at all sorts of weird wonderful projects taxpayers are happy they're asking if the really getting value for money we examine that too soon. next pakistan could soon become a victim of american sanctions aimed at iran's energy sector the u.s. is threatening penalties following a launch of a joint iranian pakistani gas pipeline could be a fresh blow to already fragile relations between washington and islamabad would be deteriorating over those massive billion casualties caused by u.s. drone strikes r.t. to recall he had been explains why the risk of sanctions isn't preventing pakistan from pushing ahead with the pipeline plans anyway i understand these are obviously very. big troubles and very shortly be shortish and you know. there have been a lot of meetings between the americans and the stands on this issue but stateside has really been managed by the americans to help them out on the receipt to solve
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the energy crisis that they're facing since you years they have you know only a promise from the american side but they have said that we want to solve the problems even if we go with the iranians in spite of the sanctions so there is a determination by these either should be invited started to call for this after our own long debate between the pakistanis and the u.s. which lead to nowhere caray she's president of the lobbying group nationalist forum he says the u.s. won't proceed with its threats as long as it needs pakistan's assistance in the region. the united states does not have much options when it comes to pakistan they need to box down for the withdrawal of american troops and other nato troops from afghanistan and the talks on is the only way and as long as they need it this route it is not expected that washington will really force ahead with
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the with the imposition of sanctions and box but they would still it makes sense for them to make these the statements right now in order to maintain and sustain the pressure on the iranian government and of course for the for the overall purpose of meeting their policy guidelines with regards to iran. yeah and that goes for the jackpot again russia's previous new york stock exchange for second thought stella showing two years ago we talked about that. something extreme cold. if it's a cool thing if you look you can see that the water in my body feels really warm. this is good for you. they plunge into icy water to make themselves stronger you can't get used to the cold if you can tolerate it and you can struggle with.
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stock exchange again russia plans to read more than half a billion dollars around this time the selling seven percent of its shares are reports from the web giant's headquarters. russia's a leading search engine and the fourth most commonly used in the world and this is its second public offering this time its chief technical officer in two investment funds are selling their shares that's around seven and a half percent of the company are planning to earn up to six hundred million u.s. dollars during its first public offering to be initial public offering thousand eleven. earns over one point three billion dollars which is the second largest u.s. i.p.o. for dot com since google went public was established back in one thousand nine hundred seventy it launched an english service in two thousand and ten and it's been rapidly expanding throughout the years constantly launching new projects new services like dropbox as maps and so on and this second public offering a rubber stamps a young access position as a russian innovation success story. check a couple stories about
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a few tonight almost nothing to declare well this treasure trove of as well as two hundred fifty i phones and other gadgets have been retrieved by a russian customs smuggler claiming he was just doing a friend a favor by carrying his luggage when we know it's online right now a simple facebook like we can give you more give away more than you think would reveal a lot about your recent u.s. study showed a skilled psychologist can tell your personality political sexual religious preferences maybe even a race just by looking at what you're giving a thumbs up to say we didn't tell you. and he wore activists have long been opposed to america's apparent desire to continually expand its international military presence but after chuck hagel often
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described as a pacifist was appointed his new defense secretary two weeks ago when he hoped america's readiness to deploy the military could become a thing of the past he's going to huge accounts been going over the numbers. there's a lot of talk in washington about the need to make some cuts to the humongous military budget in light of this conversation which checked out the latest pentagon numbers on troop deployment around the world the u.s. has boots on the ground in one hundred fifty countries that's around two hundred thousand troops. serving in there from parts of the world largest contingency include of course of getting the sensex to six thousand troops well that number is supposed to be half by the end of this year there you see vast presence in asia pacific japan south korea where the announced pivot to asia those numbers may actually grow in the gulf nations while you see kuwait bahrain the presence there has been growing since the withdrawal from iraq huge presence all across the globe so why all this this is more than fighting terror more than fighting anything
