tv [untitled] March 14, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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a little late. for the third night in a row more clashes between police and residents of brooklyn the demonstrators are demanding change after a sixteen year old is shot and killed by police and update on the clashes ahead. and look at somebody learned about you about you based on your spending habits the u.s. government is about to find out the obama white house has signed off on u.s. spy agency is monitoring your banking records will tell you more. and it was ten years ago the u.s. invaded iraq over of claims the country was making weapons of mass destruction as we know that wasn't the case coming up a new report looks at the human and financial costs of this war.
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it's thursday march fourteenth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching. a protest in brooklyn intensifying as new details emerge of the death of kalani gray for the third night angry protesters took to the streets of east flatbush brooklyn. no you can't let you go go go go go that was used to kid what you don't do this was the scene in brooklyn last night you can see protesters enraged over the police shooting of sixteen year old brooklyn resident that happened over the weekend the standoff between protesters and cops turned violent with protesters piling bottles and other objects at least say one officer was hit by a brick fourteen forty six people were arrested be increasingly hostile demonstrations come after an autopsy revealed police shot the teen seven times three of those shots in the back police say gray pointed a gun at them before they opened fire by witnesses dispute this for more on the
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chaos in brooklyn i'm joined now by r.t. correspondent marina for an eye on hi there marina so can you describe the mood over there things have gone as we've seen a very tense. well there's clearly boiling point that this community is reaching everybody's very angered the crowds. broke out into riots for the past three nights are very enraged of course becoming more enraged when finding out through an autopsy that kamani gray was shot seven times three of those bullets hitting him in the back by two plainclothes police officers this angered a community community that feels that it is been targeted repeatedly for years by the new york city police department between stop and frisk or the fact that it is a predominately black community many they say teenagers have fallen victim to police shootings over the course of the past years and they feel that that this needs to stop this must stop they say that they were trying over the past years to
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work with the new york city police department but now it's beyond a dialogue and conversation which is why you see so many people flooding the streets displaying a lot of frustration and a lot of anger over the fatal shooting of this sixteen year old boy that was standing in front of his best friend's home and many say that he did not point a gun at the police officers that is what authorities are alleging that the these two are plainclothes officers shot at the money gray after he allegedly pointed a gun at them but friends and family of this sixteen year old boy who passed on saturday who was killed on saturday say that he is not the type of teenager that would ever do such a thing now of forty six people were arrested last night can you tell us what led up to all those arrests. well there was a scene unfolding that was put you know somewhat of a mayhem you had protesters it started out as
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a peaceful vigil for kamandi great but then the part of those that were taking part in the vigil broke off and stormed the streets there were those that were throwing bottles and bricks and garbage cans there were police dressed in riot gear that were slamming men and women down on the ground spraying them with pepper spray before arresting them as you already said police officer one according to authorities was hit in the head with a brick and so also according to reports one of the forty six people arrested was sister this is a this is a scene that's unfolding worse and worse as each day passes look i was in east flatbush just yesterday and i was speaking to people on the streets and they said to me this is not a story that is going to go away it's not just going to stop the community and not just that community we have to say that this is this is a frustration that spreads throughout new york city of the way that the police
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treats treats young teenagers treat blacks and hispanics treat minorities they feel they're being targeted and it seems that they it's reached a boiling point as you can tell by the scenes that we're showing. mainstream media coverage i mean on the surface to see if this is a big story somebody was shot and killed forty six people arrested in the ensuing riots do people feel like they're being ignored well to be quite honest with you as i have to say because i'm here in new york city the local news outlets have been covering the story they have it's not a story that has been ignored by local news outlets i have not seen the story reported at least i haven't seen extensively on the major news networks or the cable channels why they're choosing not to report on this story is you know an answer a question they have to answer i mean it's a very important story. and it's become you know a story of clashing violence and conflicts and it really puts it into perspective the amount of distrust that exists between certain communities in new york city and
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the new york city police department i mean the relationship is reached an all time low now we should mention that agrees mother carol gregg for the first time spoke to the media a few hours ago she held a press conference she was just an all black she was wearing sunglasses she said on the record she does not believe that her son pointed a gun at police officers she described the sorrow and the pain that she felt when she had to pick out a casket for her sixteen year old son but she also says that she does not approve of the violence that's being displayed or shown in the streets she's asking for people to have restraint but she did say the mother of money gray that she will seek justice in the death of her son and i understand there are he was able to speak to some of these protesters residents over there in brooklyn what did they have to say that's right i spoke to a lot of them and most of those that i spoke with are extremely concerned for their
