tv [untitled] March 14, 2013 7:30am-8:00am EDT
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yeah i mean this is so hard. now while the identity of the person who leaked the audio remains a mystery thanks to them the world will always hear manning's voice and story breaking this that will always be a platform to tell it. so are you excited about the new oh this is huge but seriously is anyone else excited to see anything else on the news other than this. this is an n.b.c. news special report election the poll here is mr. evening time in rome and as we look at the sistine chapel black smoke pouring from the chimney copper chimney at this hour is showing black smoke which means no pope
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they have voted twice we believe and both ballots a pope was not so i think that's a live shot there of the religious ringing here in rome the top on only the big ring that means one thing john allen what does it mean it seems to be a most popular odyssey it may help or we have to listen i. got it black smoke no pope white smoke new pope all right we move on now although i must say i like the c.n.n. new purple and yellow graphic display real rational guys i want to read got that from but seriously what we really learn from the nonstop life feed the smoke and chimney and perch birds other than the centuries old ritual of unnecessary carbon emissions from the vatican this is a perfect example of the corporate media's fixation on sensationalism which is why this is also a perfect opportunity for me to highlight a couple of the most important stories that you likely won't be hearing on the cable news starting with the. one hundred thirty detainees being held at guantanamo
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bay's hamp six the majority of the prisoners began a hunger strike earlier this month to protest mistreatment by prison administrators of course r t is covering it in a recent interview sara flounders of the international action center had this to say she said no one in the world deserves this form of us treatment which has become absolutely routine and systematic that is the use of torture the use of isolation humiliation degradation religious insult all of this see she illustrates a very important point many of these detainees have been held for years without charge or trial and we never hear a word about how they are being treated along with others being held in u.s. military prisons sometimes the only option for these people is to hunger strike and that's why we're telling you about it so what else is happening in the world other than the pope smoke. well the department of homeland security is issued an open
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purchase of one point six billion rounds of ammunition a portion of which accounts for hollow point rounds the same bullets used by snipers the same bullets that are actually a legal to use in the war under international law. first of all one point six billion rounds is an absurd number estimate from the d.h.s.s. the height of the iraq war had the army using under six million rounds each month in fact one point six billion rounds would be more than enough ammo it to withstand a similar conflict for over twenty years so all begs the question why they won't quit in the forbes did just spokes persons that the purchase would quote help the government get a low price in bulk so no this is all about buying in bulk of the government's already chasing its tail trying to figure out where to cut eighty five billion dollars from does it really make sense for them to buy a ton of illegal ammunition that will last for decades you decide but i think
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there's more to the story than they're letting on again it's this type of insanity reminds me of how perverse our government is when it comes to health and the stability of this nation i know corporate media doesn't address these controversial truths twenty four hours of colored smoke is more important. right now i'd like to shift the focus and talk about a recent tragedy involving a teenage boy who was shot dead by two undercover police officers in new york this past weekend his name was kamandi graves he was a sixteen year old african-american living in brooklyn the tragedy started when the officers came across a gray standing with a small group of people at that point the young man began to adjust the ways kind of his pants which the police called suspicious behavior cordie n.y.p.d. is a count the officer isn't as great a show his hands but instead he pulled out a gun and the police then fired
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a total of love and rounds striking gray several times and while the n.y.p.d. is claiming no fault a plethora of witnesses have come forward in recent days to share their own accounts of what really happened one person claims kamandi was running for his life when he was shot dead and another says he wasn't holding a gun at all the sad story raises an all too all too familiar question what gives the n.y.p.d. the right to be judge jury and executioner to talk specifically about this case as well as other cases of the n.y.p.d. is recent agree just infringement on civil liberties i'm joined now by pierre co-founder writer and editor of cop walked out work thanks so much for joining me. trish is you know you know we are so large crowds of obviously been demonstrating since the shooting in brooklyn i want to talk about the multiple i would guess that counts that question if he even had a gun i mean is it possible that the police completely manufactured this detail to justify them shooting him. steadily possible you know what's happened in the past in other circumstances and i wouldn't put it past him in this situation actually
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you know unless video evidence or some objective documentation exists it would just be the word of those wearing badges against the word you know some other people claim a different scenario unfolded unfortunately that's the really the shame pete and we see this time and time again where it's really their word against the victim and when there is no video footage revealing the truth it is. a pre-determined verdict on that and i want to talk about the fact that they were undercover we've also heard a lot of recent accounts of undercover police just shooting and killing people how he had expected to yield to authority if he doesn't even know that they are authority. right or a mean if if he's even should should be you and i in this individual even grantees folks that's already who claim it just because it's claimed i mean i would you know distracted these individuals involved were undercover is yet another step removed from transparency from even their colleagues who do wear you know uniforms and
