tv [untitled] March 13, 2013 4:30am-5:00am EDT
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let's go break about that. letter. or she's going to be like. oh. this year marks half a century since the assassination of president john f. kennedy and to this day his death remains one of the most contentious accounts of official government narrative two thousand and three gallup poll found that seventy five percent of americans think that lee harvey oswald did not act alone and in fact j.f.k. his nephew robert f. kennedy jr has just come out and said that he's convinced that we're not being told the truth asserting that the warren commission was a shoddy piece of craftsmanship after decades of speculation it's a topic that director oliver stone boldly took on in his debut exposé entitled j.f.k. which some call the most comprehensive account of the events surrounding his death take a look. at that question you keep asking. if you take. these
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bombs. i mean i mean my if you dig does that help you see my problem a little better. i am. i saw flashlights. and been shots right. cloak and dagger stuff you know they called it up we should. be ok did you just talk to us on the record we will protect you. why got the chance to speak to oliver stone himself about the film where he explained why it's so hard to discern what really happened that day listen for yourself. these are my conclusions based on a huge amount of research but we could not ever prove anything in that movie practically because there's been so much blur you know the facts so it was just a. ference the autopsy among the bullets the concept of fingerprints all the chain
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of evidence was lost the oswald's interrogation was lost unfortunately more than fifty thousand pages of j.f.k. related classified documents are being withheld despite a four year request for the release of this information for the fiftieth anniversary of his death this year but people are still demanding the truth in fact the national archives and records administration just asked for suggestions on a public forum about what it could do to create greater transparency and lo and behold the most popular response was to get the kennedy records out so here to talk about what these records could reveal and whether the holdup is more strategic than we all think i'm joined now by russ baker editor of who what why dot org and author of family of secrets thank you so much for coming on right so you've been investigating this issue for a very long time let's talk first about the documents these fifty thousand pages that are not being released it's only one percent according to the establishment so
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if we already have the other ninety nine percent what could this one percent really reveal to us that we could reveal a great deal in fact the question would be since the government's official position has always been that it was just lee harvey oswald there was nothing more to the story why would anything be withheld that relates to the kennedy assassination and you know the they use numbers we don't know that we can trust in what they say five million documents most of them have been released they've only held back one percent well that's fifty thousand and you do wonder what are in those fifty thousand documents i mean that's a good question if they have nothing to hide why are they refusing to release information why are they hiding a really important aspect of this investigation let's go over some of the biggest anomalies for people who haven't really research it who have maybe haven't seen j.f.k. or know really much that contradict the official story first why is the bullets called this magic bullet i mean why why do people prefer it that way and that's a very complex technical issue but in essence what happened was the warren commission was under pressure. to agree with
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a story that had already been leaked by j. edgar hoover that they had already concluded within basically hours that oswald had done it alone that there was nothing else for them to do and so they had to conform to that so they had to go through great gymnastics in order to make it possible for this one man to have fired those crucial shots that caused a number of different injuries bullet holes and so forth so one bullet caused a bunch of different exit wounds and then doesn't really make sense the grassy knoll why is it speculated that a fourth shot actually took place and not from the book depository well there really many different accounts suggesting some sort of triangulation multiple shooters obviously if the people who are professionally trained in conducting coups understand you only have one chance to do it and you need to do it right and what you would do is you'd have people in the back and you'd have people in the fore and that is what most of the indications are that there were several shooters and wasn't there a government agency that actually conducted an independent investigation and
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listened to the tapes from that day and actually concluded that there was a fourth shot right abbie this is very very interesting the house in the one nine hundred seventy s. a decade after the kennedy assassination conducted extensive inquiries the house select committee on assassinations in its final report actually concluded a probable conspiracy in kennedy's death and the evil the man with the umbrella this is something i didn't even know about until today really fascinating that a person to be standing out in the sunlight dressed in all black holding an opening what is the significance of this we just did a story on that recently on who and what we were interested in was that there was a man who was furiously pumping an umbrella at the exact moment that the shots rang out on a sunny day right next to kennedy's car we noticed how the mainstream media particularly new york times had sort of pooh poohed that and said that it was just a man with some crazy theory and he was trying to signal kennedy that seemed improbable and so what we. i think is it was any of
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a number of things what that was whether he was a distraction or he was signaling to shooters the likelihood and i think any serious crime investigator would want to look a lot harder at him you know very interesting aspect of the story another is it's alleged that oswald was connected the cia even a double agent thus making him almost the perfect patsy is there any evidence to back this up there actually is a lot of evidence recently someone asked me well what are a few things that can sort of suggest that there was in fact a conspiracy and my point would be what are a few things that don't suggest that it's kind of like you're standing in the forest and they're so you don't even realize you're surrounded by trees over the last fifty years there have been hundreds of books my book family secrets is one of many that all bring up different documented information strongly strongly suggesting that we're looking at something much more serious here and i always ask in these situations cui bono who benefits who would benefit the most from kind of
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well one of one of the things i think the mainstream media has been doing all of these years is trying to convince us that john f. kennedy was in some ways not that significant a figure there was no reason to take him out the more i study him the more i realize he was probably the most radical president perhaps it at least in that century and perhaps in american history he and his brother robert were pursuing a broad range of initiatives that were angering particularly corporations and wealthy individuals everything from oil companies to foreign the resource extraction companies to organized crime to people in major centers in the government in the military in the cia they basically were taking on everybody and i think when people look at that and they look at him kind of targeting organized crime the mafia and they say well the mafia took him out but could the mafia have gone to the extent of the cover up of his death without government involvement absolutely not i do think that this was a very layered operation of continuing to investigate it and i think what we're.
