tv [untitled] March 14, 2013 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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for the third night in a row more clashes between police and residents of brooklyn the demonstrators are demanding change after a sixteen year old is shot and killed by police an update on the clashes ahead. and look at somebody to learn about you based on your spending habits the u.s. government is about to find out the obama white house has signed off on u.s. spy agencies monitoring your banking records and we'll tell you more in a moment. and it's a place where the u.s. sends those they call on triable now there's a word of a hunger strike i get them all well look at why some prisoners are refusing to eat . it's thursday march fourteenth eight pm here in washington d.c.
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i'm liz wall and you're watching our team protests in brooklyn intensify as new details emerge in the death of kalani gray for the third night angry protesters took to the streets of east flatbush brooklyn. new york electric bill goldberg old good show that would lead you to. this was a seat in brooklyn last night you see protesters enraged over the police shooting of the sixteen year old brooklyn brother in that house and over the weekend the standoff between protesters and cops turned violent with protesters for a little bottles and other objects police say one officer was hit and wounded by a brick forty six people were arrested increasingly hostile demonstrations come after an autopsy revealed police shot the teen seven times three of those shots in the back police a great pointed a gun at them before they opened fire but i witness is dispute this for more on the chaos in brooklyn artie's on a stasi a church going to has more. the shooting that caused people to rise up and take
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to the streets. police clashes was bottles thrown and barricades knocked down. one police officer reportedly hit by brick and hospitalized. you think it was last saturday night sixteen year old kamandi or kiki gray was killed by police shot four times in the front and three times in the back it was not by the cops who really do that to him or even put bullets in him four more shots were fired but missed the teenager police say kamandi gray had looked suspicious and pointed a gun at them family members refuse to believe this skin is a father. father had to come out here and know that all this is happening and you want to drive more kids to get hurt and he lost a child. three evenings of clashes with police don't seem to be slowing down as
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forty six arrests were made just wednesday night the young people in our community has really reached a boiling point and what you have seen this week that it has to most will say they want to stand up for a kid loved by many in this community he was a good kid like he was just quiet always you know some self with his friends and whatever he was never into any trouble people angry people angry because this is not the first time that. there's been killing a neighborhood and there's never seemed to be justice and so i think that's what we're unfortunately seeing people are reacting to tension in this community has reached a peak and with more vigils and action expected to take place locals say there will be no calm until we see justice and especially if you're going to archie new york well what's happening in brooklyn earlier i was joined by fatter he's a former gang member but now he's a community activist and executive director of gangsters making astronomical community changes and. i first asked him to tell us
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a little bit about what the people in brooklyn are feeling and thinking these days the emotions are different depends on what side you. know you know what you're going to san need to commit and you know they just want an excuse for the. one. and when you're going to lose most of the people with anything that's not the same you see there and it comes back at the poll you constantly keep money keep it you know mostly you know i bet it's laughable but just the fact that they sit at the phone to think you were not being held accountable and it seems to me that this is more than just this one case that the community has kind of reached a boiling point there can you tell us what has led up to this can you describe the relationship between the police and the community. where there is no relationship yaroslav description of the police because the best description you can get a bit of poli you can eat the community and what it told you said go that's it you
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don't want to listen to the noise of the community that was coming out and then on these now hold their own laws like i want to ask you you know because we are seeing these reports of protesters throwing bottles and other objects one officer says that he was hit by a brick and was injured and i understand that people are angry but is turning to violence to wait to bring about change and to bring attention to this. no that's that's that's far from the message. if you say because of what happened today there was a press conference today and so we can converse in schools like miami williams to bring attention to the violence is to bring attention to the site that there was obviously he will write and it's going to drive in directions that's not the whole program whatsoever and they can know all the visions are going to bill and you have people that are outside the communities coming in and they have causes aids ended
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but it's not working well with what the. don't want so the answer to it is how do we come up with a plan of action that. especially the young people actually one of the most and we because there's a big dinner with someone there for them to sit by they could decide down the model so when they come out and we have a loved one of flint hasn't died down the wrong person come out and voice the wrong message because interest this is a direction that they want to go and if you bring the right message problem that way. ok what would you and other protesters there over and over in brooklyn what would you like to see happen. right now first and foremost even we want answers from the least the prominent what what had we wanted. so we want someone you want someone making the call and in tried for those dogs but
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before we get to that we first have to get our community down to the level. speaking without causing some type of violent action to police we're not out well because we don't want to it's procedures at the to me that well with the police but that's not what is the actual action for me to do any of those who want to help so right now it's about being down in the middle of that you need is out of here that's working to get in it's a collaborative amount of good and all this and lastly i want to ask you because police say that they opened fire on come on a gray after the suspect pointed a gun a loaded gun at them but i understand that there's people in the community that dispute this what is the understanding there what do people believe happened over in berlin we're getting we're getting a lot of different. chain of events as far as how well i would have been.