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things and this is. as unfortunate situation is you know these types of things will continue to add up until they don't so you know i think it's wise to try to get mr gray some attention and try to do some damage control with this incident and all the town will the people that were in the wrong but to really help prevent this from happening in the future i think we need to like you said ask questions about the use of undercovers and even the. looking pass at the provision of law enforcement as a good or service through the course of a monopoly where there is no incentive to do to appease and have customer service or you get a loan even to be accountable it does seem like it is a huge problem even if it can mean did have a gun to have two undercover officers in plain clothes likely not identify themselves as police i mean when they put out a gun and tell you to decide heart i mean it if you're in a bad part of town i mean i'm from oakland and like that that's just a huge problem in its self so i think that that's
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a really good point that you just brought up and this is the case of undercover officers doing this kind of activity let's talk about the greater and why p.d. it seems like every day i'm reading more and more headlines about their criminal activity let's talk about jay richter the juvenile robbery intervention program where cops are literally stalking and harassing teenagers who might be susceptible to criminal activity do you think these tactics will work. i sure don't and actually look just look at the press release that was issued in two thousand and nine about j. rick rick and one of the concludes by saying we give them two choices they being the juveniles they could continue their criminal activity and deal with it and swift and harsh punishment or they could turn their lives around and steer clear of criminalized also censure they're saying you like if you continue to be on our radar you're going to be dealt with you know through our ransoms or cages and if you don't then but obviously we'd all prefer to live in a safe community the fact that the police are you know. writing
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these juveniles that are in their system even at a greater extent a greater level i mean once you get into their system that's essentially it's easier for them to track unit try to control you to get you on probation violations and other things so i don't i definitely don't think it's a step in the right direction it just means more suppose that oversight from people that are operating from a top down hired you that have no incentive to actually bring about a good conclusion their incentive is to you know have a job security and to and to perpetuate these sorts of programs and to say more actions that were legal yesterday are illegal today so that more people are drug criminals and that they could expand the size and scope of their operations. good point is almost like pre-crime monitoring just to get these kids in the grid. you know and i also just bring in the pre-crime aspect of it let's talk about the surveillance of muslim communities of course we know that they were overstepping into new jersey as well new report that came out details the detrimental effects at
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the mit spine is how many muslim communities i mean we already know that it was a legal but it is essential he says that muslims are not even scared to enter mosques they're scared to even be affiliated with the muslims to practice their religion and even to watch al-jazeera i mean it's heartbreaking pete that's not dissipate in my eyes the chilling effect and what damage it is going to do in the long run here. it sure does an invented. again underscores this divisiveness that these folks who claim authority over us. operate according to they want to single out specific groups whether today it's muslims in the past it's been other groups that they they claim might have higher you know rates of certain activities that they don't want to happen so they they allocate more resources there and then they're either going to find things and if they don't find them they're going to create issues you know just to justify their efforts and we've seen that happen time and again and you know and there's fortunately
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a lot of people are just being children being allowed to letting themselves in their own actions be. negatively impacted by these programs and policies you know there's a book that just came out called voluntary islam that really extension waits that. just because an individual happens to be of a certain faith islam that doesn't necessarily mean that they're violent and you know it's not at all so it just underscores the fact you know there's this massive force of higher he that exists in new york city that has thirty five thousand employees called the n.y.p.d. i mean they need some justification for their budget they need justification for their tools and and their employees and they're going to go out and try to find issues were known to exist or create them and i hope that you know people continue to see through that and continue to connect with each other on a local community level absolutely and they don't allow themselves to be you know led by fear but through love absolutely people to flee put and i also heard that
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then i police set it up shop in tel aviv israel so i mean their budgets massive definite and justify that budget thank you so much for coming and sharing your take pleat air co-founder writer and editor for cop block thank you. well feel like we see so far had our you tube shelling into about conflagration a set is sure to subscribe have all been interviewed segments tabbed out if you want to have to believe i want to check our interview with russell baker on j.f.k. fifty years later from yesterday and also to every segment we've done separately under the tab section on the top of the page and big brother watch for weapons of mass destruction all that and more on youtube dot com slash break in the set right alex or break but say to hear about the enslavement and student debt next. wealthy british soil the sun. spot on the president's priceless little.