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families they everyone repeated the same thing over and over again that they that the relationship between the police officers and the citizens living. in certain parts of brooklyn is not a good relationship and they believe that the families living all throughout certain parts of brooklyn are a victim of police brutality take a listen. anytime it is any gun violence in his neighborhood concerned in police cops in the sense he majors in killing them they're not injuring them they're not injured as they should be taught if we had more veterans with a police force they would know that ok if i shot this individual in his car for a new star he can live in stand trial in face charges for whatever he's been accused of but the judge an executioner in the middle of the streets and a lot of teenagers are dying unfairly because of these actions certainly a very tense situation over there marina thank you for staying on top of this story that was artie's arena part naya. on the quest to hunt down terrorists the obama
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administration has announced plans to give spy agencies full access to people's finances right now the f.b.i. has access to such databases but now the plan is to give the cia and the n.s.a. full rights to americans financial records the idea is that this will better equip agencies to track down terrorists so they can spot suspicious financial activity but some privacy watchdogs say this is going too far and could even lead to people being falsely accused of terrorism to discuss i'm joined now by a private investigator kenneth cummins welcome there kenneth so up until now the cia and the n.s.a. has kind of had to make this this case by case requests if they wanted to have access to peoples of finances and now this is going to have they're going to have a free pass to this information. is this legal. well it's legal now that they can do it case by case. yeah i guess it would be legal. because
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this was tried ten years ago but then the congress wouldn't fund it it's be interesting to see if you know because obama is considered a liberal if this is going to this will get more traction now just because it's legal doesn't make it right right. i want to ask you as a private investigator are financial records a good way to predict criminal activity or take it a step further terrorist activity. well absolutely if you're looking at somebody who's unsuspecting they're a good investigative tool. so you can find somebody say for instance is moving money around different accounts and they're keeping it below the ten thousand dollar reporting threshold now things like that but but if i if i'm a terrorist and i know that the f.b.i. or the cia is going to be watching on the find out a different way to do it so it's a good way if you've got sort of these lone wolfs who don't who aren't really bright. but if it's
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a really sophisticated network it's not going to help you and that much and it's just going to allow further erosion of our privacy rights of been going on since nine eleven and there's a use and terrorists are going to find a different way to do it but still it seems like everybody is going to be susceptible to being have our finances be monitored so can you talk more about the privacy concerns here well think about what you do with your bank accounts no use your debit card for coffee as you could have a card with think about what you do with today so you can look at the debit of cancer from accessing your bank records i can really develop a profile of you so we're going to have a lot more profiling people and that the concern here is what's a terrorist. you know if somebody holds up a sign. on a presidential parade route that says get out of iraq and get out of afghanistan now is that terrorism and in the were they there be where their bank records be
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yanked to see what they subscribe to what meetings they go to what trips they take with you know just normal things everybody has a life they won't say a secret life but a life they like to keep private bank right because we're built on that and you know when you start throwing that stuff out it what male may be. some normal to you it's got to look good. you know when in public or when somebody else looking at they're going to be looking at it from their perspective right and it was effective maybe think that something that would be that role is is is augur or abnormal behavior and certainly you can tell a lot by somebodies financial records where they shop what they eat what they are interested in what they do in their free time you can really clean a lot of information underwear their you know all of that whether they are in there are without auguries a small detail some pretty obvious legal well it's legal in this country and yet a lot of people would consider normal behavior. right i want to ask you because
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this is this has privacy advocates concerned air their arrest of somebody being falsely accused of terrorism where there is an alarm bell goes off because of suspicious activity and this person is than identified and then tracked and it is that risk there oh sure sure that risk their. risks there now that risk there on the no fly list at risk there in all the systems we've got is just a question of how pervasive do you want this tick to go. i think we're going to see you start seeing a pushback in this country. people saying wait a minute we've given up too many of our rights we've got to draw the line somewhere and so i think i think this will be a tough one to get through it's you know it's a great investigative technique but it should be used in connection with you should
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use this when you got some reason to suspect somebody you shouldn't just be arbitrarily yanking people's records bank account statements just to see what they're up to right i think privacy experts are a little bit more comparable with that having to request this information on people on a case by case basis instead of having this kind of free pass yes it is a licensed private investigator you know i can't get access to any of this i mean the bank records they take in the ninety's those were we were restricted on what we could do in that point we were trying to find people who were boarding paying child support or you know supporting children they had or were boarding judgments and hiding assets but but the congress in its wisdom made that much more difficult for everybody to get so if that's still the case of it's still their concern i would think that they would really balk at this right very interesting we'll see if
