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tv   [untitled]    March 13, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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washington d.c. here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. mitt romney's forty seven percent speech killed his candidacy but the ideas behind kill the republican party are about that and more rights alone liberal rumble also president obama said he was a grand bargain solve the budget crisis really necessary and was going to sorry congressman keith ellison about the progressive alternative and will so i stare at it and conservatives in the united states are a lot more like the taliban than you probably think or explain in tonight's detail . you need to know this mitt romney's attack on the forty seven percent lost him an election but the republican party's inability to separate itself from his comments could lose the american people and the man who filmed romney making his infamous speech will appear on amazon he sees the ed show to reveal his identity talk about his decision to leak the video of the press before he changed the course of the two
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thousand and twelve election the filmmaker was a bartender at what he calls a mom and pop operation in florida like so many americans suffering through the great recession he had no health insurance and struggled to make ends meet he was the forty seven percent so when he saw mitt romney tell of a room full of rich donors that it wasn't his job to worry about those lazy worthless indicted masses who leech off the government bartender filmmaker knew he had a duty to his fellow citizens to reveal the truth about the republican nominee for president of the jones released the leaked video in september and it caused a firestorm romney's campaign never really recovered you'd think the republicans especially romney's running mate paul ryan would learn from their mistakes right wrong on tuesday paul ryan announced his plan for the fiscal year two thousand and fourteen federal budget the so-called after prosperity but ignore the name ryan's plan is the policy version of romney's forty seven percent speech if you take away all the talk about reforming entitlements and lean dynamic government it's just
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a big middle finger to working americans ryan's budget calls for massive cuts to social programs that ensure the health and well being of everyday people all slashing tax rates for the super rich and raising them on the middle class like romney ryan and his republican allies in the house and senate want to tear down the new deal and prop up big business and the rest of us can go to hell or can this really last in the night continue to become the right continue to bash the middle class and hope to win elections in two thousand and eleven americans from all backgrounds and lifestyles took to the streets to protest wealth inequality and a political system beholden to. interests in two thousand and twelve a majority the country voted for democratic representatives only gerrymandering and electioneering to help the right maintain its majority in the house a new working study from political scientists at berkeley suggests that politicians vastly overestimate the conservatism of their constituents and the republicans have effective organization demographics to thank for their recent electoral successes
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the writing may well be on the wall more and more working americans are realizing that republicans like ryan and romney could care less about though they're nothing more than shills for the banks or class so how long can they keep this game up it's time for our own. and joining me tonight are patrick hedger policy analyst of freedom works and adam bitly editor in chief daily joan thanks for having us read they had you with us paul ryan's budget this is this is mitt romney's forty seven percent speech how much longer are americans going to buy this stuff or do you actually america when you break these things down item by item americans are buying any of what you say to americans would you rather see taxes go up or you know cut benefits to social security and say raise taxes on rich people for example right and what's happening
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right there is very shortsighted political economics and if you look at what's happening right where well with the democratic messaging about the forty seven percent comment saying that taxes should go up on the rich i mean that's naturally a very easy argument to make no the rich are the one that are actually creating jobs in this country when the time when the top tax rate on the rich was ninety one percent forty's fifty's sixty's and seventy's it was the only time in the history united states where we had three four consecutive decades of growth g.d.p. growth over three percent only time in the history the united states top tax rates were at ninety one percent how can that be a bad thing well right now we're not in the forty's fifty's sixty's i mean though there's a lot of tax rate that drop there's a lot of bad policies from the forty's fifty's and sixty's and a lot of americans don't want to go back to right now anyone. let's see before the civil rights act that's so security is running broke so i think americans would appreciate that being fish out of the out of the sixty's. forty's and fifty's at the end of the day the republicans mitt romney really phrased it badly but at the
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end of the day if you look at the economics and you look at the statistics behind his point he's very right a report came out this year that showed forty seven percent of americans aren't paying taxes they're not getting into the system they are not getting they are paying for not paying several taxes are you just running it was that he was running for federal office now own come on your you know you say this. really bid off that one are going to do if you look at the the language you use to the way you care about. what america is i thought he was running for president for people go to the polls on election day back in november and they went there to vote for but i think form of government and we got it that worked best for them and show us regardless of what romney said what his what his policy was actually with what he was saying was what he's policies were and which is let's you know afflict the afflicted and pamper the ritual i obama campaign of all the things he was going to do to people with other people's money on you know design that's that's not that's
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that's a that's a bad bumper sticker and the fact of the matter is that you know this proposal from paul ryan drops the top tax rate on rich people from thirty nine percent where it is right now down to twenty five percent you guys are arguing with me about that he raises the bottom tax rate on people who are under the poverty level or near the poverty level from zero to ten percent so it raises taxes not working but i'm not here to defend all i'm saying when i was there and i'm not here to defend me mitt romney was a very effective communicator to the point but the fact of the matter is forty seven percent of americans weren't paying taxes you guys just i mean it's not his job as someone in government to you know it's not his job to ensure that they have jobs it's his job as president united states make sure laws are enforced so that the free market can work and what about where does he say that the constitution where does it say in the constitution he's supposed to create jobs for those people i would article one section eight for sons no not at all it doesn't say you need to create jobs. are actually article two it had to do with the president baraka one