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what based on what you can you say that you get in if you did in fact had that gun . you never knew that those will call you so this is what they're saying the police never identified this so to no one within a year before we jump out of the vehicle and we will move whatever state is that they may be identified and so that's really. all you can what we learned he was shot in the back so if he was pointing the gun out the relief wells. how do you know it was well that that was me he was mistreating the running away so people was coming out ok. certainly a lot of questions hopefully you do get some answers that was a sham duke mcphatter executive director of gangsters making astronomical community changes inc thank you and those within the community continue to speak out in organized spreading the latest updates through twitter and facebook but are they succeeding in making this case go viral to talk about the almight efforts laurie
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harford us from the resident dot net joining me earlier from new york and she began by illustrating just how social media helped get the story out. so i live in brooklyn not too far away from i was sitting on my couch when things started to really ask and i had no idea that anything was going on except when i checked my twitter feed and it was just blowing up about brooklyn and i was like what's going on so they were the first to tell me about it and i live you know not too far away about a mile away and people were tweeting videos and they were tweeting what was going on and the mainstream media was absolutely silent on it so that's where i was getting all the information that we have some tweets here i wanted to read them if we can put them up their. theories. on why petey declarative portion of flatbush a frozen zone i.e. media are not allowed in and people can be subjected to arrest and that has the hash tag brooklyn protest another one of their media reporting on a new pope for twenty straight hours while helicopters and riot gear are deployed
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on the streets of new york and the last one we have there from occupy wall street new york brooklyn took to the streets for the third straight night when will we be heard so laurie do you think you had mentioned that mainstream coverage of this story is scarce and it appears to be a pretty big story somebody should was shot and killed forty six people arrested so do you think people kind of maybe feel like they're being ignored in social media is the way to get the story out. yeah especially when you have a kid that die is that such a tragedy it's so awful when you have a sixteen year old that dies in your community you want the world to know you want everyone to know that this tragedy happened you want the facts out there and so of course the community feels like they're being jilted by the mainstream media so i think more and more people are realizing that you know it's a grassroots effort if you really want to get the word out if you want to mobilize people and get the word out that mainstream media is not the place to go they don't
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expect them to show up do it yourself their social media you know it's interesting i know that this has been covered locally but for one reason or another it hasn't been covered on a national scale i want to ask you. does this kind of signify this one incident kind of signify an underlying tension that was already there that already existed between the police and the local community is it is this story deeper than the shooting. yeah and i think that feeds into why the mainstream media might not be covering it right because the story is that sensational it's the cops versus teens that are running around with or without guns but it's a story that we hear across the country it doesn't have that juice that the mainstream media wants so that's why they're not covering it and yet it is a typical story it's been happening over and over and over again so yes it definitely signifies a bigger problem
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a bigger issue and to me when i see this happening so often and i know a lot of police officers officers personally and i've been assisted by a lot of n.y.p.d. officers i'm not going to sit here and say it all and my p.d. is bad there are bad cops but but clearly something is going on between cops and citizens that they're supposed to protect and no one is analyzing where is this war being fabricated from why are we going at each other's throats when none of us are read to the you know the cops aren't rich we're not rich why are we fighting with each other and that story is clearly being ignored. it's interesting because this this story isn't really getting much mainstream national press at least but we see stories like trayvon martin for some reason that story blew up do you have any idea laura why that is you know will that had stand your ground right that had like a little bit of a hook that national media could get into and you could explain it all and have the