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colonel douglas macgregor is with me today to discuss all those wise colonel macgregor let's take germany almost forty thousand troops why so many in germany before we run through the regions let me tell your viewers something that's very important up front because all of these numbers that you've posted are about to change you have a secretary of defense name chuck hagel and a searcher of st john kerry both of these men are committed to conflict avoidant everything that you've got post is going to change starting in germany where we've had soldiers for sixty years and we don't need them and haven't needed them certainly since one thousand nine hundred nine one nine hundred ninety but for various reasons when the soviet state system collapsed and the soviet armed forces withdrew from eastern europe there were people in washington who set out to find new enemies a new new justification or rationale for our global below tree presence and
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actually succeeded somewhat in expanding it as you pointed out with the global war on terrorism that period is now and what about this idea of. policing the world something that that washington has been engaged in for for so long it has that worked out it hasn't worked out has it it's cost us trillions of dollars tens of thousands of lives it's cultivated do it i mean he's alienated hundreds of millions of people and keep. regions of the world so why would we continue to do that so these numbers are going to come down very very rapidly over the next thirty six to forty eight months and there are no forces in washington that would want to keep it the way it is of course but those are being drowned out by voices that say no we can't afford it we have to economize we have problems in the united states we must address and oh by the way as i just pointed out this hasn't worked out well for us thank you sir thank you the new chief of the cia john brennan when making
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a case for drones last year said boots on the ground would not always be america's best defense because they irritate the local population create a lot of backlash as if the drones don't but nevertheless even the new drone base is that the u.s. is setting up in different countries require troops on the ground to operate them recently president obama announced the deployment of one hundred troops in the share so even this pivot to drone doesn't mean no troops in washington i'm going to check out. palestinian bedouins i'm to put up with garbage on the doorstep israeli authorities said of a landfill site next to a village on occupied land saying it's completely legal for the health income for the locals who rapidly go into this story virtually. as many e.u. nations struggle to continue to deal with the economic crisis sweeping the bloc germany remains europe's biggest and most stable economy but some rather eccentric government investments are calling this reputation into question these days takes
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a look at where the money is going. do you know where tax money goes tax the tea pay in this country not really precisely not really. i know it's going in projects i would hope that they will invest money into schools and they will give it to disadvantaged families would you be willing to sponsor a study on the educational benefits of comics or invest in virtual reality three d. software for yachts or how about buying into the production of purple carrots most wouldn't but these people are and most of them don't even know it at taxpayer's rights group in germany has revealed a number of controversial projects some costing millions of euros a coming straight from the federal budget. the biggest problem we have is clearly our national debt we have to pay twenty three billion euros per year just on the interest the government should be wise with its money as not sponsor these bizarre
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projects the bundestag affection for cinema has cost the country some ten million euros with the state backed three d. adaptation of the famous tarzan story come into the world screens these summer german drama cloud atlas was also partially funded from federal reserves the irony is that this questionable state spending is exposed at a time when germany and angela merkel personally is pushing other european nations towards the toff austerity since the start of the crisis the ira and chancellor has been travelling from one hundred country to the next urging savings and sekret fice but it seems what was preached abroad isn't being practiced at home this is another one to start project bicycles germans are known as a cycling nation twenty five thousand euros to fund my courses including practice and theory on how to keep your balance how to speed up and slow down how to use hand signals and not to use your cell phone while cycling so great isn't it though
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there is one but in this programme you must be a woman and an immigrant to qualify. germany has remained relatively unharmed by the crisis and the expression god's may do with cattle may not could apply to europe's largest economy but it's an economy that contracted by point six percent of the fourth quarter of last year which might once have been a case of innocent squandering by the continent's powerhouse could actually now be one of danger is neglect. germany. big news of the day twenty one twenty moscow time hundred fifteen have no end to the conclave in the sistine chapel where they're set to elect the new pope they'll vote for times a day until there's a two thirds majority for a single candidate earlier they attended the final masses and. as basilica it comes to weeks after the former pope benedict the sixteenth retired from his position as head of the catholic church. the strange neighbors sudan and south sudan have come
