tv [untitled] March 13, 2013 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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bradley manning says he leaked confidential army data to make the us reconsider its born policy that's revealed enough already a recording of his court testimony in defiance of the military. president in case of a country searing hollywood is about to become a reality is a legal action by the oscar winning blockbuster. plus the old guard passes the reigns over to a new generation in china. and economic slowdown corruption and encroaching u.s. military. britain repelled all argentina's claims over the falkland islands backed by strong support for the residents of another island feel abandoned and abused forced by london to live miles from.
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watching r.t. live from moscow. now a full audio recording of bradley manning's testimony before a military court has been leaked despite a ban on recordings in it manning says he leaked classified data to expose the harsh realities of u.s. foreign policy he accuses the army of not valuing human life and compares troops to children. with a magnifying glass well earlier artie's tom barton gave me some details on the case . he used emotive languages especially as he worked through this over an hour of audiophiles statement to the court describing his feelings we've taken a couple of edited excerpts of that one of them concerns this video from the cockpit of an apache attack helicopter over iraq the two pilots very eager to
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engage a group of what turned out to be civilians on the ground killing twelve of them including two reuters journalists a van men comes to try and help those shot in the first burst of firing and the helicopter then engages that van as well let's have a listen to what he said about that does that mean that. this was the only. way. for. me this is. bradley manning was shocked by what he saw in the video in two thousand and ten he took the decision to upload hundreds of thousands of documents onto the internet that were then released by wiki leaks now what he said isn't new
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is it in respect that there was a full transcript when he said it in court but this is the first time we've heard him say it so why is that how has this happened and what difference do you think that might make to the case if any yes there's been really strict reporting restrictions and great secrecy surrounding this trial no video no order you know photos and no transcript as well out of that court although one transcript how's already been released from that in contravention of that reporting ban followed by this all go real east by the freedom of press foundation about the statement he gave a couple of weeks ago i think for many people it will be the first time they will have heard bradley manning's voice and they'll hear a little bit of the man behind. this controversy perhaps helped to make up their mind about a bit many people in the u.s. do not take kindly to what is didn't quite frankly consider him a traitor as for him he has said that when seeing videos like like we saw and
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seeing many of the things like the covering up of human rights abuses and civilian casualties he really started to question what the wars in afghanistan and iraq were all about that helped to push him to this decision he tried official whistle blowing through the army he was rebuffed he says and then he decided to go and leak this information as he explains. this. is where it was. so it should just be said as far as his trial goes at the moment he is has twenty two charges against him he's pleaded guilty to ten of those not guilty to the others some of those others include more serious charges such as aiding the enemy if he is convicted bradley manning could face up to twenty years in prison where you can share your opinion on bradley manning's case and testimony at r.t. dot com and here's how you're voting so far half of use you cast their vote believe
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bradley manning has become a scapegoat in the u.s. war on whistle blows a little over a third say he is a martyr for the cause of free speech only eight percent there think he is just a naive idealism even fewer than that believe he is actually guilty of high treason let us know what you think by heading to our website and casting your vote. an inner city community shows its rage at the shooting dead of a teenager at the hands of officers stay with us in r.t. as hundreds hit the streets to vent their anger against us police brutality. by some and loathed by others the oscar winning drama argo has not only drawn the admiration of the academy but now cause fury in iran the islamic republic is planning a lawsuit against hollywood accusing the movie makers of an unrealistic portrayal of the country party's. explains exactly what is angered. you won't