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section eight first as the congress has the authority to pass laws another so propre of money and raise taxes in order to provide for the general welfare general welfare for the free market not innovative job is the phrase free market nowhere appears in the constitution and create no areas where in the constitution as well so general welfare does right and i would alex i would argue that the general where for. for the people is best served by protecting the free market and that ensures that a fair tax system is put in place like in the ryan budget but there are several homes with that line pointed out so we should move on to vote on. it well you know i just don't get even one time in history when the so-called free market when an unregulated market when when there was you know there was no social safety net i mean i get it somalia ok that's you know the libertarian paradise in somalia but. what do you have what you want i want to government that is within the constitution there are certain arguments that we can definitely make that there are places for government to protect business interests to protect the ability for companies like
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costco to hire a piece of the league companies so that's where people are getting rich people and those are the eighty five percent of americans job the job creators are people spending money now this guy that filmed the mother jones video complain that he didn't have health care will eighty five percent of the health care plans in this country are provided by the profits of corporations and their electively done so so i'm not sure why we're criticizing the ability they are to operate in the frame here not provided by the profits of corporations first of all their deductible from the profits of corporations and secondly if somebody has a job they've got a job but they doesn't mean that they're going to have a job because some corporation said gee i think i'll give somebody some money people corporations hire people because they want to basically exploit them they know that if they're going to pay this personally despair is there's not a company in america that doesn't operate on the principle of if you're going to cost me one hundred dollars on a make one hundred ten. right in that so that they can expand their operations. so there's no benevolence about this model it's a profit and the only real economy we have the health insurance those create the
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only reason the companies get health insurance is because they think it's going to kill time you make a good point you know the businesses are not charities but also we should treat to force them to act as chair is to take profits that are earned rightfully but i don't know it just one quarter of all we've got and the government actually in the united states last year paid no taxes you've got if you've got there are a whole lot of billy. dollar corporations painters' there are laws i want to use there are there are a lot of corporations out there that you're right aren't paying taxes there's corporations and should be oh they absolutely should be paying taxes like to hear. they're using they're using corporate loopholes that shouldn't exist to not to not pay taxes but at the end of the day there's a lot of it there are thousands of corporations in this company that are classified as corporations but there are ten fifteen twenty maybe one hundred employees and they don't have the overhead capital to pay for the accounts and pay for the lobbyists to pay that zero percent tax rate but they are paying huge tax on one of them and their companies are screwed all of us in the war let's bring back the sherman antitrust act you know the reagan stopping force in eighty two any
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a president you know and so that would bring back small town america you have small businesses again president obama said in a meeting with senate on monday that he hopes to make a grand bargain so is he going to be the first this is the same i wrote about this for for us for magazine just a article called. shots at a cause and it's basically about the strategy that was laid out nine hundred seventy six by jude wouldn't ski where he said you know the dems you know republicans been losing all these elections this was after nixon going down in flames publicans are always losing elections because we're not santa claus the democrats are santa clause and unemployment insurance medicare medicaid social security you know workplace safety rules forty hour work week vacations all these things these are democratic big there's added republicans have to come santa clause we have to become a tax cut santa clauses and we have to spend like crazy when we have the white house so we can scream about the debt and force the democrats to shoot their santa clause is obama going to have to shoot santa clause pet. you know i do not
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think obama is going to have to shoot santa claus necessarily i think he's going to really i do i'd love to hear why why do you think he would have to i think that he is so in love with the idea of a grand bargain of a compromise of meeting republicans half way that he will shoot the democratic senate quo. if the republicans will shoot their tax well this is b.s. and a new found last in my mind is a mutual suicide pact that's where the problem with the democratic santa clause is that the way the programs are structured now they're requiring all they're requiring a lot more work out of fewer and fewer elves to produce this santa clause packages that were expected out well that's that's a debate we just have right if we can agree to disagree on that but i'm wondering what you know what you guys are thinking about how there's how this president is dealing with the republicans in congress i mean it's like he keeps throwing them stuff and they can't go on with it which things you throw because i've missed a lot he sees offered his offer to cut social security's offer to cut medicare i
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mean why doesn't he just do it he's got his i was in the right a plan b. there was that he was here because id the good is about that because we're going to solution the constitution says that only congress can but as he could offer up a budget which he's been required to do still hasn't he still puts that back to mid april and who knows if he'll push it well he actually has offered up a budget but the budget doesn't shot down by congressional republicans it was unanimously shot down by the senate i mean the democratic controlled senate shot these budgets down because they're unrealistic and the reason that we can't have this grand bargain is because the united states history on budget is a history of grand bargains dating all the way back to the beginning of the twenty first century that when paying the dues of that grand bargain actually comes do the republicans and democrats first and you know i think i will take this one thousand nine hundred eighty one will be or go back to a long liberal rumble. but after the break we'll talk to congressman keith ellison about the new budget proposal from the congressional progressive caucus and how it seeks to bolster the middle class in america.