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king it is something that was years in the planning there were so many different people brought in particularly for the purpose that people could point their fingers but again i think the mob was being utilized by a much more calculating people who had the capability as you point out to also orchestrate a cover up involving the autopsy and of course the warren commission and everything that came after right which was appointed by johnson. you know the vice president the time who then became president based on all the information available i know that there's been multiple independent investigations that have come you've been doing your own what is the conclusion i think the conclusion is that the same people in this country who think it's ok to us to assassinate or otherwise remove elected leaders don't feel that way only when it comes to other countries it's just that if you're going to do it in this country you have to be much more careful you have to be absolutely sure that you control the whole environment controlling the media is to keep a wall of it because if you control the media you control the minds thing jim morrison said that and if you do that basically you really don't have any kind of
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problem somebody once said to me that the import most important agency of the government was the department of justice because as long as your friends are in there and they're not going to come after you you're ok everything you do is legal indeed the media manipulation is a huge aspect of this of course the overwhelming majority of americans don't believe the official story yet anyone who questions that it's labeled fringe a conspiracy there is even the disintegration campaign going on about the people who want these documents to be released but first if this is the case that there was this criminal ball behind assassination did they get things out or do they still exist in the form of the military industrial complex i mean where did they go i think all you have to do is look at the fact that we have so few choices in this country that ever since john f. kennedy the range of options that have been presented to us are all very very narrow and you see that in the presidential debates there really is no general broad disagreement about for example pursuing foreign wars about what the united.
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state's interests actually are and i think that the message has been made clear that. real dissent will not be tolerated and how is it that so many people can disagree with this official narrative yet kind of be dismissed still to this day as just friends i think this gets back to controlling the dominant narrative in this country it gets back to the ownership of the media the ownership of textbook companies the major donors to large universities and so forth as long as you control the purse strings you control virtually everything and you know the last one always what do we do about these documents when obama's trying to hold them indefinitely it's already coming up on the fifty years. they can't possibly impede national security i mean we're talking about an event that occurred very long time ago what is the official position that there will be no why they don't want to release them and what do we do to really get them released they don't really provide an answer originally someone from the national archives said that everything should have been released by november two thousand and thirteen to
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fifteen fiftieth anniversary he retired and then the national archives here in washington began saying that no this is not going to be released until two thousand and seventeen but there's actually a clause allowing places like the cia to indefinitely delay all of this so i think it really would come down to the people who supported barack obama and believe that he's a good man and that he stands for openness to pressure him for the release but i think the reality also is that he himself i think has some trepidation some awareness that he can't quite open up that pandora's box it is certainly pandora's box you explored in a couple chapters in your book family of secrets rust baker who what why dot org thank you so much thank you. if you like you see so far go to twitter check out what i'm doing when i'm not on air and follow me there i'm abby martin you can find all my tweets linking the segments from the show as well as this random thoughts i have throughout the day and also please help us get break in the twenty nine. what are spirit can speak ok well throw some hash tags we can
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get reading but only with their help so ahead of twitter dot com and checking out at abby martin and for now i'll let you take a break from my preaching but stay tuned to hear how the sequester cuts will fuck the pay out of the nine eleven first responder heroes next. victim multiply here each day. it's very profitable to invest in colombia with that every president of the it is a very high return on investment. you'll know me that he has said that i've been working in this area for thirty years and i've always had to play the armed groups that way but i mean that is not a manager is a change their name and strategy but i just feel the same budrus. high ranking suspects you know coming. pretty upset about that mr president.