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sensationalism this is just you know a kid a city kid had a gun and got shot and that happens so often you know i think the mainstream media is ignoring it because it's like well where's the sensationalism there it's an everyday situation and we're just going to you know ignore it but it's unfortunate because these kinds of things should be brought up you know why the sixteen year olds have guns and why are the cops afraid of us and why are we afraid of the cops there's all these questions out there that are just being ignored i think what makes this this story. it is the backlash that we're seeing in the ensuing the riots and dozens and dozens of people getting arrested laura you said that you lived in brooklyn and you kind of been seeing this go on first hand what do you think it will take for it's been three straight nights now for for the riots to and and for the community to come back to some kind of normalcy i honestly i don't know i think that you know there's a lot of people right now that like to jump on the screw the bandwagon and so
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because there are cops involved is a lot of people from outside of the community that are coming there to riot to do things that have nothing to do with getting the word out about this poor child that was killed and that unfortunately is leading to this violence and you know people knocking over stores and all this horrible stuff that really just muddies the issue so you know i don't know what's going to i don't think it's just going to it's just going to peter out and be one of those really unfortunate untold stories and you know it's a tragedy it's totally going to have a yes we're going to have to wait and see how it does play out the lori appreciate you weighing in that was lori harshness from the resident on net on the quest to hunt down terrorists the obama administration has announced plans to give spy agencies full access to people's finances right now the f.b.i. has access to such databases but now the plan is to give the cia and n.s.a. full rights to americans financial records the idea is that this will better equip
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agencies to track down terrorists so that they can spot suspicious financial activity but some privacy watchdogs say this is going too far and can even lead to people being falsely accused of terrorism to discuss i was joined earlier by private investigator kenneth cummins i asked him if it's legal to give the cia and n.s.a. open access to people's finances. well it's it's legal now that they can do it case by case. you know i guess it would be legal. because this was tried in years ago but then the congress wouldn't fund it it's be interesting to see if you know because obama is considered a liberal if this is going to this will get more traction now but just because it's legal doesn't make it right right that's true i want to ask you as a private investigator are financial records a good way to predict criminal activity or take it a step further terrorist activity. well absolutely if you're looking at somebody
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who's unsuspecting they're a good investigative tool. so you can find you somebody say for instance is moving money around different accounts and they're keeping it below the ten thousand dollar reporting threshold now things like that but but if i if i'm a terrorist and i know that the f.b.i. cia is going to be watching i'm going to find out a different way to do it so it's a good way if you've got sort of these lone wolfs who don't who aren't really bright. but if it's a really sophisticated network it's not going to help you and that much and it's just going allow further erosion of our privacy rights it's been going on since nine eleven and then receive and terrorists are going to find a different way to do it but still it seems like everybody is going to be susceptible to be tagged that have our finances be monitored so can you talk more about the privacy concerns here well think about what you do with your bank accounts night use your debit card for coffees you can debit card think about what
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you do with today so you can look at the devil to cancer from accessing your bank records i can really develop a profile of you so we're going to have a lot more profiling people and that the concern here is what's a terrorist. you know if somebody holds up a sign. on a presidential parade route that says get out of iraq and get out of afghanistan now is that terrorism in the will they then be with their bank records be yanked to see what they subscribe to what meetings they go to what trips they take with you know just normal things everybody has a life they won't say a secret life but a life they like to keep private right because we're built on that and. when you start throwing that stuff out it may or may be. some normal to you is going to look good in. you know in public or when somebody else looking at they're going to be
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looking at it from their perspective and every active maybe thinks that something that would be natural is author or abnormal behavior and certainly you can tell a lot by somebody's financial records where they shop what they eat what are interested in what they do in their free time you can really clean a lot of information underwear their books you know all of that. and then i went out on a three is a small detail some progress is legal it's legal in this country and yet a lot of people would consider normal behavior. i want to ask you because this is this has privacy advocates concerned is there a risk of somebody being falsely accused of terrorism where there's an alarm bell goes off because of suspicious activity and this person is then identified and then tracked and is that risk there oh sure sure that risk there that risk there now that risk there on the no fly list that risk there in all the systems we've got