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it's. just. the. it's. in screw news on tuesday paul ryan released the newest version of the republican
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budget called the path to prosperity. the budget slashes the way of programs like medicare and medicaid that millions of americans rely on to survive republican budget also gives huge tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest americans while repealing the health care coverage of nearly thirty million americans under obamacare ryan's plan would reduce top income and corporate tax rates to twenty five percent resulting in trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy elite and corporations meanwhile ryan's austerity budget repeals the affordable care act's requirement to purchase health insurance coverage is stablished when the health insurance exchanges the provision of subsidies for lower income americans and the expansion of the medicaid program the shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone for years the republican party has been waging a war against the middle class in the name of protecting corporate america and this nation's millionaires and billionaires as a result middle class america is shrinking drastically according to a recent study by pew research thirty two percent of americans now identify
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themselves as being economically lower class up from twenty five percent in just two thousand and eight fortunately another federal budget proposal was released today by the congressional progressive caucus that actually puts the interests of middle class americans a head of the interests of the corporations and the wealthy elite joining me now to talk more about that budget is one of its creators and co-sponsors congressman keith ellison representing minnesota's fifth district congressman ellis welcome. thanks to be jealous of glad to be on. the cards with alison great to have you back with us thank you bob tell us about the back to work budget please well the first thing the know about the back to work budget is that it's about putting americans back to work so that from there it's all elaboration we put seven million people back to work within a year and by within three years we get to what economists call full employment you
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know many budgets will be judged in the next few weeks we think the proper standard for judging any budget our budget ryan's budget anybody's budget is does it put americans back to work you know the whole conversation has been about who can do a stared more or who can do it a little gentler but at the end of the day the american people need is to get a good job and the closer we get to full employment the more you will see wages rise so we can counteract a thirty year downward spiral when it spiral when it comes to americans wages so we want to we want to do this by investing in infrastructure doing local government support to help teachers cops firefighters other important public workers and we also fund the make work pay tax credit so that small business people the largest driver of new employment can get back in the game and get some folks on the payroll congressman ellison would it be fair to say the summary of what you're saying is
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that we don't have a deficit problem as much as we have a jobs problem and that solving the jobs for album will help solve the deficit problem absolutely as a matter of fact insignias our deficit we reduce the deficit by four point five trillion dollars which obviously would happen if you have more people working more people contributing tax money would lower the deficit in our budget does that but i want to be clear we are not tolerating our budget because. of debt and deficit we're tolerating it because it does what the american people need a good job that pays a fair wage that's what it's really all about and so the end of the day we have families we have wrecked we have huge numbers of the poor huge numbers of unemployed you know we were we're happy because with seven point seven percent unemployment but you know when the humphrey hawkins full employment bill was passed in seventy six the employment rate was three point six percent in those six point
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three percent and we thought that was a national disgrace and so now you know where we're happy to be at seven point seven no the richest country in the history of the world can employ it's people folks who want to work full time ought to be able to take care of their family nobody shouldn't be without the chance to go to the doctor and we all should have a retirement that we can look forward to and not dread now if the point of making our economy work was putting people back to work all those things would be true instead we're another place but this trend that we've been on needs to be reversed the back to work budget does that. specifically how does a do it how do you respond to conservatives who say well you know you're not giving tax cuts to job creators so they won't be no benevolently build a new factory for example well the phrase we're not giving tax cuts to job creators is fraught with all kinds of problems even though it only contains
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a few words no i mean first of all job creators are people who go into the store and buy stuff that's why businesses hire people because they've got orders to fill and let me tell you i practiced law for sixteen years i had a small business and the only time i hired people is when i needed to get a big case i hire an investigator i get a lot of paperwork i gotta get some more legal assistance but i didn't hire people just because of a tax cut that doesn't make any sense and no rational business person. hires people just because they get a tax cut they hire them because they got more demand so there's that that's what the job creators are not some rich guy who you know wants more money and then the other thing is tax cuts by the way one of the worst ways to actually stimulate the economy in an economy like this when people are trying to deal a bridge and get out of debt they just take that money and use it to deal a bridge they don't put it back into the economy because people are too nervous to