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like a lot. of the good stuff you've never seen anything like the tough. last month the new york federal reserve bank released a study on the growing student debt crisis showing that the total student debt has tripled over the past eight years now standing at nine hundred sixty six billion dollars it's expected to keep growing as fast approaches the one trillion dollars mark so is student debt the next bubble to burst and what's the lucian's are being put forward to remedy the next financial crisis that's affecting millions already nationwide talk about all that and more i'm joined now by michael dannon burt director of higher education and education finance policy of education trust thanks so much for coming on my call here thank you so it seems like this is
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a ticking time bomb if we saw what happened with the housing bubble or should we expect a similar thing happen with the student debt bubble i don't think so i mean there certainly is a serious issue with student debt in the aggregate and there are a number of students who are in severe and borrowers who are in severe financial distress but by and large it's a small subset of borrowers who have loans in one hundred thousand dollars range and those borrowers have very sort of discrete characteristics most students don't but most borrowers do not nearly that much in debt and there are a variety of repayment options to make life a little easier for that really because a lot of people i know duo tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars and that's i mean what characteristics are you talking about here so those who have the hundred thousand dollars range it's about four percent of all borrowers and they basically fall into three categories either they have large private loans that's outside of the federal student loan market which is pretty generous the federal student market and carries a series of consumer protections they've gone to graduate school those those
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students tend to have very large debt and then last the most scary i think is a group of students who have gone to for profit trade schools the schools tend to have very high costs and very poor placement job rates and employment earnings that subsequently fall their student. let's talk about the debt specifically i mean. time of death that really doesn't go away i mean we're talking about family and even after people die you know they're burdened with this that i mean explain a little bit more about this because it's a really interesting in the in the late eighty's there was a concern about students former students who were declaring bankruptcy to avoid their debt and so what happened was congress in response to that concern about waste fraud and abuse passed a special provision that basically makes it impossible to discharge virtually impossible to discharge a federal student. few years ago when the bankruptcy law was being read in the dead of night behind closed doors
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a republican congress extended that provision to private student loans so now private student loans can't be just charged back unlike any other form of consumer debt if you go to the mall and rack up a debt on your credit card buying shoes or whatever you're buying you can get that discharged in bankruptcy you can't with student loan it's very very unique yet to student debt and what happens to people who are who now take off this debt you know what i suppose to do yeah well there are so there are sort of two main types of debt there's federal student loan debt and then there's private student loan debt federal student loan debt is the vast majority and there are a series of repayment options one of the best which is very underutilized is something called income based repayment and the president president obama recently improved income based repayment even more so that basically borrowers can repay their debt as a portion of their income and over time they can say it caps out at say ten percent and over time twenty years twenty five years that debt is forgiven so to make debt manager paul there are these good repayment options the problem with income based
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repayment is just like a credit card if you make small payments and stretch it out over a long period of time the aggregate amount of debt that you repay is larger. but michael ok you've worked in the system you've worked with education policy it seems like students are always be on the losing and colleges are continuing to raise their two. wishin of course the banks a lot of this they love to predatory loan shark system i mean how are students ever supposed to change the system when they have zero lobbying power pretty much and also a lot of the bar looking at college education as a scam now i mean we have a half more than half of college graduates are unemployed i mean should people just stop going to college because they don't want to be an indentured servant their whole life to the banks first i think higher education is still a very good investment there are a substantial portion of college great recent college graduates who are underemployed not working in the occupation that they want to be in but what the data overwhelmingly indicates is that the more you learn the more you earn more
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education about the difference between a college graduate and just a high school graduate over a lifetime of earnings is a million dollars so it's a very very good investment and what are students supposed to do now going forward the big issue the main reasons why college costs are so high is because you have a relatively finite supply of institutions of higher education very very high demand that's under informed often irrational and declining state and federal support and we used our financial aid packages which were overwhelmingly grants and had loans as a minority that's now flipped loans used to be a supplementary feature of a financial aid system they're now a centerpiece that's bad but what can students to the big thing they can do is think very very carefully about their choice of institutions there are over seven thousand institutions of higher education in america they vary tremendously and cost people tend to overestimate the cost of higher education and underestimate the amount of financial aid the big problem is that people don't choose as wisely as