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see such at the oscars every year none other than the u.s. first lady announced the best movie award and ben affleck could not hide his delight at scooping the top statue for our goal not forgetting though to stick another boot into iran's backside right at the ceremony and we think canada like our friends in iran living in terrible circumstances right now but will affleck is probably still celebrating his triumph his movie set to be based on a real cia operation sparked fury in iran needless to say argo has been forbidden for screening in the islamic republic but a closed circle of iranian officials and critics watched it and described it as cia propaganda aimed at moring the country's image this episode the storming of the us embassy caused particular fury witnesses of the nine hundred seventy nine events say only students took part whilst affleck chose to portray them as bloodthirsty terrorists holywood just trades on the spirit types and loves it remember borrett such a baron cohen's comedy that depicted kazakhs as uncivilized farmers
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a comedy for some but kazakhs definitely were not laughing borat was heavily criticised but it never went beyond that this time iran may go one step further iranian media report that controversial french lawyer is that. is now in tehran preparing an unprecedented lawsuit the public versus hollywood affleck himself is yet to respond to the accusations but with such strong statement of intent coming from iran soon enough hollywood produces may have to argo defend themselves the independent filmmaker. things are the last straw that pushed iran to take action and a much deeper conflict. it's propaganda but it's probably get and that's so much against iran but even that american so sustain their fear of iran and also it's the most political part of it is also it's it's attack on hollywood which it shows how empty the whole hollywood culture is in coming up with this phony movie that the plot is
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sort of based around you know this is just a. movie with that particular overlay you know tying it into the club in iran and it basically is is propaganda for the cia more than against iran because iran has been treated one to many and chablis for years going back to the hostage crisis i think this whole battle this is really not a battle argo but it's about policy american policy to sanctions against their will on the hostility between the two countries which this move the country and forces unfortunately. and iran is planning to take on hollywood its own game barbara choosing a movie with iran's version of the events or trade in argo you can find out more online also at r.t. dot com curiosity has drilled where rivers once crisscrossed mars and scientists
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say there's proof life could have existed. on justice society star read online about a new execution method for the first time ever to carry out a sentence on seven gang members. beijing is now just a day away from a once in a decade power transfer as a new generation takes over from the old dam with china's economy still growing at a prodigious rate all eyes will be on those set to lead the country over the next decade the transfer will see a near total change in china's top leadership with. ping expected to form a new fifth generation government his priority will be to get the country's economic engines running out full speed after
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a slight slowdown in recent years by twenty seventeen though it is expected that china will overtake the u.s. as the world's largest economy the economic rivalry comes amid a battle for influence in asia between the two beijing based correspondent shannon van sant says foreign policy is another issue the new leadership faces. the obama administration announced a pivot to asia last year which means an increase in military spending on military military resources by the united states being focused in asia so that's very significant and china is really increasing its own military spending its developing its military they have appointed a couple of a few senior diplomats in charge of china's foreign affairs one person who's been the point person on japan for a long time another person is very familiar in dealing with the united states so how this will a fact sheet. leadership going forward particularly in terms of these territorial disputes china's been very assertive and sometimes even bellicose over the last year when talking about these territorial disputes and they seem to really want to
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show their strength in terms of talking about these issues it's just increasingly china has the military strength now to back up some of these more bellicose claims and territorial claims and these parts of asia. let's get more perspective now on the looming power shuffle in china joining me for that is dr benson wong the assistant professor at hong kong baptist university thank you very much for your time dr wong my challenge is global today you can largely do you attribute it to its economic prowess but with the growth slowing do you think beijing's influence is under threat. to beijing. expresso the government. used in the movie paul mones shoes they do but people thought it was like you so are you going to government would engage in a number or. so to keep the good number.
