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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2013 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the u.n. says children are being used by both government and opposition forces aim syria while calls to arms rebels from abroad grow older despite an international embargo . accusations of racism and brutality as angle spills onto the streets of brooklyn for a third day after the police shooting of a black teenage boy. there's more until thirty raging new year over the blog why day of action may. budget cuts that are blamed for an epidemic of unemployment
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. also as a new leader comes to poly in china and washington is a struggle for dominance in asia looks set to heat up. it's a good evening to you watching our live from moscow with me to bomb would say it's good to have your company with us. child soldiers suffocating on both sides of the bloody conflict in syria that's according to the un investigators and charities as the crisis in syria approaches its second anniversary this week the un is warning that this is not a simple battle between good rebels and an evil regime reporter xeni has this
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update from damascus the conflict is getting more complicated we have seen many many phenomena regarding the children being involved in this crisis we have seen many children eighteen and these children in the school ages where there's going to destroy and they don't have any other thing that we could and sometimes paid for paid for their paid in one of the most important example of this was the video that was produced or let's say on you tube something like a month month two months ago for a child of seven years old by heading cutting the head of military officer in an airport and we have many reports about position position of force especially from a group in syria they are recruiting people are recruiting children between eleven years old and fifteen years old in order to fight with this extremist group or against the government extremist groups are getting more control over their evolution we have a very remarkable report by al qaida of attacking some syrian soldiers in iraq and
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we have also some areas where the extremist groups. trying to implement the stomach should be our laws in some areas openly and in italy and implementing all the all the traditional laws of inside the cities. russia says any attempt by foreign governments to arm rebels in the conflict would be a breach of international law that follows britain's admission that it's ready to ignore the e.u. arms embargo to help the rebels find president assad and as artie's maria for national explains foreign involvement is increasing all the time. the syrian uprising the last of the arab spring sprang up in march two thousand and eleven by august of that year when in another arab spring country in libya colonel gadhafi had lost defacto power it was already clear who was next in the firing line this morning president obama called on assad to step aside as the from key many others
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would soon echo the same rhetoric is time for bashar to go to the message to president assad is it is time for transition it is totally to go because the regime of bashar al assad must come to an end we ask the regime to step down. has to go through the syrian forces fighting assad immediately felt encouraged the train was in motion and a two year journey later had the destabilization of syria has been a us nato project from day one they have lined up all of their allies in a very ugly effort to overturn the government of syria and to create instability at every and. so perhaps america did indeed pull the others in to then pull itself out two years on washington is criticized for its failure to
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bring things to head in syria both at home and abroad we are providing vital humanitarian assistance for my it is terry an assistance doesn't stop bombs the rebels who have suffered losses as heavy as the military now see they feel betrayed by the u.s. we did not get any real action on the ground from the united nation from the united states speculation is brewing that washington is starting to view the assad regime as the lesser of two evils preferable to radical jihadist groups the obama administration although there are levels and levels of what you what governments do basically it is it has been interested in seeing. there is a way out of this mess but in reality america is still in a white house decision last month may have ruled out arming the rebels an idea backed by the pentagon cia and state department but the countries do little to stop others doing just that washington was silent when another made to member turkey
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asked for the arms embargo to be lifted nor did protest when the arab league gave the go ahead for weapons supplies and more recently when the u.k. said it could veto the use arms ban the us offered no objections everyone knows that the us if it were to tell saudi arabia or qatar or turkey or whoever of its friends there that they should stop it well everyone knows that but he would prevail instead the us has decided to watch from a safe distance we played a crucial role in starting the americans can't fix this problem syrians have to fix this problem is genuinely surprising after two years seventy thousand deaths a million people displaced tough sanctions imposed on syria dozens of countries within nato and the arab league condemn in assad and urging him to go and after so much money and weaponry invested to achieve this to hear america's ambassador to
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syria saying that only syrians can fix their problems perhaps there was a time when syrians could have resolved things on their own but pressure from the outside has been relentless and now it could simply be too late for anybody to fix this. r.t. moscow. now it's a story worthy of a hollywood blockbuster it features a ukrainian journalist held hostage by bandits in syria a fifty million dollar ransom and a daring escape. your at some point i realized that you very be killed by the army as i was held in a location from where the bandits were firing rockets or be killed by the rebels in an exclusive interview with our ti vos said she had to cross fifteen kilometers of mountainous terrain on foot before finding shelter i know it more from the journalist over outcomes at r.t. dot com.