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they should and because they're not educated properly from the ends intuitions when they have these student debt packages or the loan sharks i mean introducing them for these deals i think that a lot of the part is to education is to educate themselves about what they're getting into for the long term when you're getting into college you don't necessarily have the twenty year twenty five. i have your plan of how my in a repay all of this debt i think it's twofold yes it's on the students to be better educated about finances and financial education but we also need to have consumer protections for co-ops which are things like bankruptcy protection or income based repayment although we're up to me i think that we should have free higher education like many other industrialized countries do you think that this i mean do you think that we're falling short when we're spending more than the next ten countries combined on defense yet we have you know a trillion dollars in student that year i certainly think we should be devoting increased resources to investment in higher education but not only that we should be making sure that it's targeted to the students who are most in need right now we
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give education tax benefits to people who have incomes as high as bill gates's and you can get a five twenty nine plan and we are the house republican budget yesterday just came out and it was going to freeze pell grant funding cut the amount of grants over the next ten years that's a those are misplaced priorities thank you so much for coming on breaking it down michael danberg director of higher education and education finance calls it the education trust thank you very much. what if i told you that there are two men who have been very pivotal in the corporate takeover of america. yes i'm talking about charles and david koch the billionaire industrialist that own koch industries america's second the largest privately held company in. each of these men are worth twenty one billion dollars
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respectively and the norm is well that influence could be found lurking behind some of those controversial federal policies that have emerged over the last decade recently i was discouraged to learn that there are potentially looking to buy up the l.a. times and the chicago tribune which would undoubtedly give them even more of a platform to push their agenda now you might be wondering what agenda am i talking about well let me give you a little background on the koch brothers in case she didn't know it all started in one hundred seventy one the lewis powell memo which described a strategy for the corporate takeover of america's public institutions the memo urges corporate america to fight back against government regulation by taking on the universities the media and the courts and to do so they create think tanks aligned with a long range planning and guess what the koch brothers of fall of that plan to a t. koch industries have made enormous grants to dozens of universities the grants are conditional upon the expectation that the institution will promote
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a specific ideology of economic freedom gary nelson the president of the american association of university professors explains how these koch grants are a violation of academic freedom he calls it quote a wholly inappropriate for an outside foundation to use the university to promote its ideological biases in this way indeed it looks like the koch brothers are amassing an army of little student coax so what about the next stage the media influence will brave new foundation determined that on the subject of social security alone the koch brothers have put. twenty eight million dollars into manufacturing hundreds of articles two hundred reports fifty six studies and six books distorting its purpose they don't only hate social security they also hate environmental regulations that in fact they're among the most powerful potence of clean energy not only will they are the main benefactors of the expansion of the
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controversial keystone pipeline but they've also thrown sixty seven million dollars into distorting the climate debate to the bogus studies and propaganda and fact from two thousand and five to two thousand and eight the koch's did exxon mobil and giving money to groups fighting against environmental regulation thanks guys. this strategy has proven so successful that it's applied to anything these guys disagree with taking on unions by buying off politicians if need be but what about the courts as we know the supreme court is the end all be all when it comes to litigation the ruling on the now infamous citizens united case was probably the best darn thing that's ever happened to the koch brothers and wouldn't you know it justices scalia and thomas are personal friends of the coax in fact they've attended multiple retreats organized by the billionaires should influence their ruling on the case there's
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a key aspect in the story missing the mechanism they've used to ensure their agenda to make sure it comes to fruition and that my friend is where the think tanks and front groups come in most notably. the group that the koch brothers have funded for decades alec the american legislative exchange council now you might have heard of alec through their controversial salt on the voter rights voter id laws passed in a number of conservative states but check this out here's a list of just a few more happy koch recipients the cato institute the heritage for. and asian their reason foundation the heartland institute and americans for prosperity just to name of you believe me there is many more. and all of these groups advocate for the dismantling of every social service from the public sector now i'm sure many of you might say that's a good look at qana maybe three like capitalism run wild they got it this way these
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guys are out to save the environment about social justice or to free the media now they're vulture capitalists what happens to the democratic process when two men have a sphere of influence so profound that they have the ability to shape the future of this country and i shudder to think and so should you. for something called the extreme cold just a chilling threat to life for women of this it's a cool thing if you look you can see that the water and i already said my body feels really warm now this is good for you. they plunge into icy water to make themselves stronger you can't get used to the cold it will but you can tolerate it and you can struggle with. people of snow and ice picks as
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