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is just a question of how pervasive do you want this take to go. i think we're going to see you start seeing a pushback in this country. people saying wait a minute we've given up too many of our rights it's we've got to draw the line somewhere and so i think i think this will be a tough one to get through it's you know it's a great investigative technique but it should be used in connection with you should use this when you got some reason to suspect somebody you shouldn't just be arbitrarily yanking people's records bank account statements just to see what they're up to right i think privacy experts are a little bit more comfortable with that having to request this information on people on a case by case basis instead of having this kind of free pass yes it is the largest private investigator you know i can't get access to any of this i mean. bank records they take. in the ninety's those were we were restricted on what we could
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do and then that point we were trying to find people who are voiding paying child support or you know supporting children they had or were boarding judgments and hiding assets. but the congress in its wisdom made that much more difficult for everybody to get so if that's still the case still their concern i would think that they would really balk at this right very interesting we'll see if this thing meets resistance or if it's going to get pushed there appreciate you sharing some light on it that was a private investigator kenneth cummins. not a mass hunger strike happening and guantanamo bay lawyers say prisoners are going hungry and protest the military's decision to take away personal belongings including korans meanwhile a spokesperson says at least five detainees are being force fed and lawyers are now calling for the commander of the camp to put the hunger strike to an end for more
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on what is behind us coming the stolen blogger with firedoglake joined me earlier from chicago. generally what we know is that their personal items a limited amount of prisoners are allowed to have in their cell specifically with regards to having a corrupt. they believe that there have been violated and that guards have been coming in and doing searches or doing things to them that they don't believe to be sacred do we know how many detainees are on strike right now. i don't know if we have an exact number but we know that the majority of camp six is according to lawyers engaged in a hunger strike i think the number is above one hundred right now i'm not but i'm not positive on that and and i think significantly you know this is the most major camp at guantanamo and the people who can engage in hunger strikes seem to be
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engaging in and the ones that are the weakest who are ill they're not engaged but those are very few number of people ok so it relation to the population there pretty significant amount of detainees are participating what are they demanding what are the demand that is actually incredibly outrageous when you consider the fact that most of the people in this camp are going to be released and they're effectively being held indefinite detention and i think now what i read from one of the lawyers foremen was that the detainees were like some measure where they could have some protection and no the guards aren't going to violate their qur'an i think i even saw something about maybe getting their kuranda like an electronic reader and then there would be this issue because the guards claim that they're hiding messages inside the pages of the koran so that they can have
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communication with other prisoners and the guards don't like that so they are suggesting was maybe go to an electronic qur'an so that there is this problem. isn't likely that this tactic will work. i don't know but as i as i said i don't think it's unreasonable given the fact that these are men who have we need to think of this in perspective there are around eighty people who have been cleared for release by all the officials you have a stake in whether these people are released or not the obama administration cleared these people for release from guantanamo they're completely innocent they should be relocated or resettled to the countries where they're from and there's no hope of them being released a lot of them are thinking now that is the only way out of guantanamo and so for the guards to stratus by and respect their religious. give them this freedom to just have their qur'an not be violated that doesn't seem
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like an outrageous request to me so it sounds like the detainees feel like this hunger strike as a last resort i think it's a trigger. that is which is the trigger is the way of the guards of been treating them finally set them off because it's become hopeless inside the prison most of the people there who should be released do not see any hope of being released and civically or there's a number of people who are give money but they're not allowed to be released because obama has opened up a covert drone war in yemen and it's become increasingly unstable and they're not sure that they can trust the government if they were to really turn these people to their country so those people are stuck because the obama administration started the drone war the prison on the other hand is saying that. they're kind of to their defense saying that this isn't their fault and some of these people that they are now force feeding. well you don't even acknowledge the scale of the hunger strike