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at least forty people have been arrested in new york on a third night of demonstrations after police showed a black sixteen year old authorities say the officers were acting in self-defense when they fired eleven drawings at the teenager but the problem protesters accuse police solve systematic racism and brutality is marina but no joins me now with the latest merino what's the latest from brooklyn right now. well the latest from brooklyn right now is that the east flatbush neighborhood has seen three nights in a row of fierce protests and clashes between civilians and police in riot gear the most recent protests took place on wednesday way began with a candlelight vigil in honor of kamandi graham the sixteen year old boy who was fatally shot by police officers but soon after the vigil began of crowd of
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according to reports two hundred broke away from that vigil and began walking in the streets clearly very angered by what has been taking place what has taken place that claimed the lives of this teenager according to reports there were people in the crowd that were pitching bricks and bottles and garbage cans during this furious clash that broke out with police officers men and women who were pepper sprayed dozens were thrown down onto the street before being handcuffed as of now was he says the six people were arrested most charged with disorderly conduct among those that were arrested was gray's sister who was attending this vigil but this neighborhood has of course been flooded with a lot of anger as a result of this teenager being shot dead by two plainclothes officers saturday evening and it's reaching
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a boiling point the anger is not going away maria i want to talk to you about exactly that why this particular situation is going out of control you had a night of a vigil which turned into a third night of riots what is it that's made the people so angry. well the people there and i have to say knowledge is not limited to brooklyn there's people that feel this way all throughout new york city they feel that there's an epidemic of police brutality and particularly with minorities in new york city being targeted both last year at least twenty one people according to reports were killed in police shootings and this is a circumstance where a lot of these victims turn out to be teenagers teenagers that are either are unarmed or had never fired a gun and a lot of new yorkers believe that the new york city police department is using brutal force specifically against black and hispanics people living in four neighborhoods killing young kids unfairly unjustly and they feel that this is
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a problem that's been perpetuated for years and is reaching a boiling point eventually it's going to get to a point where you know maybe these riots are not just happening in one limited area of new york city because someone say this is a huge epidemic that that you know consistently people in new york and kids you know particularly kids are being shot dead by police officers and some would argue there's no justification for it no release of so if the he fired first and so they were protecting themselves and they relate to. dr medical documents that said that really had nothing to say that kid up what actually had happened to the sixteen year old what's the reaction to that. well let's bring our viewers on this story if they don't know all the details graham was fatally shot by two plainclothes officers saturday evening he was shot dead the
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n.y.p.d. claims that gray. pointed a gun at the two plainclothes officers and that's what caused them to fire eleven rounds at the teenager however people say that he did not point a gun at the police officers thirty eight caliber revolver was recovered at the scene shots were never fired from that gone now an autopsy was released a little under a day ago indicating that eleven shots were fired by the two plainclothes officers seven bullets hit this sixteen year old boy four in the front three in the back he was hit twice in the front right thigh in the back of each guy in the left forearm the lower rib cage on the left shoulder why people are angry here is first of all they're saying it's not clear if this teenager even pointed a gun at the police officers as they're alleging even if he did they're saying why
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are police officers shooting to kill it why didn't they just shoot him in the arm if it shoot him in the arm if they needed to why did they have to fire eleven rounds and hit him seven times three times in the back and was that necessary is that correct police conduct most people would say it is not and that is what is causing hundreds of people in the streets to come out display their anger and it's leading to riots is the police proper police conduct will be a question that many would want to know and certainly we'll be hearing about this story for the next couple of days until this gets a clear we get a clear answer of what really happened to the sixteen year old boy thank you very much marina but now in new york giving us that update the in brooklyn. i j of action involving some of the largest trade unions in europe it is a coinciding with a two day event summit in brussels the protesters all wanted to see drastic job
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shortages tackled across the bloc a situation that's been made worse by deep austerity cuts international consultant and former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament load of news does as it is a struggle that will last for years. one cannot measure social services and social circle on a day by day basis this is definitely a long term starkness going to take years and definitely what we see now more and more is government and government implemented boluses and do it against the will of their own people now they call it all started they call it courageous decision and someone basically what it is is the destruction of the social compact as it was constructed after the second rule and that is exactly what to program it is that for the moment the willingness to listen to what these people have to say i mean it's always about austerity it's also about privatisation it's always about cutting
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down public services who do voices that say you have to do exactly the opposite to revive the economy are not being heard and that's why you get these protests i mean this is the way to forms of extremism people who are desperate especially young people will look for answers on the extremes with us from the left side on the right said his mother but if you want to really prevent this to happen there's only one way out you have to invest you have to invest in jobs and jobs just push that specially for the young that's the only way to do it. later in the program to boldly say what no one has said before bradley manning is heard claiming he became a whistleblower because of the u.s. army's blood bloods want to make the audio from his court hearing r.t.d. looks at what could what this case could do to the whistleblower movement. and a new paper old problems sex abuse scandals corruption within the catholic church
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and shrinking congregations and these are just some of the challenges the first latin american pontiff will have to cope with all this after the break. thank you.