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to president putin. but to me. i won't give an interview i'm sorry but no. investigation is a dead. end up and says sick stop your bullshit and keep quiet or else you'll suffer the consequences. even if they're your bodyguards to watch themselves because the same goes for them. regards from go see i've never heard of such a case as ours were so much money and gold has stolen so many gifts. for all the gold in colombia on our t.v. . card faces freedom fighters. and. they're ready to play.
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if salute play free. not. to be treated this way. on september eleventh two thousand and one three thousand world citizens were murdered and three buildings in new york's financial district were completely demolished leaving behind a toxic cloud of dust that filled the area for weeks the forty thousand the first responders that rushed to help dig through the rubble and held pulverized concrete especially those metal particles and glass fibers among many other poisonous materials and since then we've endured twelve long years of analysts war and that
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we focus on the wars abroad we've overlooked the struggle at home with those who were directly affected by the tragedy already one thousand first responders have died from nine eleven related illnesses and thousands more are sick and dying right now in early two thousand and eleven obama signed the bill which was slated to provide two point eight billion dollars in health care for the nine eleven heroes but it wasn't even to last year that the government even acknowledge that the nine eleven dust was causing fifty other types of cancer in the first responders and after much to lay finally the first payouts of zadroga were given early this year to fifteen city workers what about the thousands more that have applied for compensation for their illnesses talk to me more about the struggle of the first responders are facing today and how the upcoming sequester cuts will affect their pay out i'm joined by our team correspondent ana stasia church going to from our new york studio so honest it's been hard enough for the first responders to even
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apply for the funds what's going to happen when to this drug a bill once the sequester takes effect well i mean let's try to break it all down it's a little bit complicated complicated like you just mentioned the compensation fund is made up of two point eight billion dollars of compensation program as well as an extra one point five billion dollars for treatment programs that is four point three billion dollars and the way that the u.s. government acquires this money this money basically flows in from visa fees and fees on foreign companies that have federal government contracts with the. united states but which the united states does not have federal contracts with in return so this money flows in to the compensation fund and usually what it includes a certain surplus that the u.s. government is allowed to basically take and spend on covering deficit budget deficits and usually it's around over four hundred billion dollars but because of the sequester which does not affect the four point three billion dollars of this
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money going directly into the fund what it does affect is the extra surplus surplus cash that flows in and in this particular case this year apart from the over four hundred thirty three billion u.s. dollars it's going to be an extra twenty seven million and that's exactly the money we're talking about in terms of what it is that is going to be taken away from the first responders a very interesting thanks for breaking that down a lot of lawmakers actually exempted military veterans from the cuts of course you know heroes of war yet the first responders weren't exempt why do you think this was. a good question i mean one of the things that are exempt from the sequester of course are medicaid social security sort of social federal certain federal payments such as veterans' benefits and pensions for veterans and for some reason the first responders are not included in that exemption and the reason for that lawmakers are saying is a mere technicality the fact that there's a drug a bill only was passed in two thousand and ten and all of the other different
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health programs and health funds that were adopted earlier got exams but there's a durable bill didn't and and sequester aside i mean the bill actually has a lot of problems i've heard a lot of first responders complaining about how long it's taking what are some other problems associated with this act that's true of any and certainly first responders have been very disappointed with the way the whole situation was conducted i mean first of all it did take over nine years for the compensation fund to even be. together a major concern is that the fund expires in twenty sixteen living leaving only a couple of years for these people to get money as we know thousands of people are eligible for the money a major concern is not only are the numbers of people incredible not only is it taking forever for people to get started getting this money like you mentioned it's only beginning to trickle in in january of this year we saw only fifteen firefighters get money and the only i have to mention god is littlest only ten
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percent of what they were announced to be receiving so really it's a very long process and people are concerned mostly that because it's taking so long the people will just not be around ones that once the money eventually finally makes it to them and you've also reported this is actually a really interesting aspect that i was disturbed by is that people aren't even able to apply until they can prove that they were there i mean we're talking about a place that people were really concerned with taking photos and they were concerned with helping save lives how challenging has this been for people. right well i mean this is a been a whole struggle in itself what you're talking about there are volunteers specifically people who basically just abandoned whatever they were doing on september eleventh two thousand and one and just fled to ground zero to help give a helping hand and see what they could do to help the situation out and what these people because they are separated from first responders firefighters and police officers and so on they do have to find proof and this is where it gets tricky is
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because the proof they have to find officials are asking for two witness testimonies basically writing out in extreme detail why these people were down there and that these witnesses under stress of perjury promise that that particular person was in fact volunteering down there and of course as you understand i mean these people weren't down there to socialize they were there to make friends so it's very hard to find some sort of witnesses like that and for lucky people who do have for example a photograph with someone or maybe two photographs officials are saying well you know maybe this is photoshop this is not good enough and unfortunately. sadly in many cases the other person in the photograph has already passed away and we in particular interviewed a woman for example a volunteer who has suitcases abbie of proof suitcases filled with documentation she's still not getting the help that she deserves believe it will. and lost it or up to i mean let's go back to the day itself i mean e.p.a. chief christine todd whitman at the time said in a statement that the air was safe to breathe just so wall street could be reopened
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for business a mediately following the attacks we knew they knew that it wasn't safe to breathe do you think that would give some peace to the first responders actually see some of these government officials held accountable for putting these people in the situation knowingly lobbying abby i think it absolutely would give them peace you know many of the first responders and the volunteers we have spoken with over the years having covered this for so long is you know all they are asking for is for officials to say look we understand that we screwed up we understand that we should have told people that the air was safe to breathe and also they just want to hear a simple thank you and how would that be reflected in not the negligent behavior and treatment that they're seeing from official when it comes to be receiving the money that they need but just in general being treated with respect and also seeing that not just on words but also in deeds thank you so much for breaking it down for covering this very crucial issue that's been totally over under reported by the mainstream media and associates thank you abbi.