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this thing meets resistance or if it's going to get pushed there appreciate you sharing some light on it as a private investigator kenneth cummins. thank you but we have seen more information labeled top secret other recent ministration and some here in washington have taken notice and are demanding changes to the way information is classified organizations like the brennan center say that too many secrets threaten democratic discussion and national security so can this culture of secrecy change artie's megan lopez reports. it's one of the biggest questions surrounding government transparency how to strike a balance between protecting national secrets and respecting the public's right to know if sunshine we care in washington and for journalists that means a chance to come together to discuss the collective troubles they've had in collecting government information for the government itself is a chance to look at the policies that are in place and try to decide on a new ways to become even more transparent now although we have actually seen a lot of progress in terms of transparency the overall consensus is that there
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isn't enough of it classifying documents is the time tested way to protect sensitive information and classification is in effect a risk analysis you never you're not so much worried about what will happen as what might happen classification advocates argue that it's important because nobody wants to be the person who's responsible for blowing the cover of an asteroid and possibly leading to the yes it's definitely minimum the last of the information that acid can provide that fear has actually led to a system of overclassification and a public that is oftentimes left in the dark with the ones who make history often reshaping it in their favor your use of the english language as well when we have the government choose to unleash the full towel to your violence in the name of open ordinary. citizens where extrajudicial message becomes when dishan where torture becomes enhanced interrogation after nine eleven the
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amount of information considered to be too sensitive to be safe for public consumption swelled. out of control unfortunately last year there were ninety two million decisions to classify information it's it's really it's hard to know exactly what the right number of classified documents is but that seems excessive by any measure a massive government backlog coupled with a huge increase in the volume of incoming data has overwhelmed agencies accountability is another issue americans have witnessed one whistleblower after another be prosecuted for leaking government secrets but as for those who have participated in over classifying not a single person has been punished in the end advocates for declassification say it shouldn't be perceived as a problem of people acting evil but of culture and your ocracy until that mentality changes sunshine we will continue to be overshadowed by government silence in
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washington meghan lopez r.t. . also letter and r.t. it was nearly ten years ago that the war in iraq started the u.s. invaded over a claims of weapons of mass destruction but that wasn't the case next we'll look at the human and financial impact the war has had here in the u.s. . talking about the same story doesn't make it news no softball interviews no puff pieces some tough questions if you. will of potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit starting in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston properly or today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more patrie down the line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snow ball play. dates and it is going to pretty incredible day
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call i don't know. i'm sorry i missed the guy who cares an awful lot but you sir are a fool you know what that is my son doesn't want to listen to feature isn't he a liberal a christian and. secured at least some part of the. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sells us sensationalistic garbage because that breaking news i mean martin and we're going to break that. ok. let me let me i want to let me ask you
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a question. here on this network is what we're having the debate we have our night show. with you this hour it was expecting there to get here it will be an itinerary to talk about surveillance. we are approaching the ten year anniversary of the war in iraq and a recent report out of brown university shows that investing in the war abroad as had a major impact on the economy and infrastructure here at home r t as margaret howell has more with the ten year anniversary of iraq's war looming one thing is clear this was one expensive undertaking there is no projection that even comes close to what the united states thought this war would cost us. did this invasion find those
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weapons of mass destruction which were sold to the american people back in two thousand and two the answer to that is no which was later revealed. so what was the cost of this words actually well let me break it down for you according to the watson institute which compiled this data they say the global effects of this war are clear the count of all the wars dead including soldiers contract. at least three hundred thirty thousand people have died due to direct war violence the total number displaced and definitely who are living in appalling conditions totals to seven point four million which equates to all of the people in connecticut in oregon fleeing their homes combined with our budget so severely drained here at home that a fourth sequester took a fact there is no question that the costs for both iraq and afghanistan wars are going to total four trillion. one thing is clear the united states will be paying
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for a long long time especially due to the number of disabled vets coming home. world war two is still the most expensive of all u.s. worth having consumed a massive thirty five point eight percent of the g.d.p. at its height the iraq war continued cost could surpass world war two we must ask the question as we hit the ten year anniversary mark was it worth it in washington margaret howell archie. now on to a story based right here in the nation's capital washington d.c. has been suffering from a shortage of ambulances this after a slew of incidents where paramedics were not able to arrive to emergency scenes on time or it is just under hell investigates why those services are being cut back despite the city is healthy revenue stream. after a life threatening x. . minutes can be the difference between life and death yet marching to d.c.