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thanks for staying with us you're watching our t.v. and odio recording of bradley manning's court testimony has been leaked by his supporters a u.s. soldier is heard saying he became a whistleblower to provoke debate about u.s. foreign policy and accuse the american army of blood lust if a says life behind boss will handing thousands of classified documents to wiki leaks in two thousand
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and ten artie's vantages again has more on the story. nobody was allowed to make recordings of bradley manning's pretrial tribunals of the military court in february but someone did and the freedom of the press foundation released mr manning's testimony in its entirety in this hour long testimony bradley manning in his own words explains how and why he leaked all those documents many of which revealed how the u.s. government covered up civilian casualties in human rights abuses during the wars in iraq and afghanistan he served as an intelligence analyst in the military and had access to all those documents the biggest leak in history let's take a listen to just one episode where bradley manning explains why he leaked the video of the apache helicopter gunning down boisterous journalists in baghdad and then targeting those who showed up to rescue the wounded including a band with children in that footage shocked the world. i mean that's a. hero. and.
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it was a very you know. for. me this is so much. it seems right now is bradley manning who is the and under the magnifying glass of the government very serious charges lined up against him here is a weapon he was there at the hearing when bradley manning delivered this testimony you heard him you saw him did you get a sense of what he would have done the same had he known how this would turn out you know i don't think bradley manning or anyone else would have known that by leaking this information of what happened three years or pretrial punishment and detention that's something that i think even the u.s. government thought however i do think that he knew that these documents were very very substantial and in fact in two thousand and ten he said that these were some of the most significant documents of our time last month during his testimony he
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says he still believes that the iraq war logs in the afghan war logs. are perhaps the two most important documents of our generation let's just talk about the chilling effect that the whole trial will have on whistleblowers already happening on exactly. do you think anybody ever is going to do anything like this again having mr manning example in mind i mean faces life in prison people are going to be more hesitant not only does he face life in prison but he could face the death penalty and if the u.s. government that's what they were going to pursue that other people other people who are going to try to seek for more open transparency are going to be more hesitant because they know that this could mean three years of being put away in a chair without ever being taken to trial on the other hand i think i think you have seen manning did what he did because he knew that these atrocities need to be exposed and i think other people are going to do that maybe not during our generation but in years to come it's going to happen absolutely thank you thank senator thank you very much for bradley manning has been held in u.s. military custody for around three years now and the un special rapporteur on torture has formally accused u.s. government of called the grating treatment towards bradley manning including but
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not limited to keeping him locked up for twenty three hours a day in solitary confinement for eleven months in a row bradley manning pleaded guilty to ten out of twenty two charges brought against him just one of those churches he faces twenty years in jail but the prosecution may still pursue the twelve remaining charges including the most serious one one of aiding the enemy and that one fare is a punishment of life in prison and the big question for many remains whether it was the enemy that bradley manning aided or the public which has the right to know what their government is doing in their name in washington i'm finished. and china has been formally confirmed as the new president completing a lengthy transition process he has already announces for his priorities as leader tackling corruption and narrowing the wealth gap at home and to boosting the military budget the plans a combat major u.s. efforts to gain a stronger foothold in asia a tendency that has put beijing on edge washington has been expanding its military
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reach in the region as as you can see the on that map and the poly games between the u.s. and china are also playing out in the digital world as our school reports. a bigger threat than al qaeda this is how washington officials now describe the legit cyber attacks coming from china u.s. stopper delegates officials now rank the threat of computer large for an assault higher than terrorism transnational organized crime and weapons of mass destruction for the first time since nine eleven washington has long accused china of stealing military secrets and intellectual property from hacking president obama's facebook page to cyber attacks against u.s. flagship media like the new york times but a recent u.s. congress report warns of going beyond online vandalism chinese penetration of defense systems threaten the u.s. military's readiness and ability to operate it said that could include u.s. satellites weapons start getting systems navigation computers and many more but are
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the chinese really the aggressors here as washington wants everyone to believe and is the united states really an innocent victim china's ministry of national defense claims sixty three percent of the one hundred forty four thousand monthly cyber attacks that it recorded last year came from the u.s. based be addresses while washington claims its military cyber programs are there only to defend the country's borders but the stuxnet virus signaled a new aggression experts have no doubt it was created by israel and the united states to derail iran's nuclear program both american and chinese leaders continue to shake hands and speak of fruitful cooperation at official meetings such real world optimism is undermined if not totally negated when it comes to cyberspace and given reports of mutual cyber attacks intensifying in the last six seven months as well as beijing changing the man at the wheel it seems that only in competition between the superpowers will remain fractious if not downright dangerous.