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do that the best way to get people back to work is for the government to spend money and we have low in historically low interest rates so do an infrastructure building is something that one we need to it's inexpensive to do particularly relative to history and by the way it in pro improves public safety in my own district of men in minneapolis minnesota in the district surrounding it we had thirty five thirty five fall into the mississippi river an important piece of infrastructure so it's not just jobs and productivity it's also public safety you know we're we're putting the infrastructure portion of our bill in there because the engineers say the civil engineers say that's what we should be doing for a whole number of reasons and so you know this is what our budget is budget is driven by facts now you look at our budget compared to say paul ryan's budget. we talk we show exactly how we get to the seven million jobs in the first year we show
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what taxes we're going to raise we show what loopholes we're going to close his budget is full of ascaris and all kinds of blanks so we really don't know all of the aspects if in of that budget it's full of holes and i think that it's deliberately vague because he really doesn't want to tell people what he's going to do but i tell you this our budget we will defend it in the where and we're very proud of it we want to thank people from of the economic policy institute and other . economists they used well well used economic modeling to come up with the budget that we came up with it's a sound budget congressman ellison the progressive caucus congressional progressive caucus has offered a balanced budgets good budgets progressive budgets every year for years that i've been doing this this show in my radio show and and yet they have not and they all make sense to me what i don't get is why they haven't gone more
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viral or more national with with the the big democratic party the rest the rest of your colleagues what's and if thoughts on that well you know we take responsibility for that we feel it's our job to get the word out i want to thank you for having me on but we're going to have members of the progressive caucus you know talking to the american people through the media between now and and till well after the budgets battles happen in the votes happen next week we are making a real launch on that and you know what the truth is that you know we're going to take no matter whose fault it is we're going to take responsibility for curing the problem by talking to anyone and everyone who wants to talk about the real budgetary challenges facing the american people because if you look you know i mean the reason the american middle class has had stagnant wages for so long is because of deliberate decisions made in government and deliberate decisions to just let
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certain things drift and not to take care of them budgets are a place to fix that our budget is a reflection of our values will defend them anytime anywhere to anyone and so we're looking for opportunities to do that so look. back to work budget you can go on the progressive caucus website to check out our budget and we're going to be doing everything we can to get the word out on this budget we're going to be whipping it hard try. we get as many votes for it as we can based on rationality based on meet the needs of the american people oh and by the way if you look at our budget based on polls of what the american people want this is a popular budget you know our budget is what folks think we should be doing in our budget protect social security medicare medicaid unlike the ryan budget which decimates medicare in so you know we're doing right by the american people and if they know about it they would know that we are so thanks for that question you know
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we have just just about a minute left the people point to china you know china's growing like crazy they're investing a ton of money in infrastructure they get the high speed rail in all this what how do we teach americans about this well you know i think if americans knew how much china is investing in infrastructure they would expect american government and the congress to invest more but not just china i mean look at germany germany is a country that has high unionization and has. weathered the recession very well and because they have pro labor policies to keep folks working and they believe in infrastructure development as china does our country the richest country in the world the world's economic leader can do far better and nobody can tell me that the dreams of americans have to be cut down or pared down we can dream big better days are ahead for this country but it's going to take an
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act of political will to get us there and the back to work budget helps make that statement and point in the right direction i think you have syria congressman keith ellison thanks so much for being there just very well thank you to. so far paul ryan's path the poverty budget has dominated the washington debate and has drowned out sensible alternatives like the progressive caucus is back to work budget it's time that the mainstream media gives the progressive budget proposal the attention it deserves. after the break we'll bring back tonight's low. liberal rumble panel and get their reaction my conversation with congressman keith ellison and the congressional progressive budget.
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so. back to our liberal rumble joining me tonight patrick hedger and adam by the let's get back to it you guys heard the congressman's position and basically i think it's really simple if you kind of summarize it companies want to move into communities
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or starting communities that have good schools that have good power that have good roads that basically have good infrastructure ever since the reagan administration basically the federal government and many of the states have stopped building infrastructure we haven't built schools or hospitals very in this in any kind of big way since the seventy's really and isn't it time we got a two trillion dollar infrastructure deficit in the united states and conservatives agree with that that's not a number that's in dispute isn't it time we do something about it i think the best way to do something about that is lower the corporate tax rate and because i think that's the thing that's choking business from getting back into the area you have one hundred sixty six billion dollars that was moved offshore in the last tax year that we know of so that would have been this is twenty thirty twenty eleven zero sure and the two thousand and eleven tax year that was moved offshore by american companies who do no business offshore like you know like big banks for example the bank of america has over one hundred foreign subsidiaries.


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