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be incoming president xi jinping is seen as a bit of a reformer do you think he really can make a difference. i think i see it we do a typical it's about how to make the economic growth of things about in other words given the fact that in the past maybe one or two years given of d.p. for most of the imports. exporting to other countries may not be so he thought about the o.t. has to think about how to firdos the mini the local. consumption there is trying to stimulate the domestic consumption to keep. the economic growth in the continuous manner and what about the the military what direction can we expect the armed forces to take under his leadership. well i believe. the current government for their stabilization of the
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birth of a territorial dispute expresso the danger or not isn't there are recently actually issue maybe a one of the conference because people we. expect are more expensive too with the democratization so doubt maybe the berto we may have some ideas opine about how to make how to impose a really really obvious action and choose say did the government intend to offer i t would do is something to determine a. to the russian tourist the polish to the web. and america's military presence is driving the region isn't it adjutant china's going to respond to that. for the for the for the current government i think the relationship between us and the us and the tribes of. accused of having
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a you know cooperative relations in doing. the terror terror list also doing with the regional conference so i don't think there is a dramatic change and that there would be under the new leadership and lastly. there's been a lot of the speeches in the cyber attacks between the two countries is this an issue that is likely to get worse an escalated think well i think the situation sure may not have really dragged matthew changes. the situation in bush. to. maybe make use of means to keep the situation in scoring ok well we will have to leave it there thank you very much they for your insight dr benson wong assistant professor at the hong kong baptist university
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thank you. we report on the mass hunger strike that the infamous facility prison is apparently revolting and piece by guards. we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you. a little. kid stories. to. find out more visit. sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. welcome to the big
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picture. welcome back there has been yet another night of protest in brooklyn hundreds gathered on the street. after a sixteen year old black boy was killed by police officers claim a teenager pointed a gun at them before they hit him with several rounds some are accusing the police of systematic racism while racial equality activists col dick says authorities in america have got their priorities all wrong. the police when everything murder or
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kill a black or latino youth it is always deemed justifiable homicide the witnesses tell a different story this happens again and again we should live in a society where those who are in trusted public security. risk their own lives in mortar or injure an innocent person but it's the other way around this is why people are upset and they should be upset people are frustrated people are angry and then i can damn them for standing up expressing anger because the real violence in this case begins with the killing of kimani gray now the people of the full can don and made that choice despite argentina's ethel's to regain control of the territories they chose to stay british that's a luxury the population of another group of islands in the indian ocean have never been afforded and is r.t.
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sarah firth reports britain's overseas policies are being labelled hypocritical. this is the story of an island a proud and spirited people displaced by like government he put it devastatingly high price paradise so keenly for many it will be the first time the stories of the being heard. the happiness we were leaving to each other and the way when been treating here we discover. it's very hard to go see it's a british colony in the indian nation and the largest of the chaebol silence as a population of a thousand people about the same as the folk and. good memories. there you go it's a home a real paradise today they da gusty is one of america's biggest military advices
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because we it's our land. it's not for them. you know when you see them you got this anger because they are enjoying the island. we are suffering back in the one nine hundred sixty s. and it is shrouded in secrecy pushed cynically to learn the islands to the us but there was a problem the island had for generations been inhabited by the chikezie and people they'd built schools hospitals a whole life and what did the british government they simply pretended none of this existed by fixing the entire population from their homes secrets lies deception dishonesty always rooted in facts in one thousand nine hundred eighty as a person went to war protecting the folks and islanders from argentina in training first sums of money and costing precious lives the exact same time it was also
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using extensive resources preventing the people of the chakan silence from attending the falkland living in the homeland and they have a choice to stay where they are they wanted to stay under. the rule of the british or if they wanted to go to the folk argenti and time rules they have a city. would not have the city. give me the impression that there's not just this event the british government is the one like you every now and then used you hear in the news talking about human rights justice social justice and so on that day i don't want that money the justice the cica seeing community have been fighting for their right to return to the islands ever since they winning some of their court cases pushed. government had continually appealed blocking their progress every step of the way how differently that people have been treated there's been
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a government balloting or knocking on doors on their behalf or asking what they want the h word comes to my mind for people for how long. how long we're going to leave. we don't want to be here we don't want this life. we want to go back home where we belong. perhaps the most shocking thing about this story with this is simply something that happened decades ago this person justices have been compounded by successive british governments right up to the coalition and today he continued to fight against the church returning to their island and so their stories remain largely consigned to the shadows and yet the chikezie in people continue to bravely fight to return to their home.