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roman catholics have a new leader. francis has become the first pontiff ever from the americas and the first all from outside europe in one thousand yes the seventy six year old was elected by a conclave of cardinals after five rounds of voting. the search of for a man to lead more than a billion catholics worldwide began when benedict the sixteenth resigned one of the main goals for the new pope will be to rebuild the churches reputation following a spate of scandals now a strong less a string of child sex abuse cases where the most damaging to the church let's just look at some of the numbers now the largest number of the reported cases of children being abused by priests is in the u.s. allegations were made against more than four thousand priests and deacons more than a billion dollars has been paid out to the victims in settlements in our lives which has come second and these grim statistics the church had been turning a blind eye to the allegations for over thirty yes and in germany two thirds of all
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douses aware allegedly involved in sex abuse scandals and austria is an example of how these a scandals let to the people's disillusioned went to with the church almost ninety thousand austrians have it in just one yeah now italian journalist from call livia's an expert in vatican affairs he says that reaching out to the believers in europe at a time of economic crisis will be one of the greatest challenges for the new pope. is that the new poverty no better good comes from south america this is very sincere very for the for this for no progress but he is forced to face the new. there's a late neutralizer terms for europe friction. a moral crisis and. many people especially in europe they are getting away from the church didn't find
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that. the church in the region. this is going to be could be problem if they did marginalize the literature so that's you know. and we've been asking online what do you think the next ten years are hold for the catholic church with the election of its a new pope now almost a half of you think that the church will never fully recover from the scandals and closely tied to the other three outcomes one that says that the church will grow in influence because of and to muslim sentiment then we have one that says that the division zion evitable leading to a loss of the better kids power and last of all that the church will successfully reform and emerge stronger cast your vote at our teeth dot com. coming up it's breaking the search with every martin.
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a u.n. investigator been emerson has decided to not let the sins of the recent past go he's demanding that the u.s. government release documents about the cia's program of addition and secret detention of suspected terrorists everson believes that there is now credible evidence that shows that cia black sites were used to extradite suspected terrorists with neither charges nor access to a lawyer you know nothing says protect a democracy like snagging people in foreign countries without even charging them with a crime this huge investigator may have good intentions but the thing is that no matter how much he and his u.n. pals urge the u.s. to prosecute officials connected with torture or expose classified information they really have no power to do anything if you haven't noticed the u.n. is very happy to section and punish certain countries birdie if you out there i
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even have to think that they will sanction the usa or send a peacekeeping mission to stop the human rights violators in washington not a chance the un really has no business meddling in the affairs of sovereign countries but they do it all the time but there is a zero percent chance that the un will stand up to the bad behavior from the u.s. government no matter how much it's investigators whine and plead and beg but that's just my opinion. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i had lunch i got so many i mean i have managed to take down i believe that i'm sitting seems really messed up. and we're all very so personally apologized and. worse for the only thing the white house or the. radio guy in fort lauderdale
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minestrone profit i want to watch closely are about to do good you've never seen anything like this i'm told. bottom drawer no folks welcome a break in the set i'm your host at the martin ball recently audio of the thirty five page handwritten statement by whistleblower private bradley manning has been leaked since the first time the public that attends to hear his voice since before his military detention here's a bit of that recording where manning describes the now famous collateral murder video take a listen. to the others did you already know terry balls it was serious about him so even though i'm still the one of the everybody even who remembers early enough for. it so they can have a good.


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