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they've minimized that it's much smaller than the lawyers. claim and so that is why actually lawyers today sent a letter to chuck hagel the head of the pentagon now and and want him to acknowledge what is going on and perhaps do something about the worsening situation some of these people who are engaged in under stress could very well die and that should be prevented if possible and lastly i want to ask you a is this a common practice in guantanamo bay among detainees to go on this hunger and hunger strike or is one of the only ways that powerless people can actually resist when they are imprisoned putting their bodies on the line and saying that they're going to go through this there's not much else that they can do these people are being charged in many cases so they are going to go to trial they may not get to go into
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a court room and challenge that and i said multiple times they are going to be released so these are the people this is the way of the powerless back and that's what you see in hunger strikes have been common at guantanamo and when they have one concessions from the military and then through an interesting cabin appreciate as shedding some light on the story that was. a blogger with firedoglake. we have seen more information labeled top secret under recent administrations now organizations like the brennan center say that too many secrets threatens democratic discussion and national security so can this culture of secrecy change our teams meghan lopez reports. it's one of the biggest questions surrounding government transparency how to strike a balance between protecting national secrets and respecting the public's right to know if sunshine we here in washington and for journalists that means a chance to come together to discuss the collective troubles they've had in collecting government information from the government itself as
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a chance to look at the policies that are in place and try to decide on a new ways to become even more transparent now although we have actually seen a lot of progress in terms of transparency the overall consensus is that there isn't enough of it classifying documents is the time tested way to protect sensitive information and classification is in effect a risk analysis you never you're not so much worried about what will happen is what might happen classification advocates argue that it's important because nobody wants to be the person who's responsible for blowing the cover of that asset and possibly leading to the yes it's definitely minimum the loss of the information that aspect of that fear has actually led to a system of overclassification and a public that is oftentimes left in the dark with the ones who make history often reshaping it in their favor if you sort of the english language as well when we have the government choose to unleash the full towel to your violence in the name
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of that our. fellow citizens where you have to extrajudicial it becomes we're in this ship where torture becomes enhanced after nine eleven the amount of information considered to be too sensitive to be safe for public consumption swelled it's out of control unfortunately last year there were ninety two million. decision to classify information it's it's really it's hard to know exactly what the right number of classified documents is but that that seems excessive by any measure a massive government backlog coupled with a huge increase in the volume of incoming data has overwhelmed agencies accountability is another issue americans have witnessed one whistleblower after another be prosecuted for leaking government secrets but as for those who have participated in over classifying not a single person has been punished indian advocates for declassification say it shouldn't be perceived as a problem of people at evil
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e book of culture and bureaucracy until that mentality changes sunshine we will continue to be overshadowed by government silence in washington meghan lopez r t. well news just an from the department of justice reuters deputy social media editor matthew keyes has been indicted for allegedly conspiring with the hacktivist group anonymous that he believes twenty six year old key is provided the group with passwords and logon credentials to a computer server belonging to his former employer he worked at sacramento fox affiliate k.t.l.a. the television station owned by the tribune company the indictment alleges kids encourage anonymous members to disrupt the l.a. times website keyes who has an influential social media presence faces up to twenty five years in prison and a two hundred fifty thousand dollars fine for each count and we are going to leave it off there but you can also always follow me on twitter at liz wahl.
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