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for fifteen thirty g.m.t. our debate show cross talk discusses how the falkland islands are likely to fare after the referendum and whether it will change anything at all. the views and thoughts of the islanders are completely and absolutely irrelevant not true the the worse the wishes and the will of the islanders is very important here this is what it's all about it's about what do the people of the falkland islands want to live under do they want to live under the crown united kingdom or do they want to be part of argentina there is a debate about sovereignty two countries claim these islands and they should get together and have a discussion about what might happen and that is what the british absolutely refused to do.
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one ton of my bay prison is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis according to noise and that to face is a hunger strike and is its fourth week as many as one hundred inmates are said to be taking part protesting against abuse at the hands of prison guards authorities insist just a few inmates are involved sara flounders head of the international action center says the prisoners are trying to shore tension to their plight. the treatment act one ton a mole from the very first moment that these prisoners were kidnapped on the other side of the world and brought to guantanamo has been horrendous and it's organizations such as center for constitutional rights who have fought for the most elementary were rights for these prisoners and their hunger strikes are the only way they have of even making themselves heard years and years without any hope of release without any real charges it was
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a center. for constitutional rights study that took the u.s. government's own figures to confirm that ninety two percent of all the prisoners held at guantanamo really had no connection at all to our no one in the world that deserves this form of us treatment which has become absolutely routine and systematic that is the use of torture the use of isolation humiliation degradation religious and so all of this. a quick look at other international news now cardinals have filed into the sistine chapel for a first full day of voting as they seek to elect a new pope ballots on choose they failed to gather the two thirds majority needed to name a successor to benedict the sixteenth he stepped down two weeks ago to four rounds of votes could be held today a white smoke billowing from the roof of the chapel will signal that a new head of the catholic church has been chosen. militants disguised as witnesses
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have attacked parliamentary forces in the indian controlled region of kashmir killing at least five five other people were wounded in the shootings which took place in a school for children of indian police it is not clear who carried out the attack kashmir has been hit by decades of violence but this is the first major incident for three years. the dutch government has raised the national terror threat level from limited to substantial netherlands fears an attack both on home saw and against dutch interests abroad the authorities say that is because citizens who left to fight in the syrian civil war could return home battle hardened and radicalized the warning comes just two months before a major public celebration the transfer of the crown from queen beatrix to her son . anthony you official has been killed in a rocket attack in syria he was providing humanitarian aid to the community there
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are located in the southwest of the capital damascus it's not yet clear who is behind the attack the opposition blaming the army or the government says the area was recently targeted by rebel strikes. coming up after the break up the martin tries to shed light on the mysterious killing john f. kennedy. these are decent faces of freedom fighters. and.
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they're ready to clean up a new sort of. that. and bring you liberty any time. salute place free float. up front or you like to be treated this way you'll. look cherian diary on r.t. . if you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous bad luck i don't get any i mean. i know that i've seen the same thing really messed up. and we're all very so i personally apologize. worst shit for going to. my
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house to give it to the radio guy and for sale minutes from a quick fix i want to watch closely or about to do because you've never seen anything like this i'm told. it's going on guys and i mean martin and this is breaking the set so you probably heard by now that bloomberg and the sugary drink crusade has been shot down just a day before it was supposed to take effect new york state judge ruled against it. called it arbitrary and capricious saying that the law would not only violate the separation of powers doctrine but if this or it such an abysmal ration has been potential has the potential to be more troubling than sugar sweetened beverages she says finally one gets it but as happy as i am to hear this ridiculous venture will not proceed i'm equally disturbed to find out some other related news you see lawmakers in mississippi have recently taken the initiative to make absolutely
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certain their own local officials don't try to implement a similar initiative so they've actually voted through a bill that would prevent any mississippi county from passing laws to address obesity it's called the anti bloomberg bill and it would bar cities from acting rules requiring calorie counts to be posted or portion sizes to be kept here's the irony mississippi actually does have a serious obesity epidemic holding the title of the fattest state in the country in fact about one in three adults there's at least thirty pounds heavier than a healthy weight it's saying to me to watch one extreme state measure to the next let's go break that set. him up. for a never seen anything like that. this year marks half a century.
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