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one of the last time you took a good look at the kind of equipment law enforcement officers are using in your town do your city cops carry a baton or a sidearm do they keep a shotgun in their cruiser or maybe they drive around in a militarized armored assault vehicle. what i'm getting at is that the line between local police officers and battlefront soldiers is slowly been blurring over the last decade aided by more than thirty four billion dollars in federal grants by the department of homeland security these grants have been aimed at amassing stockpiles of military style gear and vehicles for local police agencies across the nation and i'm not just talking about places like new york or l.a. or more residents and crime equates to a greater law enforcement presence no. well chattanooga swat team now as
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a new tool to fight crime a joint grant paid for the lego bear cat for area police the new armored truck will help law enforcement save lives keene city councilor mitchell greenwald supports the two hundred eighty five thousand dollars federal grant that would buy olenka armored vehicle similar to one of these in fact the city council already approved it the barricade has several features designed to help law enforcement it can fit ten to twelve fully equipped swat members inside their slots to shoot chemical agents out of spotlight and a faster response time and outside intercom system allows negotiators to work closer to the action what you just saw is a perfect example to towns like springfield ohio an army in their sheriff department with twenty thousand dollars and work toys that are usually reserved for the front lines of afghanistan or other small towns that are picking up big guns for their local police stations chemical agent suspending turd in military armor you know because that's exactly what small town neighborhoods need. this is an
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ongoing and frankly an alarming trend in the us to police really need assault weapons army helicopter sound cannons and tanks rolling down our streets this is a question we should all be asking ourselves. well guys the fact of the matter is that while police may still be overstepping their authority in the same way they did fifty or sixty years ago they certainly look a hell of a lot different now check this out and graphic displaying the evolution of police care over time look at the officer on the left arm at the billy club in a gas mask to disperse protesters at the one nine hundred sixty eight d.n.c. in chicago from there you start seeing the more stereotypical police outfit we've grown more custom the scene today armed with a sidearm and radio like officers wore during d.c.'s a million man march in one thousand nine hundred five. but over the last few years the military surplus that's poort into local police departments of officers today decked out like the cop on
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the right which is what they wore during the occupy oakland crackdowns in two thousand and eleven. yep cops who look more like they belong in a sort of star wars and they do on our streets they're fitted with body armor kevlar helmets flash grenades tear gas canisters rubber bullets tasers and shotguns so when it police go from being peace officers to storm troopers it's not like dissent in america has really evolved that much here check out these protesters from the d.n.c. in one nine hundred sixty eight the million man march in occupy oakland how the technicolor they pretty much look the same what this trend really signifies is a slow transformation into a military police state we now have police dressed like army special forces driving armored tanks and holding assault rifles the sight of which alone is enough to terrify innocent people in the submission. the militarization of local police departments is not only changing the way peaceful communities once looked it's also
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bringing in the battle mentality to our neighborhoods we may not see police as a threat to us now but when peace officers are geared up like soldiers they'll eventually act like they're going to war. wealthy british style it's time to do it right in front. of their. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports on our t.v. . to speak to
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a language that. will use programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on the team reporting from the world's hot spots that v.o.i.p. interviews intriguing stories for you yeah. he's been trying. to find out more visit our big teeth dog called. they've been living this way since the seventeenth century. their rituals are strict. their communities on the silly. they clearly missed english between their own and the alien. and guard their family and thinks is a treasure. thought.
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