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to an agreement now to resume oil production the deal also includes troop withdrawals from contested border areas and the reopening of vital border crossings both nations are highly dependent on oil export revenues but were unable to agree on phase before which saw oil production shut down a year ago. having a front door open to a landfill waste site isn't exactly the ideal image of home is it however some have no choice but to put up with garbage right next to where they live hundreds of palestinian by their wins in a village on israeli occupied land say jewish authorities are trashing their rights and damaging their health at the same time fall asleep has got the story the remote hills of the west bank are fast becoming an eyesore by the hour where noisy garbage trucks dump waste from jerusalem and its surrounding areas here far enough to keep the stench of garbage away from city dwellers but close enough for some to conclude it's making the bed when tribes who inhabit these hills sick ultimate hussein is recovering from cancer he says he can prove the dumb cost it but suspects it did
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when there are children playing next to the dump are animals in the nails in the garbage and later die we always smell garbage day by day the dump is getting closer to ahmed any family because these radio authorities don't want it spreading to the expanding settlements on the other side israeli law says a land full should be two kilometers from where people live this one's a stone's throw away libelous but there are a lot of people suffering from a lot of illnesses that we've never seen before some of them are skin illnesses there have been cases of cancer and people have died some of the garbage being dumped here has chemicals and gases. and for as long as these hills fall into palestinian territory they'll continue to fill up with israeli waste these paid when tribes were forcibly moved here a decade ago the one similar magic herders were compensated with cash electricity and water supplies this is a mountain of waste that's been building for seventeen years it's convenient for
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the israelis to dump their garbage here because it's not too far from jerusalem and this is after all contested occupied land these really health ministry has found that the dump is producing methane gas amongst others with long term health risks for the last few years talk to her son has been researching the health effects on bed with living near the rotting waste water getting out of as an extra of these damming sides these waters just goes into the ground reaching the aquifers where we have the water drinking water we are well aware with the drinking water from these wells and we found during our research the heavy metals inside the. wells but land here is expensive and building a new waste site would cost money it's also not clear where these bedroom communities could move to the lack of building space means they forced to put up tents closer to the landfill site. it is not normal that we live in
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a dump it's supposed to be far away from people who all the time it's getting closer it's very hard to live here the only solution is to move this dump away from here in its defense that you recently municipality says the site is legal but it has until the end of this month to respond to a court order to stop dumping here each day more than a thousand tons of garbage is deposited on ahmed's door step potentially a ticking bomb for people who live on the fringes of society. or r t l jabal village in the west bank. great program coming up after the break next meet the where men and women who take being cool to the very extreme in our documentary surviving the cold enjoy that if you will see again in thirty five and.
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the month before the oscars and what annoys you with their predictions and the most after everyone complains about the results but what is being talked about much as the few hundred people who gathered to protest the glamour filled awards show why protest the asker's you ask. well although the film life of pi won the oscar for best visual effects effects to you that made the movie look so amazing rhythm and hues as filed for bankruptcy quickly after the film's release you know that seems like a bit of a discrepancy i mean the group that made the best visual effects in the world in two thousand and thirteen is flat broke how can that be this reminds me of how the lead creators of call of duty modern warfare two were let go directly after the release of the game which to date is the eighth highest grossing video game of all time this was done supposedly to dodge paying them the royalties that they you know
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earned through hard work the problem is that we live in a world where only the bottom line count making as much profit as you possibly can damn the consequences it's just good business practice they say well it might be profitable but it's bad for society and it's very bad for visual effects and videogame artists but that's just my opinion. language. because we can with the infidels. choose the. choose to. choose the stories get in. choose the access to. these are decent faces of freedom fighters. and.
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they're ready to clean up a disorder. that. can bring you liberty anytime if so loot play free float. not. like to be treated this way. sherry and diary an arche. victims multiply here each day. it's very profitable to invest in colombia with that every profit out of them is a very high return on investment. good knowing that he has said that i've been working in this area for thirty years and i've always had to pay the armed groups.
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meaning that if i knew that another managers have changed their name and strategy but just feel the same murderous. high ranking suspects you know coming. pretty upset about that mr president soon. to president putin. both the media. i won't give an interview i'm sorry but no. investigation is a dead. end he says six stop your bullshit and keep quiet or else you'll suffer the consequences. even if they're your bodyguards to watch themselves because the same goes for them. rivers from sick i've never heard of such a case as ours were so much money and gold has still so many. for all the gold in colombia on our t.v. .
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