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a shortage of available ambulances can mean response times of fifteen minutes or more. just last week not a single d.c. ambulance was available when a police officer was struck by a car and just a few days later a stroke victim was transported by a fire engine because the nearest ambulance was seven miles away this is been an ongoing issue for years that i don't believe the city has adequately solved according to chris bauman head of the d.c. police union the problems stem from understaffing lack of recruitment and aging equipment and they have massive equipment problems and by problems i mean maintenance issues missing equipment ability to keep equipment in service they've had to close some of the fire houses that's impacted some of the response times ed smith head of the firefighters association sees this primarily as a budget issue i see it as a major issue budget resources we don't have enough the population in the cities exploding it's been reported that eleven hundred people per month or moving in and
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the department is not growing to meet the demand that's what i find disturbing and my members fun disturbing there's all this money why not grow d.c. recently announced that it ended the last fiscal year with a four hundred seventeen million dollars budget surplus traffic fines including those from cameras another twenty seven million dollars more than expected for the city's coffers the district also reported that it collected nearly twenty six million dollars in january alone from its nearly one hundred cameras that's one hundred thirteen percent more than a year before. the additional money is not finding its way to repair needed fire and safety equipment or hire paramedics according to d.c. council member tommy wells it's up to the fire chief to ask for the additional funding it doesn't matter to me if you need more ambulances or more people do these things i want the administration. tell me what they need and then we go about funding it but don't tell me everything's ok yet the needed funds have not been
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requested because they decided to pretend that there's nothing wrong or hide the problems that makes it very hard to come forward and say i need more money if you're not willing to admit the problems exist and boman sees the district inspector general to be part of the problem we have one of the weakest inspector generals in any jurisdiction the amount of distain for the inspector general in that office for politicians from the press from the public from our organization is legendary so if this is another failure which is left d.c. with few options for reform this is the nation's capital we should be the gold standard of all followed appointments we should be set the trend here in the nation's capital the mayor has said that the four hundred million dollars budget surplus should be kept in a rainy day fund however it's become increasingly clear that saving lives is more important than saving for a rainy day in washington justin underhill artsy. letterman's protection security administration was at the capitol today defending their decision to allow small
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knives on board airplanes the hearing today comes after outcry from airlines and flight attendants that don't want the knives allowed on planes the t.s.a. plans to allow passengers to carry knives up to two point three six inches long and half an inch wide they're also allowing sports equipment like hockey sticks and golf clubs on board but flight attendants worry the change in policy would in danger passengers and crew as we've reported the t.s.a. says the change makes their standards more aligned with international rules and will make traveling easier the new rules take effect april twenty fifth. all grown seem to be the preferred spy tool of the day and while the new tool is controversial turns out the cia has been quite creative in the past even using pets as spy agents it's all detailed in this book entitled frankenstein scam. cuddling up with to biotech's brave new beasts these tales the cia is project in the one nine hundred sixty s. where a veterinarian turned a cat into
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a high tech spy this was done by implanting a microphone and radio transmitter into the felines had the hope was that these cats that look innocent and cuddly could secure foreign officials and ease drop. well it turns out the cats weren't so interested in hanging around with government officials but the idea to turn animals into spying machines is still around an agency of the defense department is now working on making cyborg and robotic insects and we are going to leave it off there but for more on the stories we covered you can always had to our you tube channel and that address is youtube dot com slash r t america we pose everything online there and fall also check out our website r t v dot com slash u.s. air where producers are busy working on stories we don't always have time to get to on the air and you can always follow me on twitter out as well be right back here in a half hour. led
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